The Coming Darkness

"This is about to get rough..." Chelsea muttered, looking at their opponents. They looked like they knew what they were doing, and how to do it. Chelsea began to make a accurate prediction of what they're going to maybe do. "Hmm...." She looked at them. 'The 6'6 one looks electrical. He might strike with stunning bolts that can parylize you or maybe make you go unconcious.' She looked to the other one. He looked creepy. 'Looks agile, possibly to dodge alot of our attacks. Plan: attack him from any sides possible all at once. That might get him. The electrical one will be hard, so we need someone who's agile and can dodge those bolts, if he is electrical....' She memorized those notes carefully, and kept her beastly eyes on him, ready to unleash the beast if they were to attack.

Rosalie's reaction was instantaneous. Her fingers found the sash that tied her dress back and with a slight tug, released it from around her waist. With a twirl of her fingers, the sash had now been transformed into a crystallized staff, shimmering around her. Her wings had also appeared; multicolored lights touched upon everyone that was in the space in which the wings hung.

Turning to Jacen, she spoke in a slight whisper,

"What's the plan?"
"I've got a plan.... But, probably not worth it." She murmured, keeping those dirty eyes on them.
The fact that nobody had openly attacked Red or Kenji gave them the impression they still weren't ready mentally. This was a fatal mistake, and there was only one way they could demonstrate that. Red positioned both of his arms in a way that he'd be holding a large gun, and 'like magic', a large, multi-barrel rocket launcher formed from seemingly nowhere, with a ting of electricity lingering around after it's spawn.

"A team should always have the first strike." The tall brute stated. With a nod by Kenji, Red unleashed a barrage of missiles into the air. They twirled and left behind red lines as they swarmed towards the group at a fast pace. Meanwhile, Kenji ran off to the side, quickly changing clips in his pistol as he kept an eye on the group. He aimed his gun at their general direction and starting shooting. The bullets stuck to the ground around their feet and shifted in form to act as mines.

Like this, the group would have no choice but to totally block the swarm of missiles, as movement was
nearly impossible.
Rini hopped in front the group,"Sword Dance:Full Blossom!"The young woman said as she began moving in a way that looked like a dance,but was in fact way to block most of the bullets quickly and efficiently.Rini turned her attention to the missiles,after dealing with the bullets,"Sky Dragon,lets begin...Reverse Air Stream!"Rini screamed making the air around them picking speeds,that would be as strong as a tornado.The winds were in front of the group,so they would turn the missiles around and not harm the group in anyway,"I'm glad your not one of those losers who style their hair after their power."She said to Red with a small smirk.
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"You guys!" Chelsea warned and shouted, "Make room!!" She warned one more time, her eyes becoming slits, arms became big-muscled wings, and the legs sharp-taloned feet. Along with a tail that had a smashing act to it. Her spines stuck out, in a mean attitude. The heavy horns on her head gave a mean look as well. She roared very loudly. Looking to the missiles that were now land mines, she charged to one, and well... Ate it. helsea coughed and her mouth opened with an explosion of electricity and fire.
Zack simply stood there. He would've acted by now, but so much was going on already that, at least for the moment, any other thing he'd try to do would end up being a mistake. He could easily fly up and bounce the missiles back with his sword, but now there was a whirlwind and a dragon in the way. He knew he couldn't fly properly in a whirlwind, and his attacks might hit the dragon girl since she took up so much space. He sighed and just decided to study the movements of everything going on to see if he could find any patterns.
The missiles were deflected by Rini's attack...allowing Jacen enough time to gather a few thoughts.

He turned to Rosalie, seeing her crystalline powers first hand.

"First, if you can manage to make a sort of shield with those it. Protect yourself and whoever else you can that's in your immediate radius." There's missiles and bullet mines...Kenji and the big guy are planning to play the distraction game. Jacen took aim at 2 missiles that were deflected by Rini and shot them down, his lightning charged the .45 caliber rounds to ensure there was enough range and power.

"Try not to get bogged each other out. And above all else..." He pulled a reader tab from his belt and tossed it near the mines, a blue field surrounding them gathered the signature and temporarily disabled their proximity function.

"Keep moving and don't get hit..."
Red whistled in amusement. His swarm of missiles were deflected, and the last remaining explosive was consumed by one of the students, though, It didn't intimidate them in any way. Medium ranged combat would be useless with everyone grouped up, luckily the two 'Rank 4 students' could adapt. Kenji came up from behind after the mines were taken care of., and dashed straight for Jacen. The familiar leaped up, gun in hand, and landed on Jacen's back. With a quick movement, he discreetly placed a mine directly on Jacen, then used him as a spring board to hop into the air.

Kenji would then extend his left arm, and a red, hammer-like weapon flew into his grasp as he starting falling down towards Enzo. The boy panicked, expecting to be relatively safe in the middle of the group.
He gulped, seeing there was no other way of avoiding this attack other than to change.

Unfortunately for the boy, Kenji had come crashing down with the hammer, and barely missed him, hitting the floor and sending Enzo soaring up into the air. "C-crap!' He shouted as he ascended into the air. That was when his horns and tail appeared, and his other side came out.

Enzo's feet landed sideways on the pillar, with the help of one hand to help cushion the impact. He stood there, - sideways on the concrete.

While that was happening, Red held his hands infront of himself, and his large, signature two-handed sword came rising from the ground like an ancient stone, just waiting to be taken by it's owner. Red gripped the sword, and electricity surged from him to the sword on contact. A powerful presence could be felt from Red as he charged his sword for the giant beast that was Chelsea. "Monster Hunter. I know how this works."

He dashed for Chelsea, his sword slightly dragging the ground to his side and picking up charge on the way. Once he was about 3/5 of the way to the dragon, he suddenly stopped, letting the momentum of his sword swing it in front of him and discharge all of the red electricity at Chelsea and whoever was near her. She would have been too big to dodge, and due to the force released from his sword, range would have been covered.
Chelsea noticed the big guy with a heavy sword, and faced him. 'Fianlly, a challenge...' She thought, her eyes raging with power. Then, the red electricity of the sword appeared. As the power from it surged to her, she dug her talons in the floor, but thrown back forcefully to a wall. All you can see is a hard-to-beat beast laying there. She looked so weak. Almost dead, really. But in reality, she is really... Really pissed off. Her eyes opened, revealing contracted slits that focused on the electric boy, and the side of her body scraped open. Blood didn't spill that bad, but it was dripping. And when she bleeds, she's mad. She got up, charging at him quickly, ramming him with her horns, and made an attempt to trap him in her jaws.
Zack, being positioned a short distance from behind Jacen, had noticed what Kenji had done while studying everyone's patterns. Even so, he continued to look for any patterns but as he did, he spoke, "Jacen, there's an explosive on your back." The strange part is that he said it way too calmly and emotionlessly than he should have, as though he was in a trance yet still focusing on many things at once. Though...he kinda was.
Jacen ran to the side and saw Kenji going after Enzo.

He took aim with his pistol but couldn't get a shot.

-Beep- What the hell. Jacen touched his back only to find a mine. Grabbing it off his back, he planned to throw it away...but it was too late. "Motherfu-"Immediately after it left his hand, the mine detonated. Jacen was still in the blast radius, and was blown back several feet. He dropped to his knee, clutching at his chest with the left hand while he gripped his pistol in his right. Damn...distraction...worked better than I thought. Non-lethal doesn't mean harmless...looks like Rank 4 is serious... Jacen's amulet glowed blue once again but was highly visible even under his shirt.

It's time you stopped fooling yourself. That special gun of yours isn't enough...use your powers to the full extent. What the-, who is this and since when did I have telepathy?

Later for explanations, just fight...don't completely shun your instincts for mere tactics. Good'll be hearing from me again.

Jacen slowly stood up, feeling the temperature around him drastically fall. His hands and forearms began to frost over, as a pale blue ice began to encase the teen's limbs. What is this...I never did this with ice before...
Rini rushed over to Jacen,"OK!My first plan didn't work,but maybe we can divide and conquer,meaning we go after Red,who seems more as a hot-head,but Kenji is very calm and controlled.I'll heal you a little bit..."Rini explained a bit as she took his hand in hers,and it began to glow.From his arm-on-up he was healed,and as soon as she finished healing him Kisora popped in her head,and told her of Unison Raid.

As all of this was going on Rini could hear faint voice from deep in her mind.She could feel the presents of 4 of her dragons,but she could also feel another dragon.Rini had never encounter this dragon,and she couldn't see or hear it clearly.

What and who is the distant spirit?

After healing Jacen,Rini looked up at him,"Have you ever heard of a Unison Raid?"She asked with a small smirk.

And with that, she understood.

Concentrating, Rosalie began to channel her energy into her staff, watching as it glowed with a soft light. Then, when she'd filled the light with an appropriate amount of energy, the female threw her staff to the ground, watching it splinter into a million crystal fragments. However, the fragments themselves still glowed, and began to converge together. In a matter of seconds, the fragments combined themselves and grew into a seven foot wall. Not much, but it'd do for a barrier.

She flew up, hovering, wondering where the battle could do. Suddenly, her eyes found their way to Enzo, who had been hit with a hammer by some...thing? Was it a person? couldn't quite make it out.

The female flew over to assist, and a shock of red electricity grazed her skirt as she did. Turning, Rosalie was about to muster up an attack when a dragon appeared out of nowhere and then proceeded to attack a redhead with some sort of brute force.

She turned her attention back to Enzo, flying down to his level,

"Are you alright?"
"Thanks, never heard that particular term..."Jacen flexed and moved his arms, shocked that while they were completely covered in ice...he had full mobility. "Give me the rundown." As he turned towards Rini, he tried to keep focus the best he could but his mind was still buzzing. What the hell is going on...what did it mean by later for explanations? How am I even moving my arms right now...I'm supposed to create ice, not become it.
Red had his focus set on the bigger threat - which was obviously the dragon. When she charged, Red jumped back, just barely missing her sharp horns, but not enough to get out of range of her next attack, a large chomp. Luckily, Red had a two-handed sword. He quickly wedged the sword in the dragon's mouth, keeping her jaw open. "That was a mistake." He told the dragon, before channeling red electricity to his sword, it should have shocked her for as long as she had the sword stuck in between her jaws.

Meanwhile, Enzo had been watching the fight as he rested sideways upon the pillar. At least, until Rosalie had descended down to him.

"Are you alright?"

Enzo didn't give an answer, he only exchanged glances with her for a moment before nodding contently. A gunshot was heard, and suddenly, the pillar on which Enzo was resting on, broke apart and collapsed. Enzo had just jumped to the next pillar before another bullet hit it and destroyed it. Kenji kept his sights on his lackey, and kept the heat on him. Enzo couldn't get more than 2 seconds on a pillar before it was shot to pieces.
Zack sighed again. Did he hear me...? It looked like he found out about the mine on his own, which would imply he didn't hear my there something wrong with me? Is there something about me that makes me appear non-existent to others? He started to wobble a little. Somewhat creepily, the shadow that was building up beneath him began to lick up wisps of darkness that trailed up his body. Is there something wrong with me...? Is there something about who I am that means I won't be able to fit in with this group...? The more he worried, the more darkness trailed up his body and the more his thoughts began to contort. Maybe it's out opponents' faults...maybe I need to hit them hard enough to knock them out... As the darkness began to toy with his brain more and more, a grin began to spread on his face. Maybe for several days or weeks...
As the sword plunged into her mouth, then gave her a big zap that hurt her, her first instinct was to close. "That was also a mistake..." She spoke consciously, snapping her jaws shut. She let out a deep bellow mixed with a groan signaling pain. It was worth it though.
The training battle became a lot more intense than the young stowaway imagined. The whirlwinds, exploding projectiles, flying entities, Kenji's oversized weapons, and lastly the colossal beast up ahead attempting to take man-swallowing chomps out of the Rank 4 Magi. Nothing to him here was unexpected other than the Dragon Chelsea was able to morph into and Enzo's new transformation. Volitaire wondered for a moment if their magic studies was shapeshifting? Or is this some sort of inbred gift of the two? Volitaire unfortunately didn't have time for daydreaming on the possibilities of this large and now curious members of his team he had to take part. Beyond the battle with Red, Kenji and Enzo were sharing sleights of hand and it looked as if the Demon needed help. Enzo was stationed vertically, ignoring gravity and also his own weight. Volitaire narrowed his eyes on the Demon beginning to grow even more curiouser. Turning his gaze back to the ground he found Kenji with weapon in hand. He started his sprint and prepared his magics. Black rings of text orbiting around his hands with black and red specs emanating from his palms he threw a hand forward. A group of undead warriors had surrounded the Fox Familiar, each wielding greatswords in a lazily fashion because of their brainless forms. This could only serve as a hopefully suitable distraction until he could reach Enzo. The Necromancer wasn't done just yet, his other hand still had a prepared spell. Soon, Volitaire reached the pillar Enzo was balancing himself on and he wasn't alone. A teal haired female with what looked to be... Diamond wings? Joined Enzo's side not too long before Volitaire had arrived. He skidded himself to a halt under the two, prepping his spell. The rings expanded and the specs grew in size and traveled farther when escaping from his palm. A few black sparks had popped within the rings signaling an overcharge. His growing concentration of manna had picked up a slight gust around the caster, blowing his hair about along with his gray jacket hood. "Would you mind some help Enzo? I have no time to be antisocial around you now."
"A Unison Raid is where two or more mages combine their attacks together,to create a bigger and stronger one.It is much more powerful when they have a deeper connection,but at the same time is still much more powerful than anything we could do alone,and it is much less energy on our own.If I could contact Chelsea's spirit,then maybe I could get her under control,and we could form a decent,plan of distraction,so while I consentrate on speaking to her soul,you go help her with red,but remember what she said ealier,about the food menu and humans.She isn't in complete control of herself,so becareful!"Rini said with a smile,as she ran up a pillar and was gone from view of the others.

Rini took a seat and began to meditate,'Chelsea!Can you Hear!'Rini screamed through the astral plane of which she used to connect with and meet new and old dragons.Her power,Dragon Soul,allows her to connect with any and all dragons,even artificial and evil dragons.
While battling through pain, she heard a voice. Both minds listened. Both beast and Chelsea. While she kept her jaws shut, hoping that Red was in trouble and scared, she listened for the voice again.
Kenji had to halt his barrage of bullets on Enzo for a more concerning matter. It appeared as if the quiet kid made a move, surrounding the familiar with armored undead warriors. It was enough to let Enzo catch his breath. Kenji's pistol quickly shifted into a shotgun in only a few seconds. He needed something close-quarters and have enough stopping power to deal with the undead.

Enzo landed firmly beside Volitaire after he had spoke. His deep eyes scanned Volitaire, and then adjusted his own suit due to the amount of jumping around he had to do.
"I don't need your help." He replied coldly. The sounds of a beast in pain temporarily bought Enzo's attention. Over where Chelsea was, Red had got his sword stuck inside her jaw, and out of mercy - despawned it. The sword faded from the cage that was her mouth, though the pain would remain. Red understood that this was a training session, no more than that. Just when he thought Chelsea had thrown in the towel, he turned his back to her and started making his way to the others. His eyes caught sight of Silver - she stood still, while everyone else was fighting. A part of him thought this was a trick, but he was determined to find out.
That was exactly what Silver was doing. Watching from the back, not exactly being a team player. Before she could even act, the others were already charging in, anyways. She had already decided that unless she was needed, she wouldn't interfere. The others didn't need to know the extent of her powers just yet. Silver watched their enemies more than her comrades, more intrigued by how powerful they seemed.

As she stood there observing, should anyone be observing her, they might notice something a bit off about her... She looked a bit pale.
"Combined attack huh...alright, let's give it a shot."

Now you're starting to use those instincts of yours...remember Jacen. You're more powerful than you think...let's give them a taste of this power, shall we. Jacen's body started to surge with electricity, much higher than what he was used to.

How is this happening...I couldn't use both at the same time, just who are you and how am I doing this?

Like I said, explanations will come later. For now, just enjoy your...taste of power.

If you want to be a leader, you'll have to get used to shooting first and asking questions later.
How rude.

The male only stared at her, and then lept off. No greeting, nothing! A pout formed on the female's lips, but quickly disappeared as a raven haired male covered in scriptures approached them- or rather, Enzo.

The two had a short conversation, and the other male surrounded the fox familiar with skeletal puppets of a sort, leaving Rosalie out of the loop. Then again, that shotgun did look pretty strong...

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