The Coming Darkness

Zack stopped suddenly at the sound of someone's voice. He raised his head, but he didn't say anything. ..."That depends on where you want to go." He replied rather emotionlessly. However, what he said was completely true, he could only help if he knew where she wanted to go. Still...he lowered his head a little from knowing yet another and very true detail. "Wherever it is...I probably can't help you get there...after all..." How am I supposed to help someone get to where they wat to go if I can't even find where I want to go...?
((Sorry for my previous post, I had everything typed out and when I went to post, it was all missing. It was really discouraging, so I had to made due with a crappy post.))

And so began the signing of teams. It happened so suddenly. First, the instructor and the students stood in silence as they waited, but once the clock had hit 9:15AM, the instructor started calling out the names of students. One by one, those called would peel away from the crowd, to stand in a smaller group and be labeled a team. This wasn't the best way to form a team, but it was quite clear Boone was rushing the team program.

Enzo watched as student after student emerged from the sphere of students and be labeled as a team. They were already told in advance of what would happen, and apologized for it. "Enzo Ferrari!" The instructor cried out. making Enzo slightly jump, and his body fill with fear. He made his way over to where the instructor was pointing out - all alone, and away from the other groups. Did this mean he was going to lead a team?

Oh no, this is a mistake..! I can't lead a team, i'm not fit for it! Enzo silently panicked in his shoes. He had hoped that he'd see those students he shared a dorm with. They seemed like they understood him. "Silver Nagano!" The instructor shouted. A small pause went by. "Silver Nagano?" He called out again, making the remaining students looking around for the owner of this name.
Silver had been lurking around quietly this day, deciding to keep a low profile while she could. Of course, everyone around her got to learn her name when the instructor called it out. He said it a second time, so Silver stood up, raising her hand and nodding before walking over to that one kid she saw crash before, whose name seemed to be Enzo. Tch, she was on a team with him? She at least hoped he was more powerful than she thought he was. As she stood next to Enzo, she couldn't help but feel a strange, almost familiar aura about him, though she decided to not dwell on it too much. The silence was awkward; usually Silver didn't mind silence while around others, but this silence just didn't feel right to her. "So, this means we're going to fight together, or something?" Hopefully he'd do whatever talking needed to be done.
The incognito Silver Nagano appeared from the crowd. From the sound of it, she didn't seem like she was enjoying this. "Your guess is as good as mine, ahaha~" Enzo felt as if he could have done without the laugh, but it was out of nervousness, both because of the fact that he had to go through team signing this early, and because of the fact that this was the same girl he had tried to save earlier, but ultimately failed.

A few more names were called before another one was heard. One very familiar. "Jacen Eirsith!" least I know someone on this it'd be nice to know why I'm on a team. Must be student housing groups or something.Jacen walked through the crowd, a mishmash of excuse me's and coming throughs came from him as everyone looked on. Some stared, some looked away from him. Jesus...I'm not that intimidating am I? Everyone knows my name now, and it looks like half are scared, and the other half already have ideas about me. Yeah...this is high school all over experience, my ass. He made it through, nodding to the black haired boy first before extending his hand to the lady of the group. "Jacen. Pleased to meet you."
Rini watched each student was tugged away from the crowd,sooner or later there would be no one left,or someone left alone.The young woman hoped she was not last to be picked like in some cliche movie,"Huh..."Rini mumbled to herself as she stared up at the sealing,deep in thought.Rini shook her head as a dragon's soul connected with hers to speak,"Hi Kisora.Do you think I will be all alone?"Making the dragon only giggle as she mumbled a no in Rini's head.

Rini looked up at the teacher wondering who she will be teamed up with,making her sigh thought.She wanted to know who she was gonna be with badly,and it is making her feel very anxious and uncomfortable.
Again, the instructor started calling out different names, none of which sounded important. There was a steady stream of students starting to show up from the main hall. Wether they were late or not was unknown. Soon, another familiar name was called out. "Volitaire Lucath."

A strange name, but it sounded familiar to Enzo. Suddenly, it came back to him.

"I'm... Volit-" He stopped. A uncomfortable feeling welled up in his chest, like a dagger forcibly thrusting itself into his abdomen then digging upward and stopping. He was still a bit unsure of Enzo and his familiar and didn't want to be so open just yet. "Voli. Just, call me Voli. Nice to meet you, Enzo."

So that was his name...

The sound of the instructor's voice snapped Enzo out of his minor flashback. "Rini Tither!"
Under his gray hood, the introverted student stepped forward on recognition from his instructor. Twisting and carefully shimmying through the crowd of other students short and tall he managed to reveal his presence within the crowd, head down and hands shoved in the pockets of his black cargo pants. He had no recollection of what his current assignment is or what his purpose was within this... Training hall of some sort under the floors of Sorcerers. As he stepped forward to make himself present in front of the teacher, his stomach knotted itself as he heard the instructor assert himself with Volitaire's full government. He knew his name wasn't the most commonly heard around the town of Whiterun, so he felt he may get some teasing for it. All he could do know is keep his eyes forward from under the brim of his hood and through the fallen fringe of his dark hair.
Rini perked up with a smirk,"Yay!"She shrieked softly as she skipped up to the instructor,with a smile wiping cross her face.Rini wondered who this Volitaire Lucath was,and she hoped she wouldn't have to protect him in a fight.Rini looked through the crowd,as she was making her way up,to see if there was anybody coming up to the stage,and at the moment she couldn't see anybody,even with her dragon's eye.When she looked up there was a tall guy,brooding above her.He was fast;He was next to the teacher before she,which made her a little satisfied.

Rini also hoped that he wouldn't judge her strength on her appearance,which was very different from others.Rini's body appeared that of a 12 year old,with a voice to match it.Rini's coat was also oversize so that it draped over her hands,and reached her thighs,which was a few inches longer than her dress.The young woman looked up at him,"Hi,nice to meet you Volitaire"She spoke gentle with a smile
She bit her lip. Rosalie was never good with teams. What if she dragged them down because of her health? Or what if they didn't like her because she was so bad with physical combat or-

Calm down, Rosalie,

the female instructed herself,

It's just...a team...

But what if she didn't get into a team at all? Wouldn't that be worse? She gripped her dress, her thoughts descending into a whirlwind of nerves and worries as more and more names were called. A twelve year old girl skipped up, and Rosalie's eyes widened; wasn't she a bit too young for this school? Or was Rosalie just too old....? The seventeen year old's expression radiated pessimism as she tried to calm herself down.
A young, but innocent voice had uttered Volitaire's name catching his attention. Following from where he picked up the foreign sound he turned his head to his side and faced downward slightly. A much younger looking girl was beside him and somehow escaped his field of vision when she had arrived. Or, he simply wasn't paying attention. Of course his moody nature can make him into a oblivious git time to time, a trait he regularly ignored. His eyes widened from their once sharp glare as an attempt to make himself more "friendly" but he still wasn't good at the social aspect of schooling. Hell, he was new to it altogether, being self taught throughout his life. But a nervous smile had steadily spread across the young mans face in response to the young magician's greeting. "Oh... hello, Rini? Right? Nice to meet you too."
"That is correct.I hope we will have lots of successful missions together,but is it just gonna be us two or is another person gonna be part of the team?"Rini questioned the older male as she looked from the crowd to the teacher,and back to Volitaire.While she questioned him she began take in his appearance and attitude,which seemed a bit shy or cold,but she couldn't tell.This guy was either dark and mysterious or shy and introverted,either way she hoped she wouldn't have to protect him in battle or something.
Silver could feel how nervous Enzo was as he spoke, but the laugh was a dead giveaway. She almost felt sorry for him, deciding to say something else to perhaps ease his nerves a bit. But before she could, another guy came up, greeting her and offering his hand for a handshake. Was he usually this polite, or was he trying to get on her good side? Either way, Silver accepted the handshake, gripping his hand firmly; perhaps too firmly for a lady her size. "Silver." Jacen was a good name, she figured. Enzo and Jacen were normal-ish names, right? Just then another two came up, one boy named Volitaire, and another girl named Rini. ...Volitaire? Silver didn't question it. Rini was probably like a nickname or something. Unless it wasn't, then that might be a bit strange. But not stranger than Volitaire, that's for sure.
An eyebrow cocked curiously on Volitaire's forehead. "Teams...?" He thought. He wasn't paying attention at all... He crossed his arms, trying to look like he was going into thought with her question. His lip curled at his bad acting to conceal his lack of knowledge on what was going on in the training hall. "Any guess is as good as mine... Honestly. But, I'd rather know what we're teaming up for first before selecting partners." Volitaire had fixed his gaze back to the instructor adjacent to him, waiting for the man to speak so Volitaire could gather a bit more about why he was called up front.
"Well.... The class we are currently in. But, why can't you help me? Can you not find your way either?" She asked once more, looking at him in the eye. "If you are somewhat lost as well, I guess I'm waisting my time.." She murmured, not really giving him a chance to reply.
Zack stood there for a moment, still not looking at her exactly. More or less through her. ..."I suppose I could just take you to where everybody else went...Just-follow me." He already started walking towards where he saw most of the other students went, though he wasn't sure where exactly they had gone. By which I mean, he knew where they went, but he didn't know what the place was called or what it was used for. He seamed kinda blank though something were bothering him so much that it drained away hs emotions. He recognised this, so he gripped the hilt of his sword tighter. For comfort. Soon after, he had found the rather large room full of students and...attendance calling? That couldn't be right, the air was too grim. Zack didn't know exactly what was going on, but he had a feeling it had to do with the poor man who he had last seen mangled in his home.
Rini looked up at Volitaire a bit,"For them to make us form teams so quickly,it must means something bad is or gonna happen.They must be preparing us for the worst..."Rini croaked as she though of the possibly grim future.She looked up back at the teacher to see if he would call any more people up,"I'm a little worried..."Rini squeaked some what loudly.
"Okayy...?" She was kinda on the other page with this guy, but she followed him anyways. She took more mental notes of the school. Mental photos, to say. She continued to follow, and soon arrived at a large room where alot of people gathered. "Wonder what this is...?" She asked herself.
"You two will be with that group." The instructor pointed over to Enzo and those around him. What started as a single person ended up becoming quite a large group, though it was almost equal with the other groups. Students continued to pour into the training hall, most of them (if not all) were confused. A few more names were called. "Rosalie Holland, Zack..." The instructor trailed off as he read the list of names on the paper he was holding. Zack had no last name. The instructor looked back to Boone, who was silently observing, and was given a nod by him to just continue moving on. "'Zack', and Chelsea Kreida."

Once those called had been moved to their assigned group, (Which for everyone here, would be Enzo's group) Boone stepped up, while the instructor backed away. "Welcome, students, to team sign ups. Now I know half of you have been with us for a few years now, and you know that this isn't a proper date for team signups, but I'll be honest, this is an emergency."

Enzo looked around at the surrounding groups at the hearing of 'emergency'. People were getting increasingly confused, and some even worried by the looks of it. Perhaps they weren't confident in their magical abilities? Enzo, however, felt only a little nervous. His problem wasn't that his magic wouldn't be enough, it was that he wouldn't be able to control it. According to Kenji - one of the few that's seen Enzo's 'other side' - he has a highly destructive power.

"We've been getting calls of a large team terrorizing the people of Japan using magic. Where this team came from, is beyond us, but we do know that they've made threats against our school. This task will be the biggest one we've given out, hence the reason why so many of you were called here. You will not be sent out this very moment, instead, you'll all be here, preforming active training with some of our higher ranking students."

That was when that same instructor walked up to Boone's side to whisper something into his ear, then return to his position. Boone sighed, and shook his head a little. "It seems not all of you know of Sorcerer's ranking system yet. Your class teacher should have informed you of this, but it's no worry now, I'll explain." The Headmaster pushed up his glasses and let out another silent but deep breath.

"With teams, come ranks. Not everyone is on the same magical level as the other, so we've come up with a ranking system among students. Rank 1 being the lowest, while Rank 5 is the highest the student can get before officially 'passing' Sorcerers on a magical level. Most of you are Rank 1s, while some are Rank 2s. The students you'll be facing out on the training grounds will be Rank 4s, but do not worry, as a team, you should be able to overcome them."

"I suppose that's enough explaining for now. You all will assign a leader in your group, and your leader will decide on a name that we'll refer to you as, then, we'll get started."

"A leader?" Enzo echoed the Headmaster's words. His eyes shifted to his group. It consisted of Silver, Volitaire, Rosalie, Rini, Zack, Jacen, and Chelsea. They all looked as if they had a trick up their sleeves, but Enzo didn't really know, for now, they had to decide on who'd lead this little group of theirs. "A-Any ideas, guys?"
In the back of Volitaire's mind he was reminded of a Terrorist Magi group who took his family away in a raiding for their inventory of extensive tomes and other magical documents, it stung him to remember such a grim point in his life, especially while he was so young. Half of his attention went towards Boone's other instructions about teams and the state of emergency posed towards the school as the terrorist group had made threats to Sorcerers before which is even more foreboding. Volitaire had bit his curved index finger in anxiousness, wondering if this terrorist group mentioned is the same group as the one that has made the attack on his family. Part of him didn't want to make such a broad assumption that would only upset him and make him a less valuable asset to the team, but a larger part of him was concerned that the school and his past share the same threat... It was all up to future events to determine if Volitaire's gamble is safe to bet on. After Boone's explanation on school ranks and other points involving this "test" he heard Enzo mention a leader and if anyone had any ideas. Volitaire's reddish glare hovered to the obviously uncertain teammate. Volitaire didn't figure himself good enough as group leader, as he had no solid social skills and would prefer to not have to boss everyone around to probably everyone's dismay. He could only let loose a low sigh while shifting his gaze between the group he was paired with wondering who would have the next say.
Once with his group, Zack stood in silence. He didn't seam to be fazed at the idea of training to battle an 'evil' group. True, he had never been in this situation before, but this sunk in well with his knowledge. A place like this was bound to have powerful and dangerous enemies. For Zack, it was no surprise that times would become desperate enough for a situation like this. That's because he knew what desperate times were like and what they called for.

As Zack was deep in thought over the situation, he heard the headmaster say something that got him thinking on another subject: "I suppose that's enough explaining for now. You all will assign a leader in your group, and your leader will decide on a name that we'll refer to you as, then, we'll get started."

Zack himself knew he wouldn't prove to be a good leader, he was too nervous for that. However, he knew what it took to be a leader and sharing this knowledge with his team might help them come to a decision. Once he heard Enzo ask for any ideas, he swallowed and quietly spoke up. "Well...a leader should have a good sense of planning under pressure. They should also prove to be brave and willing to put their team before themselves. A leader should know to take responsibility for their team's actions as well as their own. A leader should never back down from a fight just because they're afraid. So...I suppose we should try and base our decision over who has the most of those qualities...right?"
Chelsea was clearly nervous when the man had said something about a 'leader'. 'NOPE' She thought, going over what she has done in the past, and she has no control over her 'beast'. But, hearing Zack's words made her honestly feel safer, because whoever gets picked, will be responsible. Not her. 'I'm never a good responsible person...' She thought, scratching the back of her neck. She finally spoke up to them. "Yeah, what Zack said.... And, about the names, please don't call me something stupid...." She murmured. 'Especially don't call me Muncher....' She muttered in her mind, and waited for someone to speak as well.
Wait...wait, just for the love of God. Wait. Normal school my ass, I'll bet my dad knew about this...he always went on about being proud of your heritage. About how the Eirsith bloodline has always been one of honor and defending what's right. I'm not here to just learn to control my powers...he sent me here to be a damned counter-terrorist. Christ...I should have seen this coming. Dad makes killing and defending easier, mom makes saving lives easier...of course I would be the one in the goddamned middle. I'm supposed to continue a legacy of "greatness". I'm the soldier that the family needs, and Lissette is going to end up interning at a hospital for the summer. They knew what they were getting me into...but I guess this is what I wanted, right? All those fights back at school...even if they weren't my fault, I never said that I didn't enjoy it when someone tested me and failed... Jacen walked over to Enzo, amulet glowing bright blue and stood firm in front of him.

"I say we do what the headmaster said, but if someone's going to lead this's got to be someone who's stable but still has room to grow. My dad always told me that a leader is as only as good as his ability to adapt...stagnation and a closed mind leads to open gaps. This is an emergency, so it's gotta be someone who has no problems with thinking on the fly...someone that knows how to keep calm and weigh the options."Jacen walked beside Enzo and put his hand on his shoulder, looking towards the group of students in front of them. "You were the first name called, Enzo...looks like it's your decision."
She just stood there. Crossed her arms. And waited. But if this whole room was meant for powers training, she'd screw it up. Maybe some people would wind up killed if she became that beast. 'Will I kill someone? Will I hurt anyone? What if I get banned from the world and sent into space?!' She thought rapidly, everything she knows started to race through her mind, causing herself to choke, and her vision blurry. "Agh...!" She caughed, and blinked. "Maybe ya'll soon should clear the room...?" She said, rubbing her eyes. "I think I am going to blow- wait...." Chelsea stood straight, her vision returning. "Never mind...?" Chelsea coughed one last time, and covered her face.
"...Rosalie Holland..."

At this, Rosalie perked up, letting out a breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding. She was in!

Now, Rosalie could just concentrate on not disappointing her team mates, and if the girl was determined to do something, you can bet that something would be done. She walked up to the team, a shy smile on her face. They seemed to be debating something about a leader, and various qualities were spoken by each teammate of the qualities that they wanted a leader to have.

The girl quirked an eyebrow, and attempted to put her bit of thought into the conversation,

"Well...we don't even know each other, so why would we know who encompasses those traits? I say we get to know each other through some means before deciding who the leader is."

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