The Coming Darkness

Jacen smirked a bit, no doubt realizing that the girl was right.'s true. Save for Enzo, and to a lesser extent Voli...I don't know anyone here...Let's start it off."Well, you're absolutely right...with the exception of Enzo and Volitaire...I can't say that I know any of you. I've always been a fan of doing ice breakers...something to give us an idea of who we work with."He approached the petite girl and looked into her eyes, making sure to keep his smile friendly, but still showing that there was a purpose behind it.

"Rosalie, is it? How about you...get things started for us? Tell us a little bit about yourself...if you'd be so kind."
Rini stood below everyone and started to taken in their appearances and their reactions to the things that had just transpired.So far the one who had the calmest reaction was Jacen and herself,"Hmmm..."She grumbled rather loudly as she took a seat on the floor,and began to meditate.

Rini's body began to float a bit,and she divulged into her mind and soul to speak with her dragons.

After a bit of conversation with the dragons,she came back to earth with a blank look on her face

I wonder who will be elected?Jacen seems very capable...If I had to choose,I think I would choose him because he is acting so calm.
A tall man approached her, and for a moment, Rosalie thought he might have been a teacher. Had she said something wrong? Was it too audacious for her to speak her mind? The female's eyes looked up towards him, scanning his features for a moment, realizing that he was younger than she'd first presumed him to be.

"Rosalie, is it? How about you...get things started for us? Tell us a little bit about yourself...if you'd be so kind."

Rosalie froze. Tell others about her? She wasn't comfortable laying out all of her information at a moment's notice, nor did she want to talk about herself in the slightest.

Why did I even suggest that was do this....?

However, there was no escape for Rosalie, as she couldn't just refuse to talk- after all, she had been the one to put forth this idea in the first place! Clearing her throat, the female opened her mouth, and began to speak.

"As you may or may not know, my name is Rosalie Holland, and I hail from England. My magic consists of crystalline manipulation."

She stopped to take a breath, fingers brushing back a stray lock of hair,

"This is the first time that I've ever gone to a school like this."

There. that should be enough information for the others to know. She directed her attention towards the tanned male,

"What about you?"
Jacen took a second to take in what she said, as if he was putting it into a mental safe.

He cleared his throat before speaking up. "Alright, well first things first. Pleased to meet you guys. I'm Jacen Eirsith, I'm originally from Sweden but moved to Japan about a year ago. I manipulate lightning and electricity, along with cryomancy...meaning that I manipulate ice. I'm a huge geek when you get to know me, and my area of expertise is any and all things technology and firearms. This is my first time coming to a school like this as well. Anything else you want to know, just ask." Suitable intro for the first day...they'll find out whatever else as time goes on.He placed his right hand in his vest pocket before taking a step back.

"Well now...who'd like to go next?"
Chelsea wanted to get this over with. "I'm Chelsea Kreida... I'm basically a mentally retarded dragon. Well... I'm not really a mentally retarded dragon... It's just when I become it, it's brain acts like a food menue. Sometimes I eat cars... And people.... Oh, and I have a really awesome memory..." She chirped, slyly backing out of the spotlight.
When Jacen told Enzo that the decision was ultimately his, he quickly shook his head in denial. "Not at all! This is a t-team effort!" He blurted out. Luckily, the attention faded to Rosalie as she introduced herself. England? He thought to himself. Rosalie didn't strike him as an English type, probably because she was quiet.

It was Jacen's turn now. He was born out of Sweden - another surprise to Enzo. At this point he was questioning his ability to read people based off of their actions and words. When the built male asked who the next person would be, Enzo's eyes fell to the ground in front of him. He had no clue as to what to say about himself. He barely knew his own ability, not to mention his origin and past. It would portray him off as a shady character to others unless they knew where he came from, and such. Nervous heat started to build up inside of the boy as he hoped they'd just assign a leader already.

Suddenly, another girl spoke out. Wait a minute, she was a
dragon? Enzo's eyes then opened with shock as she 'accidentally' (or Enzo had hoped was an accident) said that she ate people. "Y-YOU WHAT?!" He cried out.
Rini hopped up on Jacen's back,since she was so short she didn't want everybody looking down at her at the moment,and giggled a bit Chelsea's shyness and saw a future friendship forming,"I'm Rini Tither,don't say anything about name...It annoys me!"A chilling aura tackled the group,then was replaced with a small chuckle,"Just joking,but name is kind of long and annoying to say,so on my papers it says Rini,and I prefer that as well.I can connect with the dragon souls around the world,then mimic their abilities and personality traits.My main dragons are elementals,but today I have only spoken to Kisora,the energy dragon,and Ikuto,sky dragon.Also since I mimic their abilities,I also get their slow body aging,as such my body ages at a much slower rate than everybody else,thats why my body appears to be twelve.I am also able to speak to any and all animals in the world,through their native language or my own.My non-magical abilities are spying/assassination which I'm practical a master at,and Blade expertise.With my knowledge of blades I am able to keep a suitable amount of bladed weapons on my persons,at all times,and at the same time I can keep them from bulging,appearing,or stabbing me/other people."Rini said with a small smile on her face,but as she thought about she forgot to add in her personality traits,"Oh,and personality wise.I am very blunt,I will not withhold my observation,at all"Rini finished with another smile
What the, this isn't the way I do things.Jacen was obviously surprised at the girl's speed and agility, but decided to keep his face straight.

"Glad to see you guys don't mind sharing on such short notice...and just for the record-"Jacen picked up Rini with ease and set her back down before dropping down to a knee and looking at her.

"I'm not someone who likes being touched or climbed on without a heads-up." He gave a quick smile and then stood up. "Remember Enzo, everyone has different powers and abilities. We're all here to learn...and I guess you're right. It's a team decision. It's also your decision if you want to share or don't have to get into detail, I just ask that we get your name, powers, and a little something about yourself that you want to throw in. Next person?"
She looked at someone who seemed to be shocked at what she can do. "HEY, it's rare. It's only if I'm starving.... Or really pissed off. And I get pissed easily..." She scoffed, giving him a mean look.
Zack stood silently for a while. He took a deep breath then let it out. What he was about to say only reminded him of the empty and lonely hole he called his past. ..."I...I'm Zack...I don't have any last name, but that's only because I have no parents...n-not that I'm an orphan either, I mean...I-I was never actually given a true birth...I'm a revenant, a product of a clash between a great angel and an equally great demon. There are others like me, but...I've never met any...I've been alone most of my life, besides my best friend. He's always with me and he never leaves my side..." He smiled the slightest bit, somewhat sadly, somewhat happily. He soon put his emotionless mask back on. "I-I don't actually know much true magic...most of my attacks are based off of channeling my darkness into my sword and using it in battle, sometimes as a secondary weapon. The closest thing I know to magic is my ability to fire orbs of darkness and lasers of darkness. Other than that..." He paused for a moment, wondering what to say next. he soon saddened a little and lowered his head slightly. He just wasn't able to confess anything else at the moment. "I guess that's all..."
Silver remained silent as she watched everyone go back and forth with trying to decide on a leader, among other things they were talking about. Honestly, she couldn't care less. Did they really need a leader anyways? Why couldn't they just move forward with a plan in mind? The one most fit to be leader would raise themselves above the rest when needed, anyways. At least, that was what Silver figured. Glancing around at the unfamiliar faces, she frowned. She would have to get to know all of them. Well, at least she knew Zack already. As for the others, she hoped they would be easy for her to get along with. Too much clashing with her wouldn't end well.
Enzo's hairs stood up straight as if he were shocked by electricity. Not only was the girl a dragon, but she had the bite to go along with it. Enzo really didn't expect otherwise - from a beast who ate humans - but a part of him had thought everyone was friendly. That was a non-factor now.

He let out a deep breath. Perhaps sooner or later, he'd have to explain himself, like the others. Listeing to Zack gave him some confidence. Confidence that the others would accept him for his other side. Either way, he spoke, his chest full of false bravery.
"I'm Enzo. Enzo Ferrari, and uhh.."

Wow, already? Enzo was clearly lost on what to say next. He wasn't the best at introducing himself. For now, he decided to leave his origin and past out of it. "M-My magic is.. a transformation of some kind, I guess you could call it that.. Uhm.." He looked around the group to see if any of them were actually listening to him. He wouldn't be surprised, since he was actually speaking more quietly without knowing it. "From what my partner says, I'm a real jerk, so.. I apologize in advance for whatever I do!"
She looked at him. "Hmph.... Same here..." She chuckled, waiting for something else to happen.
The way Jacen spoke to her,it made her feel like he was making fun of her,"Hey!Jacen,please do not talk to me that way again.It is incredibly demeaning to me,and it makes me feel that you think I am a child or someone below.So,I'm asking nicely,please don't speak to me like that again..."Rini said with a blank face and a stare to match.Rini didn't know if he ment to sound that way,but she felt offended a little.
...keep's only the second day."Look...I don't see you as a child or someone below me. But I do not like being climbed on or used as a tool because of my height. That is also demeaning, and I am not a fan of it. I said it nicely before, and the only difference is that my tone is a bit more stern now...I do not mean to offend and I don't mean to cause friction...please don't think my respect for you has changed or that I see you as lower...I just don't like when that happens." Jacen's face grew not blank, but not necessarily one of anger. It was more matter of fact, along with his was obviously something that didn't sit well with him. He hated to feel like someone was just going to use him to do something for their own benefit without some sort of compensation. It was always a peeve he had. But it was time to get back to business.

"That goes for everyone as well. I may be a bit of a smart ass or a snark at times...but I do not wish to truly offend or cause issues with anyone. Especially people that are teammates...synergy is the key here, and that probably rings true now more than ever."
The smaller female of the group had thrown a fit after Jacen put up his boundaries. The dark-skinned male handled it professionally, so Enzo figured it was quite obvious as to who the leader of their group would be. "I say Jacen leads." Enzo stated, just after Jacen. The other groups were just finishing their briefing by the instructor. They had already set up their leaders and engraved their name.

Like a man signalling the beginning of a race, the instructor gave his nods to the 3 other teams, and the group trio rushed out and headed deeper into the training hall.
"So eager..." He muttered out of pure interest and curiosity.

A few moments after the groups had disappeared deeper into the room, the walls flashed with different colored lights, hinting that a large battle had just taken place already. The ground shook a little, and the large room filled with spell casting sounds.
"We better hurry - we're the only group here." Enzo urged the rest.

Rini looked at Jacen with a bright smile once more,"I'm very sorry,but lets look on for the bright future that we will create as a team!"The young girl looked at Jacen with a thumbs up once more.

He is a very outspoken..Nice.He is a good candidate for leader!

Rini looked back to the rest of the group,"He is right,and our biggest challenge won't be this renegade group,but our conflicting personalities.So,for now lets decide on a group name before deciding the leader,at least that way everybody will be on the same page,and we can decide on the leader during the spar with the 4 Rank.

After she had finished speaking Enzio had spoken up,"I'm OK with that."Rini said with another smile.
Volitaire managed to keep his share of introductions to none at all, luckily. The rays and sparks of spell casting had rung in his ears as the other teams began to charge into battle with the high rank Magi. The ground shook, and some stray arcane bullets had whizzed passed Volitaire's face almost hitting him in the crossfire. Whistling like a bullet cutting through the air as the young male had turned his torso to evade the careless blasts of the ametuer students. It was then he noticed that Enzo had urged the other to start their advance, hopefully cutting all of this hostility between Rini and Jacen. He turned to face the spell flinging madness that was before him, unsure of his actions would truly be a credit to the team. With the introductions to the "Ranking System" Volitaire immediately found himself to be the lowest common denominator with these things because of his humble nature mixed with some low self-esteem. He decided to remove his hood so widen his view of the Training Hall revealing his neck length black, shaggy hair. He usually kept it unkempt, as he felt no need to impress.
Jacen nodded as he felt the spells fill the training room.

"Looks like it's showtime, guys..."

He drew his handgun from the holster as his hands began to slowly spark, as if a wave of lightning surrounded them. It was time to put in work and Jacen was more than ready...being put into a situation where combat is all but promised does things to a guy. He knew...he always knew. Can't say I'm not going to enjoy a fight...but he's definitely getting a call tonight once this is over. Jacen began to move up into the training hall at a steady walk before stopping and giving a nod to the rest of the members, as if to say "You guys comin' or what?"
Zack sighed, not entirely sure on what to think of his team yet. He supposed Jacen might make a good leader, but to him at least, it didn't matter entirely who got the role. His main concern was whether or not he'd be able to fight properly without getting in the way or hurting anyone. He sighed again and figured he'd have to figure something out. He silently followed after Jacen just after he finished that thought.
Rini reached under her coat to pull out a short blade,held backwards,"Finally,I have been wondering when this was gonna happen."She said as she stepped up next to Jacen.Rini looked around the training hall and observing their surrounding,not seeing anything at the moment,"Jacen...I think I should go in before everybody else,since my body is more durable than the rest and will heal faster.I will go in and try to gauge his strength,and maybe get him to reveal his magic...If I can do this,I want you to cover me if you can..."Rini said trying to device a plan with the leader.
Silver watched as the group finally decided on a leader, finally, and began to move forward. It looked as though a fight were about to start. Seeing as Silver always had her swords handy, she decided to follow the group, but linger behind, only really wanting to step in should she need to. There wasn't any reason to overexert herself, but she did want to fight again. It had been a while since she actually fought with her swords.
Headstrong, durable. Knows how to gauge important aspects of a target. Excellent point material. Jacen nodded and readied his weapon.

"Very well. Good'll be the one to take point. Stay alert."
As the newly formed group readied themselves for the rank 4 student ahead, the other three groups were still locked in battle, from the sounds of it. Boone watched over the entire training hall, with the help of floating cameras and magical monitors. The path Enzo and the others would be taking would be separated from the other groups. Pillars were spaced out in the hall, and the sounds of magic blasts and rumble could still be heard as they continued down the hall.

Enzo kept his eyes up to the ceiling. There weren't many lights in the halls, making the entire experience darker and more dangerous. It was an advantage for Enzo, though he didn't actually plan on doing anything.
We've got enough people, they don't need my help. They look pretty strong, after all. Or so Enzo prayed as he walked with everyone else.

"Hmph." Sounded a deep voice down the hall. It would grab the attention of the newly formed group, under the leadership of Jacen. Enzo's eyes snapped down towards the seemingly endless hall. There stood two figures, one of them was a 6'6 tall man with an 'electric' hairstyle, sticking up. Next to him, was a much more smaller opponent.

Two glowing animal-like eyes, a fedora, and a pistol. This figure could easily be recognized as
Enzo's 'familiar', Kenji. Kenji?! What is he doing here?! He thought. Even though Kenji's eyes were hooded by his fedora, he could sense Enzo's growing fear from even that distance, which was around 50 feet. A smirk formed on Kenji's face.

"They're here, Red."

"About damn time, if you ask me."

It was clear that those two were their opponents, and they weren't there to mess around.
Zack looked to their opponents near the end of the hall. He noticed Enzo's 'trainer' was one of the challengers and he suddenly knew that they were in for a tougher battle than he had thought. Tough for one thing because he could upright tell that they'd be fighting two powerful enemies. Tough as well due to the fact that the whole team of his had never fought together like this, so they couldn't quite properly plan a formidable attack. Plus: they could all just as well get in the way of each other while their opponents had obviously already figured out a strategy. He swallowed hard, hoping that he wouldn't end up becoming a burden.

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