The Coming Darkness

'Chelsea...Can you Hear me!It's Rini...I need you to calm down and take control of the dragon....Oh,and if the dragon is a separate entity,then let me speak to it!If you are there dragon,for you and Chelsea to become stronger,then I'm gonna need you calm down,and work with us!I'm gonna come ride you,and so is Jacen,but I need you play dead until Red as walked away!'Rini explained as she hopped down from her pillar quietly and softly,like the assassin she was borned to be.Rini creeped over to Chelsea's dragon body,and signaled for Jacen to make his way over to them,just as quietly as she had.
How rude.

The male only stared at her, and then lept off. No greeting, nothing! A pout formed on the female's lips, but quickly disappeared as a raven haired male covered in scriptures approached them- or rather, Enzo.

The two had a short conversation, and the other male surrounded the fox familiar with skeletal puppets of a sort, leaving Rosalie out of the loop. Then again, that shotgun did look pretty strong...
The beast, who now stopped it's snapping, eyed Rini. She wasn't too sure how they were going to ride her, because of all those spines on her back. She lowered her head to Rini, huffing loudly, and mad an accepting manner by lifting her head back up.
Jacen crouch-walked over to Rini and Chelsea's dragon form.

"So what now...I'm interested in seeing just how we're going to do this."

I go from shooting missiles, to getting blown up. Getting this...power surge, and now I'm going to use a dragon. Yeah, I'm definitely calling my dad tonight...this handgun is not going to be enough. I need to talk to that guy Red...the more lightning mages I can learn from, the better.
"Well we can start with this..."Rini made some hand gestures,then snapped,"Vampric Bubble!This is a bubble that will siphon your energy,and don't try to break the bubble."Rini giggled as she turned to Jacen and Chelsea with a smirk.She pointed at the bubble,"Now blast the bubble with fire and lighting,it won't break!The attacks will be trapped inside the bubble,so that it will continuously hit Red,until he passes out,but my plan doesn't end there!"Rini explained to the two,while finding a spot directly on the dragon's head,without spines,but where is horns were.
Chelsea looked at the bubble. Without hesitation, she blew a massive amount of a dark, black fire endlessly for about 1 minuet.
Zack's mind was completely taken over by his hidden darkness now. Whenever it comes over him, his face is hidden by shadows, yet you can see the light reflect off of his huge grin and his eyes almost glow pure white. He started to take wobbly steps in Red's direction, never blinking, never stopping with his almost possessive smile. "Hi." is the first thing he said aloud like this, his voice mostly monotone with a twinge of false happiness: insanity. "I don't know your name, but mine is Zack. But I think it'd make more sense if you called me Crazy." Suddenly, Zack lunged at Red and attempted to slash at him with his sword which was now engulfed in the same purple-ish and pulsing darkness that he had always used.
Kenji cocked his shape-shifting shotgun and prepared to fend off the undead horde Volitaire had spawned around him. Once he felt he was ready, Kenji unloaded on the mob. One after another, the undead warriors' upper-half would explode due to the force of Kenji's shotgun. The familiar kept reloading just after he fired, to keep a steady pace going.

Meanwhile, Red was advancing rather calmly towards the seemingly oblivious Silver until he had heard a voice uncomfortably close to him. His eyes traced the sound until they fell on Zack. A dark magic had overtaken him, and the boy charged at him with a raised sword.

Suddenly - Zack's sword was stopped by a hand - Enzo's hand. With little concern for his palm, Enzo kept a tight hold onto the blade as he looked Zack in the eye with a new-found interest.

"That magic... It's oddly familiar." Enzo commented. He didn't know where he's felt this power before. His only assumption was that he had encountered this magic before he had lost his memories.

How did he get over there so fast? Red had a feeling Enzo would turn on Zack. The battle was starting to get out of control, so the Rank 4 magician looked over to Boone, who was watching at a safe distance with the other staff. Boone felt the danger as well, and nodded back. A few of the instructors banded together, and begun charging magic in their closed hands. When they released it, a wave shot out, covering the entire training hall. It was a magic null, meaning every spell - no matter the type or origin - was cancelled, and with the combination of the staffs' magic, it was power enough to stop everyone.

Enzo's transformation was instantly gone. His horns and tail disappeared after the wave. His slightly hostile expression turned to shock and pain as he pulled his hand back from Zack's blade. "Ow!" He shouted, holding his bleeding hand in the other. Red, Kenji, and Boone himself had gathered in front of the group.

"That was a very good session. Most of you know right off the bat how to cooperate with team members. It's time for a close, however. The other teams have finished and it's about time you did - don't take it the wrong way, none of the other teams were able to completely wipe out the Rank 4 students, so don't beat yourself up if you didn't get to do what you wanted." Boone assured them. "How well did this team perform?" The headmaster asked the Rank 4s.

"Combat wise; I'd say they did alright, five out of ten." "I agree, they would have been a lot stronger if they worked more as a team and had a stronger grip on their spells, a lot of potential, though.""Aha, interesting. That'll be all." Boone dismissed the two, but unlike Red, who had made his back back to the entrance, Kenji rejoined Enzo by hopping back on his shoulder. "Now, who led this team?"
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Zack didn't put any more pressure on his sword in order to harm Enzo. He just kinda stood there, giggling to himself. "That's not going to work..." He whispered just before the other staff members used there rather powerful spell to cancel out all of the other magic. However, Zack didn't appear to be affected by this. That would imply that whatever was going on inside him wasn't magic. It's hard to say exactly what it was, but it was like Zack was possessing himself, only it wasn't actually the real Zack. It was really hard to grasp the meaning of, but it didn't last much longer. The darkness soon faded and Zack's face returned to normal, only it was sad and guilty. "I'm so sorry..."
Jacen's limbs returned to their normal state, his amulet continued glowing but he no longer felt a surge of power.

I told you it was only going to be a did it feel? I can't actually felt pretty damn good. Even without attacking felt like I was able to actually do a lot more. Perfect...I'll answer all of your questions tonight, you have my word. But now...I think it's your time to shine. Jacen rose to his feet and held his right shoulder, which now ached from the mine explosion. The heals and adrenaline wore off...but he managed to slowly raise his arm.

"That would be me, sir."

He approached the older man, and extended his hand.

Better to make a good impression now than later...
The battle had come to a... Almost unexpected halt. The spell held in Volitaire's hand had died along with his contracted allies to the burst fire of Kenji's super-powered shotgun. The magics of the other team members has settled as well with a negating wave washing over the training hall. Soon after all hostilities were calmed and gestures were made the staff, lead by Boone, had joined Volitaire's rag-tag team of "different" magi. The young male scoffed to Enzo's arrogant attitude in the wake of the spar and pulled his hood back over his face. He dug his hands into his cargo pants pockets and left the hall, caring less about what the Headmaster or their sparing participant had to say about their "teamwork", if there was any at all. Of course, Volitaire knew he wasn't a team player himself but what was a summoner to do in the company of a large dragon and a couple of demons and multiple other magi? His minions would only but get in the way of the battle, especially since they aren't that durable. Emphasis put due to the strength of his opponents.

Soon, Volitaire had returned to his dorm room. Feeling a small sting in his stomach for reaching out to help then being coldly denied. He hated when he was brushed off so rudely and unexpectedly... And Enzo seemed so friendly. it only added to his slight misanthropic and sociopathic attitude. The young male had closed the room door behind him and fell back into his bed, arcing a leg over a bent knee awaiting the rest of the day to end. "So much for opening up..."

She'd been tossed into the fray of the battle, and had spent the past ten minutes deflecting stray bolts, and throwing a stray crystal fragment in the enemy's way, providing a solid backup in battle along with dodging and moving around so she wouldn't get caught in the whole crazy black fire thing Chelsea had going on.

When the fight finally ended, Rosalie was exhausted. She settled back to the ground, sweating. Hot and cold chills traveled up and down her spine, and her frail body was shaking. What was she thinking, using so much magic when she'd collapsed only this morning? Her wings dropped to the ground, shattering, and the young woman tried to clear her already muddled vision. She looked towards their leader, and attempted to answer the previous question,


She couldn't finish.

Rosalie collapsed in a cold sweat, shuddering with a fever.
Hmmm. Well, that was over with rather quickly. Still, Silver felt bad for not doing anything. Or at least, she thought she should. In reality, there was a bit of regret, but she felt it was more that she didn't get to train, rather than she didn't help out her group. Alright, she was deciding now. Next time something happened, she would be on the ball. She'd step in and then everyone would know of her power. A power that she did use, but no one seemed to notice. Ah well, better safe than sorry. Her color went back to normal, and she glanced around at her tired.. acquaintances, thinking it was such a shame they ran out of stamina so quickly. But, they were normal, at least normal magic users. She wondered quietly to herself how the rest of this little event might go.
Jacen caught sight of Rosalie passing out. He remembered how he gave her the order of helping out whoever she can...which she probably took as everyone you possibly can. Poor girl was exhausted. She's completely done...I think I gave her too much to worry about. Infirmary is on the second floor...I should be able to get her and myself there with no issue despite my arm. Jacen turned back to Boone and slowly withdrew his hand. "Well...this is embarrassing, to say the least. But it seems I should get her to the's somewhat my fault she passed out, I did give her a fairly large task. My deepest apologies." Jacen walked over to where Rosalie's body laid and gently picked her up, which was a rather easy task. Jacen wasn't an extremely strong guy, but Rosalie was by no means heavy for someone like him. Well, I guess this is amends for it right? He headed for the training room's exit, bound for the infirmary...something both of the students could use right now, and in Rosalie's case...the quicker, the better.
Boone had only noticed Rosalie's collapse when Jacen retracted his handshake. "Oh, my." was the only thing Boone could say with such a delayed reaction. The staff was ready to react, but Jacen was already on the case, carrying her away to the infirmary. His attention moved back to the group as a whole. "Well, now that our team initiations are complete, you're all free to go. Your classroom teachers have been notified of your possible absence, so nothing will count against you if you don't attend for today, but if magic mastery matters to you, you should attend today's magic history class."

By now, the other students were disassembling and heading back upstairs to the school, looking worn. Kenji nudged Enzo's head a little as a way of saying that he should attend. Enzo couldn't really argue against it, and he didn't have a reason to skip it. Unlike most of his comrades, he wasn't hurt that much, just a gash in his palm and sore muscles from quick dodging.

Seeing as how Boone gave off the vibe that the conversation was over, Enzo turned around, gave his companions a smile and a farewell before merging with the stream of battle-worn students on their way to the ground floor. This gave Enzo some time to properly think of the situation at hand - both with him. Kenji, and the school.
"Kenji.." He spoke. "I have a feeling you know what's going on with our Headmaster. He looks troubled, even I can tell that." "Yeah, I know a few things." "And? Tell me!"

Kenji let out a slight sigh.
"The reason for all this rushing is because of what's happening, or rather what's going to happen. Some group of loons with spells started terrorizing people in Japan. They started by just kidnapping, but now, they're just murdering people that oppose them." "Wha... Why would they just attack random people?" Enzo asked. They had just emerged back up to the lobby of Sorcerers. On the wall was the job request board, which held flyers posted by people that needed the help of skilled magicians and teams. Kenji and Enzo scanned over the the board as something to look at while Kenji continued to explain. "Beats me, but I believe there's a much more concerning reason behind their actions other than they're just being 'crazy', or that they want 'wealth'." Enzo hummed a worried tone, his arms crossed as he was now deep in thought. Whatever hunch Kenji had, was a high possibility that it was the reason Boone rushed the team signups.

"And Vaughan..." "Vaughan probably had something to do with those outlaws, perhaps had some kind of tie-in." Both of them took some time to think about what was just heard. "Enzo, what you saw in Vaughan's house... It's only an added reason to help stop these people, and if they could take out Vaughan so quickly, they must be strong. I want you to take your training seriously, and get to know your team members."

"That's asking a lot for a boy who just enrolled in this school yesterday..."

Zack sighed and made his way outside. He didn't really care what time it was, he was just tired. Why he would go outside didn't make much sense...unless you stuck around to find out where he went. He found a shady bush by a school wall and, surprisingly, he laid down behind it. It took him a moment to get to something close to 'comfortable', but he finally closed his eyes once he curled up with his sword. Strange how a weapon could be so precious to a young boy.
As Jacen neared the second floor to reach the infirmary, he noticed the students moving to the side and giving him an open lane to walk. He was confused, unable to tell if they knew about what goes on here and if this is just an occurrence, or if it was out of fear and they were just reacting on instinct.

Almost there. She should be fine...but this is sort of my fault. Do I leave, or do I stay...

Having a dilemma are we?

Didn't realize tonight meant hearing from you not even 15 minutes later. It's a good thing you're doing you know...keeping watch on her. Maybe you're falling for a teammate? Remember what I said earlier...trusting your instincts doesn't just apply to combat, Jacen. Sometimes it applies to other areas...matters of life, You're hilarious...a real comedian. Now is there a reason you're bothering me now, or are you just looking for kicks?

I'll get to the point don't worry...but it looks like you've reached your destination. Better get patched up.

Jacen opened the door to the infirmary, with the staff immediately taking notice of the girl in his arms. Two nurses came over and motioned for Jacen to give Rosalie to them, he did so without a word, merely confused at how fast and quickly they worked...seeming to know exactly what to do.

"Her again? She was just in here yesterday..." The head nurse got up from her desk and approached Jacen as he looked on in bewilderment, wondering just what was going on.

"Uhh." "Don't worry, she'll be just fine. She should be awake in a few minutes, actually. So what are you here for?"

"Oh, my arm's still rather sore...I got a little injury during team training. This one rank 4, I tried throwing one of his mines off of my back and it blew up as soon as I got it off."

"Wait, you mean Kenji? You had a Kenji mine explode right at your arm and you carried her here?" Her voice filled with shock as she skeptically looked Jacen up and down.

"Well...she's not really heavy and I did have one of my teammates heal me. It's just a bit of pain is all."

"Oh dear...well it doesn't seem like anything is broken...your skin is only slightly bruised. I'll get you some pain medicine and an ice pack. Sit tight." Jacen sat on the bench near the door, slowly massaging his shoulder as the nurse rummaged around the closet.

Jesus christ, do the nurses think I'm weird too? This is a magic school for god's sake...

I told you that you're stronger than you you not trust me or something? Well considering the fact that I have no idea who you are or what you look like...if you're even real. Trust is a long way from home right now.

You can be a real stiff, you know that? Just how are we having this conversation if I'm not real? You're not a schizophrenic, Jacen...if you were the nurse would be getting you more than a few pills right now. Whatever...what do you want with me anyway?

I'm your familiar...just what Kenji is to Enzo, I am to you. You just can't see me at the moment, but trust you'll be seeing me tonight. That's where I'll explain it all.

The nurse returned holding a cold pack and some pills with a cup of water, giving them to Jacen with a look saying "you know what to do" while she moved over to the bed where Rosalie was lying.

Familiars, telepathy, being blown was a weird day and Jacen couldn't wait until it was over so he could get some answers...
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She could hear a faint murmur through her feverish state, and it drew her out from the jumbled mess her body was. Rosalie's eyelids twitched, then fluttered open. Her head throbbed, but her fever was gone.

She looked to her left, and saw Jacen sitting, a cup of water in his hand.

"Jacen...I' the infirmary...? Oh goodness, did something happen to me again? I apologize for any inconveniences I might have caused..."

The female sighed, an apologetic look on her face. Did the male have to carry her all the way there?
Jacen swallowed the pills and finished off the water before Rosalie's voice brought him out of this thoughts.

He slowly rose and made his way over to her. "Hey, hey...easy now. Don't worry. You didn't cause any inconvenience. You passed out after the battle was over. If anything, I should be the one apologizing...I wasn't clear in my tasks and I think you may have over-exerted yourself helping everyone else..." Jacen looked down at the floor and sighed as he tossed the ice pack away from his shoulder.

"For that, I am's my fault. I should have been clearer with my instructions."

He was apologizing! Rosalie was in awe. She bit her lip, trying not to let the relief show up on her face. He wasn't mad at her!

"No no,"

Rosalie replied, shaking her head,

"It was my own fault for not gauging my strength properly."

At that, the female's gaze took on a slightly sorrowful expression, her grip tightening on the blanket around her,

"It really was not your fault, Jacen. My body has been weak from birth, and I've had many situations similar to this. I just hope that I wasn't a liability during the exercise."
1:30 PM

Unlike yesterday, today was very busy. Enzo had only noticed after a brief, serious discussion with Kenji. Spiritually, the place was crowded, there were magical presences everywhere, from faint to overpowering.Enzo decided to head to history class. He backed away from the job board and rejoined the horde of constantly moving students.

A few minutes of walking and slight bumpings later, Enzo and Kenji walked into the history classroom. The room was dimmed, and it smelt of old books, but there were rows of students sitting in their chairs while a teacher Enzo had never seen before stood in front of them with a book in hand.Quietly, Enzo made his way to the back-ish of the room, and found an open seat as Kenji made himself comfortable on top of Enzo's head.The room was quiet. The silence was only broken for a quick cough or the grind of chairs on tile floor.

The teacher cleared his throat before letting go of the book in his hand. It floated in mid-air beside him. "Salutations, new students, and welcome to my history class. I'm professor Uxhail, and this will probably be the last time you'll see me for a while, because this class only happens twice each year, and you may only attend once. Safety reasons."

"Safety reasons? What could possibily be in history class that's dangerous?" Enzo muttered quietly. "Shut up and you'll see."

The door to the hallway closed; all sounds from outside were muted. The book turned towards the students, who all looked at the book as it slowly opened. Text began to glow, and seemingly 'float' out of it's pages. It would then magically implant itself in the minds of the students who were attending. This was a type of intelligent magic, only used for schools and military camps as a method of fast learning. Enzo's eyes slowly closed as if he were dozing off - the same as the other students, even Kenji. In their minds, a scene was building itself. A scene from long ago.

More than a hundred thousand years ago, before the existence of humanity, there were two spirits that existed that did nothing but oppose each other by nature. One was Genesis, a being of pure light and will and then there was Aurora, which was the total opposite. An angry spirit of darkness and corruption. These two spirits came across mankind, and saw their sins, and the errors of their ways. As an effort to reduce it, Genesis redirected their lost souls to Aether, a realm made just for souls that only yearned for good will, while Aurora pulled the rest to the Gaze, a realm for the unfortunate - those who either did nothing, or did bad.

Of course, humans could do no more than to kill to survive, so magic was their gift. Their ability to choice their path in life. After this, humanity evolved quicker than any other race, eventually becoming the dominate race on earth.Years later, both Aurora and Genesis grew a desire to experience human life, so they began possessing human beings when they were found. Those humans would have incredible abilities, far beyond their peers. Throughout their life, they would grow to live with their spirited companion.

One man, ironically named Destruction, formed a group of people that would uphold the laws of magic, to make sure they were balanced, and that our homes were safe. They went by 'Guardians of Magic'. The guardians wore rings that held different types of borrowed power from Genesis.Eventaully, the Guardians died of age, but the rings stayed, and found new owners, which restarted it's cycle, and thus; they became the new Guardians of Magic.

This cycle has been going on even until now-

The 'magical way of learning' was interrupted. The mental connection between the students and the history book was cut short when a new student walked into the classroom. All of the student awoken from breaking the connection, and all eyes were on the new guy.


"Forgive me, Sensei. I'm late."

Jacen sighed again.

That explains it...luck of the draw I guess. "Not at fact, you did an amazing job. You're an asset to the team, there's no question about it." Jacen sat in the chair next to the bed, rotating his arm to relieve some of the stiffness.

"How about it's no one's fault...we're all new here, we don't know each other all that well. Teamwork comes over time and all that jazz."

He took deep breath in, holding for a few moments before exhaling a cold fog resembling the drag of a cigarette. "How are you feeling though? Fainting is never good, no matter how often it is..."

"Not at fact, you did an amazing job. You're an asset to the team, there's no question about it."

You did well.

You didn't disappoint people this time.

Rosalie's smile was soft, but her happiness shone through like sunshine.

"Th-thank you,"

she choked out, unable to surpress her emotion anymore,

"Thank you so, so-"

Here came a sob,

"-much, you don't know how much this means to me."

The girl was crying by now, her expression so relieved and her tone grateful, as if some huge weight had been lifted off of her shoulders.

Oh jeez...uhh. Damn. "Hey, don't cry..."Jacen grabbed a box of tissues from the desk behind him and set them in front of her.

"It means a lot having you on the team!" He gave her a warm smile, not one of the polite ones for business or general purpose, or a one with a contradictory thought behind it. A genuine of the first he's had in quite some time, and the first he's had at the school.

I wonder if she was put down a lot or something...

She took a tissue from the box, sniffling into it,

"I'm, I, I'm usually more controlled than this,"

she choked out,

"It's just--I, I didn't know how much I needed that until you said it."

Rosalie smiled at him through watering eyes,

"Re-Really, thank you."

The female wasn't going to give away her biography right now, but she could most definitely express her emotion.

She sniffed again, wiping the last of her tears away, and took a few deep breaths, calming herself down. After a moment, she looked forwards to Jacen,

"I apologize for that display of weakness. However, I really do need to thank you for your encouragement. I hope I will continue to satisfy the team with my efforts."

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