The Coming Darkness

Rini looked at the chef's asistant and started to order a big meal for a least a group of students.Each plate different from the next.The biggest being Italian,"Thank you!"Rini finished ordering wait for her food to be cooked and handed to her.

Rini looked over at Enzo,"Enzo I have a question....Why is that "student sitting on your head,and still with you?"Rini asked looking at with a blank masked face.She could smell his scent from the training area,and could see his familiar hair,even his smaller form.

All the while Rini was ordering and questioning,she could feel Chelsea's turmoil,'Whats wrong Chelsea?Are you Hungry?If you are you must eat,not humans,but the food they are providing.Starving yourself will only make it worse,but if you need help controlling the beast,I'm always here.'Rini's image Soul Self was still distant and unclear,as if opaque,to Chelsea.
Chelsea heard Rini. 'I'm fine.. But I don't want to kill over 30 kids like I did at my last school!' She thought, hopefully Rini could hear it. She lifted her head slowly, and watched the food being passed around.
Zack thanked the lunch lady when he got the two trays of food and turned to Enzo. "I suppose you were looking forward to sitting with me at lunch or something...?" Zack didn't dislike the idea, he just always ate with his friend. Typically not a problem, other than the fact that his friend was a bit of a secret. Zack didn't have a problem with it, and he did want to get to know his team better. He just wondered if they were willing to sit somewhere more private to eat.
Rini finally got her big tray of food,and took it to sit next to Chelsea,"OK,would you like talk openly or secretly?She asked her friend with a smile,as she snapped the chopsticks apart,and began to eat some of the ramen.The food on her tray range from Japanese to Italian,"Do you want some?"Rini asked with another smile and a small slurp
Enzo had shaken himself from a daze he found himself in. The only thing that seemed to stay in his head was Rini's question as to who Kenji was. "Well? You going to answer her?" The fox asked. "Oh, right. Sorry, I spaced out there for a moment." When he checked his surroundings, not only did Rini leave to get a table, but the only ones remaining there with him were Zack and Silver, so, he turned towards Zack to answer his question. "Yeah, if that's not a problem."

He grabbed two trays full of the same meal; ramen. One was for Kenji, while the other was for Enzo himself. He was just about to join Rini when he stopped by Silver. "Did you want anything? I can pay."
She could smell the food next to her. "Openly..." She murmured, filling her lungs of the delightful scent of the food. Chelsea poked her eye out, looking at the tray. "Heeeell yeah!" She cheered.
"N-no, it's not a big problem...I wouldn't mind. friend doesn't like people to see him...would you...mind if we ate somewhere more private...?" Zack just somehow felt that it was a rude request. "I mean...the team too, just...yeah" Zack was just not an expert at talking and may have been even worse at making requests. None the less, he really wanted to get to know his team better while still being able to sit with his friend.
Rini held out a bowl of Ramen for Chelsea to take,"Here..."After Chelsea took the Ramen,Rini had already finished off her own bowl,and was on the next plate/bowl of food.The next meal was a plate of Italian food,which was her favorite,"Do you want to control the beast inside,allowing you to call upon it's power when you wish?"Rini asked her teammate and friend,while picking up a slip of meat with a fork.
She looked to Rini when she mentioned to control it. "That's nearly impossible. I've tried it once, but I only infuriated it." She muttered, finishing the food.
"You and I have the same problem,but each dragon is different.Most of my dragon make me go through so some sort of test or fight them myself.You have to tame it,and I will gladly help you contain her.Dragons that are easily angered must be defeated and contained/tamed or else their anger will destroy the world.The fire dragon I have tamed is a hot head,and I must fight him frequently or else he will think I am weak,and leave me without his I will help you fight this dragon,but we will have to get the others to help,because once we will have to force the dragon out of your body,then leave our own bodies to battle it on the astral plane.While all of this is happening,our bodies will be open to any ghost or ghouls hoping to cause havoc through our bodies.Oh and don't worry about astral projecting,its easy.I use it to connect with any and all dragons that mimic!"Rini said finishing her plate of italian food,then opening a box of pizza.
"Interesting." She smiled a bit. "But... Good luck getting that thing out of me!" She chuckled. 'She has dragons too, eh?' She thought to herself.
Silver looked up at Enzo as he paused by her, asking if she wanted anything. He was willing to pay for her? That was awfully sweet of him to offer, since they didn't really know each other very well. Either way, the offer made Silver smile a little as she looked down and shook her head.

"N-No.. I'm fine, it's alright, really.." she tried to explain as her stomach growled yet again. Her face flushed up as she wrapped her arms around her stomach, looking back up to Enzo with a sheepish look on her face.
"Well...For one how did it get in you?I mean,if it was with you since birth,then it could have been a curse from one of your ancestors enemies.There are many possibilities,including it being sealed into by your parents,or someone else!"Rini explained finishing off the box of pizza quickly and neatly,surprisingly.She had finished at least three to four plates of food already,all in a matter of minutes.

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