The Coming Darkness

Rini had came into the class a little before Enzo did,but she was kind of distracted and her face was hidden a bit,so he probably couldn't tell that it was her sitting next to her.When Rini had finally revealed her face class had began and the imaged were flooding into her mind like the Ganges River after a full month of non-stop rain.

After a short period of the images,something stopped it dead in it's tracks.Rini looked up at the appearance of a young student,who she thought was a little cute,but she would not attempt to flirt with him,especially in her young body.That's one of the downfalls of her body aging,she couldn't get love easily,but she had no worry for that.

Who is he?I haven't seen him around before...
After all that had happened, Silver decided to skip class. She hadn't really done much, but she needed time to think about all that she saw. She needed time to think about that, and the fact that she had no idea what she was really supposed to be looking for. Could it have something to do with that boy who had the familiar following him around? Or was it something completely unrelated? The instructions she was given weren't very clear, but it would be better for everyone if she clarified them rather than just winging it. She was sent here on a mission, and she wanted to complete it and leave, since a small part of her feared she might grow too attached to the people she had already met. Fearing she had no other choice, she laid down on a bench just outside the school, and closed her eyes.

She woke up in a dark area, an area much too familiar. Suddenly, lights turned on, and she was in a small little house, with a couple rooms and a large area for living. It was completely empty. She looked around, trying to figure out where she was, but before she could, she found exactly who she was looking for. A taller man, with bright blue eyes and rather nice-looking black hair pulled back into a short, spiky ponytail. He leaned against the door frame, a frown on his face. "You forgot again, didn't you?" Silver looked down, frowning. She dare not speak up against him, so she remained silent. She almost cringed as she heard the footsteps walking towards her, and closed her eyes, waiting for whatever was about to happen to be over with. His hand touched her cheek lightly, and moved down to her chin, where he tilted her head up a bit more so he could see her face. His touch was icey, almost as if he wasn't living to begin with. Silver froze, and looked up to him, her eyes meeting his glare. It was so calming, yet terrifying at the same time. "Find the boy. You know which one. Find him, and bring him back here." Silver gulped lightly, and nodded. "Y-Yes, sir.." The man's face softened, and his hand dropped from her face. "Silver, you know you don't have to call me that. Am I not yo-"

"No! you're not."

After realizing that Silver had cut him off, she bit her lip, looking down again. "I-I'm sorry.. P-Please forgive me.." However, the man's face was no longer friendly, or warm. It stared down at her, clearly displeased. "Girl, you will learn one day not to talk back to those who hold authority over you." As he spoke, his voice became deeper, more demonic, and his face appeared to melt off. His once soft, attractive features fell into a puddle on the floor, and he got as close to Silver as he could, wrapping his arms around her. She felt all of his skin melting onto her, and falling down her own skin to the floor. She had goosebumps, and it almost felt as if she herself were melting or dissolving away into nothing. She felt herself begin to sweat, and she closed her eyes, trying to wake herself up. "You will learn.. Someday. Don't worry, love..." He leaned down to whisper into her ear, his body but an old-looking skeleton at this point. "..I'll teach you."

Silver jolted awake, shivering as she sat up properly and wrapped her arms around herself. She felt cold, and to onlookers probably looked rather pale as well. She let out a sigh of relief, knowing that this was reality, and she was safe... For now.
Chelsea limped through the halls, her face bloody from the fight. Surely, there would be scars. 'Just kill me already...' She muttered to herself.
"Be careful what you wish for." Sounded Red from right beside Chelsea. He had come from nowhere, it would do no good to try and figure out how. He had a rag in his hand, which he handed to Chelsea to clean her face with. "You did good, whelp."

The red-haired boy slid the classroom door shut, and found another empty seat next to Rini Tither. "That's okay, Enki. Believe it or not, most people didn't make it here today. That's why we have two classes." The teacher gave the boy a warm smile as reassurance, then continued on.

The rest of the class was ordinary. The teacher talked of great legacies dealing with magic, and how some of them came to be as they were now. At the end of the class, everyone stood up, collected their things, and began to leave. Kenji was asleep for most of it, and was no help whatsoever. When Enzo stood up, he recognized the girl he was sitting next to. "Rini? Oh, hey! I didn't expect anyone from my team to be here."
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"Hey Enzo!Yea,I swung by to learn a bit about the past.You never know,we might need to use this in the future,or one of us might become a guardian!"Rini giggled as she stepped up next to the taller male with a smile.Rini thought about it for a moment,"Maybe we should go see how Rosalie is doing..."Rini said pulling Enzo along while taking sly look back at the new kid who had came in late.

I have never seen him before...Did he just transfer or something...I will investigate him later,after we check on Rosalie.Her teammate was her top priority at the moment.
The red haired one only lowered his head as Rini and Enzo made their way out of the classroom with the others. He had to do some 'overtime' with the teacher once everyone else was gone. Enzo was startled to see Rini so eager to visit Rosalie. Something about visiting now gave him a bad idea. Once they were out in the halls, Enzo shouted out. "Wait a minute!" Before coming to a halt, either stopping Rini with him or totally severing the hold. "We shouldn't disturb her. I bet she's sleeping or something. W-we should just go somewhere else - perhaps outside?" He offered an alternative.
(sorry I haven't posted in a while, we've been moving and I haven't had any wifi))

Zack woke up from his nap some time later and simply wandered the school. He didn't think that he deserved to learn anything from a school he wasn't enrolled in. He didn't know what to do anymore, he felt like a criminal. I don't deserve to be here...It's like I'm lying to everyone... He sat down against a wall I don't want to be a liar...
Chelsea looked to Red. "Listen... I can do much, much worse if you underestimate me..." She leaned in to whisper in his ear. "I will literally take you to hell." She stepped back, wiping her face with the rag. "So... You should be the one who's careful." She muttered, throwing the bloody rag to his face.
Rini was pulled to a halt by Enzo,who appeared rather skinny and small,not at all strong like he actually is,"Alright!I'm OK with that,but I'm pretty sure Jacen is with her still.Lead the way Enzo..."Rini said turning around to face Enzo with a smile.
Red had a feeling Chelsea would hold a grudge or two because of that training session. He quickly grabbed the rag and gave her a disappointed face. "You don't have to be such a sore loser, yanno. Nobody expected you guys to actually win against us." He explained. "Still, don't feed into that negative emotion. It won't do you any good." The brute gave his warnings, and turned down another hall, disappearing from Chelsea's sight.

Enzo was happy to see that Rini wasn't the rebellious type. He felt as if he'd have to watch out for her and the others a lot more than he'd normally need to, once they were out on the field. Instead of the infirmary, Enzo led Rini through the lobby and out to the courtyard. Students were beginning to travel in groups now that they had been organized into teams. It seems they had no trouble in making friends with one another.

Enzo did a quick scan of the courtyard in front of the school, and caught a glimpse of Silver, the team member who actually didn't do much. She looked a bit winded, so Enzo tugged Rini's arm and went over to see what the deal was. "Silver. That was your name, right? You did goo-" For just that moment, he had forgotten that Silver hadn't done a thing in training, and had barely caught himself giving her an empty compliment. "-I mean, you look great!" "Oh boy." Really? Were those my backup words?
She squinted at his disappearance. 'I didn't expect to win. I expected for you to kick my a*s and piss me off.' She thought. And negative expressions for her only put fear into other people's heads. But she can only see a glimpse of it in Red's.
Silver was beginning to calm down a bit when a sudden voice nearby made her jump, snapping her out of the trance she was in. She looked up to see Enzo and Rini, and quickly tried to wipe the helpless expression off her face. No one needed to see that side of her, ever. Shaking her head lightly, she stood up, only then realizing what he had just said. She looks great? "...Umm.. Th-Thanks. Did you need something?" As she spoke Silver felt a chill run up her spine, giving her goosebumps all over. She closed her eyes for a quick second, opening them to realize exactly who Enzo was. Her eyes grew wide, and the pale color she had before started fading back into her skin. What should she do?...
Silver didn't look so good after all. A stuttered response and pale skin was all she could give as a response. It was as Enzo feared. "Ah, we were just coming to check up on you. If we're going to be team members, we should know each other, yeah? Do you want to go get lunch? I'm sure it's that time already."

Kenji, who had been balancing between consciousness and a deep sleep
, noticed Silver's odd behavior, and paid attention to it. The way she looked at Enzo... Does she know what he really is? It would obviously be a problem to the three if she did. It took all of Kenji's willpower to ignore it.
Zack had stayed sitting at the side of the hallway when he noticed more and more students were going down the hall. He wondered if this meant anything significant, then he noticed it. Some people were carrying paper sacks. Logically, it must've been lunch time. This actually did mean something to Zack as he hadn't eaten anything in a while. Neither had his friend either. So, Zack got up and went down the hall with the other students, obviously wondering what today's menu was. I hope they're serving some meat. He likes meat.
Silver was a bit surprised at the offer to go get some lunch. While she was hungry, she wasn't sure about the whole 'getting to know everyone' deal. She rubbed her forehead a little, trying to ignore the obnoxious feelings she was getting from him again. Glancing between Enzo, Rini, and the familiar who was always with Enzo, she sighed. Did she really have a choice at this point? Well, it would probably help them to trust her a bit more, which she felt was probably a good thing. Or, maybe it wasn't.. Silver couldn't help but wonder, was the pain of betrayal worse than the pain of getting stabbed in the back by a stranger?

"...A-Alright.. Where are we headed?..."
"There's a cafeteria inside the school, just beside the lobby, come on." Enzo beckoned to the two as he peeled off to go back inside the cool air of the school. Just inside the school, and off to the side, was a cafeteria, separated from the lobby by a glass wall, though there were a set of glass doors just off to the side which permitted entry. "Last night, after introductions, I had the time to study the school map. Did you know there's a library with nearly five thousand magic books inside this place? I'm not much of a reader, but i'd love to check it out. There's also a gym, too."

As Enzo was just nearing the glass doors, he spotted Zack coming in from the hallway. "Oh look, it's Zack!" He tried his best to wave him over to gain the boy's attention. "Maybe he'll join us, too?"
Zack didn't respond to Enzo, but only because he didn't notice him. He was busy looking over the menu so he could see what he planned on getting his friend. Basically, he was just a boy with a sword standing there, gripping his right arm for whatever reason, staring up at the lunch menu for today. He kinda stood out as he was the only person trying to develop a lunch strategy.
Enzo let his arm down slowly. He frowned a little, but assumed that Zack hadn't the slightest clue they were there. He looked back to Rini and Silver, and shrugged, before walking up to the glass doors and holding it open for them.
"Let's see...potatoes, oranges, celery, soup..." Huh. This place has some fairly good food. I've heard most school food is disgusting, but homemade leek soup doesn't sound bad to me. Oh look, chicken! Hopefully they'll have ranch dressing, he likes his chicken best with ranch. It became apparent that Zack might've been a little too into reading. 
Zack was just about to go into the lunchroom when he turned and noticed Enzo. "Oh...Hi Enzo. How are you?" Does he still remember that I went insane and cut his hand??? What a dumb question, how do you forget a sword cutting into your hand?! For one thing, it's an unpleasing memory in the first place and secondly, he should still have the cut on his hand. Why do I ask the dumbest questions...? Zack sighed and shrugged all that off. "Sorry for going insane during training..."
Silver simply followed along as Enzo tried talking to them. She still felt uneasy about the situation since she found out just who Enzo was, but there was nothing she could do for now. However, she perked up a bit after Enzo mentioned a library filled with magical books. She began to wonder about what sort of things she might be able to find in such a library, but was quickly brought back down to earth as Enzo began walking towards someone. Oh, it was Zack. Silver followed Enzo, but kept a couple of feet between her and him. In this case, it was better to be safe than sorry.

The color in Silver's skin was just about back to normal as she looked away, avoiding eye contact with anyone. She looked on to see all the food options the cafeteria had, her stomach let out a low growl. Her face flushing up a bit, she looked down as she crossed her arms, trying to ignore it and pretend like it never happened. She didn't have any money to buy food with at this point, anyways.
Chelsea walked into the cafeteria. Her eyes draggy and sore. Her head scanned the other entities in the building, And muttered words. "Dragon... Food... People... School..." Her eyes widened. "Don't look. At. The. Other. People. And Food...." She whispered, slamming her head on the table.
Enzo smiled at Zack when he approached. It didn't take long for him to apologize about the 'incident' they had. "Oh, that? Don't worry about it!" He chuckled. Come to think of it, Enzo's wound didn't hurt all that much anymore. At some point between then and the training session, he had gotten his wound wrapped up. The blood had stopped and the stinging was nearly non-existant.

Enzo walked into the lunchroom, it was clean, cool, and the people there were eating as normal. As for
the line, it was fairly short. Enzo was already up to the front of the line before he knew it. In front of him was one of the chef's assistants, obviously a student herself. "Can I help you with anything?" She asked Enzo. "Uhh.." was all Enzo could lull out as his eyes were planted upward toward the menu. He carefully scanned the menu. "Ramen? Yeah, I'll have ramen." "Make that two." Kenji added, only his pointing hand visible, sticking up into the air while the rest of his body was hidden within his hair. The assistant laughed in response and nodded, looking back at Enzo's companions for their order. "And what can I get you three?" She asked, addressing Zack, Rini and Silver.

While Enzo waited for his friends to input their order, his wandering eyes spotted Chelsea, sitting down at one of the tables not too far away, sulking. He frowned a bit, and made it a mental note to sit by her when he got his food.
Silver glanced up at the woman taking orders for food, and quickly shook her head, a bit embarrassed. Why had she been standing there if she wasn't going to order food? Feeling a bit embarrassed, she flushed up more and went to stand by Enzo, waiting for him to pick a seat. Seeing his eyes wandering, she couldn't help herself to see where he was looking. Ah, it was the dragon girl. Her head was down on the table, and she didn't look so happy. Ah well. It wasn't like it was any concern of hers at this point, anyways. Silver huffed quietly to herself and looked down in front of her, at her feet. Maybe this would be a good idea to slip away to the library. She glanced up at the top of Enzo's head, specifically what rested on top of it. What was the deal with that, anyways? She'd have to look into familiars and their behavior a bit more since she hardly knew anything about them to begin with.
The smell of food raced through her head. "Nope..Nope...Nope........Nope..." She said, slamming her head again. "Stooooop! Wait..." She paused. "Okay... Nope.. Nopenopenopenope....."
Zack was the next to order and, surprisingly, he went and named off quite a bit of food, mainly consisting of chicken and ranch, a salad, some fruit and some mashed potatoes, plus a few extra things. What became even more surprising was when he said that he only wanted the salad and that the rest was for his very good friend, whom nobody else knew about at the moment. "I'm sorry if I'm not supposed to order for two's just that he doesn't like people to see him."

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