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Fantasy The Coming Darkness

As Natasha's vision finally released her, she struggled to awaken, but felt like she was suffocating in her memories. Feeling the warmth of a fireplace warming her, she whimpered, using the physical sensations to drag her spirit back to her body. Focusing on the hand on her shoulder, she grounded herself. After a minute of adjusting to her surroundings, she said "You have my deepest apologies for that, that was very rude. Um, to sum up what just happened, I'm a seer. Not a very good one either, I've only had 3 visions in my lifetime and my family has a strong history of going mad from this 'gift'. This was my strongest vision so far, I couldn't see much, only a blonde man who looked like a king. He was giving a grand speech about something to an army clad in black. Now that I think about it, I didn't even see any humans there, which is odd. The only thing I heard from his speech was 'those human...monsters'. I-I have no idea what that vision was, but something's happening, something big, something bad, and once it happens, it's going to impact all of us." Her speech became gradually more panicked, the words tumbling out of her mouth. "Wow, I need another drink, that was exhausting."

Elysia hesitated briefly before entering the house, trying to search for any sign that she may be in danger once she crossed the threshold. Nothing stood out to her, however. Her biggest threat were the people that were joining her. This would provide a more enjoyable evening than being home with her mother, as long as she didn't die in the process.

Sia's eyes flickered around the darkened room. The building was roughly the same size as her own home, as was typical of Haldur. She crossed to one of the walls and leaned against it, sheathing one of her blades. The other, she twirled absently in her hand. She felt better having at least one weapon ready in case she might need it.

Maethyra started a fire using magic and Sia was distressed to realize that she was also a mage. Magic made her uncomfortable to some degree. She had no way of protecting herself against it like she could a weapon. She felt a little better when she had her bow but she'd left it back at home this evening. She couldn't protect herself at a distance, now.

As Kleros removed his cloak, Elysia's eyes were drawn to the crest on his breastplate. It was distantly familiar to her, though she couldn't recall why. Kaldur entered then, carrying Natasha. Elysia had noticed that she'd seemed rather distressed while they made the journey from the tavern but she hadn't concerned herself very much. As the knight set her down, she realized that his armor was similar to the other man's.

Natasha announced that she was a Seer and drew Elysia's attention back to her. That was interesting. She wondered what kinds of things the girl could foresee. What a helpful power that must be. "A Seer?" Elysia repeated, shrugging away from the wall and stepping towards her. She went on to explain what she had seen to the group and Elysia considered it.

"Those human monsters?" Elysia scoffed, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. Of course, she couldn't exactly be considered a perfect upstanding member of society. She had no doubt that there were people who considered her a monster. "And you believe this army is heading this way?" If so, she didn't wish to be here when they arrived. She had always planned to travel, to escape her mother. Now was as good a time as any.
Natasha shook her head in regret. "I have no idea where they're heading, or I would have already suggested we leave town. All I know is fate has destined that we will have something to do with the army. Feel free to leave if you wish, it won't work. For now, I think the best thing for all of us I to just get some sleep. We'll ask around tommorow to see if anyone's heard anything about an anti-human army. One of us should definitely get some information, with the diverse influence each of us has." She glanced around at the variety of mages, theifs, bards, and knights. As she spoke, she wandered to the kitchen, knowing she wouldn't be able to get any rest without some alcohol to force her mind quiet. "Sound like a good plan?"
"I agree with Natasha", Maethyra nodded then said, "Tomorrow we'll start a reconnaissance mission and figure out if anyone knows anything." She yawned and stretched, "For now, I say we sleep." She found a seat in the corner of the room and went to sit down. Soon after, she fell asleep, dreaming of the coming darkness.

((AHAHAHHAHAHAAA! See what I did there...))
(Ahaha, nice. Do you just want to skip to morning now? There's really no point waiting for everyone to post that they're going to sleep)
[QUOTE="Dark Elfling](Ahaha, nice. Do you just want to skip to morning now? There's really no point waiting for everyone to post that they're going to sleep)

((Well, we could... But, then we'd just leave everyone else out since you and I are the only ones posting at the moment.))
((well, alright then!))

Natasha yawned as she was awaken by the piercing sun. She grumbled, reluctantly crawling off the sofa to get some coffee. Starting a pot, she smiled as the rich scent filled the house, luring the others into the kitchen as well.
Kleros opened his eyes, looking around as he sat up, his arm tightly clutched around his weapon. After a moment, he stood up and strapped the scabbard with the sword inside to his waist, leaving his armor in another place for the time being as he was able to finally rest in his regular clothes. He stretched and sat down at a chair, sighing and taking in a bit of the air.
Hearing movement in the living room, Natasha poured another cup of coffee, and carried both cups to Kleros, carefully weaving round the people scattered across the room, unwilling to let go of Morpheus just yet. She sat next to him, and handed him his coffee. They sat in a companionable silence till she chimed up, speaking in a hushed tone. "Penny for your thoughts?"
Kleros thanked Natasha as she brought the coffee over to him. He turned his head to look back at the armor, looking back forwards afterward. "I'm not thinking about anything too specific, really. But these... visions. You say it's an anti-human type organization you've been seeing"? Kleros turned to look at her, asking in a serious tone.
Natasha straightened at his question. "Yes, a whole army of them. Why, have you heard of them? Do you know who they are?" She gazed anxiously up at him. The visions were really starting to bother her, and it would save them a lot of time if one of them already knew something about them or what to do about them.
Kleros shook his head, looking down at her. "No, I don't know them. But if it's an anti-human organization, that's a large problem. This could be something on a large scale. This could very well start a race war if this... movement grows large enough. Do you know anything about what their plans are, where or when they plan to strike the humans"?
Natasha's face fell. "No, unfortunately this vision was sent to one of the only untrained seers in the realm. I've never been trained to hone my abilities, so my vision was very obsure. I have no clue what their plans are, I can only hope they won't stray too close to Haldur."

Elysia did not get much sleep that night. She had sat with her back against the wall away from the rest of the group, still distrusting and wary about falling asleep. As a result, the little she got was fitful and tense. She kept her blades in her hands but she must have fallen into a deeper unconscious because when she awoke, they were resting on the floor and her head on her satchel.

Sia blinked blearily and lifted her head as she took in the room. Most of the others were still sleeping but one of the elves and one of the knights were sitting up not far from her. She yawned and sat up herself, sheathing her blades and searching through her satchel to ensure that nothing had been taken from it.

Elysia moved her arms over her head and arched her back, stretching it out before yawning again. She ran her fingers through her hair while she listened to the end of the conversation taking place.

"I imagine that they heading directly to Haldur. Unless you normally get visions that don't directly affect you?" she asked curiously, injecting herself into the conversation. Her muscles were tight from sleeping on the wooden floor and she got to her feet so that she could stretch them out.
Natasha turned to Elysia, "No, my visions always affect me, I suppose your right. That means they're coming to Haldur. The only question is when." As a suffocating silence surrounded them, each of them pondering the consequences of this, Natasha shot up from her seat. "I'm going to go make breakfast for us, I don't think we should go outside till everyone's awake and we have a plan." Natasha patted Elysia's arm as she passed by her, "There's some coffee in the kitchen if you want. And you guys can call me Tasha."
Kleros sat for a moment thinking about the timeframe before standing up and walking over to where his equipment was placed. He removed the scabbard from his belt and placed it in front of him, beginning to strap his armor on piece by piece so that he would be ready if anything were to happen. He took a quick glance outside before continuing, strapping the armor pieces on through belts and buckles.

Elysia was startled by the gentle gesture as Natasha passed her. She was unused to any sort of affectionate contact from someone she wasn't attempting to seduce. Certainly not from anyone who she had only just met. It caused her to pause and watch as the girl disappeared into the adjoining room. Of course, this could all be part of their plan; to lure her into a false sense of security. She couldn't let her guard down.

Elysia shook herself and leaned back against the wall behind her as she watched Kleros reapply his armor. "Now, don't get dressed on my account," she teased, flashing him a smile and a wink. She was curious about how he had attached the purse in such a way that he could adjust the tightness by that string pulley system. It would be a valuable thing for her to learn for when she concealed her own coin.

"Tell me, knight. Why did you allow me to leave with your coin pouch last night? Somehow I don't believe you would have followed me if not for the others. Were I you, I would have demanded some sort of payment for the crime yet you did not even draw attention from the crowd. Why is that?" she pressed, studying him intently.
Kleros continued to equip his armor, strapping the belts of a bracer onto his arm as he spoke. "Why did I let you leave with the pouch? That's a good question". Kleros finished the bracer, moving onto the bracer for his other arm. "Perhaps because neither of us knew what had really been taken". He finished the bracer, moving onto another piece of armor afterwards. He turned to look at Elysia. "Now tell me, why didn't you leave faster than you did"? Kleros finished the armor, moving onto his boots as he sat down to put them on.

Elysia continued to study the man as he donned his armor. She was surprised by his response and tilted her head as she considered him. "Didn't you?" she asked, her eyebrows coming together. "You have more than one then?" That was wise. She did the same, after all. "And...what? They are filled with different things?" Did he have a decoy pouch? She had come across one or two of them in her time as a thief. She remembered the anger and frustration at finding that her efforts had been for nothing. Perhaps it was a good thing she had been caught and her hopes had not been dashed once she'd arrived home.

He asked a question in return and Elysia smirked. "If you are implying that I had hoped to be caught, you are mistaken. I am rarely ever caught. Still, I understand the nature of the question. If I had simply rushed from the building I would have drawn attention, no? For someone like myself, it is always best to remain as anonymous as possible. Plus, your little friend startled me, rushing up as she did. I was not expecting her."

Sia crossed the room to him, leaning against the wall where he stood. "Can I see it? The system you have beneath your cloak that allows you to tighten your pouch without touching it? I understand that it will be damaged now, but I am curious all the same."
Kleros stopped fiddling with the armor for a moment to raise an eyebrow and look at Elysia. "Can you see it? The system under my cloak? I'm not wearing a cloak, not sure what you're speaking of". Kleros nodded and smiled, starting back with the armor. He finished putting his boots on and stood, looking at her. "Usually people wouldn't want to reveal such things as the system."
Natasha whistled quietly, occupying her mind with the menial task to cooking. It was only 6 am but with such a large group, its good that she started now. Unsure of what to make, she simply made a bit of everything, eggs, bacon, and two types of pancakes. As they cooked, she hopped onto the counter near the window, and quietly basked in the sun, stretching like a happy cat.

Elysia smiled a little at his glibness. "Not at the moment, of course, but you were last night. Besides, I do not know what I am looking for. I felt the string, yes, but I don't know to what it was attached. I imagine there are hooks involved, yes? Somehow, you were able to tighten the purse without reaching for it. I almost gave up on you then, you know. If the tavern hadn't been so crowded, I would have walked away."

Elysia laughed softly when he did not give away his secret. Alright, she would play along. "So there is a system. Come, tell me," she urged, her curiosity building inside her. When he did not respond right away she gave in. "Alright," she allowed, straightening up. "What is it you would like in return?"
"What would I like in return? Hmm... I suppose there's nothing of too much value to be gained or lost here anyway". Kleros shifted, letting the light shine better on his armor. He pointed out hooks attached to the belts of his armor in which one could tighten or loosen whatever is connected to it, looping it around separate hooks in order to lock the object in place. He then walked over to his sword, strapping the scabbard on his side before turning back to look at Elysia. "Was that able to satisfy the curiosity?"

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