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Fantasy The Coming Darkness

Natasha felt a shiver run down her spine. Her inner seer rose, eyes glazing as she sought the source all she got was was the vague impression of an army and a bad feeling. Those kind of visions were getting more and more frequent, something's going to happen. Something big. She put the thought in the back of her mind when she noticed everyone glancing strangely at her. Forcing a smile on her face, she stood up, leaving her drink on the table. "We should head out now. Its not safe to linger on the streets at dark." After another vision like that, she didn't want to risk it, it's best they're inside before the dark and its creatures rise into the streets. "Everyone's coming right? It's too late to go to your houses now, might as well join us. You too, Elysia." She didn't know what was happening but the more people they had together, the safer they'd be. Her eyes darted anxiously to the door.
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(alright. I was just trying to plan when to do my work so I'd have enough free time for rping. Guess I'm doing it now.)
Politely refusing the drink Natasha offered, Kulor restlessly scanned the crowd again before responding to the group's questions.

"Yes, now would be a good time to get moving. We'd be safer from the lowlife that crawl around at night in a group, but they'd likely get more desperate the longer we wait." Kulor pushed a few coins to the barkeep, and mentioned to look after his still sleeping client. "Alright, whenever everyone is ready. My house isn't too much of a walk, but it'd be best for the trip to be as brief as possible." Looking to Chris and then to Elysia, he added "Both of you are welcome to come along, if you'd like"
"Yes, everyone should come. Lets go." Natasha's powers burst out, trying to herd everyone to the door. She was getting very nervous, her visions were getting worse, something bad was happening. If she knew what, she could warn them, but all she got were flashes of a man with blond hair and some kind of army of black clad men. She didn't know where the army was headed or who it'd affect but she had a sinking feeling it would affect the entire group. She glaced nervously out the window noting it was a full moon. "Lets just go, quickly. Everyone. Now." She blurted in a disjointed burst and she mentally tried to search for what the army was and simultaneously focus enough to walk without running into something.
Kleros raised an eyebrow at Natasha momentarily before speaking, his deep voice slightly muffled by the armor. "I am ready myself". He reached under his cloak and moved his belt, slight sounds of metal contacting as he did so. He turned to look at the door before looking at everyone else, checking to see if the group as a whole was ready to depart; they would likely not be coming back, at least not all of them.

Elysia did not refuse the drink she'd been offered but she was not pleased about being urged out of the tavern door. She still didn't trust any of these people, regardless of their understanding thus far. Mostly because of their understanding thus far. It seemed she did not have much of a choice but to join them, however. Natasha was firmly herding her towards the exit and despite how much she resisted against the force of air, she was pushed forward regardless.

"Ugh!" Sia huffed, lifting the skirt of her dress a little to better free her feet as she walked. "Enough. I'm leaving," she assured her, storming ahead of the group and through the tavern door. Dusk had begun to fall over the city and Elysia breathed in the night air. The tavern had been heavy with the scent of alcohol and sweat and it was a relief to be out in the street once more, even if the air out here was not much cleaner.

Turning, Elysia waited for the rest of the group to emerge. Perhaps it wouldn't be such a waste. She might even be able to take something from one of them if they grew comfortable enough in her company and she could be quite convincing when she chose to be. Even so, her hand rested against one of her blades. She was not completely satisfied that they would not try to kill her once they were elsewhere. She would not be able to take all of them on at once and that made her nervous. She had some poison with her, and a number of elixirs that caused temporary paralysis. She might be able to slip something to them if it was required.
Kleros turned away from the bar and towards the door of the tavern, beginning to step towards the doorway. He glanced back for a short time before returning his gaze ahead of him, walking to the door. Kleros pulled his hood over his head before walking out into the cold air, walking to the side and standing by the doorway as he waited for the others in the group to come out of the tavern as well.
Maethyra walked through the tavern door then caught up with Elysia. She then noticed then noticed Elysia reach for her blade, and walked up beside her and chuckled, "Whaddya planing on doin' with that blade, huh?" She flashed Elysia a smile and then whispered, "You're out numbered anyway." She winked then dropped back behind to look for Kulor. Ever since their introduction, Maethyra had been curious to find out the fellow Kitiran's story.
(Welp. I've got nothing to do for a while until Athael gets attacked. Apologies in advance, just can't do anything with what I've restricted myself to atm)
Kulor followed Maethyra, Elysia, Natasha, and Kleros out of the tavern and into the evening air. The sun had already set, and the full moon had almost risen over the clouds. Motioning for the group to follow him, he said with a hushed tone, "Keep quiet and move quickly, and keep your blade or ... magic ready." He stepped over a puddle that was reflecting the full moon, giving the alleyway the tavern was located in an ominous, otherworldly glow as they moved towards a decrepit stone stairway.

Elysia regarded the elf girl with contempt. Despite her earlier decision to relinquish her hostility in favor for pleasantries, she seemed to be seeking some sort of confrontation and Sia was more than happy to deliver it. Of course, she would bide her time. As the girl said, she was outnumbered. She returned her smile prettily and tilted her head some. "Pray you don't find out," she replied sweetly, her fingers moving around the hilt of her dagger. The elf underestimated her. Perhaps they all did considering she had been caught by them. That was alright with Elysia. The less they expected of her, the more powerful she was.

Her eyes followed that of the elf's to the armored man at by the tavern door. Kleros, was it? She studied him for a moment, unsure of what to make of him. He had known she had managed to free the purse from him. She was sure that he would have felt the relief of weight from his person. So, why hadn't he been the one to stop her? And why did he demand no retribution?

The other knight emerged from the tavern and urged them to move quickly with him. She did not object and pulled her blades free from their sheaths. While they remained hidden behind her wrists, they would be easier to use when they were free. She did not imagine that the group would find trouble considering there was quite a number of them, but it was always best to be wary and alert in Haldur.
Kleros kept one hand on the left side of his waist under the cloak, his right hand on the front of his leg. He followed Kulor, stepping away from the tavern and past the puddle as he eyed the surroundings from under the hood of the cloak. He watched and listened to make sure that no trouble was lurking, looking back at the rest of the group momentarily to confirm as to whether or not they had seen or heard anything.
"Hm..." Maethyra wonderd why Kulor had been on such high alert. Not wanting to cause a disruption, she decided to withhold her questions until the group arrived to where Kulor's home. Taking Kulor's advice, Maethyra took her magic staff out of it's holdster on her hip and kept it in her hand. Making sure to stay near the group, she marveled at how eerie yet somewhat majestic Haldur appeared beneath the full moon's light. "Wow." She muttered under her breath.
Natasha frantically flipped through her visions, trying to understand why her visions were so vague when this is obviously a significant event. She felt a spike of pain when she realized she was acting just like her nut job father. Lost in her visions, she couldn't notice where she was going, so she slipped closer to the group, blindly gripping the first person she found to try to ground herself as the visions locked her in her mind.
Worried that something was wrong Natasha, Maethyra walked up to her, "Hey, are you alright?" Maethyra questioned with a concerned look on her face. Though Maethyra has always been untrusting of others, Natasha was the first person she met in Haldur that she considered a friend already. "Do you require my assistance, Natasha?"
She shivered, faintly hearing a voice. She glanced up at with glazed eyes, managing enough coherence to stutter out, "Tell later, seer, bad vision." and blindly clinging to Maethyra's arm, buring her face in her shoulder, trusting her to guide Nat to safety as she sunk back into her mind, a dim voice of her teacher leacturing her about personal space and showing such blind trust to a stranger. Unfortuantly, she had no choice, she was finally making progress with the vision getting a bit clearer, she saw a king lording over a giant crowd. A rousing speech by the king, the words humanity...monsters...the only thing she could decipher. Luckily, they were almost at the house, where she could sit and recover from this. Her skills were so out of practice, it gave her migraines when she did have visions.
Afraid to break whatever trance Natasha seemed to be under, Maethyra remained her guide in hopes of reaching Kulor's home soon. As she felt Natasha's heated face rest on her arm, she placed her staff over Natasha's head as they continued to walk and cast another cooling- similar to the one she used in the tavern- in hopes of somewhat soothing her friend. Maethyra looked to Kulor, "No need to seem pushy, but are we near arriving to our destination?" She continued to walk with Natasha hanging on her arm.
Arriving at his house after a short walk, Kulor unlocked the door and ushered everyone inside. Seeing Natasha was having trouble, he propped the door open with a stone and rushed over to Natasha and Maethyra. As he reached them, he put and arm under Natasha's knees, picking her up and replying to Maethyra, "Yup, there's tinder to the left of the fireplace. Get a fire started and I'll find Natasha something to drink."
Maethyra nodded, "Right then." She went to the pile of wood and grabbed a few logs then placed it in the fireplace. Then with the snap of her index finger and thumb, she directed a shot of fire into the fireplace and lit the wood. With the fire lit, she walked over to the door and kicked over the stone and shut the door, then she walked over to Natasha, placed her hand on her shoulder and asked, "Are you back now, Natasha?" She hoped that the girl was okay, wondering what all had just happened.
Kleros walked into the house, pulling down his hood as he did so. He unfastened his cloak, and it slowly fell where he grabbed it and placed it away to the side, revealing his armor. The dark grey armor had the engravings as would be expected on a Kitaran suit of armor, his surcoat bearing Kitaran designs. At his back was a shield to match the symbols, a longsword resting on his waist in a leather scabbard which was strapped to his body via belt. Kleros' helmet was fasted to his side, and he lowered his neckpiece to fully reveal his face.

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