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Fantasy The Coming Darkness

Maethyra chuckled, and walked back to Tasha and sat next to her, "Are you thinking about it?" She questioned, as she brought up a ball of fire with the snap of her fingers, and then turning her hand a bit to let the fire float above the palm of her hand. "It isn't hard." She smiled.
She sighed enviously. "I think it's because I learnt wind first." She formed another fireball, not noticing that she'd been forming them with wind first, instead of fire first like Maethyra.
Maethyra frowned, "Probably so, maybe try closing you eyes, breathing out, and THEN try making the fireball." She shrugged, "Who knows, it may work."
Glancing at Maethyra, she saw her creating the fireball and suddenly shot up in surprise. "Oh! Oh, I'm an idiot. Because my instincts are so honed on wind, I'm creating a wind, then blowing fire onto it unconsciously. Instead, I need to...do..THAT. Ha, I got it!" She laughed in delight when a fireball flared in front of her, bright and powerful. She extinguished it quickly, tackling Maethyra in a hug, both of them to fall back onto the floor. She laughed in surprise, trying to untangle herself to get up. "Sorry, sorry! I got excited."
Kulor returned somewhat shortly, walking in to see Natasha tackle Maethyra. Closing the door gently, he took off his helmet and tucked it under his arm before he continued inward. Sitting on the corner of a well worn couch without his bag of coin, he watched Natasha and Maethyra untangling themselves, and gave a light chuckle when Natasha apologized.
Natasha beamed, "Kulor, you're back! We're just waiting for Kleros and Elysia. Look what I just learnt!" She bounced up to him with a childlike grin, a ball of white hot flame bursting to life on her palm, the fire twirling in the same pattern as her dress as it spun.
Maethyra laughed, sitting up, "No need to apologize!" She gave Tasha a hug and squeezed her tight, then looked over at the couch, "Oh, hey, Kulor!" Marthyra grinned then laughed and let go of Tasha. "Did you bring the others with you?" She questioned.
Kulor grinned and shook his head as Natasha bounded around with childlike enthusiasm, flame in her hands. Standing up, he responded to Maethyra while walking towards the kitchen, "No, I have brought only myself. I sold the house and put the rest of my coin in the most secure bank in Haldur. When we arrive in Kitirae, I'll be able to withdraw the gold. Much easier then carrying around that clanking bag. I don't know when the others are to be back." As he finished, he pulled a chair from under the kitchen table and turned it around, facing the door, before he sat back down.
Maethyra nodded, "Wise decision, Kulor." She shook her head in disappointment, "Now where are the others, it has been well past an hour now." She sighed.

Elysia stormed into the house eliciting a string of profanities. She barely registered the others as she threw her things onto the floor and clenched her fists in an attempt to keep herself from punching a wall. Her mother was infuriating at the best of times and the conversation hadn't gone over smoothly. Things would have grown much worse, Sia was sure, if she had remained any longer than she had. She lingered only long enough to warn the old woman of the coming trouble and that she would be taking her leave. She did not offer to bring her along and her mother accused her of being selfish and uncaring. Of course she was. Hadn't she been brought up to be such?

Once she'd finally gotten around the woman and into her room, Elysia packed up only what she would need. In her satchel she carried her coins and things of value that she could sell along the way. She also took a few provisions such as dried meats and vegetables as well as a couple of water skins. She also carried a number of different poisons and potions, each labeled with cryptic pictures rather than words and some herbs and plants to make more at a later stage and some changes of underclothes.

Once her satchel was ready, Elysia quickly changed out of her dress and into her leather armor. At her waist she strapped her blades and a third rested against her thigh. On her back she carried her blackened longbow and quiver and a simple bedroll. Surprisingly, it all fit on her person rather neatly and was not as heavy as she had feared. After all, they would most likely be travelling on foot for some time.

Leaving had caused another argument and eventually Elysia simply had to rush out of the door. She was furious and eager to get going and be free from Haldur finally. She was more than ready to put this life behind her.

Sia finally turned to face the others, breathing deeply in an attempt to collect herself. "We're still missing one?"
Maethyra looked at Elysia wide-eyed with concern, "Uh... yes. Now we are missing Kleros." She shook her head, "You seem exasperated, I hope all is well." She frowned, then asked, "Would you like something to drink to calm your nerves?" She offered a slight smile to the rather irate Elysia.

"No, all is not well but when is it ever?" Elysia sighed, closing her eyes momentarily. When she opened them again she was calm but clearly impatient to be on the move. She leaned against the doorway and crossed her arms over her chest. "No. I don't need anything." She might have thanked her for the offer but she was too irritated to worry about manners at the moment. Instead, she fell silent and gazed out of the window in the hopes of catching sight of their last companion. "In which direction are we heading?" she asked, her eyes still searching the street outside. "North to Kitirea or South to Avdren? Do you know from which direction this organisation is coming from, Tasha?" She imagined that they would be storming in the direction of Avdren if they hoped to assert dominance but perhaps not.
Tasha didn't respond. She'd gone into another trance, this time instead of going unconscious she was just frozen. Blinking at hearing her name she came back to reality with a jerk. "It's not an army. It's worse, they're an organization. These people aren't just planning to fight, they honestly think they're fighting for a just cause. They're going to spread the word of their movement, the black clad army I saw was a mass of followers, these people worship him, they call him a revolutionary." She spit the word out like a curse, her words jumbled and frantic. "I saw a poster, they're putting posters out, like, like it's just a innocent guild to advertise, not a despicable army planning on commuting genocide!" Tasha's breath left her in a forceful exhale. "We need to move, political and military barricades need to be set up against this madman, an army means the majority od the public considers him an enemy; a movement makes him a hero to half of the people. I don't know where we're going, but wherever it us we need to move soon. Knight, do you think the people if Kitirea will offer us more help than Avdren's? I cannot make this judgement, for I don't know anything about Kitirean politics in afraid."
Kleros walked through the town, nearing the house and trudging over the ground. He came close to the door, stopping as he got there and checking the surroundings. He walked in through the door, his armor clanking and his cloak waving as he did so. Kleros stepped into the kitchen, looking around at everyone. He slowly removed his helmet, holding it at his side inside of his arm. "I apologize for the delay. Is everyone ready? If so, what are the plans for our travels"? Kleros cleared his throat and stretched his knee a bit.
"We're all ready. I don't know what our plan is, though. Do you think we'd recive better aid in Kitirea or Avdren? I think we should go to Avdren, simply on the fact that I don't know much about Kitirea, at least I'm aware of the politics there." She looked around the room for the others opinions.

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