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Fantasy The Coming Darkness


"We won't become friends," Elysia said firmly. Best she make that clear now before complications could occur. "But if it pleases you, I'll call you Tasha." She did not plan to be with these people very long. She didn't imagine that they would be able to gather an army that would fight for them. Not unless they went directly to Avdren to seek help. Even then, she imagined they would be told to let the force handle things.

"I am curious, though," Elysia spoke after a moment, shifting her weight from one foot to the other. "This man, this 'king'. What is he if he is not human?" she asked Natasha. "An Elf?"
Kleros nodded, looking around as he did so. "You're right. And if they do attempt to raze small towns, would there be enough of a force near each to put up with the army? Even if these towns have militia forces, I fear this army may be too heavily trained or equipped to be stopped by regular militia men".
"Indeed. Our best option may be to travel to Kitirae, in hopes they'd listen. That is, of course, assuming the visions were real. I'd say we need more proof if we are to raise an army. The word of Natasha will not convince anyone to lend an army." Stopping for a moment, as if thinking about what he just said, Kulor rubbed his chin and reached back into the chest to fetch another piece of armor, and continued equipping himself.
Kleros nodded in agreement. "I agree, perhaps Kitirae will lend aid if we warn them. How should we go about gathering evidence? Perhaps other towns? I doubt it'd be a good idea to search for this... movement if it turns out to be true. Not without an army by our side". Kleros rested one hand on the scabbard attached to his waist, the other hanging down to his side as he pondered the plan for gathering knowledge.
"If I had to take a guess, I'd say dark elf." Natasha said, her bouncing attitude subdued by Elysia's words. She suddenly seemed less open, her words now stiff and clipped. "We'll leave whenever you two decide. I'm going to go to my hotel to grab my bags and check out." She said, her words contradicting her earlier statement about not separating their group when outside. "Should be back in an hour."

"Oh, don't be so sensitive. I don't mean any offence. It's simply better that we lay some ground rules. I'm not looking for friends." Elysia explained as the elf got up and readied herself to leave. She tilted her head curiously as she watched her. "Shouldn't we wait for the men to return, as you suggested? In the meantime, I am curious about something else. This 'king', as you described him, is planning to assert dominance over the human race. Wouldn't you rather side with him? You are not human, after all. Perhaps his movement would benefit you."
Tasha's head shot up in surprise. She'd never even considered that. "Why on earth would I want to commit genocide?! Just because I'm an elf doesn't mean I hate humans. Growing up, my only friends were the manor's servants, most of which were human. Besides, the Alfar have always stood neutral in Elvish wars. I would be neutral in this fight as well, if I had a damn choice."

"Well, your choices are your own," Elysia agreed, looking away and not really focusing on anything. If she had human servants then perhaps her life was not so affected by their ruling. The thief was curious as to just how wealthy she might be and wondered why she had left her manor to come here, to Haldur.

"In any case, I will have to return to my home and warn my mother of what is coming. I shan't be long. It's best not to give her time to argue that I remain. She'll be disappointed that she'll have to find another to bring home coin to her and I do not wish to linger too long once I give her the news." Elysia felt a rush of excitement at the prospect of finally leaving. She had always hoped to make her own way and travel to the places she had only read about or heard of in stories. She longed to see these places for herself.
Kulor finished putting the rest of his armor on before he responded to Kleros. Standing up from his bed and picking up his other sword, he responded, "Until we have proof of such a movement, we might want to simply stay quiet. However, I do think it's a good idea to move to Kitirae. There isn't much that Haldur can offer us, and I'd like to finally move out of this damn city." With that, Kulor strapped his blades to his sides and headed out the door and into the corridor that connected the bedroom and the rest of the house.
"You're right, we should move forward and not stay in one place or on one thing". Kleros followed him out the door, walking through the hallways and back into the kitchen where they were before. He viewed the room briefly before backing up, leaning against a wall and crossing his arms to rest, at least as much as he could in the armor.
"Good, we'll all make our preparations, and meet back here in an hour, then? We should leave as soon as possible, so we can use as much of the daytime we have left. By nightfall, I hope we'd find a cottage to stay at or arrive in another city of we're really lucky." Tasha paused when she saw Kleros enter the kitchen. "What are you and Kluror doing; the three of us are planning to travel to another city and possibly find an army that's moving against the anti-humanists, and provide aid."

"You've returned," Elysia commented when the two knights stepped back into the kitchen. Her curiosity about their conversation had passed for the most part but she was eager to be moving now that she had made a decision. She didn't enjoy sitting about talking of things when things could be done, instead. "What is it to be, then? Will you join us or have you decided on something else?"
"Aye, I will join you. I overheard you saying to meet back in an hour, and in that case I have a few things I need to settle. I won't be gone long, and you are welcome to stay here until I return."

Striding past Elysia, Kulor opened a cabinet, unveiling a huge bag of gold. Hefting it over his shoulder, he added, "Right. So, I'll be back" With the bag of gold clanging on his armor, he set out the door and down the street.

Elysia sighed in longing disappointment as she watched Kulor depart with a large sack of gold he had simply resting in one of the cabinets. "Oh, why didn't I bother to search the house while you all slept?" she wondered aloud, standing up herself. She was sure he had more coin there than she'd made in the last six months. Being a cut purse and a thief was a tiring and demanding job. She could be out for hours at a time and barely return with six silver. It had a lot to do with luck and she had been lacking that the past few days.

"I will leave as well. I have things to collect and my mother to see to. I will return soon." She wondered if she should search the house for any more hidden bags of gold but she knew the others would stop her. Best see to readying herself for travel. Sia crossed to the door and left without a backwards glance. She wondered briefly if they would leave without her. She wasn't entirely sure why they wanted her to join them at all but she supposed that they needed all the help they could get.
Maethyra sat and watched the other collaborate and begin to leave to retrieve their things. "Well," she said while crossing her arms behind her head and leaning back in her seat while staring up at the ceiling,"I haven't got any places to go to or errands to tun. So, I'll hold down base as you guys set off. See you all back in an hour." She offered a slight wave to the group and thought about her village in the forests outside of Kitirae. She thought to herself, "Maybe the army won't go near them at all… they're all elves anyway. Unless the army asks them to join…" With a sigh, she thought about the consequences that may come with the refusal of aiding the army in black, "Death I'm sure..." She muttered and then began to reminisce on her time growing up the village, pleading the Ancients that the army would somehow bypass her small village of elves. "Now, all that I can do is wait."

((Sorry I've been MIA, had course work to tend to :/ I'm caught up now.))
((no problem))

Tasha sighed as she dragged her bags out of the room and walked back to Kulor's house. She'd been jumping at everything, at one point almost attacking a drunkard who bumped into her. Luckily, she's set for travelling, she'd only packed some clothes, her staff, and a few pictures. She'd left all of her important things at the manor before she moved. On the topic of the manor, she'd have to find a way to contact the staff and tell them to lock down the place. When she arrived back at the house, she walked up to Maethyra and said, "My family's manor is a few hours away, we could stop by there when it turns to night time, if it's on the way. I'd like to check in on my staff, anyway, though I could send a courier if not."
"I'm sure if it's on the way there would be no objection to making a stop. If we get there by nightfall we could even lodge there till the next morning then continue our journey. That is, if it's okay with you." Maethyra smiled politely.
Tasha beamed, "Yes, of course. We'd be delighted to host you, but we'd have to take the back road into the manor, I'm afraid the villagers aren't very..friendly to me. How long till we can leave? I know Elysia still isn't back, what's the status of the guys?"
Maethyra shrugged, "Who knows, neither of them have checked back in. Hopefully they're back sometime soon, being stuck in the forest isn't as delightful for humans as it is for most elves." She laughed and then inquired, "You get everything you need?"
"Yup! Luckily, I had packed light. Only a few pairs of clothes, my staff, and a few momentos." She grinned happily. "What about you? All set?"
"I travel so much that I hardly ever need anything, so yeah. I'm all set. Plus, traveling is easy when you can transform into an animal." She laughed then nodded, "As long as I have my armor and my staff, I'm always prepared." She winked at Tasha then laughed a bit.
Tasha's lips curled into an amused grin. "That's awesome! A mage I am but unfortunately my magiks are only elemental. If trained, I suppose I could learn a few spells, but they'd be very weak. My preference is mostly wind magic, people underestimate it, but wind is truly the only element that everyone is vulnerable too, despite inherited resistances by race. I didn't pack light due to travelling, my thought process was that I could just go back to get anything else I need, because it's so close." She leaned against the wall next to Maethyra as they waited for the rest of the group to return.
Plenty of members in the propaganda section of the movement had done plenty of work to ensure that their cause was as attractive as possible. When it came to a non-human, the movement by itself was a very attractive prospect to follow with thousands of non-humans joining daily. Of course, some also don't want to follow such an extremist movement and wanted nothing to do with it.

New posters had recently been brought up in any civilised settlement, including any of the major cities and trade routes. Humans didn't like any of this, and promptly took plenty of them down that directly offended them. Heaps of posters were still up, and we're actually a source of encouragement in non-human suburbs in heavily populated areas. It also provided hope to non-humans, hope that was very frightening to humans in positions of power.
Maethyra scratched the side of her arm and sighed, "I wonder when they will return." She stood away from the wall and began walking towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
Tasha yawned, sitting down with a huff of boredom. She played around, forming a weak fireball. She sighed in dismay when it flickered out, instead just forming a ball of water and wind. She pouted, calling back to Methyra, "This is driving me nuts, I just can't hold a strong fireball. I keep pulling on my wind powers instead, and end up extinguishing it. Ugh! Hellllp meeee." She wailed as another fireball flickered out.

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