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Fantasy The Coming Darkness

Coming up behind the Knight who called himself Kleros, Kulor interrupted "Son, do you know where you are? I can assure you that wearing Kitaran Colors will draw unwanted attention. Sorry to interrupt, by the way".

Avdren -

Lord Balthier slammed both his hands onto the Council table, tipping over a glass of wine ans spilling it over a piece of paper in front of him.

"The third letter this month! If Haldur is so concerned, why don't we send a force down to investigate?"

The other lords spoke quietly amongst themselves. Finally, one spoke, his voice amplified by the large, ornate room.

"Why don't you go yourself? You have a sizable force, as well as your Drohvan bodyguard."
Kleros responded to the voice in a low tone. "I understand that I should probably be more careful with this, I don't plan to stay here long. This cloak won't keep the attention forever". He turned to look at Kulor, speaking lowly. "Hopefully you're not after my head". Kleros once again pulled on his cloak, making sure it wrapped around his shoulders on both sides, front and back.
Natasha threw back the rest of her drink, the glass hitting the table with a slam. She rose gracefully, liquid courage buzzing though her veins. "Lets do this." She grinned, following her new friend to the bar where a group of people seemed to be seizing each other up. Well, lets hope they don't walk walk into a fight, that'd be a terrible way to spend her first day in the city.
Chris extended his arm accepting Kleros handshake, Chris opened his mouth and was about to speak as Kulor interrupted. After hearing what Kulor said Chris instinctive withdrew from the handshake he doesn’t really know why he withdrew he didn’t have anything against Kitiraens he was planning to go to their only reaming city. He drank the last few drops of his drink then backing up a few steps, he preferred not to get involved if something bad were to happen
"No, but I - " Kulor started, but stopped when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned and found himself facing a slender female elf, the same who he had witnessed being healed. Sensing she was somewhat intent on making small talk, he was nonetheless suspicious. No longer was it the safety of his client that he was worried for, but for Kleros and his safety. Straightening himself up, he began speaking in a low tone

"Hello ma'am, can I help you with anything?"
She laughed at Natasha's enthusiasm. As she stood with Natasha she, she smiled and responded to the unknown man. "Hello sir, I came here looking for my acquaintance Kleros, I wanted to introduce my friend Natasha to him." She shrugged, "I'm bound to find him somewhere, till then. Hello, I'm Maethyra, and this is my friend Natasha. Yourself?"
"No, sir, just trying to be friendly. I just moved here, and I noticed that you all were travelers as well, I thought I'd introduce myself and my friend. This is Maethyra, and I'm Natasha." She smiled charmingly, dropping into a grand curtsey. "Seemed like there was a bit of tension brewing here, there's no need for any aggression, right?" She turned to Chris. "Good bard, could you play us a tune to soothe our nerves?"
Kulor gave a chuckle as each of the elves introduced each other. They seemed friendly enough, but he found it somewhat odd that Maethyra claimed to know Kleros. Pointing to Kleros behind him, Kulor responded "Kleros happens to be right there, but if you don't mind, may I ask how you know him? I doubt there will be any aggression, but you'd never know in this place."

Scanning the patrons of the tavern again, Kulor noticed a full moon had broken between the clouds of the night sky, illuminating the streets outside with an eerie glow. Inexplicably on edge, he checked his blades again and looked back up towards Natasha and Maethyra.
Chris nodded at Natasha in agreement “I’m Chris by the way.” He then added sarcastically as he grabbed his flute that he put aside, he held it for a few second trying to decide what ever or not he should use magic in his music to calm every one down in the end decided for it. He put the flute in his mouth and blew this time he closed his eyes he imagined as the sound waves go through the group of individuals relaxing their muscles and his he didn’t want to just force them to be nice to each other just to relax a bit to ease the tenseness


Kleros nodded, looking around to the people conversing. "Yes, here I am." He took a quick glance to the tavern and then the streets before turning his head back to the others. Kleros kept one hand on the bar and one near his side under his cloak, standing still and clearing his throat. He reached back and fixed the hood of his cloak to lay on his back rather than his shoulder before returning the hand back to his side under the cloak.
Maethyra looked at Kulor and Kleros, "Well, I don't really KNOW him. I just started talking to him at the bar a bit ago. We were discussing Chris' amazing talent." She smiled She looked at Kulor and said, "I've gathered that we're all travelers that come from different lands, maybe making friends isn't a bad thing." She laughed, then looked Kulor over, "I see you're wearing your armor as well, any particular reason?"
"Well, aside from the daily dangers of living in Haldur, I work as a sellsword." Seemingly forgetting about the dangers that could arise by giving his name, he added, "My name is Kulor, Knight of Kitirae. Perhaps this isn't the safest place to be at the moment, and if anyone would like, I have a small house down the way that we can use to become more acquainted." After speaking, he shifted slightly, putting the emblem on his armor in better light, making it discernible to anyone who would know the old emblem of Kitirae.
She smiled at Kulor, "Kitirae, eh?" Noticing his emblem as well, "I'm from a village within a forest surrounding Kitirae. Small world." She looked around the tavern, "Everything seems fine here in this tavern, why are you so eager to leave this place?" She shrugged, "I've got no where else to go, so sure, I don't mind going."
Kleros nodded as he heard and understood that Kulor was from the same place as himself. "Yes, that would probably be a better place, if you don't mind us going to the house". Kleros stepped out to the side of Kulor, letting the hand from the bar fall under his cloak. He took a look around before letting his gaze fall to the emblem on Kulor's armor, examining it and nodding slightly once more.
Natasha grinned, "Sure, I'd love to. I don't really mind wherever we go." She chirped, bouncing out of her chair. "Lets go, lets go!" She sung, already half way across the tavern, almost running into a drunk human with the speed she ran off at.

It was a warm night which made things a little easier for Elysia. With less layers needed under the heavy air, coin pouches and purses were always so much less concealed. Of course, she had competition. Haldur was not known for it's upstanding people. There were others who made a living as cut purses and thieves, just as she did. Most of them were male, however, and she did have that in her favor.

The light dress hugged her figure and the corset she wore beneath it worked to emphasize and draw attention to her chest. After all, if she was dipping her hand into someone's satchel, it helped to have something distracting for them to look at. She wore a belt around her waist that had a piece of material falling from it. She used this to conceal two of her blades and her own purse. She simply had to be wary about hands on her waist. Men, for whatever reason, did seemingly not like to find that the woman they had taken a fancy to, was armored.

Elysia's last stop for the evening was the local tavern. It was always nearing full capacity at this time and the crowds made it easier for her to work without evoking suspicion. With the guise of making her way towards the bar, she brushed past the huddled groups of people and took what she could from the easiest. It helped that some were drunk and that others were more concerned with their conversations than protecting their valuables. She had collected enough for one day. Her mother would be happy enough with what she would return with and she was tired now. Perhaps just one more person would do.

As Elysia neared the bar, her eyes came to rest on a small group of people. They seemed like a rather mixed crowd and most likely were simply making pleasant conversation. That was good. It was better to choose people who didn't have any clear ties to the others around them. One of the females suddenly rushed across the room and Elysia used this as an excuse to stumble into one of the armored men and feign a delicate gasp.

"Oh, I do apologize, ser. I lost my footing." Her right hand came to rest on his breastplate to steady herself, her left seeking out some sort of pouch or purse. The armored sort tended to be more conscious of their weapons and their enemies than their coin and she hoped that this instance was no different. Her light fingers brushed his waist, searching for something of valuable. She tilted her head, exposing her throat, and bit down on her full bottom lip. "Forgive me."

Surely he had some gold on him? Where did he keep it?
Natasha apologized to the human, as they limped away, she turned back to the group, raising her eyebrows when she noticed a new girl with a very provocative outfit. She was thrown off by this, her sheltered life didn't allow her to be exposed to people like her, it was a new sight.
Maethyra yelled for Natasha, "Hey, come back! You don't even know where he lives!" She looked over at the girl that seemed to have tripped, ignoring her overly exposing outfit she asked the young woman, "Excuse me, are you hurt?" After many years of traveling Maethyra had seen many pick-pockets and the girl's outfit and actions put up a red flag. Though Maethyra didn't jump to any conclusions and was unsure of the girl's true intentions.

Elysia kept the easy smile on her face as she turned her head to the other female of the group. The attention was unwanted and it caused her seeking hands to still a moment. It would not be worth it to be caught. Even if she managed to escape before they could alert the guards, they might cause a scene and she did not want her face to be remembered for thievery. How would she ever make a living? Perhaps she had misjudged the group. They seemed perfectly amiable with one another. Perhaps their ties were deeper than she had realized.

"I am unhurt, thank you," she returned, flashing the girl another charming smile. There was something behind the elf's question that lead her to believe she was not entirely concerned about her well being. Never mind. There was a drunk in the corner who looked like he would be unconscious for some time yet. Better she take the easier option and avoid reprimand.

But then her hand brushed against the heavy weight of coins and Elysia's greed clouded her judgement. Her fingers worked to deftly undo the bindings which held the purse as she returned her gaze to the armored man. "Though I must thank you for breaking my fall," she laughed lightly. Her right hand began to brush down his armor and lift away. She just needed a few more seconds. Her heart raced excitedly in her chest, adrenaline coursing through her veins. She adored the thrill she got when she was so close to being found.
Maethyra continued on, "Oh, alright. As long as you're unharmed." She looked the girl up an down, not noticing as she was taking the purse of coins. She squinted at the girl and tilted her head, "What did you trip on, exactly?" She stepped closer to the girl trying to figure out whether her "accident" was actually an accident at all.
( Ah, I see. My mistake, I didn't have the OOC watched. )

Kleros turned to face Elysia, pulling on something from under his cloak. A hook on a string, which was attached to a belt further up on his body. It tightened the coin pouch, although Kleros didn't say anything other than "It's all right, we wouldn't want someone to fall and hurt themselves". He nodded afterwards, keeping his gaze on Elysia. He didn't make it clear as to whether he was tightening out of caution or out of knowledge that it was being handled, that would be up for the person to discern.
Kulor had lived in Haldur long enough to know a few of the tricks criminals tried. There were few reasons a provocatively dressed woman would find herself in a tavern with such a reputation as this one had. Judging by the way she had wandered through the drunken catcalls only to trip and conveniently fall on someone engaged in conversation, Kulor figured her stumble for a distraction more than anything else. He looked back up at his passed out client, still sleeping the alcohol off soundly. Life in Haldur was hard, and Kulor decided that being a pickpocket was more respectable than other occupations that young women often had in Haldur.
[[ooc: No worries :) ]]


Surely it couldn't be growing tighter?!

Elysia resisted the desire to scowl and simply use both of her hands to pull the damn coin purse free. Something wasn't right. Perhaps it was magic addled to cause problems for anyone other than the owner opening it. She wasn't aware of such magic but then, she wasn't entirely versed in it either. She was no mage and she had no interest in that which she could not master.

The elf was speaking again and swallowing an exasperated sigh, Sia glanced her way once more. "Oh, I simply lost my footing when your friend rushed past. I'm not the most graceful person in the world," she lied smoothly, chuckling at herself. Her fingers closed around another string connected to the pouch of coins and she traveled it further up the armored man's body. He was tightening it himself. He knew what she was doing.

Sia knew she should release him at once. It was more than dangerous for her to continue. Even so, she refused to give in when she knew she could finish this. She did not allow her expression to give away that she had made the connection and reached for one of the blades kept at her waist. Her body was still mostly pressed against the knight and concealed her well enough that she would draw little attention. "Well, thank you regardless," she continued, using the dagger to cut the thread and allow the pouch to fall into her waiting hand. "Have a pleasant evening, won't you?" She began to pull away, turning her body to conceal her weapon and the stolen goods. She knew she was being foolish. No doubt he had felt the lack of weight almost at once. Still, the frustration at not being able to complete her task would kill her, if her risk here did not. Besides, what was life without a little excitement?

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