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Fantasy The Coming Darkness

Kleros nodded and smiled under his neckpiece. "And you, madam". He reached to another coin pouch under his cloak, making sure to secure it tightly. He had kept two pouches, one with small pebbles and marbles arranged as a decoy for this sort of situation. Small pieces of metal had been placed in to slightly mimic the sound of jingling. He looked down, opening the pouch to see and make sure it had not been moved or pulled out of place.
Natasha was stangly quiet during this encounter, her eyes tracking the girl as she slowly walked back to the group. As she turned away, potentially hiding her loot, Natasha quickly stepped in front of her. " Hi! I'm Natasha, I see you're a traveler as well. Birds of the same feather really do flock together, don't they." She laughed airly, guiding the girl back to their group. "Why don't you join us, I'd hate to have you feel left out." She smiled warmly at her, using her power to form an air shield that would herd the girl along with her if she tried to run away.
"Hm... Right then." While she watched the girl awkwardly walk away, she noticed a cut string under Kleros' cloak then looked over at the girl, then back at the Kleros, "Kleros, that girl just stole your coin purse!" She turned back to see that Natasha caught the girl and was bringing her back to the group. Then she laughed and walked towards the girl and retrieved the purse. "Well, well. Why am I not surprised... thief." Maethrya scoffed at the girl then smiled at Natasha, "Ha! Great job Natasha." She walked to the purse over to Kleros, "Here ya go."
"Not the best way to start your first day here, hmm? What's your name?" Natasha eyed the girl, tracking her body language in case she tried to make a run for it.

Elysia was satisfied and more than a little smug that she'd managed to succeed. The pouch felt sufficiently heavy in her hand and she was eager to go through it and see her spoils. Perhaps she would keep this one for herself and not share it with her mother. After all, it wasn't as though the woman ever did anything worthy of her share.

Elysia had succeeded in returning her blade to her waist but the coin purse remained in her hands as the first elf, Natasha, suddenly reappeared in front of her. Startled, Sia closed both of her hands over the stolen pouch and looked at her with mild alarm. Perhaps she had not been so quick to get away with her crime. Then she heard the second elf girl declare her a thief and she dropped the act, a scowl replacing her surprised expression. She was only grateful that the tavern was busy enough that it did not draw the attention of many.

Natasha, it seemed, possessed some amount of magical ability and pushed her backwards with a force of air. Elysia swore beneath her breath as the pouch was plucked from her hands and returned to the knight. She crossed her arms over her chest and regarded the group with a cool gaze.

"It is not my first day here. I am no traveler," she remarked. Perhaps if they knew this was her home, they would be wary about retaliating. After all, for all they knew she could have many friends in this very tavern. "What does it matter what my name is?" She did not feel at all inclined to share any more information with these people. She itched to run from here and return to the cottage she shared with her mother but the elf girl's power kept her in place.
Kleros nodded and thanked Maethyra, taking the pouch. He took the cut string and tied it as best as he could around the pouch, making sure the decoy and real pouches were both secure. He looked over to Elysia afterwards. "Now, what would have possessed you to want to do such a thing"? Kleros looked around to the group before resting his gaze back on Elysia.
Natasha's smile became more strained as the girl spoke. "And I didn't think thieves stayed in the same city. You must be quite talented to not have been noticed yet." She complimented, leaving the threats and aggression to the others. She was a warrior of the mind, she had no need for threats. Besides, she didn't know how many allies the girl had here, for all they knew everyone here's a thief. For now, she'd just put her at ease and try to gather information. "How did a thief as skilled as you make so many grievous errors this hour. Surely it would have been easier to pickpocket one of these drunkards?"
Kulor audibly laughed as the would-be pickpocket was brought back and the stolen coin pouch plucked from her hand. Kulor thought he had seen her around town before, and after she proclaimed that she was no traveler, he knew he had seen her before. Perhaps she had even stolen from him before. He shook his head and said, "About how much do you think you've taken tonight?" His looked to Kleros and responded to his question, stating, "Haldur isn't an easy place to get by in. She picked the right tavern, just not the right victims", motioning to his unconscious client.
Kleros looked to Kulor and chuckled. "Ah, I see. It all makes sense now, then". He looked to the unconscious man and then back to the group, stretching with a slight metal sound as his armor moved. "Are thieves that common around here? This is my first night in town, and I've alreadyeen one". He laughed once more before clearing his throat.
Knowing that Kulor had been in Haldur longer than the rest of the group, she looked over at him and inquired, "Kulor, do you know what this thief's name is?" She looked over at the girl then chuckled, "Since she refuses to tell us herself..." She rolled her eyes and scoffed at the girl,"For as clever as you seem to think you are, I have to agree with Kulor... you made an absolutely terrible decision at attempting to pocket Kleros' purse." She laughed.

Lord Balthier stormed out of the Council chamber, followed closely by Turot, scattering a townspeople who knew better than to get in his way. Rumors of an organization dedicated to toppling human regime had been swirling around town, and Balthier was determined to find the group and destroy them on his way to Haldur. After the trading of coin for information, his contacts had been able to provide him with an approximate location of this "anti human organization". Granted three-thousand soldiers by the rest of the Council, Balthier was to march to eradicate the upstarts, located in a crumbling castle, likely a relic from the old Kitaran days. After dealing with them, he was then to circle down to Haldur in response to their pleads. Mounted on his horse with Turot close behind, he and his army set off.

((@Crimson Lionheart not sure if you saw this post, I'm trying to create a bit of a subplot to keep you from getting bored))
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Elysia laughed in mild amusement at the knight's question. He was not from here, then. Perhaps in other parts of the world the art of thieving was less commonplace. There was worse trouble to be found in this place though they had shown that they were wary enough. Perhaps they would get by alright.

"Clearly you are not long in Haldur. This is how I make a living." She tilted her head and flashed a smile at the girl who had introduced herself as Natasha. She appreciated the compliment, even if the elf had not meant it as one. "Besides, I'm good at it. Normally." She did not normally get caught, the girl was right. It was unfortunate that she had pushed herself to ruin her streak of good luck. "You're right. It would have been easier to choose one of the drunks but so much less exciting. I can't resist a challenge every now and then."

The group seemed amiable enough. She was surprised that they had not drawn their weapons or demanded some sort of repayment yet. Her eyes flickered to the second armored male of the group and she shrugged her shoulders delicately. "Enough. Though I had hoped to make a little extra before I retired for the evening. Such a shame, too. That purse felt rather hefty." She didn't plan to share just how much coin she had made this evening lest they do something awful like insist she return it.

The second knight was familiar to her and she imagined that he had been in Haldur for some time. Even so, she did not think that he knew her name. She didn't offer it often.
Kleros shrugged and nodded, listening to what Elysia was saying as she was replying to the group. He then looked to Kulor. "So, you say you have a house here in Haldur. Would it be better to stay here or go there? It is your house, sir; it is your choice". Kleros moved something under his cloak that was attached to his belt before bringing both of his hands down behind his back and clasping them together, standing straight.

Kulor responded to the group's questions, "I do not know her name. I only learn the names of criminals after they've been strung up. Thieving is one of the more common practices are here, along with murder and extortion. That was the reason I suggested we leave, the crowd gets more violent the more they drink." Taking a moment to check the crowd, he answered Kleros's question, "Its safer at my home, but the streets might be dangerous to her," referencing Elysia before continuing, "its a rather small hovel, but it'll have enough room for the night."
"All right, I thank you for the hospitality. It is very kind of you to offer the space for the night". Kleros stepped around away from the bar and closer to the group, adjusting his cloak as he did so and allowing his hands to fall back behind him, clasping them together to once more return to the standing pose.
Maethrya looked over to the two men, "To Kulor's home it is!" She gave them a smile.

She then looked over to Elysia, the said in a playful tone "Do you have some place to be? Or someone to pick-pocket." She laughed. "If it's as bad as Kulor makes it seem, maybe you shouldn't be out in the streets at this hour either..." She smiled at Elysia, and introduced herself, all tension and annoyance towards the thief diminshed, "Hello, I'm Maethyra."
"It is indeed very generous, I appreciate it very much. How bout we have a quick round before we head out, hm? This nights gotten far too serious for my liking. The round's on me." Natasha laughed happily, signaling to the waitress.

Elysia considered the group with distrusting eyes. She had just tried to steal from them and they were extending their hospitality towards her? Something was surely amiss. Most likely they planned to get her alone so that they could take her coin or exact their revenge. She did not feel comfortable joining them.

"Somehow I imagine that I will be safer on the streets than joining you all, wherever it is you are heading. I am no fool. I do not plan to go anywhere with the very people I attempted to pick pocket." The other elf girl was smiling pleasantly at her and Elysia watched her with mild alarm. How could they be so pleasant if they did not have something sinister planned for her? How could they forgive it so easily? She didn't trust it, even as the girl introduced herself. Reluctantly, she gave in.


She would regret this. Or perhaps not. After all, even some of those that knew her face did not know her name. Would telling them it really cause her any more trouble than seeing her now, would? Either way, it was too late. She really was not making the most intelligent decisions this evening. Mother would kill her.
Kleros looked to Natasha, thanking her. "Thank you, although you don't have to pay it all. We didn't have the most formal greeting, it seems". He extended his hand, which still had a steel gauntlet on it with a leather palm. "Kleros, it is a pleasure to meet you".
Natasha beamed, shifting her drink to one hand, she extended the other to greet Kleros. "It's wonderful to meet you, Kleros. And honestly, it's fine, I just recently came into some money, and I honestly don't know what I'd do with it, I live a fairly simple life." Shifting closer to him under the pretense of reaching over for the pitcher, she whispered "Keep an eye on the thief. I want her to come with us so we can keep on eye her, we'll need some inside information on the dark side of this city. There's so many thieves, it'd do well to have one on our side." She whispered, her eyes serious, her eyes flickering over to the other knight to ensure he heard her as well. Leaning back, she quickly switched personalities, laughing like she'd just head the funniest joke.
Kleros simply nodded slightly, flicking a glance to Elysia and then back to Natasha. "So, you are a friend of Maethyra, yes? I remember her telling me she was going to assist you, when you were sitting at a table here in the tavern. Did you meet just then, or had you known her prior to the event"? Kleros dropped his hands from behind his back to his sides, the cloak covering all except for a small part of his armor's chestplate.
"No, we just met then. I've actually been here for a full fortnight but I've just been locking myself in my hotel room because I could not stand the heat. You may not have noticed it, but to High Elves, heat like this is simply unbearable, we all hail from a very wintery region." Swirling the rest of her drink around her glass, her eyes flickered down to his armor. "So, what brings you to this part of the world? Everyone here has a story." She leaned back in her chair, eyes flickering out the window, noting that they'd have to head out soon, the sun was setting and darkness quickly approached.
"Ah, I see. Seems we're all new to each other then". Kleros looked down to his armor and then back up at Natasha before speaking lowly, leaning in to whisper. "Not sure how many people here would be interested to get me if I revealed too much out loud. What I can say now is that I'm from Kitirae myself, same place as Kulor". Kleros stood back up after speaking.
Althael began to speak amongst the several hundred followers inside of the castle, where at least 800 to 900 non-humans had gathered in order to listen to the Dark Elf. On one side of the stage, scribes were recording the speech that was soon going to be delivered. Althael looked at his followers before speaking in a calm voice that had been trained to deliver his words loudly, years upon years of speaking to people had taught him this valuable skill.

"This session of our gathering takes place on a date which is full of significance for the brothers and sisters for whom we hold so dear. Thirty years have passed since the beginning of that great personal revolution which in the meantime has been giving a new aspect to our life's. This is the period of Thirty years which I asked non-humans to grant me for the purpose of putting my work to the test and submitting it to their judgment. Hence at the present moment nothing could be more opportune than for me to appreciate all of the loyal followers of our party who has served us. Be it for decades, or for new followers."

"We of all the successes that have been achieved and the progress that has been made during these thirty years, for the welfare of all non-human people. But within the limits of the short statement I have to make it would simply impossible to foretell all the remarkable results that have been reached during a time which may be looked upon as probably the most astounding eras in the life of our people. The tasks that belong to the press and the propaganda have been vastly amplified throughout the previous couple of weeks as well, with new posters and pamphlets being created to promote awareness of our group. I shall utilize the opportunity afforded me by this historic gathering of our movement to cast a glance back over the past four years and call attention to some of the new knowledge that we have gained, some of the experiences which we have been through, and the consequences that have resulted thereof--in so far as these have general validity. It is important that we should understand them clearly, not only for our own sake but also for that of the generations to come."

"Having done this, I shall pass on to explain our attitude toward those problems and tasks whose importance for us and for the world around us must be appreciated before it will be possible to live in better relations with one another. Unfortunately, as much as we share a common agreement amongst our movement, I feel as if I need to explain something important about the human threat."

"What is a human? A human originally had peaceful intentions amongst our world, but they have lost favour with the gods and have undermined thousands upon thousands of years of which we have built with our own hands. Within a great deal of time, humans will kill off all Elves, Dwarves and other races. Then they'll start murdering each other. Their kind knows no other alternate way to survive other then through pointless violence, it's in their genes. Thousands of years from now, an idiotic human barbarian will climb over mountains of skulls to sit into his throne of bones, then savagely beat his chest to sound his primate howl. Humanity are the real monsters of this world. In my speech to the underground movement in Avdren roughly two weeks ago, I spoke of two matters. First, I explained the importance of race. Neither the threat of human weapons nor a period of civil war shall conquer us. Second, if humanity launches another war in order to destroy the free nations of the world, it will not be our nations that will be destroyed, but humanity's. Humans laughed at my prophecies before. I do not know whether they are still laughing, or whether they are laughing on the other side of their faces. I can simply repeat — they will stop laughing altogether, and I will fulfil my prophecy in this field too. "

The combined voices of the crowd bounced off the walls in a patriotic frenzy, as they all saluted and cheered loudly for the Dark Elf on the stage. They seen him as a prophet for a new era, a seer to foretell events that would happen in the future. They dedicated themselves to an idea of a better world, body and soul.
Playing the flute given Chris the chance to observe his new found “friends” it seemed every one calmed down and even when he expected the ones with armor to jump on the thief once she was revealed they did nothing, they invited her to one of the knights house surly they didn’t become fond of her they might just trying to lure her in to beat her in a more quitter place. The elf bought everyone a drink a last drink before they all go to the knight’s house he still wasn’t sure whatever or not he is part of this little group that formed here nor if he really wants to be, but he isn’t the type of guy to turn down free drink he put his flute in his belt pocket somewhat resembling a dagger sheath and took a few sips from his drink while watching the group, waiting for whatever going to happen next.

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