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Fantasy The Color Of Royalty (Still Accepting)


Three Thousand Club
The Color of Royalty


Hidden away somewhere on the edge of the earth lies the kingdom of Decucis. Misery runs rampant along with poverty and violence at the hands of the ruling family who has kept the common folk under a heavy thumb. Unable to find their own freedom or peace, they are forced to endure day after day the threat of death. Unbeknownst to the general populace, however, there are some that walk among them with dark patterns over their bodies, curling over limbs and snaking across their skin. It is through these veins that magic flows, magic that makes them more powerful than man should ever be.

The royals have this magic, as do the Red Knights who are bound to them to execute all who dare defy or even imply defying the royal order. However, not all magic is bound to the crown. A group known as the Yellow Crows works in secret to undermine the monarchy and free all those who have been trapped so long.

It is only a matter of time before the Yellow Crows will have to face the Red Knights and the crown itself and it is only a matter of time before blood runs free in the streets.

The Yellow Crows are growing bold.

They appear like shadows in the streets, thieving from both commoners and royals, creating chaos and disarray. Some whisper that they are desperate, their numbers dwindling and their eyes growing duller. Some whisper that the royals have captured them, turned them prisoner and puppet and set them free to terrorize the public. Some say that perhaps they are growing dull, searching for excitement after a lengthy period of peace. After all, the royals have been quiet. Life has continued. There have been no massive burning of villages in quite a few years now, no stories of children born with markings of some devil being taken away by the Red Knights or disappearing in their cribs for nearly a decade now.

The sudden absence of new magic into the world concerns both the royals and the Crows. No new magic means no new legacy for either group and no new legacy means that there is now a rare opening to cripple the other to a degree they couldn't before. Killing all, if not the majority of the Crows would mean that there numbers would struggle to recover and it would buy the royals time to track them down and crush them into a bloody pulp. If, on the other hand, the Crows could win against the Red Knights, if would mean fewer guards to the prisoners and the crown. It would mean a door swinging open to the castle and the monarchy finally tumbling to the ground in blood and gold.

The Yellow Crows are growing bold.

  • It is morning in the kingdom of Decucis and the Feathers that had disappeared into the night to scout children have returned empty handed. The blight that has struck them holds true still; there are no new ones to be brought in. Whispers of the Devil finally abating, of repentance finally succeeding, have swirled and given hope to the citizens. A hope that is dangerous for the Crows, for the royals are falling into the populace's favor once more. They are being practically worshiped, claiming that they have been cleansed by the ruling family, that the children they took away from them has given the God above an opportunity to smile down on them in thanks for clearing His land of the tainted Devil's spawn.

    The Grandmaster is still to be seen by most, having been holed up in their study for some time now, hidden away, plotting. Most Crows are eager to get out and execute a plan, any plan. They wish to slay, to kill, to destroy the Knights when they are also at a disadvantage. But instead, they have been kept indoors, given tasks that dull the brain and sap energy away.

    Some are growing restless, eager to slip back out into the air and do what needs to be done to keep the kingdom safe, at least in their eyes. Before any rumors of rebellion come to fruition, a mission is sent out to scout the Red Knights. The Eye
    Auice Koryzis has been tasked with choosing which Crows to send on their way.

    @InsaneEntry @Prudentia @Shanman411 @Mine @tanagerie

Please put your character's name, location, and tag who they are interacting with somewhere in the post.

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Daniel Reana Rayn 1.1

Daniel awoke to sun light creeping through the blinds to his chambers. He moved to stretched, then flinched in pain as the scar along his spine reminded him of his past. Daniel grunted in pain and slowly leaned forward and his eyes seemed to glaze over as he remembered that horrifying day. The pleasure, the pain, the power, the horror's..

"My Lord." came a voice from his doorway, breaking Daniel from his thoughts. Daniel glanced over to see his personal butler, Alan, standing with hands clasped behind his back and his gaze upon the floor. "Breakfast was prepared early this morning so that you might eat and have more time to prepare for your busy day ahead."

Daniel gave a light smile towards Alan.
"Alan, be at ease. There's no need for these formalities between you and I"

The older man looked up and gave Daniel a weak smile, but kept his hands where they were. Daniel rubbed the top of his neck where the scar began. "And tell the staff I greatly appreciate them preparing my breakfast, but I'm afraid my appetite has escaped me today."

Alan bowed and turned to leave.
"Understood my Lord."

"Give my portion to yourself and the rest of the staff, they've more than earned it." Daniel rose from his bed and opened his dresser. "But immediately after, send word to the Red Knights that I wish to spar. I feel my sword play has gotten rusty."

Alan bowed once again. "Of course, and Thank You my Lord."

As soon as Alan left, Daniel donned his casual attire for sparring and exercise. Still ironically much more luxurious than that of the servants. He did have a big day ahead, and he couldn't think of a better way to kick it off.

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Nicholas stumbled out of the bed he'd rented the night before, his limps heavy and numb and eyes sunken and deep with exhaustion. The night before was a fun one, he must say, another night spent drinking and sinning with the low life of the city. Sure he could have been up to more beneficial tasks last night, but honestly it's the Grand master's fault. Hesitant to make moves against the Red Knights, cautious to make moves against the crown, all because he wish to plan all day. Nicholas never considered himself one to lurk in the shadows every night, watching, spying, stealing, and eavesdropping on Royal spy's. If he was robbed of the excitement of fighting and chaos in his tasks, then he will seek for it on his own in a local tavern.

Nicholas had set to dressing himself, lacing up his trousers and covering himself with a linen shirt, the hangover he had from the night before was nothing, a light one compared to other mornings. What made his movements stiff and slow however, was the exhaustion he was suffering. A raging headache pounded in his skull, a irritable feeling of discomfort clinging to his body as he craved for his magical drive. On the room's dresser, was his leather armor set and the purse of silver he had won the night before. Taking a few coins from the purse, he walked beside the bed, where laid the woman he had bedded the night before laid snoring lightly. Placing the coins on the night stand beside her, he knelt down placing his hand over her neck deftly as she slept. The little energy she had, he'd need to get through the morning. She was knocked out cold now, body's limp as only her light breathing signaled she was still alive.

Nicholas was ready to go though, his headache gone and cravings only a small itch at the back of his mind. He strapped up his leather armor, tied the black belt around his waste and gave his two twelve inch daggers a good sharpening. Ready for another day, knowing it'd be best to check in on one of the Eyes, to see if they had any tasks worth his time.

Alfred Harken

"A new day has dawned." Alfred muttered as the Sun dawned over the land, bathing it with sunlight and sending streams of light through the windows into the Red Knight's barracks. Alfred was long awake by then, doing his regular morning routine when the first rays shone through the window.

Always an early riser, Alfred would awake when the stars are still visible. He would quietly wash his face and dressed himself in a simple knight's tunic and trousers. After a series of exercise routines such as running while carrying a sack of rocks or a small log, Alfred would proceed to do weapon maintenance. Checking the edge and the sheen of Melody, his sword before buffing the flat edges with rough cloth and oil. He would also inspect Hark, his shield, for any dents he missed out the previous day. Those he would hammer out, much to the annoyance of some of the other Red Knights to which he would apologize for disturbing their rest. Alfred was finishing up when the morning meal bell rang. As some of the knights bolted out of their sleep, Alfred calmly put his weapons away and joined the growing crowd at the mess hall to collect his morning meal.

After collecting his meal, he walked towards his usual seat at the very end of the mess hall. "I humbly thank thee for this meal," he prayed in thanks before tucking into his meal, his gaze passing over the other knights as he chewed his bread.


Tristan Vance

Mess Hall
@Wandering Hollow

Given an opportunity, Tristan would never get our of bed before ten. However, that sort of idleness was rarely allowed and he sighed as he left the warmth of his bed and stepped onto the cool wooden flooring of his room. As was routine, he quickly dressed and freshened up as the morning bell rang. He ran his hand through his hair and straightened out his room before leaving, hurrying to the mess hall and hoping that he would be able to avoid the rush of other knights as they woke up as well.

He was especially unlucky this morning as he was jostled and pushed around and by the time he made it to the mess hall, many of the seats were already taken. Resigned, he gathered his meal, quietly thanking the servant, and looked around for any open seats. As a swordhand, most disdained him and he had no regular seat or large group of friends. In fact, a small group of friends would have been a stretch. He had friendly acquaintances at best and, finally spotting an open seat, it looked like he might meet another. He sat himself across from a man who was either a helmet or a shield as Tristan had never seen him among the other swordhands.

He listened to the quiet noise of the hall, the rustling of clothes and the scraping of benches. Despite the peace, the atmosphere was still somewhat strained and the knights kept their voices fairly low. It was a moment before he turned to look at his temporary table mate.

"Good Morning." After a polite greeting, he started eating his meal, breaking off pieces of the bread and dipping it into the soup. Everything was rather bland but that was normal. What perhaps was a little more out of the ordinary was the fact that the knights had been informed that the heir himself would be coming to spar. While not unprecedented, tangling with the royals more than necessary was always unpredictable and Tristan hoped that the heir would chose one of the shields or perhaps a helmet to spar with.
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Alorei chewed thoughtfully on a dried strawberry. She had always been partial to strawberries, though they were out of season now and she would need to wait for the winter to come and go before she could have them fresh again. Until then, the dried stores the servants had made in the early summer would have to suffice. The thought irritated her. She'd had another dream about the Yellow Crows the night before, a particularly trying one, and woken with her fists clenched and a deep scowl across her features. She had dreamt them beneath her floorboards, scurrying like the rats they were, caking the insides of her walls with their filth. She could hear them, the scritch-scratch of their tiny claws and that infernal squeaking, but even when she began to pull up the wooden boards she could not see them. Alerted, they would scurry away to safety, just out of her reach. Just out of her control. She did her best to put it from her mind, but the frustration was hard to let go of. Or maybe she was only irritated about the strawberries.

The sound of careful footsteps pulled her from her reverie and she flicked her eyes across the room to follow the path of Alan, her eldest brother's personal butler. She approved of Alan, he remembered his place even when Daniel was overly lenient. The older man moved smoothly, keeping his gaze respectfully lowered, and began to clear away the untouched place setting where her brother should have come to take his breakfast. This irritated her as well.

My dear brother intends to begin his day on an empty stomach, it would seem." She punctuated her sentence with another strawberry.

Alan paused in his work and dipped into a well-practiced bow before responding, "
Yes, your Grace. My Lord finds himself without appetite this morning and has gone to the practice ring instead."

She made a frown, letting her eyes pass over the other empty chairs at the table, "
And so I break my fast alone. Ah well, more strawberries for me."

She waved a hand to dismiss Alan back to his task, not waiting for him to reply; they both knew she was not actually interested in having a conversation with him. The compound of the Red Knights across the palace grounds had always been her favorite place to pass the time when she'd no other obligations, and she could hardly blame her brother for doing the same. Perhaps she would head there herself when she was done here, but it was early yet, and she was not quite finished with the strawberries.

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The Boar

Prince Hewyn this morning leapt out of bed as a servant woke him up, closely watching his moon dial for it to strike five in the morning.

"You're late by three minutes" Hewyn moaned as he opened the door with such force that its handle dented the wall next to him. His room was on the other side of the hall: generally, Hewyn preferred to sleep in the room of one of the royal secretaries, forcing the poor lad into his own chambers, despite his fearful protests of punishment if h;e were caught.

The servant who was attending Hewyn opened his eyes wide.

"I-I'm sorry, yer highness!" he stammered. Hewyn smiled before he walked out. He didn't even know if the boy was an hour late or an hour early, but knew that the first instinct of anyone seeing a half-naked, scarred, one eyed muscle monster with a reputation for bashing heads in was to apologize to even the dumbest accusations. Rumors flew quickly in these halls, faster than sparrows. No doubt, in two weeks, every servant in this castle would be whispering "Lord Hewyn can track time in his sleep!"

He slipped on a nightgown and some boots before dashing down the granite stairs of his tower in the keep, dashing through the gatehouse into the streets. TI was time for his morning run, and his workout. He'd find houses to climb onto, doing pushups on them as he saluted the roof guards. "Stop!" they'd shout occasionally as he dashed through the streets, growing every time he hurdled over a cart.

"Hewyn" he'd say in a projected voice. They turned away, most of them knowing the drill by now, having to deal with this annoyance every morning.

Hewyn would never return to the castle before nine. Instead, the target of his run was a loop that ended in a practice ring under the stadium where tourneys usually took place. Present there were the few members he retained from his small household - he liked doing things himself, and got rid of all servants, pages, and squires who were too precious to train with him. Gathered with them were more than two dozen light blue tunicked young men, brandishing swords and roundshields. Two stood in the center, their swords drawn and bodies tense, watched by the rest who stood around the sand-floored practice ring. He drew a sword and attacked the light blue uniformed ones in the center of the space without warning, every morning, with the victims switching out every ten minutes. Having already exhausted all possible masters to fight with, it was now Hewyn's job to train others.

"Shuffle to the sides more when you fight, or are ye a $*#@in' practice dummy?" he chastised one of the young men, before shoving him out and bringing in someone new.

This continued usually until nine in the morning, when the rest of the castle was up, and breakfast had usually been made.
"Vinick! Good work today, yer gonna be knockin' me on my arse some day" he said, tapping one youth on the shoulder and smiling. He repeated all their names the first time they arrived until he was sure he'd never get one wrong. He turned to the rest, who were looking upon the scene with a mix of envy and confusion at this rare show of kindness.

"That gos for all of ye. I'm harsh, cause what are real men!?" he shouted

"Tough!" shouted back the crowd.

"And one thing's for sure, yer tough. Go out there and ye can kill any man, and the guards who come after ye now. Why do we make it hard in practice?"

"To make it easy when we kill!"

"Yes! And let me tell ye somethin'. Yer the best #$&@in' killers in town now" he said, with a huge amount of exaggeration. The Red Knights and rebels both had magic, these boys just had impressively muscled sword arms, fast feet, and the ability to get whacked in the head for an hour without blacking out. Besides them, there were dozens of master warriors outside the walls. But one thing Hewyn knew was that people willingly believe what they wanted - true or not.


He always led his small entourage to the gate of the stadium himself. Confronting him were Leon and Zerula, the former a guard captain from the castle, the latter a beautiful and brown-haired woman who was the proprietor of this establishment. She was flanked by two royal soldiers, dressed in full mail armor.

"Zerula, it's a pleasure to see you once more" Hewyn announced, his gutter tone and lower class accent dropping off instantly, replaced with one which matched the merchant's.

"Does your father know you're training men without the army's consent?" the 30-some lady said, her red dress billowing in the wind as merchants started to fill the dusty market square behind her.

"Army?" Hewyn asked, his eyes squinting as if he were curious, and his body spinning. He looked in every direction.

"Oh, you mean these, my lady? These are my sparring partners. There are twenty six of them, and if they are going to fight, it will be against tourney opponents, or the rebels."

The lady was unconvinced, shaking her head and frowning.

"Everyone knows what your aspirations are, Hewyn. You had better set yourself straight before you ruin yourself"

All who knew him, as Zerula, a frequent provider of fihgting spaces, knew that they could bandy words more openly with Hewyn than almost everyone else close to the government. After the pain he had endured, Hewyn could not be hurt by mere words... or so he hoped.

"To die gloriously, and young. Ruining myself is exactly the objective" Hewyn said, winking with his only remaining eye. His entourage had since dispersed, slowly but surely, away from the entrance. They knew their usual orders: "if you are stopped, leave. Their business is with me, not you"

He turned to Leon.

"Aaand... why are you here?" he asked.

"Breakfast is ready. I have some business with the Lady Zerula regarding the royal pension. It was quite convenient to see you here."

"We always tend to meet in convenient places, don't we, Leon?"

The guard recoiled. He knew exactly what Hewyn meant by that:
stop spying on me. Leon himself was a large man who had not yet reached thirty, and who rose through the ranks from sheer bravery and fighting ability. He was slightly fat, and resembled in many ways a bear. Still, Hewyn hoped that one day, they may spar, and the winner, whomever the Gods graced with that honor, would be able to kill the other in an unfortunate "accident".



Hewyn continued last to the banquet hall, in which he found his sister Alorei, who got there before him. That made him mad, and he grunted under his breath. Surely, he was doing important things, but he still didn't arrive first! The prince thought of pretending he was in the restroom this whole time, but realized that this whole affair was petty. He walked into the room and closing the doors behind him, so carelessly that they made a whacking sound when they slammed shut.

"Good morning sister" he said, nodding his head with unusual etiquette as he took a seat at the table across from her. Before he lost his eye, he and his sister did not get along at all: she was repulsed by him in every way. After, she was repulsed yet more, but they found some common ground on their mutual might makes right philosophy and stubbornness. That wasn't to say that this breakfast was not to be plagued by an air of coldness... merely that Hewyn knew as he dug into the meat, vegetables, and dark wheat, that nobody had poisoned his food.
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Bernard Catalan

Mess Hall @Wandering Hollow @raspberryrose

The sunlight shone through slits in the walls, striping gold across his plate as a helping of mutton splashed across. Bernard smiled at the smell. It had its appeal in being familiar.

Once his plate had been portioned full, the young Shield cut across the small gathering of knights until he found a table near to the back, one abandoned but for two taken seats.

He smiled to one familiar face. "Good morrow, Alfred. And what's your name?" He addressed the red knight beside.

Once he gained an answer, Bernard delved right into it. He had a tale to spin.

"So I heard one the other night. The peasants have begun to entertain their children with it. The story goes something like this: a vulture flies in the sky and from its great height spies three lion cubs. Swooping down, catching them unawares, the vulture snaps up one and eats it. The vulture is now full, but it hears the other two crying in the grass, so it tracks them down and eats them too. The vulture is now so stuffed that it lies down to sleep for so long that the sun goes down on its slumber. That night, the mother returns and kills the vulture. But she does not eat it. Instead, she throws his mutilated corpse to the fields for the crows to pick away." A moment passed to let the words settle in, to let their impressions form.

Then he asked, to both of them in particular, "What's that mean to you?"
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Daniel Reana Rayn 1.2 (Banquet Hall: @Archie @Irianne )

Daniel gazed out of his window as he secured a golden-laced bracer over his right wrist. Three stories below, he caught sight of A rough, brutish, hulk of a man bounding through the castle doors. His brother, no less, no doubt making his way to the banquet hall. A slight grin formed on Daniel's face. Hewyn was quiet the character. Opposite to Daniel in nearly every way. Where Daniel sought balance, Hewyn would seek anything to break that balance and turn it into an unnecessary challenge. The grin turned into a chuckle as Daniel recalled several memories when he and his brother had been at each other's throats, especially during their teenage years. Oh my!

Daniel erupted into laughter as he recalled, in his teenage years, flashing Hewyn with his Blind spell after he claimed his "fairy magic" would look better in one of Alorei's night gowns. Oh yes, many a chair and table had lain in pieces that day.

In spite of all that, Daniel would take a sword for Hewyn or any other member of his family. Family was important to him. Loyalty, above all, was the value he lived by.

Daniel sheathed his finely crafted Rapier to his side. The weapon was a true work of art, as it also was a true work of lethality. The Draconic mark of the Royal Family branded on the steel. A dragon itself seemingly coiling around the wrist of the wielder.

Daniel left his room and made for the Banquet Hall, on his way to the Red Knight compound. Upon arrival he saw his Sister and Brother already into their respective meals. "Brother!" Daniel said with a warm energy, taking note of the sweat from a morning of exercise. "The picture of elegance as always." Daniel joked with a large grin. "And Alorei!" Daniel exclaimed, catching sight of a small speck of fuzz on her shoulder and brushing it off. "How is this morning treating the kingdom's most adored princess?"

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Alfred Harken

Mess Hall with @raspberryrose and @QuestingBeast

"Ah. Good morning to you too, fellow Knight." Alfred replied to Tristan's greeting with a warm smile. He took a moment to study the young Knight's features and concluded that the man was either a Swordhand or a Helmet based on his smaller frame. Not a huge stretch given how every Shield is either tall or large in stature to deter most threats while they escort their Masters.

"Its a lovely day today isn't it?" Alfred asked with a small chuckle before biting into his bread and chewed it slowly. He always ate his food slowly to show his appreciation to whoever made it. Despite the fact that the stew was lacking in flavour as compared to the one he had in the town tavern, he enjoyed it nevertheless. As he listened to Tristan's reply, a familiar face joined their table.

"Aha. A good morning to you too, Bernard. Its good to see you in such high spirits today." Alfred replied to Bernard's greeting with a smile. He had always been fond of Bernard's high spirits and dedication to his duties as a knight. As he quietly listen to Tristan and Bernard's conversation, it soon turned into a little storytelling session from Bernard.

"Hm. So this is a tale the villagers are sharing nowadays? Its a little too morbid to tell young children but I do enjoy the message behind it. The vulture was clearly too greedy and foolish for his own good and he eventually met his end in the jaws of the mother lion and left to be pecked apart by crows." Alfred paused for a moment to take another drink of water.

"In other words, its a cautionary tale. Those who abuse their powers on the weak shall eventually meet a just end. Am I right, Bernard?" Alfred asked as he finished sharing his interpretation of the tale.

Ciri Navarro

Role : Feather

Location : Entrance

Mentioned : @ anyone nearby

Steps, quiet, small steps, one, two, three. The door that was opened for but a moment closed before even words could be spoken to ask who the one who had used it was. A cloaked figure stood by, gingerly rubbing her hands against one another in an attempt for them to regain warmth. It was colder, far colder than she had anticipated. The hood fell down her shoulders, revealing the newcomer’s identity. Platinum locks, round blue eyes, yes, it was her indeed. One of the last few Feathers left yet to return. And, much like her brothers and sisters, no children accompanied her journey back to her own. Her report matched that of them as to the cause of said results, no doubt. Needless to say, it still did not sit well with her to accept such a predicament.

For Ciri, the prospect of no more children to be plagued with this abhorrent fate was one she had given up on after eyasr as a Yellow Crow, no matter how miraculous it would be for her to witness such a thing. But...could it really be the case? So abruptly, too? The years had forced skepticism to form within her more than she had hoped. Could this be a sign of some sort? A warning as to what's to come? And how would the Red Knights, the Royal Family react to such a lingering event? It was all too bizarre for her to grasp so smoothly as others would. With the uprising of the monarchy's favor, no doubt their would be much more arduous from this point onwards. Just the thought left Ciri restless, especially as to what would the consequences be for the children in their care as of now... But not just them, anyone was at risk. Her body slightly trempled, as to which she responded with her arms firmly wrapping her shoulders, as if struck by a cold chill that engulfed her entire body.

Hands tugged her sleeves, the sight of her markings clouding her mind again and again. The same as the one of years past and as of now. The weight of the situation at hand was not lost on her. Observing how the patttern of the dark tendrils carved in her skin was enough to stir dread, terror.

Desire to see a familiar face drove her to take a few steps beyond her spot as of the moment. But she quickly restrained her whims, remembering to not let her flaws overcame her rational, responsible mind. There was a time and a place to indulge herself in what brought peace and warmth to her heart. Her role came first and foremost, regardless of her state of mind. Ciri took a deep breath, allowing the tension that crawled through her to be cleansed. The Eye would receive an impeccable report, devoid of any fear or bias, like many other times in the past.
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@Archie @Church418

Alorei flinched at the sound of the doors slamming together, giving a long, slow exhale before turning to see who had caused such a racket. Prince Hewyn -- she should have guessed. Few others behaved so boorishly within the palace walls, least of all so early in the morning.

She offered him a smile regardless, all silk and honey, "
Good morning indeed. Did you oversleep?"

He hadn't, of course, that much was obvious. He was in his usual state of mild disarray from his morning regime, but it was rare she made it to breakfast before he did and she could never resist an opportunity to gently annoy him. She pushed a tray of sausages towards him wordlessly; they had been particularly good this morning, and he always had an impressive appetite.

She turned again at the sound of the doors, once more offering a smile to the brother who entered, and gave a low chuckle as he greeted Hewyn. In their youth, neither she nor Daniel had gotten along terribly smoothly with their middle brother. She had secretly (and sometimes not-so-secretly) reveled in their fights, living vicariously through Daniel since she would never get physically involved herself. Since his injury however Hewyn had mellowed, and she found herself at times even enjoying his company. Still, the amusement she found in the good-natured teasing between her brothers perhaps ran a little deeper than it ought to, conjuring up a childish pettiness that had otherwise been put to rest.

She glanced up at Daniel, smiling again as he addressed her -- he always knew what to say to improve her mood, "
All the better for the company of my sweet brothers. I'd not expected you this morning, Daniel, your place is already cleared."

@Irianne @Church418

Hewyn chuckled when Alorei joked about his oversleeping.

"Exactly three minutes" he recounted as he pulled out his seat, making scratch marks on the floor.

"At least that's what I told the poor stableboy. Really should swap someone else out for that role. He's absolutely terrified"

Hewyn grabbed the plate of sausages almost as quick as his sister had passed it to him, lunging to take four out before stuffing them into two loaves of bread along with an egg and three cabbage leaves. When his brother walked in, he turned only after gulping down another large bite of his chicken leg: he didn't want to show any disrespect particularly to the heir to the throne... it was just that he didn't usually greet anyone before tying up his business in general. He piqued an eyebrow when he saw his brother in golden bracelets and a fine rapier. His brother was an ornament, but deadly still the same. As was the case with most people, Hewyn preferred the
rough relationship with Daniel but respected his swordsmanship, which he was sure was enough to kill a whole handful of the crows.

"Brother, you're even prettier than usual today" he commented with a grin, turning back around as his sister - the hostess in the family - could more properly invite their brother to the table. He was lucky that he had turned at that moment, for his half-regrown eye started jiggling around in his eye socket, forcing his hand to cover his patch. Hewyn flinched, pretending as if he had a migraine.

Afterwards, this thoughts never left the rapier. He had to admit, that was an ice blade from his brother: he could see blades from a distance and already judge their quality, their speed, their killing power. He despised gems and jewels, but wanted a blade with some deocur that he could spill his enemies' blood upon, watch it dry, and name it "Walrus".

"Say" he started, putting down his fork and knife in their proper places on thep late in a rare display of etiquette. The royal family would be more lucky finding pixy dust under the table than to witness this rare sight.

"Sister, what kind of weapons do you like?" he asked, crudely as always, not even sure if it was even socially appropriate for a lady to admit she liked any device that could do harm. Still, in these uncommon gatherings of the whole conflicted family for a meal, he thought he'd speak openly.

Tristan Vance

Mess Hall
@Wandering Hollow @QuestingBeast

Tristan looked back at the man and smiled back. "Yes, it is a lovely day." Before he could continue and ask who exactly he was talking to, they were joined by another and the opportunity was lost. He was rather startled by the newcomer's abruptness as the man joined their table but responded nevertheless, nodding his head in greeting, "My name is Tristan Vance, it's very nice to meet you." He left out his position as most people, even among the Knights, tended to change their views of him when they found out what exactly he did. It was infinitely better to be mistaken as a Helmet than be avoided as most Swordhands were.

He had seen Bernard here and there but he had never met him. It confirmed the fact that both he and Alfred were both Shields. It made sense as he supposed that by their friendly greetings, they were friends of a sort. Perhaps sparring partners? However, it was good to at least get both of their names, even if it was not through any sort of intentional introduction.

As Bernard began a tale, he idly wondered where exactly he had heard the story. It seemed much more detailed that what was normally told to children, not to mention there were no miraculous revivals or sudden heroes to save the day as was usual in stories told to children. He shrugged, whatever parents wanted to teach their children, as long as it wasn't harmful, he didn't really care. He himself had not heard the story on any of his patrols and wanderings through the kingdom but that didn't account for much. When Bernard finished, he took a moment to think about what the story was telling.

He spoke quietly,
"I suppose it does act as a cautionary tale. I don't believe it's about the abuse of power really but greed definitely plays a large part. As for the vulture, it should have been more cautious, finding unprotected lion cubs was quite lucky, however, it should not have succumb to carelessness."

He stopped for a moment before a thought occurred to him,
"It seems that we do have a large flock of crows, just waiting in the wings." He wasn't quite sure if the Yellow Crows actually played a part in the story but he smiled at the pun. He couldn't resist such an opportune moment, it was rare that he was exposed to much humor; most of the poorer folk were too busy, the other Knights tended to be more distant among each other, and he had never really interacted enough with the royals to hear any jokes.

He turned back to Bernard,
"What are your thoughts on the matter?"

It was quite interesting to hear their opinions on the story. From Alfred's answer, he assumed that he was a more modest man, more righteous and just. It was rare to meet men such as he, who believed that they were doing good. Most of the knights were already cynical and pessimistic, often joining the Red Knights with the same unsavory methods that he was subject to.

It was with surprise that he realized that he had finished the bread and was scraping the bottom of the bowl. While the conversation had been going on, he had continued to eat between his thoughts. He looked mournfully down at the dried beef left, wishing for the luxury of fruits or sweets. He ate one before wrapping the other slice in a square of linen. He would give it to the children later in the day when he had time.

King Cadmus Rayn

Bedroom Quarters then Banquet Hall --:--

@Irianne @Archie @Church418

Morning time and the red sun rose, painting the sky in equally as bright red, and mixtures of yellows and oranges. It appeared as if the sun suggested blood had been spilt. Not on his watch, so he recalled – the Decucis Dragon had not ordered any death, not yet at least. Most likely the filth of those putrid Crows leaving behind morsels for the rest of them to devour. His people were suffering by their hands, yet Cad believed they were meant to be expendable to the enemy, it was for the kingdom, an honorable purpose in life. He would not bother sending out more Knights to protect the pitiful and weak. It wasn’t that Cad needed the protection, not with his capabilities, but he wanted his children safe – even knowing some of them breathed curses and death to his soul. Or was he just kidding himself to ease his guilt?

Maybe they didn’t…maybe my own children truly love me. My wife did…but she’s gone. That which mended my beating heart, lost to sickness.

He became easily bitter after her death, and found the peacefulness of the morning just to his liking upon the tower connected to his bedroom quarters. This is where he always watched the sun slowly rise over the hills and into the pale blue sky. A lovely site, and calming; one he watched for hours until the bell rang. Once he looked down, he always furrowed his brow and his lips stiffened. They are all worthless to him; all their problems, all their struggles. Did they even stop to mourn for the beloved Queen? He clenched his teeth hard and ground them side to side a little before stomping off downstairs to his bedroom. Just in time, for one of the maids had come to retrieve him for breakfast. “M’lord, breakfast is served. Your children are also presently sitting together.”

Doubt they’d last long once he arrived. His eldest, Daniel, would be the most interested in his tasks yet tend to his gentle nature during conversation; Alorei would seek out the Knights, longing for their company; and Hewyn would barbarically disobey everything he requested – or most of his commands. Foolish children at times but they were the last of what remained of his Queen, the beauty he loved for decades. To his surprise, Hewyn resembled Cad the most – he loathed such reality. A dragon child that rejected magic, and nearly his own father. His children are the very reasons why the Dragon King kept himself mighty and vigorous. He wasn’t old but he mustn’t fall behind, especially since his middle child was a brute: a giant-cripple.

Alas, he entered the banquet hall; his long strides and hard steps pounding the flooring. Cadmus was dressed in his best dark blue waistcoat and breeches, lined in shimmering gold with the family dragon sigil and flame upon the left of his chest. As he moved, the fabric swished behind him. Sky, his longsword, the might of his person, sway gently along his left hip. As he approached, he noticed the servants had come scampering out to bring his meal fresh and hot, setting it gently, still covered, at the front of the table where the large, elegantly carved wooden chair await cold and empty.

“Flames of my heart, are you satisfied with your meals?” He asked in his deep, melodic Icelandic accent as he sat upon the red velvety cushion. "However, I see one does not eat. Tell me, how do you expect to become as strong as your father if you have no sustenance?" His firm hazel gaze went towards Daniel, the eldest of his blood.



Castle Fields --> Banquet Hall


@Archie @Church418 @Irianne @Prudentia

The bright sunlight washed the castle fields in a golden light and the birds' sweet song filled the crisp morning air. A young fiery-haired girl stood in middle of a dirt patch, not far from the training grounds and the luscious gardens. The grass here had already died, leaving behind only soil and dirt, which created the perfect spot for practicing fire mages. Ardyn closed her eyes, feeling the familiar warmth of the sunlight as well as the natural energy that existed in the air touching her skin. Almost out of habit, she extended her hand and a dancing flame appeared before her immediately. A small smile appeared on her face as she observed the wondrous element. Such a fickle thing, volatile and dangerous, but melodic and beautiful if controlled properly. She swore she could feel a connection with this blaze, and the more she wielded it, the stronger her connection grew.

Slowly, she concentrated on the flame and raised a finger into the air as if drawing on nothing. The fire followed her movements smoothly. Soon, a rudimentary outline of a dragon could be seen the air, albeit the eyes were rather lopsided. Although fire art was not often used in combat, creating such intricate designs required a large amount of control and concentration, which were skills essential to mastering this element. The young Bride often preferred to start her day off this way, as the fire always succeeded in energizing her.

Suddenly, an arrow shot towards her from the corner of her eye. Ardyn instinctively lashed a finger towards the object, her fire quickly engulfing the arrow into flames.
"Sorry about that!" a boy's voice called from the training ground. The redhead looked up and recognized him as the most recent child taken from his family to be trained as a Red Knight. However, he looked much older now and there had been no additions since him, a concerning fact for the royal family.

"The King would have your head if you had killed me just now," Ardyn teased with amusement.

The boy smiled sheepishly.
"This is my first time training with bow and arrows!"

"You're practically all grown up! How old are you?" she asked, mainly out of curiosity.

"Almost ten," he replied proudly. Just then, a Red Knight in the distance called the boy's name and he quickly turned back around to return to his training.

Ardyn looked at him go with nostalgic blue eyes. She could still remember when she was that childishly eager, when her biggest worry in the world was to properly fire a basic spell, before she had discovered the true nature of her existence and the torturous punishments that occurred in the castle dungeons. She couldn't help but think about how it had been almost a decade since a child was born with markings. There was something off about the whole situation. Her grumbling stomach interrupted her thoughts and she decided this was a conversation for later.

Ardyn headed back inside the castle and made her way towards the Banquet Hall, where she saw the rest of her family congregating at the breakfast table. As usual, Daniel was coddling Alorei while Hewyn was trying to get under her skin in any way possible. She could recall the many fights that had reached physical violence between Daniel and Hewyn, as well as Hewyn's outright disobedience for the King. She shook her head and smiled to herself- she may not be connected to these people by blood, but they were certainly her very dysfunctional family.
"It seems like I'm late to the party," she announced her entrance, taking the last empty seat.

She joined just in time to hear Hewyn ask Alorei about her weapon preference and a loud laugh bursted out of Ardyn. The thought of the princess wielding any kind of weapon was entertaining.
"I'm sure she loves any weapons that she can use to harm you," the redhead said with amusement, meeting the defiant prince's eyes.

She began to dig at the sausages before her and noticed the empty plate in front of Daniel, who was being chastised by his father.
"Marcus can already best you with one hand. You'll need all the food you can get," Ardyn teased the Heir, referring to his personal Red Knight mentor.

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Hugo Hale

Back courtyard of the base

Interacting with no one

Hugo looked up at the birds flying above him, almost in jealousy. They could fly and be free, spreading their wings in a declaration of liberty and independence. He felt almost weighed down by the current predicament the Crows were in. No new children with the markings, he was afraid the Grandmaster was at a stand still. What course of action were they to take? Even Hugo's clever mind could not think of a solution.

"Audi!" He called. He sat back on a bench, surrounded by only a few other members. After a few seconds, a chirp sounded from within the trees, and out flew a falcon in its black fur. Audi perched on Hugo's right hand, protected by a glove. Hugo sighed, starting to rub the back of the falcon's neck. It was a calming exercise for both the boy and the falcon. Bored at the sight of none of his friends around, he didn't want to really go to the Mess Hall. His introverted nature was emphasized today, and he really didn't want to get mixed up in something unfortunate like he always did. Instead, he played it safe, choosing to stay outside with the birds and the wind.

Once again, Hugo looked up at the birds flying above him, then to Audi. It was not an expression of jealousy, but now, an expression of admiration. He knew he'd always respected them, their ability to fly around with their wings. He mentally slapped himself for being in such a slump that he'd become jealous of the birds for their gift. A gift that he lacked. A gift that he was thought he was angry he lacked. He wasn't angry, he was just venting his frustrations. Hugo felt himself wind down, letting the rising sun of the morning soak into him.
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Yellow Crow Compound, Entrance


Nicholas arrived at the entrance of the Yellow Crows base, discreet as you'd expect a cabal's stronghold. Hidden among the buildings of the city in plain sight, only a few marks here and there that only members could distinguish. Nicholas opened the door to the compound with ease, letting it drift shut behind him with a small nudge. While Nicholas felt great, he knew that his appearance maybe told otherwise. His usual stature, not that friendly, but threatening regardless if he was in a room full of those he called family. Eyes were usually sunken and sullen as usual, but his nights spent drinking no doubt left them a tint of red. In all accounts he should be a limp mess in bed, yet Nicholas used his magic to get through the day.

Spotting the platinum blonde locks stuck out regardless of the dimness of the room, standing there timid as usual.

"Mornin' Ciri," Nicholas called out in a friendly gestured, tapping her on the shoulder slightly as he approached. She had a unique appearance, pale skin with those blue eyes, not to mention her hair. He never understood how she got through her tasks as a feather, but she seemed to be adept at not being noticed, he never see her unless they were both in the compound.

"Any news for the us today," Nicholas asked curious, he'd always liked to see how much drunken babble in taverns end up in the ears of the feathers. Nicholas urged her on to follow him, he meant to go speak with Hugo, his fellow Talon and wished to seek him out in the courtyard.

Daniel Reana Rayn 1.3

(Banquet Hall to Red Knight Compound: @Archie @Irianne @Semblance @Prudentia )

The large Oak doors that led to his Father's tower and chambers swung open. As was the norm, the King did everything with a sense of urgency and assertion. Even entering a Banquet Hall. He greeted everyone before taking his place at the head of the table. Daniel offered him a smile and casually put his fist to his chest, leaning forward slightly to offer his Father the rightful respect. "Father." Daniel replied, before placing his palm upon the haft of his rapier and resuming his casual stance. "As usual, your presence would make the mountains themselves quake."

No sooner had he finished his statement than did a familiar voice approach from behind, followed by her scent he would recognize anywhere. Ardyn took her place at the table while lightly teasing Hewyn in response to the question he had asked. She glanced up at him and gave him a smile, and he offered one back in response before averting his gaze back to his Father. With anyone else, Daniel could socialize, offer quick wit and charm for hours. In the presence of Ardyn, however, he often found himself lacking the ability to speak normally. There was just too much history there. History he was ashamed of. He was glad, however, to see Ardyn had been much happier the past few months. Well....maybe happy wasn't the word. But content at least. He tried to give her as much freedom as possible. In Daniel's mind, it was the best thing he could offer her. For more selfish reasons, it also allowed him to shelve his biting guilt.

Ardyn, however, didn't seem to suffer from the same vice as she joined in on everyone's waggish comments about his decision to for-go his morning meal.
"I appreciate everyone's genuine concern with my eating habits in life." He finally replied with a droll tone, offering a sly grin to those who had commented. "But while my loving family remains firmly planted on their bottom-most extremity, fattening their bellies, I...." He continued, unsheathing his sword and twirling it gracefully about his palm. "...shall meet steel with steel. Sparring with our Kingdom's greatest"

Daniel offered his family an olive branch, however, taking an apple from Alorei's plate and biting into it. With mouth full, he proceeded to smack a wet and obnoxious kiss upon Alorei's forehead before stepping off toward the Red Knight compound, subtly laughing at how Alorei would react. He left the room with a wave of his hand, bidding his family farewell as he walked out into the sunlight and onward to the Red Knight's. He wanted to get as much time in with the Red Knights as he could, before tending to today's duties.

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Bernard Catalan

Mess Hall @raspberryrose @Wandering Hollow

While he and Tristan never shared words before, the man's face was familiar. But that was to be expected. The Red Knights had passed each other by since the time they were children; there was no face unfamiliar within the barracks. That was why, Bernard imagined, when the man gave his name, it rang familiar.

As Alfred answered, a smile crept across Bernard's face. A tale too morbid for children? He did not contest the claim, but the notion of children shying away from a story slathered in blood and gore ran a chuckle through him. Children so loved mischief, after all.

The grin returned full force as Alfred finished his interpretation. "Ahh, yes, you've shone clarity on the matter. As ever, yours is the happier mind between us." He turned on his elbow to seek Tristan's take on it, and sure enough, the red knight quipped his own modification to Alfred's spiel.

raspberryrose said:
"I suppose it does act as a cautionary tale. I don't believe it's about the abuse of power really but greed definitely plays a large part. As for the vulture, it should have been more cautious, finding unprotected lion cubs was quite lucky, however, it should not have succumb to carelessness."
"Sure, sure," the words were brief, prompting, all in hopes Tristan would go further, seek some detail.

raspberryrose said:
"It seems that we do have a large flock of crows, just waiting in the wings."
"Right!" Leaping up in his seat, Bernard hit a hand across the table's surface. "The crows, that's it!"

"It's all about the crows, I'd say. Vulture's a scavenger, just like them, but see, it breaks from its natural instinct by eating cubs -- it acts as a predator. It upsets the natural order! That's why it cannot sustain the heavy lumps of children in its stomach. The vulture has not the natural capacity to manage it. So the lion, who acts according to nature, finds it an easy task to dispatch the vulture, and justice is served." He fell back in his seat, releasing his breath.

Bernard stuffed a handful of mutton between his cheeks and carried on with a closing statement. "Justice, then, is even nature's business. These yellow crows that oppose our lion king deserve far worse a fate, since it is we, not unthinking nature, who mete it out, wouldn't you say?"

Bernard sought to inspire them. Yet still, he watched their faces for any sign of hesitation, any hint of their heart's betrayal. While every act of a Red Knight was watched, and watched thoroughly, betrayal could not be prevented when it manifested suddenly.
Ciri Navarro

Role : Feather

Location : Yellow Crows Compound – On the way to the courtyard

Mentioned : @Shanman411

Once inducted into a role of that of a shadow, one begins to perceive the world differently. Little things come in sight, behavior gains a new meaning, it is all a matter of time before one becomes a master of stealth and of the five senses. Such words were spoken to her by one of her mentors back in the days of old, as to which she could not help but snicker ever so slightly as to how all pretentious it sounded in her mind. The man simply smiled, ruffling her hair before whispering “you’ll understand soon enough”. And in a way…she did. It all came to her instinctively, so much that Ciri herself could have not recognize it as such, not at first. Now, every time she encountered the elder, she found herself looking down humbly, as if apologizing for her younger self’s arrogance, as to which the man would chuckle merrily. No doubt she was the first to come to the realization of the truth in his words.

She was able to grasp the presence of a Talon nearby before words were spoken. His scent was the one to allow her to identify the one in particular, confirmed by his voice and familiar, friendly approach.
“Good morning to you as well, Nicholas.” The little bird, as her friends mockingly addressed her at times, wasted no time in expressing her satisfaction at seeing the fellow Yellow Crow after so long, simply by her candid smile. That much was enough to capture her liking towards a certain individual, in contrast to her behavior towards someone that stroke her as unpleasant in every way possible. But even so, the tall, lean, handsome man was still one she perceived as a superior, perhaps because of his role or his gender. As such, she graced him with a sign of respect, a polite nod.

Following along with his pace, the female promptly answered him, albeit her response tainted with a sigh.
“The Royal Family is growing in favor of the people. The cause is as we thought…no children have been plagued as of now, even with our best efforts to find any who could have possibly been silenced for this to happen so…suddenly…” She paused, tilting her head ever so slightly to face him in the eye. “What about you? Are you allowed to share with me the results of your journey?” She spoke in a light tone but it was clear that she did not mean to pry when it was not her place to do so. One could take the words as a jest, a means of expressing her frustration towards who thought of themselves as privileged and superior.

A ridiculous, superfluous notion, of course.

She knew her place, as daring as she made herself to be in front of others of her kin.
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@Archie @Church418 @Prudentia @Semblance

Alorei quirked an eyebrow at Hewyn. "
Weapons?" she echoed. Between this bizarre line of questioning and a rare display of proper table manners, her brother was acting oddly indeed. An answer came from Ardyn, her sister in everything but blood, and Alorei gave a smirk and winked at the other girl. Eyes flicking back to Hewyn, she added, "I prefer magic to steel, or did you forget the rest of us actually make use of our gifts?"

It was not strictly true that Alorei was untrained in all manners of combat aside from magic, though it was true that she favored none of them. Swordplay was hardly proper practice for a girl of gentle birth, but she had endured the boredom of numerous archery lessons. She owned an ornate (and very sharp) dagger, though never carried it -- she could be deadly from a range, but up close her only weapon was whichever Shield accompanied her.

She paused, intending to leave it at that, but her curiosity won out and she frowned slightly at Hewyn, adding, "

The King's entrance pulled her full attention, and she momentarily abandoned interest in the conversation with her brothers. For him not only did she smile, but, ever the dutiful daughter, she moved spritely to her feet and skirted around the corner of the table to his side. His chair was grander and taller than the rest -- no man should ever sit higher than the king -- so much so that she scarcely even needed to bend down to plant a kiss on his cheek.

She remained silent as the king addressed his heir, though she took the crystal decanter from the maid who had rushed over, waving the girl away and pouring for her father herself.

Alorei had always idolized King Cadmus. He was wise beyond her comprehension and his word was the law of her life; if her father told her she could fly, she would step off the palace's battlements without hesitation. In her childhood she had mostly sought his favor through obedience. She was rigid and dutiful in his presence, but behaved as she pleased when he wasn't around. It wasn't until the death of her mother that she saw the
man who sat the throne, rather than just the king. She still enjoyed being outside of his supervision, of course, but now when he was around she was far more demonstrative in her affection than she had been as a child.

She set the decanter down as Daniel was talking, returning to her place and settling back down into her own chair.

Fattening?" she repeated sharply, casting a narrowed gaze up at her brother as he unsheathed his blade. She had to admit his control of the weapon was impressive as she watched it spin in his hand, sunlight glinting off the coiling dragon at its hilt -- not that she necessarily approved of bared steel at the breakfast table.

The rapier disappeared into its sheath and she turned back to the table with an amused shake of her head as Daniel snatched an untouched apple of the side of her plate and took a large bite. Then -- mouth still full -- he bent and gave her an unwelcomely wet kiss on her forehead. She gave a quiet shriek, all her usual poise gone as she scrunched up her face and put both hands to her forehead, wiping it away.

Oh I hope you get thoroughly trounced," she called petulantly after his retreating figure, swearing she could hear him laughing to himself as he left the hall.

Nicholas Rat

Yellow Crow Compound, Courtyard

@Mine @Bunny

Nicholas shrugged at her question, whatever tasks he had been given, chances are he had not done it. Only knowing what he'd seen during his exploits.

"Those of the slums are insisting the Rats are getting bigger because of our victims bodies we've left to rot in the streets," he insisted with a light chuckle.

"They fear the Red Knights less, dread the Crown less as well. I've seen Knights giving out food to street urchins every now and then to," Nicholas went on, making his way to the courtyard as he flinched and covered his eyes at the son. Whatever beauty the Courtyard held, he could not see, but Hugo obviously did. Sitting idly admiring the trees and butterfly and what not.

"They're growing soft, perfect time to start knickin' a few off when they come through the wrong parts of town," Nicholas insisted, eyes squinted as he let them adjust, approaching Hugo as he sat on the bench. Slapping his hand down onto Hugo's shoulder in a playful matter.

"Ain't that right Hugo,"
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King Cadmus Rayn

Banquet Hall --:--

@Irianne @Archie @Church418 @Semblance

A pleasing sight to see his daughter remove herself from her comforts and love him genuinely. He knew long ago Alorei would make a wonderful wife and Queen, so long as the proper man was before her – Cad would only want the best of men to take her hand. Possibly to her discomfort, Cad would be rather harsh towards any man she fell in love with; precautions aren’t wrong in this age, especially since more folk wanted his blood dead rather than alive. As for his sons, he could only dream they would show even half the respect sweet Alorei and Adryn did, and Cad believed his daughter would have run off to the Knights by now. Yet, it was the heir of the throne to reject their concern and leave them quickly. I am followed by a boy prince that is still not ready. Bitter, again, especially when he was connected to the insult of fat folk. Did they not clearly note his size and strength? He was not a plump King nor a thin one; not a Dragon, never plump and never thin but baring great scales that strike fear in all the commoners.

The drink tastes fresh, indeed, cold between his teeth and energizing to his person. He had requested his favorite, plum soup, and there it was before him, next to the lovely glass his daughter poured so eagerly and quickly.

Even despite his thirst being quenched and hunger satisfied, Cad still watched Daniel with a hard stare, his lips tightened and teeth clenched yet again as he watched his eldest make sword play. His body did not move as he watched the exchange between his children but his face always showed every emotion he felt. He did not need to walk to make mountains quake. Nevertheless, he went back to spooning small amounts of soup into his mouth, preferring to ignore and remove himself from the child’s play.

The Dragon’s gaze soon met Hewyn, who was awfully quiet and polite compared to his normal behavior. Do watch out for those that change so drastically; even so, he was the King’s son and for that, Cad must show his care for the brute of the family. “Hewyn…have the masters of healing helped any further with your injuries? I understand they are aged but still a bother…”

He leaned back into his grand chair and slowly scanned the table, knowing Ardyn had taken comfort in the family breakfast moment long before he spoke with Hewyn. The red headed bride was near just as respectful as Alorei, and he appreciated both of them for their love. The only difference is that Ardyn focused greatly on her training with Fire and Cadmus. Did she plan on fighting one day? Maybe she could make Daniel focus on real issues rather than coddling the weak folk so much. He snorted very gently from his nose and quirked a smile before taking another sip of drink, then watched as Daniel left them completely. His final gesture before he would go was slipping his black cloth napkin from his lap and handing it to Alorei, “Do not trouble your delicate hands with such a distasteful gesture.”

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