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Realistic or Modern The College Years (Reboot!)


an angel's kiss in spring


Welcome to NYU! We hope you enjoy the years you spend here in our glorious city! Here at NYU we want our students to make friends, enjoy the city and focus on the best education possible! Its always possible if you set your mind to it!

At NYU we focus on the joy of education and want our students to experience it head on!


New York City! Such a wonderful place for a college student! Getting to go to parties and experience the real world for a change!

You'll either have love and romance, drama and enemies or you'll be that person that gets along with everyone! Who knows your future ahead for you.

Come and be a New Yorker!



Scene One

(Okay, so before I begin, I just want to say that I'm just setting up a settings for your people to go to. So nothing gets too hectic)

-Arrive to NYU-

-Go to your dormitory-

-Meet your roommates-

-Go to the main building for a meet and greet to meet all of your college peers-
Marilyn was in the backseat of her fathers pick up truck. It was a bit odd really. Living in the city and have a pick up truck. But that was Marilyn's dad for you. Her dad rather be in Florida or Texas right now or wherever his dreams take him at night. But for where her mother works, they had to live here. Doesn't mean Marilyn's father could have fun things here and there. They had the money for it.

Her father opened the car door for Marilyn, "There you go my Marilyn." He patted her head and handed Marilyn her suitcases, "Now, be good for your mother and I, we
don't need you coming home for christmas with a huge tummy and the daddy that gave ya it." He joked and poked Marilyn's toned stomach.

Marilyn rolled her eyes andlaughed, "Trust me dad. I swear to you I won't become pregnant."He rolled his eyes back at her mockingly and pointed to the entrance, "Now get in there and teach them not to mess with you." Marilyn's father have Marilyn a kiss on the forehead and hopped into his pick up truck, zooming away.

Picking up her suitcase handle, Marilyn dragged her suitcases to the entrance and got her keys on the way in.

Once she got her keys Marilyn took the elevator up to the fifth floor to where her dorm room is. Walking to her dorm room, she unlocked the door and laid her suitcases to the side as she began to unpack. There was one empty bed in the room. Most likely she had a roommate coming in soon. Interesting.
Blake sighed softly as he repositioned himself in the driver's seat. It had been about four hours since he left the apartment and he was pretty sure his ass was starting to resemble a hard, flat surface. He turned to look at his little sister, her head leaned against the window. Lilith was ecstatic about going to New York for however long. It was a change, a great one, and she was gonna love it. Call her nerdy, but the best books were in NYC's libraries. The romance novels were calling her name. Blake pulled into the front of NYU, a small smile rising on his face. He turned to his sister and lightly shook her, enough to get her awake. Lilith sat up and took in her surroundings, then taking one big look at the university. She smiled as well and motioned to Blake to unlock the door. Once he did, she got out quickly and ran to the trunk to pull her few bags out. Blake stayed in the car, wanting to find a place to park his car before getting his things, so when Lilith grabbed her bags, he drove off towards the student car park. Once the parking was situated, he quickly grabbed his bags and locked his car before heading to the front of the school to get the key. He noticed Lilith about to take the elevator and quickly rushed in with her. "Excited?" Lilith nodded and pressed the button to where her room was, walking out and heading towards it. She unlocked the door and dropped her bags inside the dim, empty dorm. Blake walked past her to the other end of the hallway to his dorm.


Grayson was beyond tired, he wanted to just get to the school as fast as possible, mainly so he could lay down and take a nap. He was slightly excited, his parents seemed really excited to send him off to college, so they help to pack his truck with what ever he may need and sent him off. As soon as he pulled up to the school, he sat in the truck for a few minutes before turning the truck off and got out and grabbed his stuff and walked up to the campus. He made his way over to where the keys to the dorms were. He grabbed his and went to is room. When he got up to the floor there were parents and kids all over the place, he had to maneuver through the people just to get to his own room. He unlocked his door "Hello" he said before completely walking in

Jamie was sitting in a yellow cab, on his way to the college campus. According to his acceptance letter, he was to go to the campus first.

To find out where his dorm building was and get his dorm key. Then it was off to meet his new room mate.

With a sigh he relaxed back against the seat and watched the scene of new york open up in front of him, as if welcoming him to the city.

Taking a drink of coffee from his travel mug he smiled to himself as he sent a text to his parents to explain that he had arrived safely to New York.

College was definitely going to be an interesting time.

Shadow sat quietly in the car with her father in the passenger seat and her aunt Jane in the driver's seat. "Daddy I really don't mind wa-" Shadow suddenly stopped as the older man put up a hand to stop her. "Sweetie, you're not passing up this opportunity," he told her with a smile. Sighing softly, she got out the car with her father and hugged him tightly. "I love you," she said softly as she finally pulled back and kissed his cheek. "Call me as soon as you get home," she said as she began getting her things out the trunk. Reluctantly, she watched them leave before she headed inside and grabbed her dorm key. She went upstairs to her room, maneuvering through the people and finally walks in, seeing someone else in the room. "Oh, hello. You must be my roommate. I'm Shadow," she told her as she chose the empty bed and set her things down.


Jamie reached the campus and strolled in before gathering the needed documentation and keys to his dorm room. He still did not know who he was sharing with but he soon would.

Getting his stuff, he headed up the stairs and reached the door of his room, unlocking the door he stepped inside and found the room empty. Guess I'm the first here, he thought to himself

as he picked a room and started unpacking his stuff, starting with his clothes. His parents were shipping out the larger things in a week or so which was ok by him. He had just finished unpacking his first bag before he threw himself on the bed for a quick nap. The travelling had worn him out and he was pretty tired.
Louis had found the trip to NYU from Texas to be much more interesting than he expected. It had just been his dad and him in the little moving truck, but seeing the country, even if it was just at seventy miles an hour through the window, had been nice. None of it compared to New York City though. Everywhere he looked was another giant skyscraper or some eye-catching storefront. To say that it was quite a change from Corpus Christi was quite the understatement.

"You ready for this," His dad asked, well aware of how things had been since what happened to Louis's brother Mitch. "Yeah dad, like I said, I think this is the best thing to do." His dad just nodded as the pulled into the parking lot and began unloading Louis's things. When they finished, Louis hugged his dad and said his goodbyes, then headed into the dorm, where he signed in and was given the key to his room. His took the elevator up to his floor, doing his best to not drop anything as he made his way down the hall to his room, surprised to find that the door was already open and someone was inside.

"Hey," he said, putting his things on the floor and offering his hand for a handshake with the kid he'd be spending the next year living with. "I'm Louis, Louis Drake. Nice to meet you."

Andrew J. Phillips

Everyone stared at Andrew as they walked to their own rooms to meet their own roommates. He didn’t. Instead, he was sat by the front door to “his” room with his boxes stacked at his side, awkwardly fiddling with his hands to avoid eye contact. Finding his roommate passed out on the bed wasn’t exactly what he had in mind for introductions to the person he supposedly would become friends with over a year. So, not entirely sure what to do with himself and not wanting to wake his roommate up at the same time, he figured he’d wait outside the room until he woke up… or something. He hadn’t exactly figured out anything beyond that, but he decided that it was alright. Not like he was going to do much once inside anyway; unpacking wasn’t renown for being fun. Nor was meeting roommates, as far as he could tell. Knowing him, he’d make it super awkward and say something super offensive and be basically shunned by the guy for the rest of the year. Not that it was such a bad thing, he weakly reminded himself. Being on his own for college would suck, yeah, but it wouldn’t be the end of the world. At least then he wouldn’t have to awkwardly try to make polite small talk every time they were around each other.

Interacting with:
@Haus Of Alaska | Feeling: Awkward | Location: Hallway of dorm


Jamie woke up with a groan. stretching out his back he left his room and ran into his room mate

Oh hi. you must be my room mate, my names Jamie nice to meet you"

He said with a smile, he could sense the other guys nerves a mile away.

"Have you just arrived?, need help unpacking?"

He offered with a smile. He was determined to make the most of college but not at the cost of making anyone uncomfortable.

@Little Birdy


The dusky sky made the night sky seem dull and gray. Her carribean blues watched the stars peek out from behind the foggy clouds that still loomed over. There had been a brisk shower where she had came from, and puddles formed and the taxi driver purposefully ran over them to try and make the girl smile, it worked, obviously. It didn't take much to make Blake laugh. She looked over at the man driving who had peeked back to make sure she was having fun, "You seem quiet back there Miss. Monroe." he announced. Blake shrugged, "I guess it's just been a long day..." she replied and looked back out her window, seeing her little bothers sad face as she had left her home town in Maine. It took five and a half hours to get from Portland to New York, and it has been five hours of chaos, hell, and a lot of missed calls. Her mother must've been glad to get her out of the house, because she hasn't answered any of Blake's calls. The blonde sighed and leaned her forehead on the cool glass of the backseat window, shutting her eyes for a moment.

"Wake up, Miss. We've arrived." The driver said as he put the car in park. Blake inhaled a deep breath before squinting her eyes open, "Hm?" she answered before she looked out her window eagerly. She gave a big smile before searching through her wallet, handing the man his money and she scurried out of the car and grabbed the things that were in the trunk. Blake had platinum blonde hair that curled loosely beyond her shoulder blades. She was around 5'4" and wore a white
Be Positive T-shirt, black Nike leggings, and a pair of black and white tennis shoes. She carried her book bag on her back, it was filled with room decor, her suitcases in hand, and a few other miscellaneous plastic bags. She opened her apartment complex doors and hurried casually to the front desk, signed in and got her room key, and walked back towards the elevator. She crammed all of her things in their with here, and then exited on her floor, searching the room numbers until she found her own.

She unpacked her bedding first, laying it out on her mattress neatly, and then put her school supplies and mirror onto her desk. She unpacked her clothes, and left the rest for tomorrow, it had been a busy day. She plopped onto her cozy, made bed with a book called: Nearly Gone, and opened it up, yawning as she did so. She had left her door open and it peaked into her mitch-match room that was partially done unpacked, but she was content with the work she put into it that day.


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