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Futuristic The City of Tyrants [Group RP: 6-8 Needed.]

Vincious Macabre

King of Hell

“Argyros, Ferrum, Anhydrous. Targets on lock. Proceed as planned.”

“Yes, sire.” The three men whispered into their mouthpieces in unison, only the tiniest noise of fabric brushing against fabric releasing into the wind as they hopped off the roof of the ancient structure they often utilised to stalk their prey. Like a hawk, familiarising itself with the zenith of a tree where it could easily exercise its superior visual abilities over its next meal. Just like most other tall buildings scattered about the city.

The night, like every other typical night along the streets of the city of Aerikem, was empty and cold. Silver moonlight peering down through breaks in the thick cover of ashen clouds in elongated intervals, causing condensation droplets to shine as they dripped off the edges of sharply geometrical buildings made by the most Pythagorean of architects. White, black, glass and blue. That was the general colour scheme of this city encased in eternal darkness; shadows brought upon them by the overlords of the biggest and most influential corporation on Earth–Cambia. They not only had a unique political system of power of their own, rather unique in that they ‘employed’ princes to lord over sectors, which humans still thought could be called cities. But oh, how wrong they were.

The only thing those sectors retained as similar to a metropolitan part of civilisations were the modern structures and the usurpers, the vultures, the rich standing on the crumbling platform elevated on the backs of the poor and the middle class people, who barely had any energy to keep it up, but they tried as hard as they could–thinking they were under absolutely no pressure and had nothing to carry at all. They were blinded by the very people they venerated, the people they despised but still sacrificed themselves to nonetheless.

And here were three of the inhuman creatures who perfectly dominated the clueless human citizens. Often employed only as police officers, these three exceptional Silverlights were taken into the higher, more powerful wing of operations and affairs; the espionage division connected with a direct link to the governments of the world. The governments that believed they were still free, but in fact were under the full control of The Eight. The most enigmatic, most powerful, and most mysterious individuals to ever rule the Earth.

There were, with no doubt, all types of rumours and ideals–and conspiracies–perpetuated about them, advocated and fought against, all by masses who were completely in the dark. Living the lives they had now, with their so-called ‘brilliant smart cities’ and the technology they previously had no clue even existed, they thought they were well off, laughing at and mocking past civilisations at just how horrible they were at enjoying life.

What they were completely unaware of was just how ruined they all were. If The Eight were vampires, like in that odd film Day Breakers, humanity would be blood bags and the ruling figures the most starving of bloodsuckers.

But no one even knew what the eight where–not even their underlings. Were they high sorcerers? Ancient magicians who could put together entirely new species? Had they used science together with magic to create the Silverlights? Or were they… Were they gods?

No matter what they were, they sure as Hell knew how to utilise an agenda. As if created specifically to rule, they organised everything to their own liking, prepared for all the enemies they themselves provoked.

What they were unprepared for were the small organisations of underdogs. What they also forgot was that humans were still brilliant with technology. Put those two together and what do you have? Precisely. Secret sects preparing to wage a war against the corrupt system.

The system itself had much bigger goals and targets to reach, however. And with the high security measures they had? They would have absolutely no problem annihilating their revolutionaries.

But, unaware as they were, perhaps their opposers could utilise the element of surprise.

Either way, that did not matter tonight. Although there was no rain, there were the faint aftertastes of it; the kiss of the frigid chill in the winds made that clear. The lack of pouring water made it all the more easy for the scourge known (by few, really) as Denvian Crowe. An information dealer, the Keeper of Knowledge, some type of Mortician and a trainee of the Knights of Hell themselves, this demon was one of the most dangerous of all. With his sly ways, which easily infiltrated into his entire lifestyle, he knew better than to let any of that be known. However, while he was trying to gather intel (eavesdrop) on Silverlight spies (ah, the irony), his slightly mad, rogue reaper acquaintances made an appearance behind him and kicked him right in the back, arousing the attention of the three men he almost fell right on. Catching himself in mid-air, he had kicked off the nearby opposite building and landed in the thin strip of a back alley. They had looked infuriated, and, taking no more than microseconds to scan the entire area, making sure there were only those two reapers and the demon, the relentless pursuit that was still currently ongoing had begun. In reality, Denvian and his mates could have stopped and took them on with ease, but keeping a low profile meant it was better to run away like cockroaches–and, really, this was oddly amazingly fun.

“Think we lost them?!” Shouted Severus, cocking his silver-haired head back to glance at the black haired, black-on-black clad demon, with his sunlike orange irises shining brightly in the dark, looking much like two miniature stars with a crescent moon’s shadow hovering perfectly by the centre of them. The other reaper, Raz, was slightly lagging behind the demon, locking his gaze with Severus’s.

The trio had noticed the chase cooling down and then almost ceasing about two minutes ago, however they knew better than to let their guards down. It turned out that they made the right choice, as when those three Silverlights; Argyros, Ferrum and Anhydrous slipped off the slick roof of the building they had just passed, they were prepared.

The odd triplet of friends, upon cryptic telepathic instruction of Denvian, slipped right into a building they knew was filled with humans… And other beings? The best plan they could really conjure up, and their pursuers knew it, was to hide amongst the humans that were supposed to be kept oblivious at all costs.

The interior of the warehouse came as a shock to the intruders who sprinted inside in such a hurry, stopping them in their tracks as if an invisible boulder had slammed right into them.

Fully lit, filled with distinctive mechanical humming of overworked technology, and elaborately organised, the massively high roofs made Crowe feel like he was much smaller than he knew himself to be. However, awe was not an option as footsteps echoed into the building like bullets on a battlefield. The three targets rushed to hide behind the belongings of the confused humans–and other individuals–and instead of turning hostile against them, the staccato of rifles rising to greet the Silverlights echoed against the hollowed out, domed ceiling.

Standing there in a devil-trap-like kill-zone of threat, the governmental murderers were still breathtakingly beautiful. The apparent leader of the predatory triplet sported flowing, pin straight strands the colour of fresh snow, his eyes a steely blue, standing at seven feet five inches.

The other one had azure hair the colour of ashen lapis lazuli, with such a glossy shine to it, it had made Denvian wonder if he took extra care of it, when he was staring down at them from the roof of that building he was kicked off of. The straight fringe, and the way the sides framed his thin jaw, made his sharp cheekbones more prominent, giving his hazy grey eyes a darker air about them–which was slightly diluted by the sharp caution that swam in the cloudy skies of his eyes.

The last one of the three was nowhere to be seen. The glean of the shock of silky strings akin to raven feathers was completely missing. He must had stayed outside.

The two Silverlights scanned their vicinities. Denvian, Raz and Severus would remain safe… As long as the pale skinned, dark haired, elfin beauty staring right at them with... Eyes of slightly confusing hues–they could have been golden or hazel–kept her pretty mouth shut and refrained from giving their position away.

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Ella had a long day. She had to spend almost the whole day with her mother which was exhausting. She didn't hate her mother but at the same time she was annoyed by her. Plus it took up time she could of been working. Ella is a blogger. She blogs pretty much just about anything but the theme of her blog is stories. Everyone has a story. People, especially now, would love to rewrite their stories or be part of another one with a unknown world. Ella likes to push the imagination and thinking outside of the box. She talks about how people should be more curious and be aware what's going on around them. Even though she types these things Ella herself will sometimes be a air headed to these things.

Later that day, well more like night, she headed to what look like to be a warehouse. But the moment you walked in you be shock to what you would see. Actually this warehouse belonged to a secret organization. Yep Miss Ella was part of a secret society and she happened to be second in command. She arrived in the building and headed straight to her desk. She waved at a few people she then she set her things down and went into the back room.

When she came back to her desk she was very confused at what she saw. There were three people by her desk hiding behind her things. She looked at them slightly confused and tilted her head to the side. They saw her looking at them but didn't say anything. They just kind of stared at her like she did at them.
"Um?" She looked around her then noticed something. Silverlights?! She looked backed at the three in a panic. Even though she could be mature underpressure there were times where she would panic and her air headness would kick in. They must be looking for them what should I do?! Without thinking clearly she was about to open her mouth to speak but one of the strangers covered her mouth and pulled her towards them hiding her as well. "mmm!"

Well at least she didn't get a sudden urge of bravery and walk right over to the silverlights trying to take them on. Which it is something she would do. So they were lucky she wasn't feeling brave today or they probably would of been caught.



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Ravelk wasn't necessarily being paid for tonight's work; it wasn't like she got paid at all for her efforts with Babesia, but at least when Rav was doing labour for a company late at night she would get paid. Night shift was always a little more too, Ravelk could have done with the extra money for food, or to maybe pay one of her bills. Though, the work for tonight wasn't too bad, and Ravelk was allowed to go once she was done. A perk at least for being in Babesia.

The machinary up near the front of the warehouse buzzed along as Ravelk carried a couple boxes in her arms. The machines weren't theirs, Babesia was only squatting in this warehouse for a little while till they could find some place better, but the boxes Rav carried were Babesia's, a mix of different junk and paperwork. Other people roamed around with boxes or files in their arms, but Ravelk didn't know if they belonged to the same secret society as herself, or were employed by the company that actually owned the place. It didn't really matter, no one actually talked with each other at this time of night since they were either ready to kill someone to get to bed, or had just woken up for their night shift, and were also ready to kill someone.

Walking down a small flight of stairs, Ravelk ended up in a small area near the back of the warehouse, where the space had been emptied for desks. It wasn't exactly the best place for a small office section, but it wasn't like Rav's superiors put it there, the owner's of the warehouse did that, and Babesia was just making use of the space.

Rave couldn't exactly see what was in front of her, with a tower of boxes in the way of her line of sight, but she had been told to put the boxes in the office space so that it could be sorted by someone who knew what they were doing. Placing them on the nearest desk to the stairs, Ravelk quickly made sure they weren't going to squish something with her fingertips before she placed them down.

Without boxes in the way of her eyes, Ravelk was able to see the scene she had accidentally walked on.

Four people, one of which Rav knew wasn't hiding voluntarily; since Rav knew she was with Babesia, and also had a hand wrapped around her mouth, were hiding behind one of the desks closer to the back exit. It didn't take much brainpower to figure out they were hiding from the Silverlights that happened to be hanging around said exit, and Ravelk felt almost disappointed in herself for accidentally walking into a scene.

The Silverlights were staring at her, understandable considering she just walked in, and Ravelk felt as though she had to do something. Rav couldn't exactly fight them, at least not here, and if people were hiding from Silverlights they at least deserved a moment of respite from them. So Rav went with the tactic that made most sense for her position.

"Hello. Sorry, but I need to ask you two to leave. It's past business hours for visitors, and unauthorized people shouldn't be back here. "
A lone man about the age of 20 sat at a table in a secluded corner of a bar. He sipped a drink and thought of his last job. He had been payed to take out a rival of his employer. The target had been a fat old man who got rich by ripping off his clientsand dealing in illegal things such as drug dealing and slavery. Evan had been happy to get rid of him.
Raz had been rushed into a panic as the pale brunette almost gave away their hiding position. Had she done that, a fight surely would have ensued, and although there were two reapers and a demon in the mix, they had no intention of bringing everyone around them total and utter destruction. So many souls would have lain in their place, awaiting the touches of obedient reapers, who would definitely waste no chance to bring Denvian's mates home to be questioned and then most likely executed by Morte himself. That would have not been desirable.

So, without thinking twice about his actions, he snatched the female into his arms, making sure to keep his skeletal, left hand off her person–he did not want to silence her... For that long. Just a few minutes until those Silverlights gave up the chase.

Pulling her back against his oddly strong, however bony chest, he kept his right hand pressed firmly against her lips, while his left arm held her in place betwixt his legs. As if the severity of the situation had dawned on her alerted mind, she put up no struggle.

Severus glanced at her for a brief moment, a terrifyingly threatening expression upon his pale features, his gaze akin to the climax of a solar flare. "Shut up" was what his face silently uttered, before he quickly looked up to the other female who caught sight of them. This one seemed more equipped to handle situations under pressure, ordering, without hesitation, the police officers to leave the premises. He would thank her once the intended listened to her demands.

Looking far more tense under the glare of the lights, the two law enforcers finally listened to her request and left, with an apparent air of sulkiness, the exit unoccupied, disappearing into the night like crows without a single word.

A seemingly collective sigh of relief fell through the atmosphere, pulling the trio out from their hiding. Raz let the lass go.

Denvian, always being the leader type, walked up to the woman whom had just saved more lives than she realised. Running a hand through his carelessly tossed up midnight locks, he stood at a comfortable distance from her and eyed her closely. Something about his eyes just spoke of what could have been mischief, or outright danger.

"Thank you, miss...?" He waited for her name, sensing his comrades standing close behind him. Raz was turned to the brunette, an eyebrow raised, his eyes giving away nothing for her to really read.

At the sound of the commotion, and at the alarm of Telver Ora's loyal Regulators, the leader himself had emerged from the backrooms. He swiftly scanned the area before he felt a sense of dread trickle down his spine, and for a moment he simply stared at the unwelcome presences–one of which was most unwelcome–in his base. Marching over with his back straight, his ruby hues settled on the male conversing with Ravelk.

Before she could give her name away, Telver had put up his hand to signal she should wait, halt all her activities for the moment.

"What made you think you could just come in here? Do you have any idea how dangerous your acts were?!" The leader nearly yelled at Crowe, who slowly turned to him with a fleeting look of surprise crossing his features, before it simply returned to something sly.

"Telver Ora, eh... I thought you were with the cause of demons?" He asked almost mockingly, a sense of comfort wrapping itself around him as fittingly as the clothes he wore.

Ora fell silent for a moment, studying this peculiar creature for some more minutes.

"How about this. In exchange for your lovely..." He gauged the room with his preternatural senses, "Crew keeping us safe, I will give you some information to aid you in your... Quests."

Remaining in silence, the leader and creator of Babesia considered the offer.

"... It will take more than that."

"We will form an agreement, then. I... Happen to be someone you can buy information from."

At this, something glimmered in Telver's crimson irises. Were his slightly desperate requests answered by... Him?

"Let's take this to the office. Ravelk, Ella, come with us. Your... Friends can come along, too."

Expecting them all to follow, Babesia's leader walked back to where he came from and settled into his chair in the dimly lit office. In front of the desk; in one of the leather chairs, Denvian would seat himself.


In a slightly rundown pub, a Recruiter of the top organisation in the Seventh Sector observed an orange-haired male from the shadows. He had been debating the best way to approach him for some time now, and upon reaching a decision, he slipped towards his target and eased himself into the seat beside him. Dressed rather casually so as not to attract unwanted attention, he looked as suspicious as the bartender.

"Evan Talon. I have been requested to recruit you to our organisation. We need to speak of this someplace... More secure."
Evan glanced at the new arrival. "This is just as secure as any place and i make it a rule not to follow strangers into deserted alleys, or any other place for that matter. Whatever you need to tell me, tell it here." He placed a knife on the table and rested his hand right next to it. A sign that he was not defenceles.
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Ella looked around at the people she was now being forced to hide with. Though she couldn't take a glimpse at the person who holding on to her keeping her mouth shut. She then noticed that the guy's left hand that was holding on to her was skeletal which made her jerk slightly and eyes widen. She had never seen that before and freaked her out a bit. She then noticed one of the guys giving her a very threating look that basically told her to shut up. She sunk slightly into the chest of the person was holding her and kept quiet calming herself. She knew better then to react the way she was epically since something like this would trigger to change into her other form mindlessly. She then noticed Rave had seen them and she looked down feeling sheepish about getting into this situation. A least Rave could be calm. I really need to work on that. She thought to herself feeling totally useless. Ella wasn't really paying attention but it seemed like Rave had took care of the problem.

Finally being let go she quickly got up and moved out of the corner and stood next to Rave. She then she watched as one of them walked up to Rave and thanked her. Though as Ella studied him a bit she for some reason didn't think he could be totally trusted. She then noticed one of the guys staring at her with a eye brow raised. She realized he was the one that had grabbed her to keep her quiet. Why was he staring at her? She couldn't tell. She looked down at her clothes. Did what she was wearing look weird? She wasn't sure.
"Um" She was about to say something but Telver had made his appearance. She watched the exchange of words and followed them to the back as Telver asked.

When they got the office Ella felt the need to say something to the strangers. She bowed slightly then spoke.
"Sorry about almost getting you guys caught. I wasn't thinking clearly I'm normally better under pressure." She then straighten back up and gave a small smile. She didn't want these people to think she was some useless airhead. Thing is at first glance you would think her personality would be a lot different because of the clothes she wore. But if you took a good look at her you would notice that her face has a innocent look to it that does not match her style at all. Also her personality and this proper manners of hers really didn't match her look either. So some people who would meet her thought it was quite strange but would come to the conclusion she was probably witch which she was.



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Ravelk didn't exactly know what was going on with the newcomers and her boss, though she could piece together what was going on from their small conversation, but either way, she was a little annoyed that she didn't have the chance to tell the newcomers her name herself. Telver dismissing their small conversation was just rude, and along with the no-pay labour for tonight, Ravelk was just a little miffed with her society boss. It wasn't everyday someone thanked her, at all.

Though that didn't stop her from following his orders; following both Telver and the demon leader of the intruders to stand in during their meeting. Standing off to the side to help accommodate everyone in the backroom office, Ravelk ended up to Telver's left of the room, leaning against a file cabinet for comfort.

The pretty girl that Ravelk saw being forced to be quiet beforehand spoke up then, and Ravelk appreciated her speaking up. Personally, Ravelk hadn't had much contact with her. Rav saw her around when she worked certain days and nights for Babesia. They hadn't exactly talked but Rav had followed her instructions when she gave them out, and Rav didn't exactly know her name, but Rav knew that everyone had their bad days, and the woman was allowed to have one every now and then.

But Ravelk also took the opportunity the woman provided; a small brief of time before Telver's meeting could start, and Rav used it. Using her head to indicate that she was talking to the guy sitting in the leather chair, she finally introduced herself.

"It's Ravelk."
The Mundane

A shadow of lies who stands is just another in the background. Silent steps, unnoticed muttering. Smoke slithers in the air until it is out of sight, and the shadow's nostrils flare. Clacking away at an imaginary keyboard, the shadow who observes with voidic eyes finds the fiery person in question until the doors open. In that second, the faint remains of black flakes dance away in the air in a helical fashion, beyond the eyes of mortals.


A thin layer of water has surfaced over his coffee. Like a silent background character, a man of cropped black hair and stylish clothing fit for a much older era sits far from the man of fiery hair. A single man has been itching to grab his attention, and with closed eyes, the stylish man examines his very foundation. Without so much as an opened eye or a conversation, the feelings this man did his best to conceal were not hidden enough for him.

The little flame against a larger one – that is what came to his mind's eye. It was truth. This is what Riku Nightmare saw.
When Ella addressed the troublesome trio, their apparent leader glanced up her way. A small smile flickered to life a bright glimmer in the demon's violet-silver eyes as he inspected her, noting just how innocent she looked–she could put many angels to shame with that expression upon her countenance.

"Don't even worry 'bout it, love," said Denvian, his voice as dark as rich red wine, bittersweet and laden with a certain smoothness. His long lashes fluttered once as he slowly blinked, trying to keep the amusement out of his eyes. For some reason, this lot was just highly entertaining.

And then, something else changed the arrangement of his features as he turned back around to face the general direction of the leader, however he was not at all looking at him. Instead, yet another feminine voice had caught his complete attention; the delayed response reaching him without hesitation, as if she had not forgotten his enquiry. It made him look at their rescuer in a new light, an appreciation for her... Intelligence, or instinct, or perhaps it was a combination of both? Either way, she had him intrigued.

"Lovely meeting you, Ravelk. My name is Denvian Crowe. These two," he gestured to the black haired reaper, and then the silver haired, fiery-gazed one, "are Raz and Severus. Don't touch their left hands; they're grims."

Done with his introductions, the demon finally looked at Telver, as if showing him he found him no more important than the other two members of Babesia.

"So, Mr. Ora. What would you like to know?"

"What do you know?"



"Hm. I know... Much. However, it will cost you."

"They saved your life!"

"Yes. They did. But you, on the other hand, did not."

The leader of Babesia gritted his teeth. This demon was turning out to be like a serpent in the flesh of a pretty man.

"The first bout of information will be paid with what they did. How about that?"

"Fine. Your knowledge will be limited." As he spoke, Crowe leaned forward and tented his fingers together.

"Before you do that, we need to form... An agreement, between us. For future acquisitions of intel," Telver interrupted the demon, who had fished into his coat pocket and pulled out a black cigarette, lighting it with the tip of his thumb sprouting a tiny purple flame like some sort of organic lighter, standing perfectly still before he extinguished it. He blew the smoke in Ora's face. Was he trying to irritate him?

"Bi-monthly intel for... A year? For you... Access to the Prince Nitros for me. And I know you can draw him out. How's that sound?"

The emphasis the information dealer placed upon "know" was so powerful, it was a wonder he did not cut out his own tongue with that bite.

Ora froze in his tracks, his hands gripping the desk tightly, knuckles quickly turning white. If they knew him well, they would know he was trying not to start a fight with this uncannily vulpine individual.

"... Get out."

"Aw, really? You're going to give up because of that request? Come on, little lad. Show me your fucking strength."

"Mr. Crowe, get the fuck out of my base."

"Disappointing," sighed out Denvian, flicking his cigarette right towards the now ghostly pale leader, across the polished wooden desk. Truly, he seemed to show Ravelk and Ella more respect.

Had they known each other for the two to act that way? It both seemed and did not seem like it; a confusing air of familiarity between them, and yet utter estrangement in their eyes.

"Let's go get some drinks," he said to his friends, Severus smirking mischievously at Ravelk as he waved at her goodbye, while Raz blew a kiss in Ella's way. The triplet left the room without another word, ignoring the attention the rest of the members of Babesia lent them. However, instead of heading for their favourite pub, Crowe simply told them to wait right by the exit... As if he knew more than he should have.


The Babesian Recruiter, with his deep blue optics descrying the silver shimmer of the knife, found a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. Really? He was pulling that shit now?

Shrugging, he slid an odd, thin, translucent tablet across the tabletop to the bounty hunter. The screen lit up, revealing a message that was carefully written, addressing Evan specifically by name.

"We have followed your record on your bounty hunting missions and think you a suitable candidate to join our organisation.

We cannot tell you much unless you agree to join us, however what you need to know is this: if you accept us, you will find out the
truth about the government of our world.

If you accept, the Recruiter, Thedrick, will bring you to our base.

The choice is yours.


Evan glanced at the screen then back at the recruiter. "So what your saying is, I gotta join an organization so that I can find out what this organization does?¿?¿ and what happens if I decide to leave?¿?¿" Evan didnt trust this guy at all, but something in the message had caught his eye. "Find out the truth about the government of our world." That sounded interesting, what truth would that be?¿?¿ @Vincious Macabre
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Ella watched the scene go down. Personally she didn't see why her boss couldn't work with them. If they had information that they needed then why not work with them to get it. After that was over the group stood up to leave. She watched them go but her face shot red when the one called Raz blew a kiss at her. "Jeez." After all that she glanced over at the boss trying to think of something to say. "Sir was that really the right way to handle that?" He was pissed and she probably shouldn't be talking but at the moment she really didn't care. She crossed arms and glanced at him waiting for a response.



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