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The Butterfly Effect.

Will you join in this deathly dance?

  • Metamorphosis: I shall.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Caterpillar: I shall not.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

She knew.

She knew.

She knew.

How the hell had he given it away?

After years of being so, so careful, of avoiding even the most well supported claims, all it had taken was a simple action from this one woman to entrap him into letting it all slip through his fingers. Where had he gone wrong? Even as he asked himself the question, he knew. It had all been in that one, brief smile, a split second opening of the windows that provided a clear view of what was kept so heavily guarded under the surface. But this on its own, to Mordecai's overwhelming alarm, was not even the thing that concerned him most. Even if she wanted to prove his guilt, she possessed no more evidence than her predecessors had. What would she do? Tell them that he had betrayed his own lack of innocence with a smile? No, no. The truth of the matter was far, far worse.

It was the rest of Iris's words that hit him like a blow to the stomach, knocking all the air from his lungs and leaving him gasping for breath. Each and every syllable that fell from her lips was so sincere, her shattered hopes and wishes flowing through him to his very soul like a broken melody, beautiful, hypnotizing, yet sung by a voice so weighted down with pain and sorrow that he could not help but feel it all wash over him by association. It was a plea of sorts, a cry for help to which he could not provide assistance but desired to, and it terrified him. Iris knew everything, and it was now very apparent that she'd had her suspicions from the very start. She knew the name of every person who had ever died by his hand, and by his reaction to viewing them for himself could tell that he felt no remorse. Iris Mason had seen with perfect clarity the wicked, monstrous excuse for a human being that was Mordecai Lester, and yet, she was not afraid. She was not disgusted. She had not threatened him, or said any of the manner of things against him that others would have immediately jumped at the chance to do. No. Given everything that she now knew to be truth, given the impassive, unfeeling way in which he had treated her ever since their first meeting, given every and any flaw that he possessed, all that she wanted to do was forget. A man like Mordecai never even stopped to fathom the possibility of a "normal," "acceptable" life. Never wanted one. Never cared. He was content to live within the chaos which he himself had created. Hopes and wishes were useless to a man like him. But now. Now he found himself wishing all manner of things. He wished that Iris's father had never gone away. He wished that the man had rescued her from the wrath of her mother and raised her with love, affection, and respect. He wished that she'd had friends to keep her company, to have sleepovers with, and talk about anything and everything. He wished that she had fallen for a guy on the school football team, and that another man or woman, someone far less glamorous but with a much bigger heart, had come along and swept her off her feet and completely changed her perceptions of love. He wished all of those things and so much more, but most of all, he wished that she was not sitting with him in that room, that her eyes did not look so hollow and empty all because of a man like him.

No. No no no no no. This was not happening. It wasn't.

The expression that had presented itself on Iris's face earlier that day down at her office as she registered the biting words that had brought tears to her eyes, words that he himself had spoken, flashed across the forefront of Mordecai's mind without his intention, and he found himself wondering if the way that she was feeling then mirrored the pain that was currently exploding in his chest.

This needs to stop.

Out of the confusing jumble of new and conflicting emotions that were building up inside of him, that much was clear. At this point, Mordecai could no longer deny the fact that he needed Iris just as much as she wanted him, and the thought was dangerous, petrifying, even. He could not do this. He could not allow his walls to shatter for her. He could not become attached to something that he would be afraid to lose. And while lighting her on fire and slitting her throat were two methods that he could not resort to, asphyxiation would do just fine.

And so, without a word or another moment's hesitation, he lunged for Iris, hands reaching for her neck as he shoved her back against the cushions of the couch. It would all have been so easy. All he would have had to do was tighten his fingers around her throat and to hold them there until her chest no longer rose and fell with the telltale signs of breath and life. But he didn't. He couldn't. And where there should have been the sound of a woman gasping for air, the feeling of her windpipe being crushed under his fingers, there was only the shocking feeling of warmth that spread through him as his lips collided with hers.


|Iris Mason|

-The Caterpillar-




Iris found herself temporarily rendered useless as Mordecai's lips slid against hers and she willed herself to move, her hands sliding into his hair and gripping tightly in order to assure herself that he was real and breathing and she was not dreaming. She kissed back of course, placing all of her unspoken thoughts and reassurances into the action and hoping he would understand. Of course he would, he had ever since she had met him. She had been vulnerable prior to her statement, letting Mordecai know that she knew of everything was an opening to certain death and he hadn't taken it.

Iris could feel the sudden wetness in her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks, she was not sad whatsoever. She was content, Mordecai tasted of honey and intellect, of fresh rain and sorrow, of bittersweet words and well-crafted hurt. Iris wanted to consume all of this whether it was good or bad, she wanted every ounce of it and more and she knew she needed to stop thinking and savor the moment. His hands were surprisingly warm from where they gripped her and she knew they would possibly need to have a chance to breathe but Iris was reluctant to move, her leg sliding off the edge and knocking over the bottle as it went tumbling to the floor. Iris locked eyes with Mordecai and felt all of the breath in her body leave her, those eyes which were so carefully guarded before were now open and honest and beautiful.

Her hands removed themselves from within his hair and slid over to his face, removing the glasses as she allowed them to drop to the carpet before she skimmed her lips over his forehead and pressed them to his skin. If she were to die right here, she'd still be happy knowing how it felt to kiss Mordecai Lester.

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Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Warm. Everything about her was so very warm. Her lips, her hands, the entirety of her person, emitted an aura of comfort and acceptance, the likes of which Mordecai had never experienced. It was like lying in the grass in the heat of a midsummer's day, bathed in the light of the sun overhead, or sitting before a roaring fire in the dead of night, letting it melt the ice from your bones. For Mordecai, the intense euphoria that spread through him as he felt Iris's hands in his hair was a combination of both and much, much more, with the pressure of her lips any remaining burden on his heart was lifted as he finally found himself able to focus on her and only her.

What are you doing?

The voice was annoying, uncalled for, and he forcefully shoved it aside. Iris Mason was a like a life preserver, having rescued from the depths of a vast and endless ocean a man that had been on the brink of drowning for far too long. Mordecai felt safe with her, and, as frightening as it was, he wanted to give her every piece of him, every thought he'd ever had and everything he'd ever done. He wanted her to see it, and know it, and feel it, and to understand every secret that he had ever tried to hide. So when he met her eyes, his allowed his own to become transparent, laying himself bare before her so that she could look upon everything that was him, because now, at least for that one moment, all of it was hers. Iris made him vulnerable, something that he detested to be, but with her it merely made him nervous. He had not killed her. In return, he hoped that she would be careful not to shatter his spirit.

When he saw the tears upon her cheeks, Mordecai could not stop his own eyes from welling up, but only when he felt her lips on his forehead did they finally fall. How long had it been since he had cried? It mattered not. Feeling his grip tighten, as if needing yet another reassurance that she would not leave, he moved his hands to her shoulders so as not to hurt her and kissed her over and over and over again. He kissed her until his lungs were on fire, but he didn't want to breathe. He only wanted Iris. He wanted to inhale her very essence and let it replace the air in his lungs, and only when it struck him that Iris most likely needed oxygen did he finally relent, lifting his body from overtop of hers and retreating to his own side of the couch. It was funny, but as he gasped for much-needed breath to quench the fire in his lungs, he found himself suddenly unable to look her in the eye. It wasn't due to regret, or disgust, or anything like that - it was like he was embarrassed, almost. Embarrassed for the tears that he was wiping from his eyes, for imposing himself upon her, although she hadn't seemed to mind. Sheepishness was a new, terribly dull emotion, and because of it, Mordecai scarce knew what to say.


°°Iris Mason°°

••The Caterpillar••



Iris felt her insides burning with a sudden ferocity she hadn't had before and inhaled as Mordecai suddenly withdrew away from her, inwardly reaching back but stopping herself as she saw him struggling to breathe and keep the tears in his eyes at bay. It was so natural, so subtle, so wonderful that Iris smiled as she regained her breath before leaning in as Mordecai looked away.

Was he..embarrassed? That had been unexpected to say the least seeing as Iris found herself feeling somehow energetic for what would occur next. Whatever it may be, Iris was pleased to have him around and she hoped that he was as well. "You know, I don't think I've ever kissed anyone before, I would not know how it is supposed to feel but..that was quite possibly the best moment of my life, no need to be reserved about it. I'll keep your secret Mordecai, all of it, every part of you I'll keep, and I will be there anytime you can't function..I want to be there for you, no matter what. It's your choice if you want to let me in."
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Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}


To cry was so hideously unbecoming. It made one's eyes red and inflamed, and contorted one's face into all manner of grotesque formations. But most of all, in Mordecai's mind, it displayed a lack of control, and under this logic he was determined to stop. Iris's gentle encouragement, however, nearly sent him right back into the thick of it. Thankfully, he was able to compose himself and wipe away any remaining dampness from his face as he bent down to pick up the bottle that had been knocked to the floor in front of him, setting it back onto the table as he surveyed the red stain on the carpet under his feet. He was grateful that it was only wine.

"My sentiments as well, love," he told her in a voice that shook but thankfully did not crack. And he meant it. Though quite unlike Iris he had kissed many others before, this was, without a doubt, the first time that he'd felt anything for it, a completeness and the sense of security that came with knowing for certain that there was someone who cared whether you lived or died. Well, practically the first time, but the other he had chosen to forget. Suddenly, an idea struck him that brought an awe-inspired chuckle to his lips. "How did you do it? What made you able to somehow tame a beast that for twenty-four years has been hopelessly unable to tame himself?" Mordecai wanted to thank her. He owed Iris so much, more than he could ever repay, and yet she still wished to do more. But there was still something eating away at him, something that he needed to set straight with her for both of their sakes before he even think of allowing himself to accept the metaphorical hand that she had offered him. Conveying this message to its full extent required him to look her in the eyes, and so he did. "But there is one thing that you must not forget. You cannot think of me as a typical human being. Doing so would only hurt you, my dear. I can't guarantee that I will cease doing awful, terrible things. In fact, it is almost definite that I will continue. A man doesn't change so simply, and in the case of such a man as me, it is safer for others to keep their distance."


|Emelia Mason|

-The Spider-



Oh, this was interesting. The man whom had graced her doorstep earlier in the evening had informed her that a certain psychopath by the name of Mordecai Lester had entered her daughter's premises and had yet to leave. Of course, Emelia cared deeply for her dear child but she had waited to see if the man intended to make his move. It would do Iris well to be punished for her reckless behavior and the foolish girl was going to get herself killed if she didn't tread lightly around the obvious primal nature of Mr. Lester.

Besides, two people in such differentiating statuses did not go together well and it was Emelia's job to ensure her daughter was in the very best position and gaining respect from the common man. The woman in question was seated in her Volvo, brown eyes intently watching the building for any signs of movement before she ultimately decided that she would make her presence know.

Iris would be ecstatic.

Exiting the car, Emelia Mason glided along the gravel before elegantly striding towards the building. She looked somewhat out of place in her sheek overcoat which was a navy texture as well as her sharp heels which clicked along the ground with every planned step. The woman radiated authority and she knew it, expecting others to cower in her presence and reveling in their uneasy glances. Emelia did not look cruel but appearances could be false and this woman had a particularly flawed one.

She counted every step in her head, a smile forming at the corner of her lips before she stopped directly in front of the door. It was unearthly silent in this hall, perhaps Lester had killed her? Emelia chuckled lowly before rapping upon the door softly.

This would be entertaining.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

As events unfolded, Mordecai was never to know whether or not Iris would heed his warning, for almost as soon as the words had rolled from his tongue, a soft rapping at the front door redirected the focus of room's two inhabitants. Who could it possibly be at this hour? One frightening notion in particular settled in his stomach like a brick of lead as, simultaneously, his inner walls slowly began to reassemble themselves.

She hadn't, had she? She wouldn't have. Right?

Eyebrows furrowing in confused suspicion, the man pried his gaze from the entryway to pin it back on his host, trying his hardest to keep a civil tongue.
"You didn't tell me that you were expecting other guests," he said in a low voice, fighting to keep even the tiniest shred of betrayal from entering his tone but knowing that it was a horribly pointless venture to begin with. After everything that had happened, all of her sweet words and his own confessions, Mordecai didn't think that he could bear it if this whole thing had been a ruse to expose his guilt and hand him off to the authorities.


°°Iris Mason°°

••The Caterpillar••


Iris was abruptly interrupted by the knock on the door, her mind instantly rerouting itself in order to process when she had called anyone to visit. The Chinese takeout still had yet to come so there was a probable chance that they would be able to eat quite soon, Iris turned towards Mordecai before shrugging in equal confusion.

"The only person I've notified of my whereabouts was a Chinese restaurant near us..it could possibly be them, if you'll excuse me for one second."
Iris lifted herself from the cushion before skimming her hand through Mordecai's hair gently as she passed, unconscious of the action. Padding quietly down the hallway, Iris hesitated as she neared the door before feeling a sudden instinct to run. Shaking the unwarranted feeling off, the woman opened the door before nearly screaming. Every alarm bell rung loudly in her head as she gazed upon the figure looming in the doorway with a smug grin across her face, the woman was even taller if that was possible and she looked pass Iris before peering into the room behind her daughter.


"Indeed, you wouldn't happen to be harboring a certain Mordecai Lester here?"


"You're lying dear Iris, he is here."

"He isn't."

Emelia slid through the doorway before practically floating down the hallway as Iris quickly maneuvered her way by her mother's side, watching helplessly as the woman stopped directly in the entrance to the living room before tilting her head.

"Hello, I apologize for the interruption but I just had to introduce myself. My name is Emelia Mason, I am Iris's mother..and you must be Mordecai Lester."



Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Emelia Mason...her mother.

So the bitch was still kicking, huh?

What little sense of security had been returned to Mordecai by the affectionate caress of Iris's hand running through his hair took a rapid nose dive out the window as soon as the intruder spoke her first syllable. The woman's simply being in the room set every one of Mordecai's primal instincts on edge, like a lion staring down the barrel of a human firearm. This time, however, it was not a fear of betrayal that hardened his gaze and extinguished the light in his eyes. No, by the frantic expression on Iris's own face, he could easily discern that with every fiber of her being she despised her mother's presence as well. With good reason, too, after all that he'd heard of Emelia. It was her aura, the sinister air of dominance that practically radiated from her person, that gave Mordecai the transparent impression that she was definitely a force to contend with.

At present, he wasn't exactly in the mood for such a challenge.

"Well, I must say, Iris dear, she hardly appears to be the Chinese delivery man that you were expecting," he observed, making a point of putting off Emelia's greeting, and though his statement was directed at Iris, the hardened look that came along with it was trained steadily on her mother. "I must say, Ms. Mason, your daughter has spoken a great deal of you, and you seem to have built up quite the reputation. Unfortunately, I'm going to have to ask you to cut this visit short. It is in bad taste to show up unannounced, you see, and your daughter and I happened to be discussing a rather private matter before you so kindly interrupted."


|Emelia Mason|

-The Spider-


Huh, the killer seemed to have a feisty attitude. Wasn't that simply adorable? Emelia snorted in amusement, glancing at her darling daughter before nearing the man she had spent quite a lot of time studying intensely ever since the dear Doctor had informed her of Iris's intrigue in the basket case. It was simply divine to see such a fire kindled in his heart and Emelia was ecstatic to have the chance to extinguish it.

She adjusted the lapels of her coat before sitting down onto the open spot and grimacing at the wine spot upon the floor, what exactly had they been doing to cause that? Her eyes roved around the room in concealed disapproval before returning to Lester, not once being cast in Iris's direction.

"You know what they say, loving something can often be the most harmful dosage of truth. Let that be embedded into your brain, dear. It seems you and my daughter have become
intimate in a certain aspect, I must say that given your background I would not have expected her to want such a man. But..we all make questionable decisions."

Emelia smirked, her eyes boring into the orbs of blue that belonged to Mordecai as she once more stood. She had only been here briefly but that seemed to have made a considerable impact, her plan had been set into motion and she needed no more time. Turning towards her daughter, the older woman brushed a hand through her hair before placing a loving kiss on her forehead. She walked towards the entryway before turning once more to look upon the two.

"You had such a lovely man before Mordecai, remember what happened to him? Such a shame." The words were soft-spoken but held a sharp edge to them and Emelia bid the two adieu before taking her leave. Closing the door softly behind her, she made her way to her car before the smirk widened into an unnerving grin.

With that, the woman pulled out of the driveway before speeding off into the night. Oh, this was good..

Iris seemed to have found her a companion, Emelia would see to it that it would only be temporary.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

How? How?

How the hell did she know?

As the door clicked shut, signaling Emelia's exit from the building, Mordecai's placid facade shattered into a million tiny shards, leaving him to grip the cushions of the couch in unmasked rage until his knuckles turned white. Oh, how satisfying it would have been to bolt after her onto the front steps, to shove her to the ground and wrap his hands around her throat until she complied with his demands to tell him
exactly where she had gotten every bit of that information. But even as the vision of doing so passed through his mind, all he could picture was that heartless smirk, those unfeeling eyes, and he knew that it would be pointless. Infuriatingly enough, he felt a shudder run through him at the thought of the image.

Where his...
complicated relationship with her daughter was concerned, well, he was loathe to admit that such was easy to deduce from the state of the room and the pitch of their voices when addressing or speaking of one another. That, and the fact that Iris wasn't dead. But how dare she speak of it when it wasn't her place to do so, and how dare she speak of her daughter's decisions in such a patronizing tone? On the other hand, his past was something that he had taken great care to leave behind him, leaving no traces or evidence enough for even the brightest of minds to be able to follow. The incident had occurred years before, several states away, in a town that was hardly significant on the grand scheme of things. Where had Emelia needed to go to dig it all up? Whom had she needed to consult? How long had she been at it?

And just how much more did she know.

Eventually, the stress of the situation got the better of him, and Mordecai felt the pounding in his head return at full force. An idea was taking shape within his mind, a reckless plan that would no doubt play him right into Emelia's waiting hands, but at the moment, all rationality was lost on the man, and he couldn't bring himself to care.

"Fair warning, Iris. I'm planning on having a bit of a bonfire tomorrow night. You're welcome to attend, if it so pleases you, but if not, I ask that you refrain from intervening."

And Emelia Mason will be the guest of honor.


°°Iris Mason°°

••The Caterpillar••


The dramatic exit performed so convincingly by her mother had left Iris reeling as she absorbed every ounce of bitterness which lay in her tone. The politeness was merely another mask her mother had to bear for the sake of others, it was the coldness within Emelia which served to frighten Iris to no end. This wasn't what served to cause the growing panic and fear to amplify within Iris, it was that the woman had found her.

After leaving that godforsaken home on a particularly windy night, the cold snapping at her heels. She had had no extra belongings, no money, and certainly no authoritative figure within her life but she had found her way without the guidance of the demon that was Emelia. After everything, the woman had hunted her down to the corners of the Earth just to waltz in and uproot what little Iris had managed to gain with her own blood, sweat, and tears.

And then she had managed to not only insult but threaten the one man who was able to make her feel something?

The bottle of wine was swiped off of the table and instantly went sailing across the room, shattering into millions of pieces as it crashed against the wall before Iris broke off into a mixture of laughter and sobbing. Every inch of her began to shake with morbid amusement and absolute hatred for the woman who had created her, Iris was no longer how she had been prior to the little visit they had received.

"That bitch ruined my life and she isn't going to do it again. I will slit her goddamned throat if I have to, so help me God."
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Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

The harsh sound of shattering glass broke Mordecai out of his irate stupor and commanded his full attention to the woman in the room with him for the first time since Emelia's departure. The shock that he experienced at Iris's brutal display of fury somehow served to dissipate his own, replacing it with a lingering feeling of guilt and self-reprimand. Emelia's unexpected intrusion had obviously shaken Iris in a deeper way than he could have imagined, and it had taken a violent outburst for him to quit dwelling on his own petty hang ups long enough to notice. True, he now had reason to fear and even detest Ms. Mason just as her daughter did, but certainly not to the same extent. What he had experienced moments before was only a glimpse into the woman's cruel, manipulative capabilities; the true extent of all the horrors that Iris had been subjected to while living under her care for all of those years, he couldn't even begin to comprehend.

The morbid claim that erupted from her mouth as Mordecai watched her spiral into hysterics before his very eyes struck something deep within him, a dull ache within his chest and a need to go to her and to provided what little comfort that he could offer. A man like himself, in all truth, knew nothing of soothing words or gestures, or how to calm a raging storm such as this, but nonetheless, he found his body moving of its own accord, legs pulling him from his position on the couch and drawing him to her side, where he embraced her, tightly, so as to let her know that he was there, and that he understood. "Hush, now," he whispered softly into her ear as his fingers stroked the back of her hair in slow, methodical motions. "You don't mean that. You don't mean it. Don't let her do this to you, love. A woman like her isn't worth throwing away your life for. Trust me, darling, once you start killing, you won't be able to stop...and from a man who knows all too well, it is not worth it...But for now, you are safe. She's gone. She cannot hurt you...I will not let her."

If one thing was now for perfectly clear, it was just how much Mordecai had grown to care for Iris. And, with such being true, he could not allow that soulless bitch of a woman to hurt her any further. Perhaps most direly of all, he could not let her fall into the hole into which he himself had fallen many years before. Embracing one's inner demons was the first step to being consumed by them, and the thought of Iris Mason with innocent blood coating her kind, gentle hands made him feel sick to his stomach.


°°Iris Mason°°

••The Caterpillar••


No, Iris supposed she hadn't meant it. Despite the contrary, Iris still loved her mother deeply and would never lay a finger on her despite what she had done. It was the only leverage her mother had over her and she used it to her advantage quite often, Iris could only imagine how stressed Mordecai must be feeling as of now.

Not only did he have to deal with Iris's dysfunctional mother, he was possibly still reeling from the fact that Iris knew of his crimes. She didn't care about what he had done, she care more so about what he would do if that made any inkling of sense. Iris buried her face into his shoulder, laughing quietly at the way she had to lean down slightly just to do so. Mordecai's embrace was welcoming and wanted, she allowed her hands to wrap around his middle before swaying slightly.

Her mother had done her best to ruin their evening but was Iris was not allowing that to happen ever again if she had any say in the matter, humming quietly to 'The Temptations' as they jubilantly sung about a girl. Knowing that Mordecai was there for her was more assuring than the man himself could ever hope to know. In that moment, she was simply tired of the emotional rollercoaster of today and pressed her lips against his cheek before leaning back to look at him.

"Words can not express how much I admire you right now..I am truly sorry about my mother but I want to forget that she ever interrupted us..just for now, just for tonight." Iris clasped Mordecai's hands before bringing them down in front of her and belting out the lyrics (quite horribly, might I add) to the song before smiling apologetically at Mordecai.

The existential mood swings were prominent but for now, she would rather spend this night with him.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Iris's completely sudden change of mood probably should have concerned Mordecai more than it did. That much was true, but there, in that single moment in time, he was just happy to see the light returned to her eyes and the spring put back in her step. Yes, this had quite possibly been the most tumultuous, anxiety-ridden, exhausting day that Mordecai had been made to suffer through in a very, very long time, but none of its previous hardships carried much weight anymore, so long as he could spend the rest of it with this one, very important woman. This, he supposed, was what love felt like; it had been such a long while that he'd nearly forgotten. True, the looming shadows cast by the night's events were something that the both of them would likely have to deal with sooner rather than later, but for now he would help her to forget. It was, quite honestly, the least that he could do.

The off-key pitch of Iris's voice, combined with the following unspoken apology brought a stream of laughter bubbling to the surface, a real, genuinely joyful sound that Mordecai had not known that he was capable of producing. Pulling her closer, he spun the two of them around the room - despite his inferior height, he still made an effective lead - as the melody reached its refrain. He joined in on the chorus, his singing capabilities neither perfect nor depressingly horrible, but somewhere in the middle. It was a song that he knew well, and with his eyes he encouraged Iris to continue singing with him as he watched her in complete awe. Men like him did not change, but somehow she had changed him, and he was fairly sure that the love he felt for her in light of that fact was completely unmatched. Mordecai was on top of the world. Maybe it was just a rush of adrenaline at the relief of having made it through such a trying day, but whatever the case, it was beautiful in every form.

When the chorus ended, he drew her to him once more, taking a moment to revel in the warmth of such a close proximity before an idea struck him, one that he wasn't sure that Iris would agree to, but one that was worth a try, nonetheless.
"Would you like to stay the night with me?" he asked with a hint of hopefulness in his voice as he pulled back to face her. "Not for the reason that you might expect. It's just that my home could use a bit of life, and I find myself unable to consider the thought of leaving you." A humorous grin accompanied his final statement. As an added bonus, having Iris in his home would also grant him a welcome respite in knowing that she was safe with him, and not someplace where her mother could easily find her.


°°Iris Mason°°

••The Caterpillar••


Iris enjoyed spending time with Mordecai, more than any other person she had met and that had surprised her in more ways than one. Never had Iris wanted to make someone so happy as much as she did when she was in the presence of Mordecai and that both terrified her and excited her. Iris felt a certain sense of wonderment as she looked upon the man, watching him as he sung along to the lyrics and moved throughout the living room with her. Being near him was the equivalent of being near a tornado, you could not help but allow yourself to be sucked in and Iris knew what she was feeling was not just admiration or merely curiosity...

It was infatuation, it was love, it was everything she had never believed would happened. As the song came to a close, Iris considered the invitation Mordecai had extended. There was no question that she was going to accept, Iris was truthfully eager to see the home Mordecai stayed in and would go anywhere he pleased as long as she was able to accompany him. In the end, she nodded before hugging Mordecai once more and immediately stepping away before she became too clingy and ended up holding onto him as if tomorrow would never come.

"I would love to go anywhere with you Mordecai, I am sure your home is quite amazing. Something tells me that you have a great taste in decor, if you will allow me to go get my shoes then we can do whatever you please." Iris started towards the stairs before pausing, glancing backwards and beckoning Mordecai to come along. Although the man possibly did not know it, there was a good chance he would be back here one day and she wished for him to know that her home was always open for him whenever he chose to visit. She steadily climbed the stairs before flipping on the light which illuminated the area, squinting her eyes slightly before disappearing into the first room. The young woman strode pass the bed before nearly tripping over a set of books which lay on the floor and cursing quietly as she hopped over towards the main closet, she had not actually slept in this room for quite a long time. The couch was always a place she frequented and she took a liking to the guest bedroom which was merely a few doors down, her books and clothing went in here however and she obtained a pair of boots as well as a coat before sliding on the shoes in a hurried manner.
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Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

The drive back to Mordecai's house was one spent in comfortable silence, broken only by the sound of tires spinning against the asphalt of the road and that of the occasional motion as one of them shifted their seat, or when Mordecai, who had insisted on driving Iris in his own car, was compelled to switch gear or flip on the turn signal. Not once in his life had Mordecai ever been so content to just be in the presence of another person as he was at present, listening intently to every inhale and exhale of Iris's breathing beside him. Though the occasional flash of anxiety would hit him now and then, as being left to his own thoughts had always been somewhat of a dangerous thing for Mordecai, Iris, as usual, was able to keep most of the monsters at bay without even attempting to do so. Everything was at peace with the world, even Lester himself.

Naturally, it would only follow that something negative would need to occur to restore the balance, and it was a gross lapse of reasoning on his part that deluded Mordecai into believing any different.

By the time of their arrival, it was becoming increasingly apparent the tole that the day's events had taken on the man; one more minute in the road, and he very likely may have fallen asleep at the wheel. Pulling into the driveway in front of his own home, Mordecai was thankful to see that he'd had the foresight to leave the porch light on. He exited the car, moving briskly around to the passenger side to open the door for his companion. "Well, here it is," he said with a rather exaggeratedly grand gesture towards the building as he helped Iris from the vehicle and closed and locked the door behind her. "My humble residence. I wouldn't worry about any noise to keep you up tonight; it's been exeptionally peaceful around here since the neighbors' dog mysteriously disappeared." All morbid jokes aside, Mordecai led Iris up the stairs onto the front porch, a wide-sweeping piece that stretched around three sides of the house. That was when he smelled it.


And he was fairly certain that nobody in the neighborhood would be holding a bonfire at this time of night.

With movements as swift as he could manage, he fumbled in his pockets for his keys, inserting them into the lock and forcing the door open in one fluid motion, only to be hit by a blast of smoke and hot air. He ran through the entryway and through the foyer and immediately came face to face with the source; while he was out his kitchen had been set ablaze. The flames, which appeared to have originated from the gas-burning stove, had caught on the curtains hanging in front of the kitchen window. Suddenly, it struck him that the fire alarm was blaring at full force.



|Iris Mason|

-The Caterpillar-


Plumes of smoke spiraled out of the house and hit Iris directly in the face, causing her eyes to water and her throat to burn. She coughed loudly before nearly choking on the smell of burnt furniture and felt through her pockets for a phone, cursing quietly when she realized she had abandoned it at her home. The sudden onslaught of heat was what caused her to spring into action, running through the door and covering her noise as she was assaulted by the distinct taste of smoke. What had happened here? Iris maneuvered her way through the corridor and ducked in order to find some source of fresh air before finding herself in the kitchen.

Mordecai was stood there and Iris made her way towards him, grabbing his arm before gesturing towards where the front door was. They had to leave immediately if they didn't want to get caught in the flames, the fire seemed to be spreading and whatever (or whomever) had caused this was not intent on stopping. She pulled Mordecai, coughing loudly once more before flinching at the wailing sound of a fire alarm. It was great that the device had possibly notified the authorities but they needed to get outside. Iris was more concerned about Mordecai than anything else at the moment.

"It appears to be spreading so we need to leave, come on!"

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

The world was full of cruel ironies, and this was surely one of them. It was comical, really, in a loathsome sort of way; the arsonist's house catching fire. All Mordecai could do was stare at the flames in a state of utter disbelief until Iris's voice pulled him from his trance, and he allowed her to lead him from the building as the fire spread into the living room. There was a part of him that clung to the notion that he had fallen asleep back at Iris's home and was dreaming and that the whole thing was just too hysterical to be real. However, with the sounds of sirens in the distance and the continued chirping of the fire alarm, reality came crashing down. Yes, this was indeed one of life's malicious jokes, and even the victim himself could not help but burst out laughing.


Dealing with the authorities was another hurdle in its own right. The firefighters were easy enough, their questions of the standard variety, and to which they received curt, and at times sarcastic, responses (
"Do you know what caused the fire, sir?" "Yes, I left the stove on." "Was there anyone else inside?" "Yes, doll, my Great Aunt Molly. I keep her locked in a dog crate in the attic."). The police, on the other hand, were a different story. With no visible intention carrying out any real investigation, they had rushed to the scene for what seemed to be the sole purpose of gloating. 'Oh look, the killer finally got his,' was what their eyes said, and Mordecai had to fight against the urge to walk over and kindly instruct them to step off what was left of his property. But it was just as well, he supposed. The man was certain that he hadn't left the stove on - that had been an obvious lie to appease the fireman who'd asked. Who the hell would turn on the stove before going out for dinner? - and, furthermore, that the fire's origin had not been an accident in any sense of the word, and he didn't want the cops sniffing around in business that was strictly his.

Finally, after what seemed like ages of answering useless questions, the help took their leave. One fireman placed something into his hand in passing - a book, by the feel of it - claiming that they had found it on the back porch, but Mordecai ignored it. His head was pounding more ferociously than ever. Really, he just wanted the entire damned day to be through with already. He would deal with the damage in the morning. For now he just needed sleep. With this in mind, he turned to Iris, managing an apologetic smile as the last emergency vehicle sped off down the street.
"My deepest apologies, love. It appears that we'll be needing to reassess our plans for this evening. Obviously, this was very much unexpected and I am sincerely sorry for inconvenience that it has caused you."


|Iris Mason|

-The Caterpillar-


Iris had watched silently as the police asked a number of questions as well as the firefighters themselves, her heart thumping loudly as she looked upon the house before observing Mordecai. He seemed to be irked but who wouldn't be in a situation such as this? It was only when a book was placed in the man's hand that Iris became somewhat more intrigued. It was somewhat strange that a book had been the only thing to spare and Iris had heard a portion of the conversation concerning said book's whereabouts. It was only when Mordecai spoke directly to her did Iris snap out of the inquisitive daze she had been in before squeezing his shoulder reassuringly before glancing at his hand once more. What she was about to offer was something she had never assumed she would have before, Iris wasn't exactly a social butterfly and found the whole process of formalities quite tedious although her job practically required it but Mordecai was unique...he made her want be with him which was baffling. The man could not be feeling well seeing as his house had been burned down and she had glared intensely at a few officers who had been more or less rude with their staring.

"I feel I should warn you before I ask this, I am not the best roommate and sometimes I stay up all night and sleep all day but, my house is always open for you and you can stay for as long as you like. I would hope you would have insurance or I could assist you in paying the damages, it's up to you but I'd think you could use some sleep and maybe you'll get lucky and I might make breakfast in the morning." Iris shrugged sheepishly before bouncing on the soles of her feet, it was a bit of a loaded question but she hoped Mordecai wouldn't think of her as naive for asking.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Never had Mordecai felt such gratitude towards any one person as he did for Iris at that very second, nor had he ever been so terribly far in another person's debt. Since coming into contact with him, catastrophe had followed the woman around like iron to a magnet, and yet she was willing to open her doors to him for as long as he should need a place to stay. Normally, he would have sooner opted to sleep on the streets than share lodgings with another person; that being said, he wasn't at all surprised that this was not the case with Iris, as he had long before determined that she was a great deal more than just another person, and, at the moment at least, he was devoid of any other options. Glancing once more at the wreckage that was once his home and grimacing accordingly, he made a note to deal with repairs as soon as possible, at a time when his brain wasn't apt to explode inside of his skull. The biggest personal loss to him - among other things - he realized with a frown, was his medication.

"I will gladly take you up on your kind offer of lodging, Iris dear, but fortunately my insurance should cover most of the damage costs. Again, I must apologize. It was never my intention to impose myself upon you, and I am infinitely grateful for everything that you have done." Mordecai winced visibly as a wave of pain struck him, raising his hands to rub at his temples. "On another note, I'm afraid that I'm going to need to ask you to drive this time around. With the state that I'm in, I fear that we wouldn't survive the trip with myself at the wheel." The book still weighed heavily in his hand. Later, when they were out of the dark and his lungs were finally cleared of smoke, he would need to look it over.


|Iris Mason|

-The Caterpillar-


Iris did not fail to miss the hiss of pain from Mordecai and felt a fresh wave of worry wash over her before deciding that she would ask when they weren't standing in front of the possible source of frustration. The ride back was relatively quiet seeing as Mordecai clearly had a headache and Iris kept on glancing at him every few seconds to make sure he wasn't on the brink of intense pain, she didn't exactly know what prescription had been filed out for Mordecai and found herself resolving the matter in her head as she took a series of turns leading back to her home. Once they arrived, Iris opened the door with some amount of hesitation before turning to look at Mordecai once more and then walking down the hall. She veered into the kitchen before checking the cabinets for any sign of migraine medicine and luckily found Ibuprofen which would at least assist him somewhat before placing it on the marble island.

Iris quickly made work of providing a glass of water along with the medicine itself and placing them into Mordecai's hands before removing her shoes as well as her coat. It had been quite an exhausting day for the both of them and Iris knew she would possibly see her mother once more to speak with her of certain things. The woman placed the keys on the counter before leaning against the edge and tilting her head back, pinching the bridge of her nose before resisting the urge to sleep right there.
"I can prescribe you medication in the morning if that's what you need, if the Ibuprofen does not help then I'll drive to the store and pick out a shitload of other pills and drugs. As for other things, I am exhausted so where do you wish to sleep? The guest bedroom or....my room? The couch is not an option because you'll get horrifying cramps and possibly won't be able to move in the morning. It is up to you, the bathroom is upstairs if you need to bathe and everything else that is mine is also yours..including the makeup if you're feeling particularly fabulous." It was true, Iris would do anything the man wanted so long as it was legal..which was slightly unnerving.

Mordecai Lester

{The Butterfly}

Mordecai accepted the offered pills without hesitation, downing them along with the water in one swift gulp. Afterwards, he took the liberty of a minute to assemble his thoughts, locking eyes with Iris from the other side of the counter and nodding his thanks. Ibuprofen was a fairly low strength medication compared to his usual prescription, but it would work well enough for now. On the upside, he was gradually beginning to destress thanks to the welcome change of scenery, which also helped to alleviate the pain.

"I must thank you again, dearest. The ibuprofen will do just fine for tonight; don't worry yourself about that. As for sleeping arrangements, the guest room will be more than sufficient..." Mordecai trailed off at that, honestly unsure of what else to say. He could only thank her so many times, and even if he were to continue doing so for the rest of his life, it would never fully be enough to repay her kindness. As the knives in his skull eased to a dull ache, he finally found his curiosity shift to the object that he had set down on the counter before him upon entering. Looking at it, he was notably perplexed; it was his bound copy of John Edwards' sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God." From a young age, Mordecai had found great interest in the Puritans, in particular their belief in a cruel, unforgiving God, subject to whims and all too willing to fill the fiery pits of Hell with the souls of predestined sinners. He hadn't even touched the book in months, however, and it was obvious that whomever had broken into his home had left it out on the porch for a reason. Not many people knew of his interest, all told. Possibly one of his childhood tutors, a few dorm mates from college, a professor or two. With all that Emelia had been able to find out, maybe it had been her, an act to assert dominance, although he highly doubted it. She hardly seemed the type to resort to such methods. Then again, he could be wrong;the woman was confusing, to say the least. All of his other suspects were dead. The whole thing was utterly exhausting, and Mordecai wasn't exactly in the state of mind for solving mysteries. So, setting the book back down on the counter, he crossed over to Iris, planting a kiss on her forehead (something that he had to stand on his toes to do) before heading for the stairs. "I'll be turning in now, love. Sleep well." Locating the guest bedroom wasn't entirely difficult, and after slipping off his shoes and pulling sweater off over his head, Mordecai climbed right into the bed. He would shower in the morning. For now, he just wanted to sleep, and sleep he did almost as soon as his head hit the pillow, breathing in the scent of Iris Mason as he slipped into a peaceful oblivion.

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|Iris Mason|

-The Caterpillar-


Iris observed Mordecai as he retreated, a smile playing across her face before she walked directly towards the sofa in the living room and fell directly onto it. She wasn't going to sleep here however the events that had just occurred had left her somewhat unable to sleep just yet despite the appeal to do just that. The wine stain was still there, mocking her from where she glared at it and it was going to be a constant reminder of what occurred to cause the mess. Which wasn't bad at all considering the way things had taken a turn, it was still strange to know that right above her was someone she clearly loved sleeping in the guest bedroom. She considered this before rolling her eyes and standing once more, crossing the spacious room before stopping directly in front of the hall door and cringing as it made an unruly noise, reaching in and grabbing a bottle of cleaner before snagging a towel and returning to the atrocious red liquid which had seeped into her carpet.

It was 1:00 in the morning and yet sleep would still not come her way, frustrating. Iris scrubbed at the ground before letting her mind wander off to the book Mordecai had received. What could have possibly been so special about the book that it seemed to aggravate her so much? That was all it possibly was but something about the whole situation felt slightly off kilter, as if they weren't looking at the picture trying to be shown. As if they were missing a masterpiece of sorts. Iris shook her head, her hands rubbing against the towel and causing a series of marks to appear on her skin which didn't bother her. She floundered for something else to reflect upon but found herself thinking about the flames which had encased Mordecai's house and the words the fireman had said.
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Rosaline Lester

{The Dragonfly}

He was here. After two years of searching, she had finally found him.

Rosaline's heart pounded in her chest as she stood on the grass in front of the house to which she had followed Mordecai and...that woman, whoever she was. Her stomach twisted at the mere thought of her; tall, and beautiful, and doubtlessly cruel and manipulative as well. Surely there was nothing serious going on between the two. The poor man was incapable of holding up a steady relationship, a fact that was clearly evidenced, at least in Rosaline's mind, but the crushing end to his first and only attempt, and so the young woman could only draw up two possible explanations: either this was a very misfortunely timed one night stand, or the woman - Iris, she'd heard him call her - was using him for her own selfish purposes. The latter notion made Rosaline's blood boil.

And why shouldn't it? Any younger sister worth her salt cared immensely for her elder brother's wellbeing, didn't she? And Rosaline Lester was a particularly dedicated younger sister. One might have thought that, given Mordecai's reputation, the man would have been next to effortless to pinpoint. Unfortunately, under that assumption, one would have been terribly wrong. Whatever lawyers that Mordecai had hired to cover his case, being of exceptional caliber in their trade, had somehow managed to keep each and every article and court record regarding the man from reaching the Internet in any form. To further complicate things, Mordecai ran a purely local business, one that was virtually unknown to anyone outside of fifty mile radius of his location, and through twenty-four months of tireless searching, Rosaline hadn't uncovered a thing. The tip off had finally come from a fellow student in one of her college courses, who was studying the recent spike in arsonist activity in one particular town. And immediately she had known. If she went there, she was sure to find him.

Maybe it was just sisterly intuition.

Of course, what she hadn't expected was to find his own house going up in flames upon her arrival. It made her sick to her stomach, the image of her brother with no place to stay, save for with this horrid woman. She, naturally, she'd followed them to their current location. But God, how long had it been since she'd seen him? Five years? Six? He must have looked older, much more mature now, but she imagined that there were aspects of him that wouldn't have changed a bit: those bright, blue eyes, the soft look of his hair, the bowed curve of his lips...

He would be happy to see her, right? He had never exactly preferred her, it was true, but things changed over time, didn't they? Excited by this encouraging thought and feeling a burning desire to confront this woman named Iris, Rosaline abandoned all formalities and common courtesies and marched right through the front door of the house. In the living room, she found the woman, alone.
"Where is he?"


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