The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

"Aww, thank you Aiden. You're so sweet." Kyouu's Mother smiled happily before turning back to her husband, returning back for their conversation about his job at the office earlier today.

"I'm almost done," Kyouu said but because his mouth was full, it sounded more like, "Mm halmost mone." He swallowed a few more bites until his plate was clean. Taking both his and Aiden's dishes, he walked across the room to place them on the counter beside the sink, leaving them behind for his parents to wash themselves later. "What is it?"
Aiden lead him to the room where they would be staying the night. "Well you owe me some close time but the evening is young. First I want you to tell me if your feeling any better. I hope I've made it clear where my intrest lie."
"Feeling better about what?" Kyouu asked they stepped into his bedroom. Due to the fact that Kyouu had forgotten that they had given away their sleeping bag in the last month, plus it's be kinda rude to kick Aiden downstairs to the couch, he might have to let Aiden take his own bed.
"That's good." If Kyouu's mind wasn't on earlier events he wasn't going to bring them up. Changing the subject he asked, "I'm pretty open with you, don't you think? Sometimes I wonder how you really feel. I know your shy about some things, but what are you so worried about? Are worried I won't like you? We've known each other forever now, I think if I didn't like you I would a known by now." Aiden put his hand on Kyouu's and look him the eye seriously, almost concerned looking, "Kyouu.... are you serial killer?". He couldn't help the small grin trying to form at one side of his lips.
Though Kyouu had asked what Aiden had meant by his question, the guy seemed to move on from that and add on a few of his own. Whatever. Kyouu nodded as listened on to the questions that flowed out of Aiden's mouth. "I...guess you could say that." When it came around to for some reason ask him if he was a freaking serial killer, all Kyouu could think was, "What kind of f*cking question is that?!" The sly grin clearly showed that he was just messing with him; at least that's what he believed. With a straight face he answered simply, "Yes, of course I am." He began poking Aiden's forehead with the index finger of his free hand, poking continuously. "Tell anyone and I'll kill you too," What a lame line, he knew it too.
"Don't want that, now do we? Not me at least. You probably wouldn't mind. You would just keep my body. Might even like it better. Wouldn't talk so much and all. Though I must worn you, death tends to effect blood flow, you know? Its impoosible for blood to circulate to a particular masculine region post mortem." His thumb went to his chin as his index finger went to his mouth as he stared to a corner apperantly in thought. "You know perhaps a better solution would be to tie me up and keep me prisoner. Then I couldn't reveal your dark secret to the world, and you could still have your way with me!" Aiden said seeming oddly excited.
Kyouu scowled at Aiden's reply for he sounded as if he had expected for that sort of answer, quite enthusiastic and planned actually. "I'm going to tie you up if you keep up with referring to me as a sort of sexual beast!" He placed two fingers on the bridge of his nose as he also close his eye sternly, as if he were adjusting an invisible pair of glasses.
"Sooo... that's a no? I doubt anyone would even look for me, I'm always disappearing. i'm sure you'd get away with it. Or maybe you want to be tied up? That's it! And all this time... I assumed you were a sick pup Kyouu, but I had it backwards. Welllll okayyy, I guess I'll do it for you because I love you. But I can't keep you restrained for long, your parents would defiantly notice. We'll have a safety word... I got it. Peanut butter!" Aiden was having too much fun. "It's great right!? Ahh, we're really growing as a couple Kyouu. We even have our own safety word now."
Kyouu shook his head and simultaneously waved his hands. "No, no, no! No bondage!" Another thing he wanted to beg was "Stop making me blush or eventually I'll become brighter than the tomatoes in my mother's garden!!", though it did happen to turn pinker when he heard the word love. Gosh, this guy was so embarrassing! No wonder he enjoyed it! "What does peanut butter have to do with anything?" There were so many questions that just ran through his head...why was this pointless one the one that happened to come out? To avoid his eyes he kneeled down on the floor and began collecting all of the pencils he had clumsily knocked off of his desk when he was racing out for school that morning.
"It's our safety word honey. It's suppose to not have anything to do with anything. For two reason, don't want it to come up by accident and interrupt a perfectly stimulating experience, and two, something you have to think about, so your sure when you say it. Sometimes you might think you want it to stop the moment, because your overwhelmed but if you give a second you might decide its a good overwhelmed. Kyouuuu your not looking at me!" Aiden's last statement sounded fustraited. He wasn't going to make it easy. He stripped off his T-shirt behind Kyouu and wrapped himself around his partner, resting his chin on Kyouu's shoulder he pleaded, "Don't worry about that stuff. Pay attention to meee."
"I don't have to look at you," Kyouu grumbled under his breath but as soon as he felt a pair of large arms wrap around his petite body he accidentally dropped all of his pencils once again. "Aide-" He was about to look back over his shoulder and complain, but his boyfriend's head was already resting there, plus he was...shirtless!?!! He quickly faced forward again in embarrassment. Strange, he had seen Aiden's bare chest before many times, especially since they went swimming together a lot as kids, but they were older now and he was more muscular than before. "W-Where's your shirt? And I am paying attention."
Aiden loved the way Kyouu felt in his arms. His eyes closed so he could better take in the feel of the boy while he breathed him in, he knew a reaction was soon to come. Right on queue the other boy abruptly faced forward now facing Aiden. In response to Kyouu's question, "It's on the floor. Obviously you couldn't have been paying attention. It's okay though, I've got your attention now. I didn't think I needed it. So I ditched it. I won't mind if you want to do the same. You said we were going to cuddle, shirts just get I'm the way."
"To be exact you were the one who mentioned cuddling, not me." Kyouu whined softly and began to fidget within Aiden's arms. "Hey, my parents might hear." Actually both his mother and father had remained downstairs in the living room to continue with various conversations, plus they are planning on going out later that night, expecting the two boys to behave themselves. He looked down at his own shirt which he was stil wearing.
"What exactly will they hear?" Aiden noticed him starring at his shirt, perhaps it was wishful thinking but he took it as consideration of being removed but him being shy. He put his hands flat on Kyouu's thighs and slowly moved them upward underneath Kyouu's shirt, up his stomach,past his chest and griped his sshoulders, the shirt still technically on but his boy friends pale slender upper body now mostly exposed. He didn't give him a chance to react before he leaned in and kissed him sweet slow and deep. While kissing his partner his hands moved back down to his chest then around the rib cage. He stopped kissing to say only, "Lift your arms."
"Wha-" Again Kyouu was cut off inbetween his words but this time by a pair of lips crashing into his own. He hadn't noticed until a split second later that he was feeling a cool shiver run down his back, as if he were cold just from his chest being uncovered. The anxious tingling inside that Kyouu felt, that sensation of Aiden's warm hands running slowly up and down his body. Why was his touch so freaking hot?! Just that and his quiet yet husky voice really turned him on. His eyes widened once again when he was asked- no, told to lift up his arms. It took a moment before he hesitantly rose his arms up as had been requested. He just couldn't refuse to obey.
Without words Aiden lifted the shirt from Kyouu's body and tossed it aside, caring not where it landed. He didn't care about the shirt right now. He scooped Kyouu up in his arms and carried him over to the bed where he set him down on his back, legs arched. Crawled on to the bed in an almost stalking manner and let himself in between Kyouu's legs getting his torso as close to Kyouu's as possible before placing his arms on the bed just to the sides of his lover. Moving in slow letting the moment consume him, he dragged the tip of his tounge on Kyouu's neck into a kiss. After kissing his neck he lifted briefly just before nipping gently at the same spot his teeth, and kissing ounce more. His hips pressed into him as he moved his arms, now resting his elbowss on the bed, there bodies closer. He stared into Kyouu's eyes and playfully pulled on his lower lip with his teeth before moving in for a full kiss. He kissed him like someone lost in the desert would drink the first water they had in days. When there lips seperated he looked at him almost in a trance. "Do you like to be close?"
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Kyouu had closen his eyes but not tightly when he was stripped of his shirt but they soon opened back up once he realized that he was being lead to the bed. How far was this going to go? If he really wanted to, Kyouu's parents were leaving, plus Aiden already seemed to be really into this. Did he want to go that far? He watched Aiden sort of sneak up onto the bed to join him and crawl in closer through his spread legs. His heart was already racing -- this was before anything even happened yet!

On instinct he tilted his chin up a bit with a gasp when playfully kissed then nipped at there. Ohhh, his neck was sensitive alright. His legs were tense and trying to keep them from moving, now he let them relax the tension and spread further apart so that he wasn't squeezing his partner. So close! Really warm! A surprised slight gasp came out of his mouth as Aiden tugged at his bottom lip, playing with him, teasing him for a only moment before the older male dove himself in. Not too long later their parted lips allowed them tongues to collided into eachother, practically wrestling as they exchanged saliva as well. Unknowingly a disappointed look grew on his face when Aiden pulled back but quickly changed due to his question. His long curly black bangs slipped down infront of his ocean blue to almost block them out of sight. He nodded once for his answer, rosy red cheeks to add onto it.
Kyouu hadn't pushed him away so far so it felt mutual, but seeing Kyouu laying there flush, nodding approval struck a new level of excitement in Aiden. His manhood had swollen to the point of discomfort in his pants. Instinctively Aiden sat up momentarily losing concept of consent, and grabbed the waste of Kyouu's pants with a intense look on his face, as if he was about to tear them off. Reason returned to Aiden as he realized Kyouu's parent were just down stairs, and he loosened his grip and let his body return to his boyfriends bare skin as face sank into the sheets next to Kyouu's. He let out a fustraited sound like he was suffering.
Kyouu's heart was racing when they were merely removing their shirts, now it was really pumping. He watched Aiden drag his full attention down to his lower half; by the looks of it, they both already had large boners in their pants. Again, for the second time that day, skinny jeans were an awful choice. "Does...Aiden want to go that far? The look in his eyes is definitely telling me yes. I don't think I'm ready for this...I don't think either of us are. We're not even eighteen yet for one thing." Pulling away from his thoughts for Aiden had lowered himself back down instead of continuing. Kyouu slowly wrapped his arms around Aiden's back then asked, " okay?" He was questioning the upset sounding groan.
"Yea, fine. Look what you've done to me." He rolled on his side keeping one arm under Kyouu while passing blame on to him, not shamed by his current disposition. "Maybe I should go to the bathroom and take care of it... or maybe I should show your parents and tell them your up to no good." He joked trying to calm himself down, though it wouldn't be much use seeing he hadn't took his eyes off Kyouu's erection.
"No, my parents don't need to see or hear a thing, come on." Kyouu slipped out of bed to take Aiden's hand and lead him to the restroom. Even though he knew that Aiden was aware of the location of the bathroom, why did he find himself walking in that direction as well? "And I didn't do anything. You were the one ontop."
"That's right I was, wasn't I? Well here's the bathroom..." Aiden grabbed Kyouu's wrist and pulled him in the bathroom then shut the door behind them and locked it. "I know you walked me here for a reason Kyouu."
Kyouu almost didn't have time to react. With Aiden everything seemed to just happen, whether he wished for it to or not. He turned his head to look back over his shoulder when his boyfriend reached over to lock the door shut. They would be more than just boyfriends if a certain somebody decided to step it up.

((I assume move on from here to private messaging mode?))
((After all of that craziness...))

Kyouu took Aiden's hand after they had both stood up off of the floor. They returned back to his bedroom, smelling like particular scent of men, but neither one seemed to care since they were headed off to bed. Kyouu climbed under the covers then patted the empty side for his boyfriend to join him, not wanting to proceed in $ex, but just to lie close to eachother. He was getting used to being pressed so close due to all of Aiden's touchy-feely moments.

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