The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

"I just meant when we go to bed, I didn't want you think I was going to have my way with you just because I was taking cloths off. I know you want to go easy. I honestly don't know what that means, so I just figure to ask before anything suggestive? Although you do seem to be relaxing. Maybe I'm doing something right." He grabbed the remote and turned on the the TV. "You got to pick the movie. I'm sorry but you no say in the matter."
"I knew what you meant," Kyouu said simply. He yawned sleepily, wasn't really that tired, awake enough to stay up for at least a movie. Raising a hand he ran it back through his own curly black locks before letting it return to his side. "You're doing long as I don't wake up to your hand in my pants."
"Well I hardly think that's fair, everyone knows the same rules don't apply when your asleep. What about morning wood? Can't help it! I'm quite the masculine specimen." Aiden was holding back laughter.
"What's the point if I'm asleep anyways? Not gonna have the same reactions as if I'm awake." Kyouu honestly felt totally awkward just hearing himself say that aloud. Thank goodness Aiden was the only person here and listening. He waved a finger at him. "No r@pe."
((Sorry I was gone all weekend on a spontaneous camping trip))

"Reactions ey? Yea those are important. But I doubt you'd stay asleep. That aside, you could have said please. And made puppy eyes." Aiden smiles at the picture he drew in his imagination, "But you got it boss. "
((I was wondering where you disappeared off to. Wish I could go camping more often.))

"Y-You don't have to reply with a logical explanation," Kyouu flicked away a few hairs that dared to slip down infront of his face. "Just a be patient...maybe someday you'll get your wish." The last part of the sentence was whispered as he looked down at his lap for a moment.
Aiden heard the word maybe, might have been discouraged if he was anyone else. He knew Kyouu had a subtlety to him, not the boldness that shined in himself, and that if anything it was a great thing to hear. At least that's how he chose to understand. Ever the optimist, it was just another thing that was for him to live. "I've waited this long haven't I. I've already got what I wanted all these years anyways. A chance to be your man, and to see you smile and know that I had something to do with it."
"I'm saying I just don't want to have sex when I'm only fifteen!" Kyouu continued to whine, grabbing the oversized pillow to pull up and wrap both arms around. He buried his face into the fluffy cushion, muffling out his voice as well when he chose to speak. "If we were older than this wouldn't be a problem....."
"Whoa whoa whoa, I think you misunderstood me! When I said I've waited this long I meant what's more time? Not that you owe me something! Just relax, no sex alright?" Aiden hadn't expected this and was actually hurt. "Geez, I thought I was being comforting and you make me feel like a godd@man monster Kyouu..." Aiden laid back and picked up the remote and started flipping channels not looking for anything in particular.
"I'm sorry," Kyouu apologized after hearing Aiden's words. He truely had misunderstood them like he had said. It took him a minute or so to actually move from his current position, lowering the pillow that hid his face, staring down at the bracelet still wrapped comfortably around his wrist. "Still...if you're not upset...snuggling is nice."
"It's okay, come here." He sat up on his knees and wrapped his arms around Kyouu's small frame and kissed on top of his head. He laid back and held his hand out for Kyouu. "You know, I'm really not all that bad."
The corners of Kyouu's mouth curled up into a warm smile when Aiden wrapped his arms around him then lightly pecked the top of his head. These small things were nice. He took his boyfriend's hand before lying down beside him. "I know. You make a great teddy bear." He whispered softly as he snuggled in closer. "A big teddy bear."
"I can deal with that." He ordered Doctor Who and set the remote on the night stand. "This is nice. Great view, beds super cozy, and snuggles. I had a great time, how about you?"
"Yeah, me too. I'm glad we did this. Thanks, it only feels right to thank you since you paid for literally everything, plus...I dunno. Just felt like I needed to thank you." Kyouu said.

((Ooh! I had an idea for the next day! Kyouu could invite Brandon over to his house to spend the night or something then Aiden will arrive and find them sleeping in the same bed. Just thought it might add more drama and/or perhaps some misunderstandings.))
"Your more than welcome, now let's just relax. it's been an eventful day." As far as Aiden was concerned everything was right.

((I like it, let's roll with it.))

The morning had come and Aiden had waken sooner than he had hoped but pretended to sleep anyways, maybe he'd fall back asleep. A few locks of Kyouu's hair had fallen in front of hi face. Had he been awake Kyouu would have brushed them aside. Aiden carefully moved the hair from his boyfriends face trying not to wake him.
((Coolio! :3))

Kyouu, of course, slowly and sleepily blinked his eyes open but only about halfway open. He parted his lips to yawn widely before muttering, "Morning." He smiled softly, enjoying the feeling of Aiden's large fingers fiddling with his hair; actually his hands were normal-sized, just seemed large to Kyouu because his hands were really small.
"It's like watching a puppy yawn." Aiden proclaimed before cheaking the time. "This may be a stupid question but what day of the week is it? Because if it's a school day we gotta get going."
"A puppy? So I'm a puppy now?" Kyouu questioned but didn't seem to be offended by this, actually kinda liked the sound of it. "Huh? Oh, I dunno. Lemme check my phone."

((Does it matter whether its the weekend or weekday?))
"We slept in kinda late, 9:46 to be exact...but that's okay it's Saturday." Kyouu informed his boyfriend before tossing his phone aside.
((I thought I posted this last night but it was sitting in the box when I just checked, so yah.))

"Alright then. Check out is not for awhile, but I'm starting at the scrap yard this afternoon. Do you have plans today?" As he asked Kyouu's went off. It was a text from Brandon asking the same question, and if he wanted to get together.
((I hate when that happens to me. Gets annoying.))

"I don't think I'm doing anything," Kyouu nearly jumped when he heard his phone jingle to signal a text message had arrived. He saw that it was Brandon when he had picked up his phone yet again. "We could hangout later if you'd like." He texted back, keeping friends was something he felt that he needed to do.
Aiden rolled out of the bed, "I call dibs on the shower. Your always welcome though, you won't get devirginized." He laughed and tossed his boxers on the floor. Grabbing a towel he headed to the shower. After a moment Brandon text Kyouu back, Wonderful, just text me whenever you want to be picked up. I'll take care of the rest.
"I'm not a pervert. I'll just wait." Kyouu rolled his eyes at Aiden as he laughed. "You really are a weirdo...but that's entertaining." He mumbled to himself after his boyfriend stepped into the other room. "Okay!! I'll reply probably later today." he texted back.

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