The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

Kyouu let out a deep breath of air as he tried to calm himself along with his voice. "You may speak," he was about to say more but soon remembered that they were still in with Brandon in his car. Didn't feel like talking about it while somebody else was already. He leaned his head against the window as his eyes closed, still sleepy.
Brandon stopped in front of Kyouu's, "You guys make up. Give me a call if you want to hang out."

Aiden got comfortable in Kyouu's room, not on the bed. "I should've talked to you, but I just felt like a whole lifetime was enough to get comfortable with someone. I get the physical thing i guess, but I can't even get you to say I love you back."
Kyouu was seated by himself on the bed while clutching his fluffy pillow tightly, removing his hood before doing so. He looked down at his own hands instead of daring to meet with Aiden's eyes. "Even if I did happen to say it now, what would that change?"
"What? Change? I already have a father to be stuck in a loveless relationship with. Am I really so difficult to understand? I just want one person I can give myself to. I don't mind. Just one that's all. My father can do his thing the rest of the world can see me however. I just felt like you where one person I could let my defenses down to, and... I dunno. It's like your made of ice sometimes. I f*cked up okay, you didn't exactly make it easy. I don't have all the answers Kyouu, but it felt good when I thought I had you."
Kyouu released his grip on the pillow as he set it aside then slid off of the bed. He walked over to where Aiden was seated comfortably then sat down infront of him on his knees, gazing a peek up at the other male's face for a brief second before returning it to the floor. "I'm sorry.....I just don't know how love is supposed to feel inside. With my parents we obviously share a bound but I know to the least amount that that's not the same kind of relationship."
"Love isn't a feeling Kyouu. Attraction is a feeling. Infatuation is a feeling. Chemicals and all that stuff. They come and go. Love is a state of mind. Can you depend on someone else? Do you enjoy their company, do you want to give to them, give yourself and don't mean your body. Love is a belief, and I believe I want you around, and that it's okay to let you in where no one else is allowed. But if I give you that you could do a lot of damage. I'm not going to make a fool of myself if I can avoid it. So if you don't see yourself loving me back, I'd rather deal with that, than try to clean the mess if I give all that and you leave with it."
Kyouu knew it even as a fairly young child that he had a special interest in his close friend from the moment they met. Sounds cheesy but sparks flew like fireworks. Never would be have guessed that he actually was falling for a male. Originally he had been straight until this guy showed up. Here they were now with Aiden constantly implying that he was in love with the girly male and wanted to be the same affection in return. So...basically what Aiden's saying by my guessing is that he'd rather end it now if I won't love him back, so that his heart won't be broken anymore than that. I would want it be the same if I were in his shoes.

He lifted his sight again so that he was looking up at Aiden but didn't turn away this time. Do I love Aiden? If I said those words would he believe them?
With Kyouu now looking at him, his heart was beating hard in his chest, partly from fear, partly from hope. "You don't have to say anything right now. Take your time figuring out how you feel. This was so you could better understand me. I'm not going to drink any more just because your not ready to make such a huge leap. That would be selfish. I don't want you to leave because you feel you needed to have an answer you hadn't found yourself yet and if you do say it, I want it to be because you mean it."
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It was like Aiden had read his mind. Was he that easy to read? Like a book? He was glad to hear that he was given time to think it all over and also the fact that Aiden agreed to hold back -- including the drinking and probably the lust. "I'll think about it.....a lot." He promised with a small but gentle smile. Scooting closer he reached for one of Aiden's hands, intertwining their fingers together. "We should go on a date," Kyouu repeated the line he had used just the previous night. "Maybe if we spend time together away from school and home, just some different atmosphere then Perhaps that would help closen to my answer."
"That sounds like good stuff. You hungry? There's a place on the coast we could grab a bite at and then head to the boardwalk. The weather is nice. I wanna be outside anyways."
"Alright, sure!" Kyouu nodded with a small smile. "Sounds good to me. Did you mean going now? 'Cause I'm ready if you are."
((Sorry for low posting been busy this weekend. I can't guruntee I'll post tonight much. I almost got myself banned calling out a pretentious d1ck head on his BS. But I didn't and a I've got pent up aggression. Maybe my mood will improve.))

"I'm ready, hop in." Aiden drove them out to the coast. On the radio he played old music that made him feel good. "Why didn't you just stop me when I was walking away."
((Don't worry about it. Life gives you $hit sometimes and you just have to deal with it.))

Kyouu shrugged for he couldn't really remember why to be honest. "I dunno...just acting all ridiculous, I suppose." He didn't have a true explanation to share.
"In all fairness, I could have turned a rounded. I guess I was hoping you'd stop me. I'm looking forward to the boardwalk. We used to go there as kids. Thought it would be fun, good day for it. What's up with brandon, how's he been treating you?"
Kyouu frowned slightly. That situation had already passed, what did Aiden want from him? Couldn't go back to past like Doctor Who. He returned to a fair smile when his boyfriend recalled the boardwalk. It did sound fun. "I don't remember much about it, so it'll be good returning back, maybe refresh a memory or two. As for Brandon...we're actually friends again. He's been nice lately. Went out for icecream with him earlier, also brought me to Nanami's house to find you."
((Sorry about that. I had to take some time to clear my head. Although just disappearing wasn't very righteous of me, I should of let you know and I apologize for that. I am back now.))

Aiden made a noise of acknowledgement and pulled in the parking area. "I figured we could grab something on the boardwalk it's relaxing outside right now." It was. The sky was three shades as the sun was approaching the horizon lazily, and the breeze was a soft embrace. They ordered some frys and found a table over looking the water. "So Brandon took you for ice cream? It may seem ridiculous but I got jealous just seeing you guys together outside of school. I was drunk though. And new to this whole boyfriend thing. I'm glad you came after me. Nanami is a head case, I honestly think she just wanted to get Brandon's attention, she kept talking about how mad she was at him." He tossed a fry to a sea gull. "Are you mad about what I did?"
((Oh, don't worry about it. Just wondering why you suddenly disappeared.))

Kyouu swung his legs back and forth slowly as he happily popped a warm dry into his mouth. The sky sure was a lovely shade that evening, bright and beautiful. His attention on the surroundings was soon brought back to his boyfriend as soon as he heard him speak up. As he listened to his voice, really he didn't disagree with what he had to say, not necessarily agreeing either. At least when it came to the jealousy part. Honestly it made him a little happy that his boyfriend would jealous over a little thing like that and yet he also felt the exact opposite way; a bit if a war between his own emotions.

"I don't see why you were drunk to begin with...we're not even close to legal drinking age. Smoking too." That was the point though. Basically just a small subtopic besides the main thing that almost occurred. To say the least, not only did he feel anger when he heard about where Aiden had left to but worry and jealousy -- worried that something may happen since he was drunk. " I'm not mad." He finally answered his question. Then after eating a couple more fries he added, "You two didn't do anything, right?"
Aiden laughed a little at Kyouu initial response. "Kyouu, so politically correct. Well maybe so , but the legal age hardly stops teenagers from drinking and smoking. I only was smoking because I was drinking, and I don't plan on drinking again for awhile so there is no need to worry my prince." When Kyouu asked him if he and Nanami had done anything he looked at him for a moment and raised a brow, "Of course we did..." he took a moment to eat a fry then returned his gaze to Kyouu "... we talked!", he donned a large smile. His face returned to a neutral state as he spoke again, "Though I suppose I should mention she was being slightly flirtatious. She wanted to take a picture of us and used the opportunity to get rather close... anyways she must have decided I was comfortable because she asked if I wanted to see her new sundress. I didn't see any harm in it, though I didn't realize she was going to change in front of me. I don't think that's normal, I'm fairly certain she was trying to seduce me but it doesn't matter you showed up after that."
Kyouu rolled his eyes as Aiden went on and on explaining about his teens smoke and drank anyways. He knew all that but why was he going along with it so casually? When he said that did do something, Kyouu immeditaly began crouching awkwardly as well as his eyes widening. What?! They did?! it made him feel pretty stupid when Aiden quickly grinned his wide sly smile that only meant that he was messing him. Now he just wanted to facepalm himself. "If somebody strips infront of you then I'm pretty sure that they don't just want to be friends," He took the little thing of fries and placed it down in his lap, keeping them to himself purposely, eating a few more in attempt to somehow not blush.
"Whaaat? So I've been stripping for potential friends all this time for no reason. I wish you'd clue me in sooner Kyouu." He pulled his phone out, "So you wanna see the pics I took while she was changing? Some real winners" he was only teasing, he knew Kyouu was blushing from the way he hid his face. "You know I trust you, but what if Brandon actually likes you not me?"
"You're such a pervert," That was all Kyouu could bring himself to say as Aiden dared to continue the very conversation about stripping. He quickly covered his eyes when he mentioned pictures of that girl. "Nope! Nope! I don't wanna see!" He wasn't interested in females, at all, total homo. "Wait -- what?" Removing his hands form his eyes, he spoke up himself this time, questioning his boyfriend's last sentence. "Brandon is 't interested in me at all. Infact I'm sure he'd come racing to you if we split; said so himself." He stated confidently.
"Maybe. I suppose it wouldn't make sense for him to drive you t Nanami's if he was trying to get with you. Or maybe he's just trying to show you how great of a guy he is. Either way your mine now and he can't have you." Aiden said matter of factly. "Dumb birds... it must be great to be so absent minded."
Kyouu relaxed his tense body as he calmed himself down, setting the fries back in the tabletop. The corners of his mouth curled up a little when Aiden said that he was his. It was such a tiny thing to say but it made his heart beat quicker. Taking another fry he flicked it at Aiden instead of actually eating it. "Hey...Brandon's just Brandon. Let's go do something instead of sitting here getting annoyed by seagulls."
"Yea okay. There's the rides, stores and food. We just ate obviously. I say we have some fun, but make some time look at the shops. I want to get you a memento from our first date. I'm I allowed to hold you hand? I won't be offended if your uncomfortable about it still. Though I promise to to grope you." Aiden pulled out a pack of cigarettes he had bought earlier and tossed the nearly full pack in a nearby trash can and looked back at him. "Don't answer, if you decide to sometime tonight just go for it. So what do you say? Let's enjoy our evening together." Aiden was glad to have this date. Maybe it would outshine other events of the day.

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