The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

Aiden heard him scream from behind and stop but didn't turn around. When Kyouu dashed off he could hear his footsteps and closed his eyes and started walking again. He didn't want this. His pride wouldn't let him turn around.

Brandon got a rather surprising message from Nanami that evening and decided he'd call Kyouu.
Kyouu felt disappointed when he arrived at his doorstep, looking back across the street at Aiden. Truly he had wanted Aiden to chase after him and try to win him back, but he never even turned, just kept walking. That's when the tears began pouring again. "I wonder if this would have worked out better if I was a female instead..." He subconsciously answered the call when his phone began vibrating again, despite the fact that he didn't exactly feel like talking to anyone right now. "H-Hello......."
"No, everything's just fine." Kyouu sniffled through his obvious lie. "Usual stuff...except Aiden and I broke up..." His voice grew genuinely softer as he said those words. He didn't want to tell Brandon but he still felt the urge to tell someone.
"Kyouu I'm coming to get out right now. We're going to get your man back. We don't have much time i'd say, Aiden is drunk and Nanami... well she's told me how she feels about Aiden, so be ready." What am I doing, he asked himself.
"Nanami likes him too?" Kyouu thought. "But we'll never make it in time!" He said but didn't realize until after that he accidentally hung up. That didn't exactly help and he didn't know when Brandon would arrive. With the sprout of hope he remained outside instead of stepping into his house as he waited.
Brandon drove quickly to Kyouu's. He had come to the conclusion he had to do something about this because he hadn't orchestrated it. He pulled up and let Kyouu in the car. "How the hell are you guys already fighting?"
"Aiden's drunk and I get upset easily anyways, those two things do not mix well." Kyouu replied as he slipped his seatbelt on. He was ready to go now. No way was he letting some strange girl touch him or even kiss him.
"Right. Let's go." Brandon started driving and decided to give Kyouu some advice, "You got to be in charge dear. You know what I'm saying? Aiden is a.. he's a guy's guy. You really already have all the control you just got to use it. Let him think he's in charge. He wouldn't know what to do with it if he had it. That's why he's drunk right now, and your all worked up. We're almost there."
Kyouu only nodded once as he listened to Brandon's words. Confused, yeah he was, a little bit. He wasn't quite sure if that guy was instructing him to be more aggressive and be the bigger man of the couple or the complete opposite, because he didn't believe he could do the first the one. He quickly hopped out the door once they parked. "Which house is it?"
"I'm going with you, come on." They walked up to a rather large house and he knocked on the door. "It would seem there are no parents home." Nanami answered the door with a smile and "Oh, hello boys." Brandon talked before Kyouu could trying to remain peaceful, also figuring Nanami would respond better to him, "May we come in?" She raised a single eyebrow still smiling responded, "Actually you can't. Besides neither of you have any business here. Brandon your done wasting my time, Kyouu, your just leading Aiden on. This works out perfectly actually, Aiden can undo to the damage you've done Brandon, and in return I'll save him from the inevitable heartbreak from you Kyouu. So what do you think about that?"
Kyouu's hands formed into tight fists even though he wasn't planning on hitting anyone, clearly he didn't exactly agree with Nanami's determined words and cheesy grin. "Where's Aiden? I don't intend on letting him slip away so easily into somebody else's hands."
Aiden walked up to the doorway behind Nanami and saw Brandon and Kyouu standing there. He didn't show it but he was suprised? Did Kyouu come for me? "What's going on?" Nanami had hoped to avoid interaction between the boys all together but improvised the best she could. She turned to Aiden looking up at him resting a hand on his chest said in a soft and concerned voice, "Don't let him hurt you." Aiden kept his eyes on Kyouu.
"Don't touch him!!" Kyouu demanded, his eyes narrowing quickly. Clearly he wasn't in the mood to be gentle towards this woman.
Aiden smiled a little when Kyouu told Nanami to back off. "This is unexpected. What's on your mind Kyouu?" Nanami ignored Kyouu and rested the side of her face against Aiden.
Kyouu's eyebrows furrowed down as he finally stepped forward and inside the house, not waiting another minute. "I said don't touch him! This drunkie here is mine." He grasped the sleeve of one of Aiden's arms but was glaring up at the girl.
((Meant to post this last night but my internet failed, sorry posted early though))

Aiden was convinced that Kyouu came for him. Part of him, probably the drunk part, wanted to let things play out and watch the drama, but he had sobered up enough now to realize entertaining those sorts of thoughts might prove to be disastrous. "Nanami thank you for having me. You've been very nice. I do have to go though before my boyfriend gets mad." Turning his attention to Kyouu, "Come on, let's get going."

Nanami had turned red in the face from anger, but simply shook her head and let a disgusted release of air escape her. While Brandon just watched the happenings. Brandon could be a great friend or a sadistic a$$hole, depending on where you stood with him. He realised he had must of seriously considered him a friend if he had given up an easy shot at Aiden for him. Or maybe it was that he had by accident developed feelings for him and didn't realize. Maybe that's why he got upset when he and Aiden got together. I wonder how Kyouu would react to two young men in competition over little Kyouu. Brandon smiled "Let's get going."
((Its okay. ^^))

Kyouu felt a wave of relief when Aiden agreed to return back home. Thank goodness! I was almost certain that he would still be completely drunk or possibly refuse. He wiped the glare off of his face but kept the slight frown. If they had gotten here a moment late than the two might've ended up in the bed. He took Aiden's hand as he lead him to the car.
Aiden considered apologizing but instead... "What took took you so long?" He smiled as he said it though. He was happy. " Are you taking me home? Or maybe tying me to a post? Either I'm glad you came Kyouu."
Kyouu didn't return the smile but he did speak up. "Next time you get yourself drunk, at least have the decency to take of yourself and not end up at somebody else's house. Now that you bring up the idea...yes, maybe I will tie you to a pole."
Aiden didn't miss a beat. "Fine by me, tie me by the wrist. Short rope. Next the your bed." Brandon rolled his eyes and looked at Kyouu, "That's your boyfriend? Anyways who's going where?"
Ignoring Aiden's words Kyouu chose to reply to Brandon. "I'm going home. Aiden will probably try to touch me in my sleep if he comes over..."
"Dayum. You hear that Brandon? Talk about cold hearted. Comes and drags me off only to cast me aside." Aiden spoke to Brandon, and passive aggressively to Kyouu.

Brandon responded, "I do find it rather odd. You must be rather... affectionate, for lack of better words."

Aiden chimed in, "Oh, you mean a molester. Well, it's all perspective. Seems to be Kyouu's perspective."

Brandon Laughed, "Ah yes, thank you. A molester. Well cheer up, he did just save you from molestation yourself."

Aiden raised an eyebrow, "Nanami? No, I don't think..."

Brandon interrupted, "Oh don't play so naive. You know why she wanted you there. Not to mention Nanami is shockingly strong."

Aiden spoke to Kyouu now, "So, I guess I can't be with you tonight? Even if I promise to behave?"
Kyouu pulled the hood of his jacket over his head as he tried to ignore the two's little ramble. He crossed his arms loosely and almost didn't even reply when Aiden asked to come over. "I don't care...can't touch my bed if you do." It wasn't the whole drunk thing and getting all mixed up over at Nanami's house, though that was also a reason for him acting like this, mostly he was upset because of what Aiden said earlier. Even if he was drunk, his words still made him cry.
"I guess that's how it's got to be." Aiden was disappointed, but excepted the terms none the less. Guess I'm being punished for having insecurity. Serves me right I suppose. "I am allowed to talk am I not? And before you shoot me down, just know i'm trying to do things right. Maybe this could've been avoided."

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