The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

Aiden obliged, laying down under the covers next to him, putting an arm around his shoulders and giving him a kiss on the cheek. Returning to his calm cool collected self, "Well the was certainly nice, and your parents are none the wiser. You are a bad boy."
"Only because you're the one who literally dragged me into it," Kyouu murmured and nuzzled into Aiden, eyes fluttering slowly shut. "Hey um, Aiden.....we should..we should go on a date sometime."
"Well maybe so, but it wasn't that bad was it?" He ruffled Kyouu's hair. "Him, a date you say? That could be nice. What about public display of affection? I that off limits? Because I would love to show you off."
Ignoring the first question Kyouu moved onto the next answering with, "You touch me at school anyways. Even if I forbided you from doing so, I don't see how you'd hold yourself back, being the pervert you are." A smile spread across his face from the ruffling of the hair, liking his hair to be played with -- oddly enough, this the first time he had smiled in a while. Odd.
"Well I'm glad that you've come to peace with it. Aiden and Kyouu... boyfriends... partners. It has a nice sound, you know? You have a pretty smile there. It's a real treat." Aiden leaned his head back and closed his eyes.
"I wasn't saying I was fine with it," Kyouu said but kept his voice calm while speaking. "W-We're not partners yet since we haven't gone that far. Even though you gave me a bl0wjob, that does not make us lovers." He wondered if Aiden had caught the part where he stated "yet".

((Skip to morning?))
((Morning Time))

Aiden was already awake when the alarm sounded. "Wake up, it's time to get ready. You know I didn't want to mention it last night but Brandon is gunna be at school. Don't let him upset you, I really think he'll give up when he realizes I'm serious about you."
Kyouu yawned widely when he was awoken, rubbing his eyes sleepily as he slowly brought himself to sit up. Realizing that Aiden was still beside him proved that his thought of what happened last night just being a dream as false. So embarrassing just thinking about it! "Well Brandon seems serious as well," he crawled out if bed to walk over to his dresser. After choosing a pair of jeans and a random graphic tee, he fired Aiden out of the room. Even though that guy had already seen him completely nude just the previous night doesn't mean that he needed to be in there while he changed.
Aiden had cleaned himself up and put on the same clothes. Some clean clothes wherein his car, which was at school. He would have to get changed in the locker room. He had to talk to the coach anyways, he was supposed to shoe up early today but he couldn't bring himself to wake Kyouu. Coach would probably let him stay late after practice if he explained. Well time to get going.
After Kyouu finished changing into a clean pair of clothes and quickly brushing his teeth, he raced downstairs to his farewell to his mother, his father had already left hours ago for work. He denied breakfast since they didn't have time. He hopped into the truck and drove off in the direction of school once Aiden had buckled himself into the passenger's seat .
When they arrived at school Aiden gave Kyouu a quick kiss and apologized, "I'm sorry but I got to get to coaches office before class so I'll meet up with you later. I love you.", and proceeded to dash off.

Brandon was outside the school hoping to see Kyouu. He had been on his mind. Pleased to see Kyouu walking he approached him from the side and acknowledged him calmly, "Hey Kyouu. Things got out of hand yesterday. I'm just not used to not getting my way. I feel real silly about the whole thing. What do you say Kyouu, can we be friends?"
Kyouu blushed when Aiden said that he loved him, it was embarrassing to hear since he wasn't sure if he felt the same -- actually it'd be embarrassing either way. But the feeling, along with the redness of his cheeks, faded away once he heard a familiar voice. Brandon. He...apologized? What?! Just yesterday he was threatening to make his life utterly miserable and now he just wants him to move along like it was nothing?! Well...Kyouu did hit him in the face with a thick drawing book which probably hurt at least a little, those words might've come from that moment of anger. Deciding to give Brandon another chance, he answered, "Um, sure. Friends."
"That's good. I'm still jealous though, heh. I can live with that, but if you guys break up don't tell me he's off limits. Alright, later!" Brandon turned and walked away, smiling to himself. Good, he thought. Things would be easier like this, he would just have to be patient. He had more options if Kyouu didn't see him as a threat and he could be on speaking terms with Aiden. Not to mention, should he choose to make unfortunate things happen for Kyouu to please himself, he wouldn't be an immediate suspect. I'ill get that damn sketchpad from him first. He thought to himself. He knew he had to play his cards right, but as usual Brandon had complete confidence in himself.
Kyouu watched Brandon suddenly turn and walk off. He was relieved that he could consider that guy a friend again. Better than enemies. At least from his point of view. "I'm not planning on breaking up!" He called after that guy before he grew too far of a distance away. Quickly he locked his car then shoved the keys deep into his backpack to search for later on in the day. For now, it was time to begin class.
Aiden made it to class late but gave his teacher a slip of paper from the coach and sat down not making eye contact with Brandon. When the teacher gave the class some time to work it was Brandon who approached Aiden, "Hey. Sorry Kyouu got so upset yesterday. I'm not very good at giving advice. We made amends however."

"Oh yea?" Aiden replied wondering if it was true, but came to the conclusion it must be. Why would he lie? However it odd it may seem. Kyouu was upset enough to leave school yesterday.

"Say, how about we work together? I'm pretty good at this stuff." Brandon asked.

"Well..." Aiden hesitated, "... why not.

Lunch time came an Aiden waits to see his boyfriend.
Kyouu was definitely in a more cheery mood than before, just stepped out of the classroom door after an hour of silence talking place during a pretty large test -- confidence filled his mind for he believed that he would receive an excellent score. Rushing to his locker he quickly shoved his textbook inside then slammed the metal door shut. That was a huge lift off the shoulders, finally being done and never having to worry about that exact yet again. Never mind all that! Lunchtime! Kyouu pulled his drawing book out of his backpack. He'd have to apologize to Aiden; he was behind on an assignment in Art class due to skipping school the previous day, which ment he'd be spending his lunch break back in the courtyard.
Aiden was talking to an offensive lineman or awhile before his teammate went off to do his own thing. Aiden still waiting decided to text Kyouu. Brandon seeing Aiden alone again decided to have a chat with him. "Hey Aiden. Not eating with the team or Kyouu?"

" I was waiting for kyouu ." Aiden replied

"Well, let's wait together. I didn't see Kyouu in our class after lunch yesterday."

"Yea he was pretty worked up, wanted to take off, sorry he hit you."

"It's my fault really. You very supportive ey? Tough guy Aiden is a big softy. I really hope he appreciates you. I was wrong to tel him you guys might not be right. I think he needs some one like you. And I have to admit he's brought out a side of you the world hasn't seen. It's nice to see."

Aiden wasn't sure how to take Brandon's statement. How had he come to these conclusions "I don't know about all that. He wanted to skip. I didn't want to be here anyways. I don't know how being supportive is being soft anyways."

"Oh stop being such a brute, I was teasing." The two boys sat down for lunch.
"Srry! Eating in th courtyrd 4 lunch, gotta work on an assignment!" Kyouu texted back in a very brief amount of words for somewhat an explanation. Instead of sitting underneath the large tree near the middle of the courtyard like he always did, he stationed himself lying down on his stomach in the cool green grass, supporting himself up by his elbows while he also flipped to the next blank page. Supposedly they were intended to draw a realistic portrait of someone. Of course he absolutely refused the very idea of drawing himself and sketching Aiden's face would just make him look all obsessed; perhaps he could just settle for a some famous singer or something.
"Is that book you hit Brandon with?" A female's voice rung out before one of her shoes landed on the open page. "You've got a lot of nerve you psychopath."
Kyouu immediately looked up at the girl after the shoe that landed directly before him, scrambling up onto his feet. "Psychopath? I didn't do anything."
"Don't be stupid!" She bent down picked up the sketch pad and whipped it behind herself. Then turned back to Kyouu and slapped him across the face, "You going to hit me too psychopath?
"Hey!" So far Kyouu was not interested in talking to this girl a minute longer, she even threw his sketchbook aside; that had all of his best drawings from throughout the year so far. His eyes widened and he even froze for a moment to realize that he had been slapped across the face. Raising a hand up to cover the red mark on his cheek, he also turned back to the girl, feeling pretty pathetic because even this girl stood at least a few inches taller than his height. "You're a b*tch," he muttered under his breath.
Suddenly Brandon voice called out "Nanami! What the hell!" The newly arrived boy picked up Kyouu's sketch pad and tucked it under his arm as he approached the others with an annoyed look on his face.

Nanami looked shocked, "Brandon... I was just..."

"Just what?" He interrupted. He put his arm on Kyouu's shoulder and handed the sketch pad back to it's owner not taking his fierce eyes off Nanami.

"I... he... but... it was for you, he hurt you!" Nanami stumbled confused.

"This is my friend Nanami. You should go now." The girl's shoulder slumped down as she turned to walk a away looking as though her eyes were watering. Brandon turned to Kyouu, "Are you alright?"
Kyouu watched their whole conversation; well...more of a growl between the two of them than a conversation. He clutched the sketchbook close with one arm, the other still raised to keep up and covering his sore cheek. Sniffling, he looked up at Brandon, at least he wasn't crying. "Um, thanks. It's silly sometimes. Even girls beat me up.
Brandon couldn't help but find Kyouu adorable at this moment, "Heh, Nanami sent me a text telling me to come here, that she wanted me to see something. Silly girl. She's truely passionate. She really loves her friends and hates anything she sees as a threat. She must have thought she was protecting me. I'm sorry Kyouu. I haven't had a chance to speak to everyone. Well Aiden said you had to work on an assignment, I'll let you get back to that. By the way you look good today, that boy is good for you."

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