The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

(Oops...heh, I though I replied already but turns out I just forgot. My mistake.)

Kyouu stared blankly up at his face for a moment taking a while before he blinked again. He looked downright confused. "How am I supposed to make him 'afraid of me'? I'm not intimidating if that's what you mean. I'm hardly any taller than five foot." He ran a hand back through his hair back, taking a step away so that he could have a bit of space, pulling out his phone once again. "I'll call my parents now,"
"Before you make that call let me just say that there are more was of being intimidating than physical statute. But I'm just talking. Your not like that Kyouu, and I don't want you to be something your not. Your reputation is so good at the school I doubt Brandon could change that. Him or his covert operatives. Ask your folks if they need us to pick anything up."
Kyouu didn't reply to Aiden, just stared down at the ground before he lifted his sight back up to his phone once again, dialing up the number really quick. He held it up to his ear and listened to the quiet ringing. He thought to himself, "I understand where Aiden's going with this but I don't have very good confidence in myself. How am I supposed to stand up to Brandon...or anyone else for that matter? I'm sure I wouldn't have to do any fighting or anything....and Brandon's definitely not the only one interested in my boyfriend but.....still. Why is he messing with my head if Aiden's the one he's into?"
"Let's get going. Obviously we won't much homework tonight. So we can relax. Shake of off the stress, clear head. Tommarow I won't acknowledge Brandon in first hour. But tonight is about you alright?"
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"O-Okay. Hey do you think you could drive while I talk to my parents?" Kyouu asked, he had already pulled the keys out of his pocket and tossed them to land in Aiden's hands. He hopped up into the passenger's seat when he heard the ding on his phone and then the voice of his mother answering. He smiled slightly as he began explaining and asking if Aiden could sleep over. Of course since they wanted their son to spend more time with his friends, they had no difficulty in agreeing, though they did question about his family...his parents.
Aiden raised his hand and caught the keys and made his way into the drivers seat. "So everything got the green light I assume?" He asked as he started the truck and started driving. "Let me take care of you tonight. You had a rough day. You did good everything considered. Careful though, I'm really up to no good." Aiden smiled but kept his eyes straight. He made a joke, but he wondered. He had been attracted to Kyouu forever and it was fine. He had been dating him almost a day and he felt like he could hardly control himself now. What was happening.
Kyouu ended the call once he was done talking to his mother then chuckled at Aiden's little mischevious joke. "You're always up to no good. That's what makes you Aiden." He slouched down lazily in his seat, crossing his arms loosely as he thought to himself. What he didnt understand was why his boyfriend was even into him. Really, all he pictured himself as was some whining little munckan. Not very nice or positive way to look on the situation.
Aiden pulled the truck up to Kyouu's house and parked. "Let get inside."

Inside Aiden and Kyouu were killing time while diner was being made. "What do you we play some cards?' I've been wondering what's on your mind. And don't tell me nothing, your so inward. I don't want to here about Brandon though. I want to hear about us."
"Cards? Us?" Kyouu didn't understand what it was that Aiden wanted him to say. What was he hoping to hear? Clearly about their relationship but what about it? "Umm...what do you wanna talk about?" He slumped himself down into the couch as he spoke.
"How do you feel. Do you have any doubts or regrets. Your insecure about things sometimes. I just wanna know what going on. I don't want to be blindsided if you change your mind."
Kyouu pulled one of the couch pillows into his chest, covering up the lower half of his face also. "I'll be honest with...I really like you alot but I'm not sure if I actually love you. I've had other relationships (secretly) where I've believed that I was in everlasting love...then one day they went and shattered my heart. N-Not that I'm saying I think you'll do anything to harm me, still, I'm still cautious. I don't want to be broken again."
"Oh Kyouu... you can't let what might happen prevent you from feeling. Let me just ask you, have you ever thought about what your life will be like if you keep on protecting yourself? So you got hurt... that must mean it was good at some point. Worth having. Worth taking a chance to have. How could the hurt outweigh the good? It only hurt because it was so good. Good things end sometimes. You know what? That's when you find something else to appreciate. You got to keep feeling good. Got to keep working towards something. What else are we living for Kyouu? Can you imagine growing old and looking back only to realize you hadn't lived at all... for fear of what might have been? You don't have to love me now, hell you don't ever have to love me. But you can be d@man sure I'm going to try. Besides, being really liked by you is pretty good in my book."
Kyouu patted the spot on couch next to him, beckoning Aiden to come sit with him. "I've...never thought of it that way. Plus I can be more comfortable with things since I've know you forever; I can trust you. All those other b*tches in the world can go shove a rake up their butt. I do have a question though -- would you get bored of my hugs and kisses?" The last part was muttered into the pillow he was still cradling.
Aiden laughed at the rake comment and took a seat next to Kyouu and moved the pillow so he could hold Kyouu. "Bored of your hugs and kisses? It would be a shock to me love. I'm a very affectionate person. I love your spirit but physical confirmation is important to me. Any less might be torture!" He joked.
Kyouu grew all tense as he felt Aiden's warm breath flow gently over to give him a warm fuzzy feeling, even leaving a bit of goosebumps where it met his sensitive skin. He reached for the pillow again, wanting to hide his face. "'re always the one who has to make the first move. I-I doubt I'd be able to do something like that; at least for now. That won't get annoying?" He sure was being really insecure and jittery about things.
"I suppose that would be fine. But I have wonder sometimes. I know you pretty well I would say. Can guess how you might react and all, but I guess I'm not that good at reading you. It's hard to tell what you really want or what your ready for. I know your not comfortable talking about those things sometimes, affection you know?" Aiden seemed genuinely confused now.
((Just so you know, I'm gonna be going on a vacation for a couple days starting tomorrow. Not sure if I'll have Internet connection or not, so I may be absent for a while, yep. But I promise once I do I'll hop right back online.))

((Oh!! And I apologize for my lack of replying lately.))
((Can't believe I haven't even replied yet!! Gimme a second or two to answer......)) 
"Ready for...?" Kyouu repeated softly. His eyes widened when he heard the faint click of high heeled shoes which meant his mother was approaching the room. He quickly scrambled out of Aiden's arms to scoot a short distance away -- why was he trying to hide his relationship from his own parents? Aiden's family probably knew and the entire school knew as well. Yet he felt the need to keep this a secret from those two certain people of his home.

"Dinner is ready~" His mother announced in her usual happy tone and a gentle smile as she poked her head into the living room. Once her sentence was carried out to the two boys, she scurried off back to the kitchen. Sure was in there a lot of the time; trying to perfect her recipes.
Aiden was leaning back giving Kyouu a look, "You make it feel like we're misbehaving when you do that. Kind of exciting when I think about it like that. I understand it, not being ready to tell your folks. I hadn't planned on ever saying anything. However pops just so happened to be just lopsided enough one night to inspire me. Inspire me to piss him off that is." Aiden laughed softly to himself looking straight ahead now. Imitating his father "You think I give a good godd@mn. I've got two good sons to carry on the family name. Its a relief is what it is! At least I have one less thing to worry about you F*UCKING UP! That's probably the only reason you don't have a kid already. A little scumf*ck like you." His normal voice returned, "There's a good chance he doesn't even remember. He hasn't brought it up sine but I'm sure he wouldn't if he did remember." He looked back at Kyouu seemingly unphased by his statement, now wearing a smile, "Well maybe we should get some food ey? But first, would you satisfy my curiosity? When you hide or closeness from the parents... do you feel like your misbehaving?" He got close to Kyouu, speaking softly "Does it excite you to feel like your misbehaving?". Aiden was being mischievous again.
Kyouu listened to Aiden closely as he intimidated his father, he couldn't quite tell if that guy was feeling a shiver of amusement or disappointment; perhaps a mix of both. Before Kyouu could decide on his prediction between the two, Aiden had again brought himself closer. "You're embarrassing me again..." To answer the question, yes. It really did feel like misbehaving. Like he was breaking a law that his parents oh so required from him. But he felt safe with Aiden no matter how many times that guy made his face burn red. "Seriously, you're like a cat in heat."
Aiden had a slight grin, "No answer, admission of embarrassment. Clear signs of guilt Kyouu. You like to misbehave! My little bad boy." Aiden was smiling again, and suddenly decided to playfully pin Kyouu down. "Like a cat in heat? Like a lion!" He gently nipped on the neck, and looked down at him with a jokingly sad face, "It's all your fault though. Why do you tease me Kyouu? Because you like it, that why. You bad boy." A mischievous grin fallowed the statement.
"N-No I don't!" Kyouu declined quickly about finding in an interest in so-called misbehaving. "Pfft, I'm not a bad boy either, so don't say I am. Get your lion a$$ off of me." His voice was slightly grumbling as he pushed the older male back off. Geez, why did everything seem to be filled with so much worry when it came to him; I mean, around others Kyouu could generally act all normally, still shy, but normal and not so thoughtful about certain things. Around Aiden it felt like he was taking every little action or word into account as a big deal, similar to that of a girl. It's been said multiple times already but he would have been better off as a female. "Sigh...wipe that dumb smirk off your face. It's like you're trying to seduce me with yours eyes." He ran a hand up to gently tousle his own bangs.
Aiden look shocked, pointing his fingers at his chest "Seduce you!? Me!?" His eyebrow raised, "Is it working?", he asked with innocent tone. "It's alright, no need to answer. I know it is." He winked. "Besides, you know what I think? I think your trying to seduce me. Those cute little things you do. Playing with your hair like that." Aiden started to lean towards Kyouu with a hungry look in his eyes. The lion and his prey. He could feel his mouth beginning to water. He slowly licked his lips s he stared down Kyouu. As he inched closer to Kyouu, a voice called out again from the kitchen. Damnit. He sat back, "Well, let's get some grub. Can we watch some movies and cuddle later?" He asked calmly.
It was none other than Kyouu's sweet ol' mother calling out for the two boys again, questioning as to what was keeping them. When they were little kids, they'd race eachother as fast as they could to the kitchen, especially pizza night, but still now even when they weren't children anymore...

Kyouu had pressed himself back against the couch cushion as Aiden neared his face. The look in his gleaming eyes and slow movements stated that he was suffering kinda with holding back. Seduce Aiden? Nah! I'm not that love-sick!! Only lovers do that kind of stuff!! He just loves to tease me. Horny pervert." He nodded to Aiden's words, not exactly hearing the last part for he was lost in thought. He followed Aiden to the kitchen where his mother had successfully prepared a nice amount of vegetable stir fry and miso soup.
Aiden was leaning back cradling his head. He loved Kyouu's mother's cooking and had finished before everyone else, and was now waiting for Kyouu to finish. "Thanks for the meal ma'am, it was great. Even better then my ma's, don't tell her though." His attention ed turned to Kyouu. Now that his appetite was satisfied, he wanted Kyouu to himself. "Come on Kyouu you eat you so slow."

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