The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

"I dunno what I was thinking, really don't have to go anywhere you could call your folks and let them know you'll be here with me, and I can leave my car at the school over night. As for going back there, I really... well you know my pops ain't so bad really. Not the most supportive with football but that's because that was his dream and he didn't make it. He just is always mad at me because I just do whatever and he doesn't know why I do the things I do sometimes. It's just when he drinks that it's a problem really, and even then it's only a problem because I make it one. The other day I could tell he'd been drinking and it made me wanna mouth off. I don't blame him for socking me, I knew what would happen and did it anyways. Point is Kyouu, I don't want to admit I'm wrong. Ma leaves lunch for me in the mailbox when I run off, I got a car to sleep in, so I get by." Brief silence. Weak laugh "You know?" Half hearted smile. "Why don't you come back over here?"
"There's nothing you've done wrong that I've found you guilty of," Kyouu once again moved his body I've to the opposite side of the truck, crawling back into Aiden's lap. As he wrapped his legs around the other's waist he looked up at his depressed face with a frown all of his own. "I'm sorry about your folks. I guess I wouldn't understand since I've never been in a situation like that but it still makes me feel sad."
"Don't worry about me, I was just saying why I don't go back. It ain't hell, or anything, I'm just stubborn." His smile looked genuine now, "It's far too much fun but being a smartass. Besides how could you feel bad form me when I got this sugary sweet piece on my lap wrapped around me."
With a roll of his eyes and an innocent smile Kyouu returned the kiss on the cheek. "I know you are a smartass...but I like that." He nuzzled his face into the crook of Aiden's neck before he went back to the subject of some real a$$hole they knew. "Hey, what're we gonna do about Brandon?" He mumbled quietly.
(Sorry didn't get back sooner)

"You're still worried about that guy? He probably just picked up interest in me when he found out we're together. I'm sure he'll loose interest soon as he can find somewhere else to be dramatic. He doesn't seem very threatening to me anyways."
(T'is okay)

"...can't you just punch him in the face of something? Just to get it over sooner?" Kyouu pouted softly, not meaning to be heard. His eyes closed again as his tense body began to relax against Aiden. "I don't like my 'friend'. Especially because he threatened me."
"I can't just punch him, unless he plans to fight me or hurt you. There's a difference between a fight or defense and assault. I'm not going to stand aside and let him threaten you though. He might just run his mouth, and hunny he can do that forever and it won't phase me. Chatter don't matter. Shouldn't phase you either. Though you are cute when you pout. I don't think he's got the cojones to lay a finger on you. I'm more concerned that he might try something more sinister. Those girls he hangs out with got a girl suspended so one of their clique could seduce that girls boyfriend. Put drugs in her locker and told on her, something along those lines. So just make sure your careful."
"Drugs? That's nice to know...wonder where they got them." Kyouu mentally shrugged but nodded to Aiden's advice on being careful; for sure he was planning on keeping an eye out either way. Carefully he pulled out his legs which were still wrapped around the older guy's lap he was currently sitting on. He moved on back once again to the driver's seat for another time, finally unlocking the doors and pulling the keys out. "Can we at least get out? My a$$ is beginning to go numb from sitting for so long."
"So let's get out already." Aiden slid out the passenger side and stretched. "Hey, you suppose your parents would consider letting me stay over tonight? I know it's a school night but I just don't want to sleep in the school parking lot. You could say I got in fight with the old man and you wouldn't be lying."
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"I suppose I could call them real quick and give them a heads up," Kyouu pulled out his black iphone and dialed up the number for his parents home phone. It went straight to the machine answering so he simply left a voicemail explaining the situation before he hung up. He hopped out of the truck then slammed his door shut. The fresh air of the pine filled park filled his lungs as he took in a deep breath.
Kyouu almost hung up instantly when he saw the name of the caller but something stopped himself, hesitantly and suspiciously he pressed the green answer button and returned the phone to his ear. He raised a hand up as if to say "just a second" to Aiden. "Um, hello?"
"Heyyy Kyouu! So I noticed you took the rest of the day off." Brandon was using a friendly tone. "I hope you didn't feel you needed to that on my behalf. So anyways, I was just calling to see if you came to your senses yet, before things get ugly?" Still using a friendly tone.
"No, as a matter of a fact I haven't......what exactly do you mean when you say 'ugly'?" Kyouu switched it to speaker so that Aiden could possibly overhear something, he held the phone just a few inches away from his face so that he could still talk though.
Brandon laughed innocently, "Well why would I want to spoil all of the fun. You are planning on coming to school tommarow I hope. Don't want to get into trouble. You know I don't like fighting Kyouu. What is it that your hoping to get from this relationship? I mean your practically a little girl still."
Kyouu suddenly felt the urge to crush his phone but he couldn't for he was still had something to say to Brandon and even if he tried that would only result in hurting his hand. "I am not a fücking girl so shuttup!! And of course I'm coming to school tomorrow." His parents would kill him if they just found out about him ditching today.
"Temper temper, that's not very ladylike. Well i , will see your shinning face tommarow, bring my man too. *click*". Aiden was looking at Kyouu, it was obvious he was trying not smile, "Well I certainly haven't seen that side before. He can really be queen b1tch when he wants to huh? Don't let him get you mad. Sounds like he thrives off of that stuff. He wasn't lying though, he doesn't like fighting... he loves it!", now Aiden was laughing.
Kyouu began whining again once Aiden began laughing, shoving his phone back into his pocket. "You meanie! I have feelings too! Not every man enjoys being referred to as a woman, you know." He crossed his skinny arms across his chest and stuck his bottom lip out stubbornly. When it came to the teasing, Brandon and Aiden actually shared something in common.
Aiden put his arms around Kyouu and kisses him on the forehead, "I told you, that you should ignore it. He loves upsetting you, by letting him, your giving him that. All said and done your upset and he's thrilled and over what? Meaningless words. Not that all words are meaningless, I admit, but he's calling you girl. Which you know your not." His face went from serious to a familiar grin, "And I know it too after what I saw in your jeans."
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Kyouu was actually starting to calm down, that is until the part about his boner was brought up once again -- painting his cheeks red and he began slightly squirming. Choosing to grind his teeth together for a moment instead of opening his mouth to release a fowl list if words was a better a much better idea. After he had (sorta) let it go, he softly babbled, "Sooooooo what am I supposed to do? I get really sensitive to stuff like that, so it'll be hard to just ignore him."
"Well you need confidence in something. It's easy enough if you think about it. What's this all about? The fact that I'm attracted to you and not him. That's it. And it drives him nuts. So when he starts being a b1tch, don't get mad at him, but instead pity him, because you know it's jealousy. He's jealous of you Kyouu. Why does it matter what he says."
"...I suppose I can try." Kyouu promised, he would try but who knows if he'd really follow through with it. He tilted his head up so that he could meet up with Aiden's eyes. "I keep forgetting how tall you're are," Even his quick attempt of standing up on his toes had hardly any effect on the height difference.
"I suppose. Your just opening yourself up to to a short joke, you know." Aiden looked thoughtful for a moment. "Do you think I'm a bad influence?'
"What kind of a question is that?" Kyouu raised an eyebrow at his words in confusion. Uncrossing his arms and slipping them down to shove into his jean pockets, he answered, "I don't think your a bad influence but I don't necessarily think you're the best either. Sure, I'll admit that you've been the adult of certain situations and really helped me out, sometimes not so much. C'mon Aiden, you should know by now that I'd still be cowering underneath my bed if you hadn't come along."
"Maybe you need to make Brandon afraid of you." He said bluntly. "Maybe he's just looking for drama. Maybe it's just a matter of time before he makes his move. Why wait around. Maybe it's not the most adult thing to say, but it could be fun. Thinks he can mess around in my neck of the woods unscathed. He can't keep up." Aiden was staring past Kyouu almost in a daze but he had a light smile.

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