The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

Brandon face was turned to the side from being smacked. He turned forward but stared at the ground shaking his head. He was starting to breath heavy. "I... am going to make life hell for you Kyouu. And to think I tried to be so kind to you and just wouldn't let me." He looked up at him now. "You should've given yourself a break. I mean you are you trying to fool? It's not too late though. You see, I am a pillar of kindness, and I can forgive you for your indiscretions. I can see you need some time to get a hold of yourself. Don't be selfish. Do the right thing Kyouu." He blew him a kiss and walked away.
Kyouu raised his sketchbook again like he was about to attack with only smack in the face, but it was quickly lowered when the teas began raining down. "Brandon's a b|tch..." He whispered to himself as he slumped back onto the ground. As soon as Brandon was gone, he pulled his legs up to his chest and buried his face in his knees. "I'm fifteen...why is this happening now?"
"Why is what happening now?" Aiden's voice rang out and he sat down next to him. "You guys get into another fight,? I got us some sodas. Talk to me."
Kyouu took his soda, popping the can open before chugging down a large glup. "Brandon really wants you to be his," he murmured those few words before hiding his face again.
"Don't blame him." Aiden chuckled. "Don't worry about it alright, forget about him. He'll get over it." Aiden locked his hands behind his head a laid back.
"Jerk," Kyouu whined, batted at Aiden's arm again. "Don't just laugh while I'm sitting here crying. Whatever, I just hope you're right. He's making me look more like a baby."
Aiden did his best to help Kyouu not worry but after a few minutes he began to notice something odd. "Hey, do you mind if I ask exactly what you and Brandon talked about?"
"I just told you a second ago. Brandon wants you to be his. He believes that I'm not worthy to be your lover." Kyouu quieted his voice and even glanced at the ground for moment just to escape his eyes at that last word, finding it a bit embarrassing even just to say aloud. "Just we're too different, not having very much in common with eachother, and how things like that'll only mess up the future and cause us to split........" Kyouu slowly leaned against Aiden's side.
"Hm, I got that part, but why is it that Brandon's fan club over there has been taking turns shooting glares at you since Brandon got done talking to them?" Aiden pointed towards a group of girls. "You didn't say something men to Brandon did you? Even I'm afraid of those girls when they get together. Very cruel the whole lot of them. I always thought it strange they and Brandon hang out. Brandon seems too nice for that crowd."
Kyouu shrugged as his eyes slowly closed. "Probably because the same guy that threatened to turn my life into a living he\\ told me off to a bunch of mean girls. Fabulous...more people to add on the list of enemies. W-Wait, did he just call Brandon NICE?! He is not nice! At least not to ME..."
"Well he's always been nice to me, guess I know why now. Well still doesn't seem like the type to threaten someone just out of jealousy. Besides, why would those girls care if Brandon can't have me. They should be happy. Unless he's manipulating their anger some other way. Maybe he lied to them." Aiden thought for a moment, "Did you beat him up, you big bully?", Aiden joked.
Kyouu's eyes popped open and he immediately sat up straight. "I didn't beat him up! Just...slapped him across the face with my large sketchbook and threatened to stab his eyes out...not that much." He looked over at his sketchbook which was still lying over in the grass after he had let it slip down to the ground. "Oh no," Some of his drawings had ripped out after all that. Kyouu stood up to walk over and quickly gather them all up in his arms with a sigh. Nobody was supposed to lay their eyes on these.
"My oh my." Aiden said slyly as he smiled. "You didn't mention that part. Well he must have desearved it. Proud of you." He noticed Kyouu piking up some drawings, "So what have you been drawing?"
"Proud of me? It's nothing to be proud of." Kyouu attempted to stuff the sketchbook along with all the loose doodle into his backpack quickly yet carefully, wanting to hide them but not rip them. "N-Nothing. Just some mythical creatures like dragons and griffins."
"Okay, well I guess that means you just don't want to show me. And I guess your right about it being nothing to be proud of generally, but you got spirit. I should probally walk you to your classes though. Couple days atleast. I doubt you got anything to worry about, just to be safe." He glanced at the sketchbook. "What are you so worried about?", he asked referring to the sketchbook.
Kyouu didn't want to go to his next class; Of course his seat was literally right net to Brandon's, after how scary he looked/sounded earlier, he was afraid to see that angry face again. "Perhaps we could just...go do something else instead...just for today..?" His suggestion came out more as a slow question. He soon turned to his answering about his drawings. "I'm just not so talented at very much, so I guess I just fear people disliking my work."
"Well you don't have to worry about me judging you, and you've been drawing forever now, so your defiantly better than me. I know the real reason, it's a bunch of pictures of me in bondage isn't it? Hand cuffs, ball gag the works, and you in leather drag pressing a stiletto into the side of my head. Your a deviant pervert aren't you Kyouu." He burst out laughing. "But seriously, if you want to leave, then i suppose you'v got good enough reasons. Though you you can't just stop coming to school. Brandon and his goon squad will still be here tommarow."
"W-Why would I be drawing stuff like that?! That would only give your sick mind more dirty ideas. Now stop laughing!" Kyouu's face was absolutely red again, but he was still grinning as he shook Aiden by his shoulders. "Don't call someone a pervert, when you're just a perv yourself. Now, as for Brandon, I just need little while to remove my stress and I don't believe sitting by him in class in going to help."
"I think your right. Let's get to the parking lot before they slash your tires. Poor Brandon...probably scared half to death after what you did to him." Aiden laughed quietly. "So, where are we off to captain?"
"I don't exactly skip very often so I haven't put any thought to it. Do you wanna go somewhere?" Kyouu questioned as he slipped his car keys out of his pocket, unlocking his truck.
"Well if it was up to me I'd say somewhere quiet, but this is about you. Whatever helps calm you down. Can't have you killing everyone who has their eye on me. There would be a trail of bodies. As long as you don't take advantage of me. Well okayyy I guess you can have your way with me." Aiden with his usual casual jokes.
Kyouu looked back up at Aiden's face when he was teased yet again. This gave him a small idea. He reached up to grab into Aiden's shirt collar and pull him in close to his own face. "Hmm, well maybe I would like to be the uke for once." He whispered after he had lightly ran his tongue over his boyfriend's lips. This was just merely a joke to see how he'd react to his suddenly different behavior.
Aiden was utterly shocked, for a moment paralyzed. As long as Aiden had been attracted to Kyouu it had been his submissive demenor which had made him desire him so much. For so long Aiden just wanted to embrace his gentle friend, and couldn't because of barriers. Even when Aiden managed to remove those barriers he felt he could only sample his affection for the boy he loved, for fear of making him uncomfortable, scaring him away as soon as he became close. It only made him burn inside, to the point Aiden was now now overflowing inside despite his calm collected appearance. He joked about Kyouu just letting loose and he didn't even realize how serious he was. And now that Kyouu had given just a little, he didn't know what to'do. "Kyouu..." Aiden said in a helpless sounding voice. He realized he sounded vulnerable and did his best to collect himself and turn his one word plea to his lover into a composed sentence. "... your welcomed to try, but do you think you could handle me? You see I don't behave very well."
"H-Hey...I was only kidding.." Kyouu tried to deny it but the sound of how soft Aiden's voice seemed just now made him feel all fuzzy in inside, like a swarm of butterflies were fluttering around in his stomach. He still had a grip on his guy's shirt and he kept looking down at his pink lips. "Still, I can be aggressive when I want to." This was mumble came out slowly so it was still audible. He stood up on his toes to kiss Aiden deeply for a few moments. "Um...we should go before any teacher catches us out of class." He said after, again feeling back to his awkward self.
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"Your a wonderful kisser Kyouu." Aiden looked into his eyes savoring the moment for a second longer. "But your right, lunch is over. We got to go somewhere else. We can just head to the park until we think of somewhere to go." He got inside the truck. "So how did it feel?"

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