The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

"You sure are energetic all of a sudden," Kyouu had raised an eyebrow but he was smiling as well which was a good sign. His mother had left to return to her dishes for some cleaning, glad to see one of her son's closest friends over, plus she's know him sine he was a child so yeah. "Me must? Alright, you sent up our fortress while I grab a buttload of junk food." He commanded as he headed for the kitchen as well. A memory they shared as children was that they always used to a sort of "fortress" out of the couch cushions and blankets that'd they lie around in while they either play or stare up at the TV.
"Excellent, it's all coming together nicely." As Kyouu went to the kitchen, Aiden worked diligently setting everything up. He made a fort just like when they were children. Of coarse they were older now but some things never change, only grow stronger. He wanted Kyouu to see that. When Kyouu came back Aiden was sitting on the ground with his legs crossed staring up at him straight into the eyes. He calmly spoke without moving his eyes "So you say you like someone ey? That's good. I bet he likes you too."
Kyouu let a bunch of soda cans, candy, chips, and popcorn cascade down out of his hands to the floor, no longer feeling reason to set them down carefully. "Close enough," He grabbed the TV remote and hopped down onto the floor next to Aiden. "I swear I definitely have the urge to slap your face right now just for bringing that up again. Besides, how would you even know? I never mentioned who I like...right?" He let his short legs stretch out infront of himself as he leaned back, holding his weight up by his hands which were planted on the floor.
"So stubborn..." Aiden sighed. "I wouldn't know, I'm just guessing. Your very easy to like. Come on Kyouu are you made of ice? I'm your best friend right? Can't tell me, who can you tell. it's not healthy you know."
(got an idea you decide how he reacts, if you need time, take it )

Aiden rolls on his side and rest his head on the ground while looking at Kyouu. "You haven't asked me who I like." He reached and brushed Kyouu's jawline softly. "I love you Kyouu. I always have. Don't worry though. You go ahead and like whoever you want. I'm happy to be your friend. No one could make me as happy as you do."
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Kyouu shivered at Aiden's touch, also feeling his face burn with heat as a warm blush coated his cheeks. This was totally unexpected! How was he supposed to react?! He wasn't even sure whether Aiden was being legitimately seriously or just teasing him; that's how the teasing seemed to end up effecting him. This made him rather hesitant to respond, not wanting to respond the wrong way. Of course he just wanted to leap ontop of that jump and pull him in for a big kiss, though if that were only a joke than that would end awkwardly...ah well, here goes.

Kyouu gently swatted Aiden's hand away as he too rolled onto his side so that he was facing him now. "Um...I guess you'll find out eventually anyways but I feel that same way about you. Uh.........I-I'm going grab my pillow." He mumbled softly as he staggered to get up.
Aiden smirked, "I can't tell if you mean it or if your just being kind Kyouu. Your so bad at expressing yourself." He teased. Saying something out of kindness was something Kyouu would do, but Aiden could see his friend's frail composure and attempt to get away to collect with the pillow excuse. It made his heart beat against his chest seeing Kyouu like this. Knowing that he caused it. Aiden wasn't going to let him go that easy. "Are you sure your not just saying that? I want you to tell me again. I want you to look me in the eye when you tell me."
(I may be a little off and on right now since I'm working a drawing --and also trying to rping-- just fyi.)

Kyouu slowly sat back down infront of Aiden, staring down at the floor so he could avoid seeing his eyes which were locked right on him. After a moment of that, he forced himself to shift his gaze over to his friend before him; something he had never really noticed until now was that Aiden was actually a lot taller than him. Though he was lying on the floor on his side, it was clear that he was at least a head taller than his height. "I-I was being serious. It doesn't help that you're smirking either...ugh. But, I love you..." He quickly stuffed a a piece of chocolate into his mouth once he was done speaking and looked back down at the floor.
Aiden smiled satisfied by Kyouu's confession. He decided he'd ease up before Kyouu had a breakdown. "I think that's amazing. Let's put something on." He got up and put the first movie on. "Your too cute, even after I told the I'm in love with you still get so nervous. Don't worry Kyouu, your adorable. It's prolly just your secret weapon." He laid flat on his stomach proper his elbows on a pillow, and pressed play on the remote.
Kyouu couldn't help but smile when he was called adorable. If he were a cat he'd be purring loudly by now. Still, there was a question in mind. He relaxed as he slowly settled down from being all tense. "Aiden...does that mean that we're dating? Or would being friends just be easier?" Before he gave his close friend a second to reply, he continued with his blabbling. "What do think my parents would think? Do you think they'd get upset? They don't even know I'm homo."
Aiden looked surprised but shortly composed himself. "Well your parents seem like the understanding type to me, but maybe that's because my pops would try and put buck shot in me if I told him I was queer. You know them better than me. And if that's your way of asking me out, I say who cares what's easier. I'm wiling to take the chance if you are. I've thought for awhile about coming out, and I haven't for fear for my life, but pops don't scare me anymore. As for the kids at school, ha, they wish they were as cool as me." He winked.
"I suppose that would make sense..." Kyouu clearly was a man of few words. He finally lowered himself down onto his stomach as well, but before he got comfortable, he scooted over next to Aiden to whisper something really quick. "I'm glad you're back," These words were quietly murmured after he placed a soft peck on the cheek. In embarrassment he rolled back over to his own spot and rested his chin down on his now crossed arms. The movie thy were playing was on older Disney movie, a classic. Kyouu always admired the Disney characters he was practically glued to the television now.
Aiden considered for a moment a number of intimacies of varying degrees. He decided to cherish the small kiss Kyouu had given him for now. There was no rush, he's waited as long as he could remember. "So do you plan to tell your parents? Maybe you shouldn't. It would be much easier to misbehave." Aiden said in a mischievous voice. "Only kidding." He slide over closer to Kyouu, "Relax, I just want to be close to you."
Kyouu's pale skin grew even redder when Aiden scooted in beside him. Why was he feeling so awkward and flushed right now? It's not like they haven't been this close before. It made him feel immature...and Aiden seemed so grownup from his point of view. Even so, he still had a sense of humor. He chuckled lightly as he looked up at his boyfriend's sly features. "Misbehave, huh? I sure hope you're not some secret dirty kid."
"Poor poor Kyouu doesn't even know what he's gotten himself into, hee hee hee." He nudge Kyouu with his nose. "I should pin you down and tickle you, what would you do then huh?" He closed his eyes for a moment to take in the sensation as he brushed his cheek angaint Kyouu's. His voice got low and and quiet, "Mmm, you feel so nice."
Kyouu's attention instantly converted back to Aiden when he heard him mention tickling. Oh please no. He was absolutely ticklish, very ticklish indeed. His red cheeks were surely warm compared to Aiden who wasn't blushing at all. This sudden contact just made him feel all tingling inside with butterflies in his stomach; he liked it. Plus he was glad that he didnt receive an attack from the tickle monster. "S-Shuttup," he was trying to hide his wide smile.
"Your right no need for words..." Aiden sat up and put his hands on Kyouu's shoulders and slowely turned him on to his back, then put one leg over him and rested lightly on his torso. His hand still on his boyfriends shoulders he closed his eyes and leaned forward dragging his lips closely from the base of his neck up to his ear where he whispered, "Just relax...". He moved to his partner's lips and kissed him deeply for felt like an eternity with time slowed down, nd yet somehow not long enough. He wanted to leave Kyouu wanting. He lifted his head sitting straight still on top of Kyouu, now starring down at him with a relaxed smile, "... Good boy." The light smile turned into an evil grin "Thought I forgot didn't you? Just how ticklish you really are." He then started tickling Kyouu and he planned to until he heard him beg him to stop. He wanted to hear him beg.
The feeling of suddenly being rolled over occurred so quickly that he hardly realized it before he saw Aiden climbing ontop of him eagerly. His soft but hot lips brushing lightly up his neck caused him to whimper lightly before they were pressed up against his own lips. This kiss felt amazing as it seemed to never end, yet, when it really did come to an end the first thing he saw was the devious smirk curving his partner's lips up. Oh no. Before he could pull away his large hands were down on his sides and tickling him intensely. "Hahaha hahaaaa haha! A-Aiden, ha ha!!" He couldn't help but laugh loudly. His sides and neck sure were sensitive to this kind of touch.
"What's wrong, does that tickle? What if..." he dragged his hands down Kyouu's sides the slipped them under his shirt and started tickling against the bare skin. Suddenly foot steps were approaching. Aiden rolled off on to his back, hands behind his head as if nothing happened. The foot steps stopped and they heared Kyouu's mom ask what's so funny. Aiden turned his head and slyly looked at Kyouu.
"Uhhhhhhhhhu..." Kyouu awkwardly rushed himself to come up with a substitute excuse. "T-There was a funny part in the movie..." He managed to stutter to his mother.

His mother turned her head to look over at the screen, raising an eyebrow as she did so. "The part where Snow White almost dies from a poisonous apple? You find that funny...?"

"Damnit........!" Kyouu slowly nodded his head, wanting to facepalm himself. "Yes...?" His answer sounded more like a question than a reply.

His mother rolled her eyes and left to return to whatever the heck she was doing before.
Aiden burst out laughing. "Grace under pressure ey Kyouu? Well I suppose if she ask again just tell her I told a dirty joke and you were embarrassed to tell her, defiantly not that you were being molested." He laughed again. "People getting poisoned made you laugh histaricly and that's your excuse. Your poor mom is probably in the kitchen asking God when her son became a sociopath. Oh well, you loved it didn't you? Well worth it."
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"Whatever!" Kyouu growled and tossed his pillow at Aiden as he sat up, waving his arms around. "I'm an awkward person so I dunno how to react to these situations." His random waving of his arms caused him to accidentally knock down the fort stacked above the two. Luckily it was simply made of nothing but soft pillows and a large bed sheet. "Oh crap!"
Aiden stood up and fixed the fort and sat down in from of Kyouu, "It's nothing to get upset about Kyouu. People like you because your genuine and compassionate. Those are such amazing qualities, and not very common sadly. More than that I adore you. What you call awkward are the things that infatuate me with you, the things that make you special. I think we're a good match, the two of us together. What do you think?"
"I swear my face is going to catch on fire if you keep making me blush," Kyouu sheepishly placed both hands over his cheeks, they sure felt hot and no doubt that they were bright red. When Aiden asked him a question toward the end of his words. "What if I said no? What would you do?" He dared to ask this question and felt a bit of regret in the process.

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