The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

"Who says I'm going to lose him?" Kyouu was beginning to feel a little worried, not understanding where Brnadon was going with this. "You're supposed to be my friend right now. At least try to be supportive a little."
"But Kyouu, I am being supportive. Can't you see that?" He took an a sympathetic tone now. "A guy like Aiden gets a lot of attention. A good man like that your going to have to fight to keep. We both now your not the type to stick up for yourself. How you going to stand up for your man? I would just hate it to see a life long friendship go down the tubes because you didn't know what you were getting yourself into. You should just let him go now and it would probally be easier on both of you. Don't you think so?"
Kyouu grinded his teeth together as he silently listened, staring down at the ground with eyes that looked like they were about to flow with tears. "S-Shuttup you @ss! It's none of your buisness to talk about our future anyways." He gobbled down the rest of his donut before he grumbled stubbornly through his mouthful, "I can stick up for myself." With that selfish lie he picked up his backpack and wandered off slowly to find his own car.
As Kyouu walked off he heard Brandon say "Oh hey Aiden. I should get going, it seems I upset Kyouu. You should talk to him." As Brandon walked slowly off Aiden put his hand on Kyouu's shoulder, "What's going on here?", Aiden asked.
Kyouu brushed Aiden's hand off of his shoulder as he looked back at him. Thank goodness his eyes weren't all teary. "Nothing, just Brandon being Brandon. Plus, it doesn't help that I get overdramatic about everything. Maybe I'm just still hungry." He hopped up into his truck and began searching through the glove compartment.
Aiden could tell Kyouu was upset. Damnit he thought. Kyouu a lot of times was very open with his feelings. sometimes not so much which never seemed to bother Aiden, but he had a feeling he might be involved. "What did he say to you?"
"Just stuff...about me being not being strong enough to stick up for myself, s-so I'd never be able to support you...and it wouldn't work out that way and we should just give up before it we break." Kyouu's small hands balled up into tight fists as he slammed them down on his car seat. He was trying not to cry; he already acted so dramatic about everything else. Having such strong emotions always made him feel like he was really a girl trapped in a male's body...also his height and shy personality, just stuff like that. He glanced at Aiden through the corners of his eyes before turning back to the glove compartment. "Where are is that fućking granola bar?"
Aiden seemed relieved. "Oh is that all... well what are you worried about? " He was trying to come up with something to say but he was coming up short. And it felt almost cruel but seeing Kyouu so vulnerable turned him on, he couldn't help but stare at Kyouu's tiny frame lustfully like he was prey.
"I absolutely have no idea. Just stupid sh\t I guess." Kyouu lightly knocked his forehead with his fist before untightening his hands so they could breathe again. He calmed down a bit when he finally found his precious granola bar, quickly chomping down a large bite before he climbed back out of his truck, slamming the door on the way out.
Aiden grabbed Kyouu by the shoulders and pinned him against his truck. He pressed his his body to Kyouu's and whispered violently in his ear "I love it when you get angry." He bit down gently on his neck before realizing were they were and stepped back. Pretending like he didn't just act all crazy he cleared his throat and calmly said, "Well that doesn't seem like a boy who can't stand up for him self. Well maybe we should go find some place to sit.

Brandon glared from the distance having seen Aiden and Kyouu. ''What's wring baby?" A girl holding Brandon asked. "Nothing let's go inside." Was all he replied.
Kyouu was too busy to worry about his granola bar that he had dropped for he was too distracted by being suddenly pressed up against the door of his truck. He quickly covered up where his neck had been nibbled on and his face was already completely flushed; partly because that had surprised him but mostly because he had moaned quietly from it. "Al-Alright," He followed Aiden back into the school and out of the parking lot.
Aiden walked along with Kyouu, "So do you think Brandon's concern was genuine or he's just trying to fuck with you? I mean he does got that girlfriend doesn't he? ". He was still trying to get his head clear. He had considered asking Kyouu to skip the rest of their classes, but he knew if he couldn't skip class every time he felt like being alone with Kyouu.
Kyouu shrugged. "Honestly, I have no clue. He's been acting off and on for a while, especially since you taken away to jail." He had quieted his voice a bit as he answered, just incase others were around and possibly listening.
"Don't worry about it, he probally just likes that cute little a$$ of yours, drives him stupid, haha." Aiden made no effort to be quiet.
If Kyouu's face wasn't already flushed brightly he would surely have blushed some more. "Pervert! Don't look at my butt." He slapped Aiden's arm even if it wasn't very hard. "Let's go to the courtyard where there's less people."
Aiden slinked behind Kyouu and made a low growl in his throat, "This butt?... IS MINE!", he said as he cupped both of Kyouu cheeks in his hands with firm grips discreetly before shifting to his other side. "Yessss, the courtyard. Less eyes, moooore privacy." He said with a large grin.
"Ah~" Kyouu whimpered when he pervertedly touched on his sensitive behind. "D@mnit Aiden! Leave my @ss alone!" He attempting to pull himself away from him but Aiden's grip did not feel like he planned on letting him go so easily. "H-Hey don't do this to me at school..."
Aiden released'Kyouu, "Yea fine. Let's go to the usual spot at the courtyard. I promise to keep my hands to myself but it'll cost you. After school I want you push me down on your bed take your shirt off and kiss me like it's the only way to save my life, what do you say?" Aiden still smiling. He was having fun.
Kyouu covered up his bottom once he was set free. "Hmm...what if I said no?" Repeating the question he had already used just the evening before. Did Aiden really expect him to go all aggressive-like and do something like that? According to the large grin painted on his face it appeared to answer as a 'yes'. They're usual spot --in which they were heading towards-- was underneath the large birch wood tree located in the very center of the courtyard.
"No I suppose not, but it was worth a shot. Don't worry I'll behave." As they approached the tree the boys had noticed Brandon was there waiting. "Excuse me Aiden I wanted to apologize to Kyouu, would mind if I talked to him in private. To which Aiden replied "Sure I'll be back in five." Brandon watched Aiden walk off then turned to Kyouu and in a tone that suggested his anger earlier was in uncalled for, "Your not still mad are you?"
Kyouu took a step back when he spotted Brandon, slowly placing his hands on his hips. He noticed Brandon was watching Aiden, his man, in attempt to be positive he decided to just think nothing of this. "Yeah, I'm still upset, not necessarily mad. I take it that you're not actually planning to apologize...?"
Brandon scoffed in an exaggerated way, "Apologize? What exactly is it you thing I have to apologize for? That fact that your insatble? I'm not your mother. Your one who went all looney when I tried giving some friendly advice."
Kyouu sighed deeply, he should have know better. He slumped down against the tree, sliding down to the ground his back pressed against the tree trunk. "Advice? You told me to break up with my boyfriend after we haven't even been going out for 24 hours. Why don't you go worry about your girlfriend instead my decisions...?" He pulled his sketchbook out of his backpack along with a pencil and began doodling to keep his mind off of the jerk infront of him.
Brandon crossed his arms, "This is exactly what I was talking about. And yes advice Kyouu. Good advice. I'm not worried about my girlfriend, she's not going anywhere until I'm done with her. When you loose Aiden, and you will. You know how I know that Kyouu? Because I'm going to make sure of it. Your a good friend but you don't deserve to be his lover and you know it. You can't give him what he needs like I can Kyouu." A smug , condescending smile on his face. "Now be the good little boy that you are and color some pictures." Still smiling.
Kyouu leaped up onto his feet and slapped Brandon right across the face with his sketchbook, trying to rid him of his stupid smirk. "SHUT THE FÜCK UP OR I'LL STAB YOU IN THE EYE WITH MY PENCIL!!" He threatened only out of anger. Clearly he was too weak to do a thing like that. "...go find some other football player for you to blow. I don't plan on breaking up with Aiden just other your dumb words." Tears were forming in his eyes but he somehow kept them from flowing over.

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