The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

Without hesitating Aiden answered, "I wouldn't blame you. Your a much better person than me. I'm just trying to stay as close as you'll let me, hoping to learn from you. You may not realize it, you make me want me to be better. Just good enough won't do knowing your around. Better worker, better speaker... better lover. A better person. More worth someones time. Someone like you."
Honestly, Kyouu had expected him to reply with some dumb smart@ss response, but instead he was genuinely serious. It surprised him; in a good way. A smile creeped onto his face yet again. He found himself inching closer to that guy, wrapping his arms around his neck from behind, "I'm NOT as perfect as you say I am. Besides, I think you're perfect."
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"We're pretty awesome indeed. " Aiden brought Kyouu close and held him for a moment before loosening his hold but still remaining close. "I think you may make a few hit lists, when some girls at school find out you took me away from them. They never had a real chance but I put on a show for everyone. They're going think brainwashed me."
Kyouu only scuffed, "Pfft! Then just don't randomly blurt it out. I don't feel like returning home with a bunch of scars and bruises tomorrow." Aiden was good looking and funny, it wasn't surprising that a lot of girls at school were practically drooling over him.
"Don't worry. I don't plan on putting up bulletins or anything. People who announce they're personal life are cheesballs. True style is in subtlety and grace. However, if your suggesting that we go out of our way to hide our love, I don't like the idea. Live in a fear of no man. Besides, whoever has a problem with you has a problem with me too."
Kyouu flung his backpack over just his right shoulder as he walked into the school entrance. It was Tuesday, and just like any other Tuesday the halls were roaring with the laughters and gossips of other students surrounding. His grip tightened on the strap of his bag as he passed by some of the jocks; the thought that they intimidated him wasn't because they were jocks in general, mostly because they all were much taller than him. Though short was cute, men weren't supposed to be cute, that trait was usually meant for girls. Aside from his height and sh|t, the bell was aching to ring yet Kyouu hadn't spotted Aiden once among the others.
"Hey Kyouu," Aiden said from behind and grabbed his behind while noone was looking, "you always look so tense. Would have gotten here sooner but got caught in a conversation, with one of your friends. I apologize in advance for telling him the news but he was curious about whats new since I've been out and I'm fairly certain he's gay anyways, so I didn't think it would matter. Although, he didn't seem thrilled about us being together. Maybe he had his eye on you. You know who I'm talking about?"
( I'll call the guy Brandon)

Kyouu flinched and quickly swatted his hand away when his own bottom lightly squeezed. "Don't randomly touch me...especially at school." Seriously he didn't mind, guess he just didn't want others to see. Aiden soon mentioned meeting up with one of his 'gay' friends and explaining the whole situation thing. "Gay guy...? Oh, you must mean Brandon! Why does everyone think he's gay? Or am I just too oblivious?" He had off and on moments where'd he gaze off to talk to himself. Blinking back to reality he shook his head no awkwardly, "No...even if Brandon is gay, I'm sure he's into one of the football players instead."
" you think he likes likes running backs?" Aiden asked looking thoughtful and serious, but he was teasing Kyouu who knows Aiden is the the first string running back on the school's varsity team.
"How and why would I know? I didn't even know he was gay." Kyouu slapped Aiden's arm before adding, "Even if you can't resist being flirty, I not gonna let you get another boyfriend while I'm around. Now c'mon, were going to miss class." He tried to drag that guy along but he just hardly had any upper body strength, plus he was trying to pull away a freaking football player.
Aiden started walking along with Kyouu. "Well maybe I'm just reading the signs wrong, you know him better than me. I just got similar vibes from him that I've gotten from some girls that were crushin' on me, nothing blatantly flirty though. Anyways he's in my first hour I'll tell him not to gossip. Either way here's my class thanks for walking with.." Brandon voice interrupted, "Hey there Kyouu." Without stopping walking Brandon hooked Aiden's arm "We should get to class the bell is going to ring soon." , he says to Aiden while pulling him away from Kyouu and directing him to the classroom, then turning his gaze to Kyouu while walking away.
Kyouu didn't even get a chance to respond for Brandon had already swiftly snatched Aiden from him before he could realize that they were already on the other side of the classroom. "Is Brandon really gay?" He questioned with a soft sigh; sighing not for his friend, just he never got to finish his conversation with Aiden...he wanted to ask him a question. Checking his watch, his jaw nearly dropped as he quickly scurried off to arrive before the bell rang.

Brandon had watched Kyouu run off as he didn't make any attempt to unhook their arms. The only reason he was "friends" with Kyouu was to get close to his secret crush, football player Aiden.
Before Aiden realized Kyouu was rushing to class and the bell was ringing. Aiden wasn't sure what Brandon was thinking but he hoped Kyouu wasn't worried. Looking down at there arms Aiden spoke in a sort of confused voice, " Umm, we should get to our seats now.", he said moving to his desk.

Kyouu felt his phone almost immediately vibrate in his pocket once the bell rang for class to end and lunch to begin. After stuffing his notebook filled with a bunch of cartoon doodles instead of math information into his backpack, he rushed out into the hall, and checked his text. Aiden had told him to meet up by his car. He replied with a simple "Kk" before he hurried off to the parking lot.
Aiden was leaning against his car talking to one of his friends from the team when he saw Kyouu approch. Oddly enough he was nervous when he saw Kyouu coming. He couldn't explain this to himself but wasn't going to let it show. "Get lost.", he said to the jock he was talking to. The other guy grunted out some generic response and took off. "Hey Kyouu, what's up?"
"Hi Aiden. Well, you texted me to come, so here I am." Kyouu watched the jock leave, stepping out of way since he was walking straight in his direction; they tended to do that a lot. "What was that about?" Pointing back at the guy as he stepped up to Aiden's side.
"Hey dickhead!' Watch where your walking!" Aiden called out, as the jock responded with the back hand bird without even turning. Aiden turned to Kyouu, "See, nothing personal. Sorry about leaving so suddenly earlier, Brandon kinda pulled me to class."
"I don't mind. I was going to be late if I hadn't run off anyways." Kyouu smiled a small smile as he too leaned back lightly against the car. He wasn't exactly what people would call a nerd but that didn't mean that he enjoyed receiving a tardy slip or a bad grade on assignments. "Surprised me because Brandon doesn't exactly like the flirty type to me...if that's what he was intending on doing. Did he say anything?"
"No, didn't really have a chance to talk. Teacher lectured all hour.", he said calmly. "I don't think he was flirting. Your not worried are you? That's cute."
Kyouu scuffed as if his words were the dumbest thing he ever heard. He wasn't worried, more like suspicious and on the jealous side. "Did you bring anything for lunch? I had slept in this morning so I didn't get a chance to grab anything on the way out."
"Yea my ma packed some stuff it's in the car. We can go pick something up I just gotta run to the coach's office real quick." Aiden walked off. When he was a distance off Kyouu heard a familiar voice. It was Brandon. "Hello Kyouu. Well how'd you manage to finally bag Aiden.?"
"What?" Kyouu was already in the car when Brandon had walked up and greeted him. He climbed back out with half a donut shoved into his mouth. After swallowing he answered with, "Oh hey Brandon. Sorry I didn't hear you there. Did you say something?"

(Would it be okay if I gave you the role of Brandon? I keep forgetting to rp as him of not coming up with anything good for him to say.. >_<)
(Yea that's fine)

Brandon was irritated that Kyouu had taken claim of Aiden and now he had to repeat himself. He tried to sound friendly when asked. "Yea, I asked how you managed to bag Aiden." Then his attitude broke through, "I mean no offense but I didn't imagine you would be his type."
Kyouu frowned but his tone of voice didn't change however. "That's a little harsh, don't you think? I believe it works. We've been friends forever so we know eachother pretty closely." He nommed another bite of his snack, glancing over his shoulder, wondering when Aiden would return.

(Okay, phew)

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