The boy down the street (bluesummers x stormhawk)

"She thought of me as a threat?" Just hearing that made Kyouu's eyes roll. That was a ridiculous reason to slap him. "T-Thanks...?" Came out more sounding like a question for he was confused at Brandon's words. That guy was hard to read. Sometimes he'd act like a big jerk, the next he's saving your butt. Whatever, at the very least he was being kind now. "I still have something to ask-" Catching him before he stepped away to leave. "-it's a simple question.'re still interested in Aiden, correct?"
"Hm?" Brandon turned back around, "Well he's a likeable guy, but you don't have to worry about me." He thought for a moment, he hadn't planned for this question. "Why do you ask?"
"I'd think it'd be obvious. This is my boyfriend we're talking about. Of course I care if somebody else is into him." Kyouu slowly removed his hand from his face to return down by his side. "Ow..." Well, that only lead to raising his hand back up. "I'll see you later," he said to Brandon before turning to return to his work.
"Yeah..." Brandon turned to face him but didn't look at him at first. Looking up at Kyouu, "Would you mind if I asked a question? You don't have to answer." 
"Do you, or could you grow to love him? I'm just curious. It's something I'm trying to understand."
Kyouu's grew still and silent at that single question; "...could you grow to love him?" It was just ringing continuously in his head now. How was he supposed to know if he would or not? Why was everyone talking about love anyways? He was only fifteen, actually he be sixteen the next day, but still! Everyone was growing up faster than Kyouu was, at least that's how it seemed to him. With a quiet sigh Kyouu began moving his feet again as he continued his walk back to his little drawing spot. "I don't know," That's what he would have answered.
"Nevermind. See ya." Brandon turned and walked away. The seed of doubt is planted. Brandon thought of himself as someone good at making things happen, but never sung his own song. In his mind he had lost sight of what he even wanted at this point. Did he really want Aiden?... did he want he want Kyouu? Or did he simply want to see them torn apart? It didn't matter just yet, he had time work those details out. In the meantime he was making things happen. Love... what a strange, curious notion. Even if he didn't fully understand it, he understood enough to use it one of his finest tools. He approached a girl leaning against a tree softly whimpering and kneeled down in front on her, "Nanami, I should not have been so harsh to you. That was a very brave thing you did. I doubt my my girlfriend would have done something so bold for me.", he brushed the girls cheek as she looked up at him and kissed her gentle on the lips. He put his index finger over his lips as if to say our secret and went on his way.

After school Aiden, sat in his car wondering what to do with himself. Should he go home? Should he ask Kyouu out on that date? Perhaps he'd wait till Kyouu approached him. He wondered how he and Brandon were getting along.
Kyouu grumbled under his breath as he exited out of the main entrance. His cheek still red where he had been slapped, plus to make things more frustrating; when he returned back to his ask his teacher about his score on the test it turned out that he actually had failed. His parents were definitely gonna be upset about that once they heard the news. "Stupid science!" He pouted as he tossed his bag into the passenger seat of his truck, climbing into the drivers seat to just...sit there for a moment and rest his eyes.
Aiden had been happy just to get out of jail the first day out. Didn't even bother him to sleep to in his car. The next day was even better staying with Kyouu. But he'd had time to think now, ever confident Aiden was having his doubts. That's when trouble usually made it was in. He text Kyouu simply stating "Going to practice" and proceeded to do so.

Brandon taped on Kyouu's window, seeing him with his eyes closed.
Kyouu felt the vibrating buzz of his phone in his jeans pocket which met that either he received a text or voicemail. He quickly got distracted by the faint sound of a single tap at his car window. Rolling down the window he spotted Brandon standing right there. "Oh, hey."
"Hey there Kyouu. Taking a nap? Couldn't wait ey? So am I to assume Aiden is a practice? You want to do something? It's on me. Or if you prefer to rest it won't bother me none."
"I'm just kinda tired," Tired from Aiden messing around with him the previous night. Kyouu rolled the window down completely then poked his head out. "I'm sure Aiden is there, like you said. Huh? Do what?"
"Well anything really just wanted to chat. Movies kinda defeat that. Hmm ice cream, mini golf, both you name it. I'll have you home by dinner."
"Icecream sounds good," Kyouu brightened wih a warm smile. It sounded like Brandon was asking him out on a date but even the very thought just sounded absolutely ridiculous. I mean, they were just friends, practically enemies just a day ago. Why not? A little sweets never hurt anyone.
"Great." Brandon returned the smile.

Brandon had enjoyed his time with Kyouu. He and Aiden seemed so different. Kyouumwas considered friendly by all even if somewhat shy, but still there was something very human about him. A depth that intrigued him. Aiden seemed nice but didn't seem to talk much, maybe he was more open with Kyouu. It was nearing what would have be dinner time and Brandon was driving Kyouu back. When the reached his street he asked "Does Aiden treat you good?". They pulled up to his house and Kyouu could see Aiden down the street sitting on his porch with his head slumped down elbows on knees arms straight out. One of his hands was loosely holding what appeared to be a mostly empty bottle of malt liquor by the neck, while the other held a burning ciggerette that looked neglected from the long burning ember.
Admittedly, Kyouu actually had a nice time back there. It was different though since Aiden hadn't even taken him out on a date yet. "It wasn't a date!! Why am I still rambling my brain about that?" he thought and mentally slapped himself. By the time they arrived back it was nearly supper time, his parents would be questioning him as to his momentary disappearance. "Well, um..." given the scene he saw just how miserable Aiden looked. "Aiden...? I wonder if something had happened?" Kyouu hopped out of the car then shut the door. "Thanks for the icecream and driving me home, but I've gotta hurry an' check up on Aiden now. Cya Branon!" He called before rushing across the street, heading in the direction of his boyfriend's place instead of his own.

With furrowed eyebrows Kyouu snatched the bottle from his hand since it was being loosely held anyways. "Did something happen in the past few hours? 'Cause the time I saw you, which I suppose was this morning, you seemed perfectly fine then." He cared about this guy, so clearly it would be normal for him to question his boyfriend's smoking and drinking, but also his daily emotions.
Aiden lifted his vision to meet Kyouu's his eyes slightly glazed over. He turned for moment to see Brandon driving off. "Hmm? Oh yea, me I'm good. Just sippin' ma juice." He let out a laugh. "I'm sorry. I just came home after practice. I apologized to my old man. Son of a b1tch loves seeing me crawl back." He smiled looking at Kyouu. "You hanging out with Brandon? See? Everything good..." he was staring into his lap now. His voice got serious, "You know, I just wanted to tell you how I felt. I was kinda sudden about it. I feel like I strong armed you into being my boyfriend. You were like, "so does that make us boyfriends?" He gave a weak smile staring down still.
Kyouu crouched down so that their eyes were both at the same level even if Aiden wasn't looking directly at him. He was guessing that Aiden had gotten drunk from chugging down practically the whole bottle. "Your father? Oh..." He knew this thing must've been hard for him, Kyouu didn't understand the pain but he knew just that much. Placing the bottle down on the ground, he then reached forward to lift Aiden's back up by his cheeks, their eyes meeting. "At least try to look at me while you talk something like that..........and listen. I'll be honest here, you could have been less forceful and waited for me to actually soak it in before you...did that thing to me, but I already said that I want to be with you. If i didn't care I would have just walked straight into my house."
Aiden hated feeling like the insecure one. F*ck this. He stood up, "Yeah well take all the time you need." He started to walk down the street.
Kyouu's eyes widened as he watched Aiden get up and begin walking off. Of course he wasn't just going to let this conversation end like that. "He-Hey, wait!" He stood up straight then followed after the older male. "What is up with you? I would have that you would been happy that I actually said something when it came to our relationship. Y-You can't just walk away when you're the one who brought it up."
"I don't know what you want me to say Kyouu. You want me to give you time don't you?" Aiden wasn't used to this. His phone rang he pulled it out and dropped it and on the screen was incoming call: Nanami, before he picked it up and silenced it.
"Well I don't it when you're purposely walking away from me. It doesn't feel right since you've always come racing towards me...instead of the opposite direction." Kyouu didn't understand either. Originally he would have thought that he would like the fact that Aiden was giving him space to breathe. He opened his mouth to say more but the phone ringing made him pause and shut his mouth. The screen read Nanami. "Nanami? ...wasn't that the girl who slapped me today?"
Aiden looked his phone for a second and then put it in his pocket. "So which is it?" He went to say something then just closed his mouth took a step closer to Kyouu staring in his eyes "what do you want Kyouu?"
Kyouu had to lift his sight a little to look up at the blonde guy standing infront of him. "I mean...we've been friends for practically forever and then suddenly one day you just randomly tell me that you love me. That's hard just to take in the impact of those words. I'm used to being your friend, I just want to get used to being your boyfriend before it goes any further...into that sort of stuff." His eyes were a bit watery at this point. Why did he always end up crying? And other the littlest things.
Kyouu didn't say anything after that, no words, he didn't even move. It was like that sentence had frozen him in shock. That wasn't what he had meant at all. He just didn't want to be forced upon with all the touching and almost leading to the bed. Back to friends again, huh? Brandon was definitely going to plan to swoop in and steal Aiden away from him like he had said he would. Just the thought made him want to race after that guy and refuse to breakup, but...his feet wouldn't let him take a step forward. Instead just sit there and watch him get farther and farther away. "THAT'S NOT WHAT I F*CKING MEANT B*TCH!!" He picked his backpack up off of the ground where he had left it and stormed off in the direction of his house.

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