⟅The Borealis Wolf Pack⟆ (OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS)

"If you're sure." Kato was still skeptical, but he knew better than to pry. If Leigh ever wanted to share what was bothering her, he'd be there. Looking around, he spotted his father. After his advancement, Kato wanted to talk with him."I've gotta speak to Talon. Care to join me?" He asked. Kato knew the answer would likely be no, but he had wanted to extend the invitation anyways.
Beau was slightly happier when Dru came to help him, "My Dad attacked me. He wanted me to tell Leila that I was attacked by multiple rogues. He wanted to cause a panic. I just took it. It wasn't like I was strong enough to fight back anyway." He was hurting really bad. He tried not to show it but it was pretty obvious he was in pain from the multiple wounds all over him and his blood stained fur.

"It's fine. I'll stand behind your story, it's not like I have anything to lose if you're lying." Royce said firmly, unfazed. A doubtful alibi was the least of his concerns by then. He was genuinely concerned about Paethon's words. Idea like his led to disloyalty. Disloyalty led to revolt. And revolt led to unnecessary bloodshed that Royce would've highly preferred to avoid.​

Leigh hesitated. Spending more time with Kato... Being near Talon... Her crush won out. "Sure." She said calmly, hiding her uneasiness. Unlike most of the others, she had no purpose in getting on Talon's good side. The last thing she wanted was to be a Selsa. That entire idea was horrifying to her. Fighting constantly? No. "What do you want to be, Kato? A Selsa like your father?" She asked curiously.​
Arthrn rolled his eyes and let out a laugh at Fenris' joke. "Ha, ha. You better not Fernis!" He joked back enjoying his time with the male wolf. It really did take his mind off of Ikki, and it made him happy knowing he finally has work once more. 'No more sleeping in, but I get to build things!' Arthrn thought to himself excitedly. "So you heading off to do anything fellow workmate?" Arthrn asked, pushing his excited thoughts aside for a bit. @Lost
"Thanks...I think...Paethon has always been a douche," he said, not caring that cutie patooty Dru was right next to him, "He should know not to talk down to his superiors." He wondered if they were getting close to home yet as he had a terrible sense of direction.
Fenris shook his head. "I don't think so. I just planned on getting started on the den work." He replied.

Kato felt his tail start to wag. He didn't expect her to say yes, but he had hoped. It meant a lot to him that she was willing to bear with his father. He got to his feet and was about to lead the way when she asked him what he wanted to be. At this he faltered, and his tail slowed to a stop. What did he want to be? He knew Talon wished him to be a Selsa, but did he really want to live a life of nothing but fighting? And what of the Epsilons? Sitting around all day digging holes didn't seem to hold any appeal either. Best to answer with a joke, then. "Well, I'm planning on becoming an Iota, since I'm not too eager to die young."
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Alaska let out a small smile as the Alpha announced the good news and she instantly felt the mood change. A bit after the announcements Alaska decided to walk around the dens just to double check and sniff around to see if she picked up any of the bear or her cubs sent.

Letting out a small shake the grey wolf then walked over to what she called the gates of the packs territory as it was a large tree just before the dens but still close to the alpha's rock. She would always be found here guarding as she liked this spot, it was no different than any other tree but Alaska just preferred it more especially around this time when all the leaves have changed colour and have yet to have fallen.

Letting out a small shake the selsa kept a sharp eye in the forest just in case they get any surprise attacks, Alaska was always a bit too overprotective and is basically always on the look out which is why she hasn't really interacted with anyone from the pack, then again she has basically always been a lone wolf and doesn't really know how to interact with others that well.
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Leigh wagged her tail at his response, cocking her head slightly. "You'd make a good Delta." She noted quietly. Those weren't the words she wanted to say. She wanted to say he'd be good anywhere. Of course he would. He was Kato. Unlike her, he had actual options. She wasn't a fighter. Not a hunter.

She wasn't strong enough to build dens, she wasn't respected or well-liked enough to lead. If she was anything but a Zeta, she'd be a burden on the pack.​


Royce noticed that the scenery was slowly becoming more and more familiar, and scented the air. "He's not a douche. He's strong willed and thinks he's the perfect wolf. So he's stupid, he's not a douche." Royce corrected neutrally. Like Beau, he didn't particularly care if anyone overheard the words. "I don't care if he disrespects me, but he thinks he'd be a better Alpha than Leila, which is ridiculous and dangerous to think." He sighed. "We're almost there."​

When North saw Alaska guarding her "special place" she decided to guard the outskirts of the camp just in case there was a bear or her cub somewhere.

She looked at the dark forest if anyone was there, she shook her head to the left and her eyes widened.

"Hey! What are you doing here!" she saw a wolf approaching the territory.

Beau sighed, "I guess..." He was glad they were almost home. The small wolf took a large intake of air and breathed out. He was worried what Leila would think. He could've been killed or worse. His mind began to wonder and when down the road of impossible circumstances. His heart rate exhelerated. What would happen in the next few minutes could be life or death.

Royce let out a sigh of relief when he saw the entrance to camp. "Come on, Beau. Just a little bit further." He urged, pushing onward. His paws felt clumsy with exhaustion, he'd gone for a hunt before all the bear drama, and he'd been awake since dawn. It was slowly catching up to him. And basically carrying another wolf back to camp hadn't helped. "Let's get you to Ikki." He grunted.​
The blood covered white wolf stumbled furthur into the familiar place he called home. Ikki was a great Zeta and so he knew he was going to be OK. Beau walked towards Alpha's Rock. He was scared but tried not to show it.
Crow rose to her feet slowly, keeping a relaxed posture as the wolf approached. She smells strongly of this territory. A pack wolf. Not moving forward, but not showing any signs of cowering away, Crow stood tall for a female wolf. She dipped her head in greeting. "Apologies if my presence has startled you. I was hoping to make myself known without being obtrusive."


North took a sharp look at the wolf, she pointed with her head at the pack "Come with me, i'll inform our alpha of your presence here.

She standed tall in front of the clearing and howled loudly to get the pack's attention.

@Chaotic Pastel


Dru had been quiet for a while but he could tell now that Royce was tired and so he said "Royce you may go, don't worry I can handle helping Beau." Dru began shouldering mote of Beau's weight then he led him towards Ikki knowing that the Zeta was the best call. @Play On Words @MuffinRPs @Aero
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Crow followed, keeping her steps light and her tail relaxed. The last time she'd been in a camp was with her friends and so many new scents flooded her nose. She scanned the camp as she walked behind the wolf who' howled.


"Thank you, Royce," He took his weight off of the Lead Selsa and leaned on the Beta. Beau felt slightly flustered that he was this close to his crush. His head still screamed he shouldn't feel that way but his heart screamed back rejecting his thoughts.
Arthrn nodded. "Well, I'll help if you need it. I'm doing anything anyway and I'm not sure if we'll have another mission for a while with this bear on the loose." He replied and stretched out his body, ready to work. @Lost

Ikki looked up at Leila when she spoke kind words and great advice. She didn't interrupt not once and waited until Leila was completely finished. Once the Alpha was done, Ikki had no idea what to say, she was moved and quite satisfied with her leader's advice. The Zeta's expression showed that satisfaction as she held back happy tears and finally responded. "Leila. Thank you, that's honestly what I wanted to hear and more. I'm very glad Phaethon decided you as the leader for I am honored and happy to be lead by you." The she-wolf gave Leila a small bow and a huge grin.

Unfortunately, her happy attitude was gone when her nose caught the smell of blood. Turning around to the Zeta den, she spotted Royce, Dru, and a injured Beau. "Oh, no!" She said and took off to the den. As she made it there she really hoped the other Zetas were their because she really was going to need everyone thanks to the supply shortage. "What happen? How did this happen?" The Zeta asked many questions looking over Beau's body.
@Chaotic Pastel @Drumonkey @MuffinRPs @ShadowOwl0123 @Ellieroan @Play On Words
Aero said:
Arthrn nodded. "Well, I'll help if you need it. I'm doing anything anyway and I'm not sure if we'll have another mission for a while with this bear on the loose." He replied and stretched out his body, ready to work. @Lost

Ikki looked up at Leila when she spoke kind words and great advice. She didn't interrupt not once and waited until Leila was completely finished. Once the Alpha was done, Ikki had no idea what to say, she was moved and quite satisfied with her leader's advice. The Zeta's expression showed that satisfaction as she held back happy tears and finally responded. "Leila. Thank you, that's honestly what I wanted to hear and more. I'm very glad Phaethon decided you as the leader for I am honored and happy to be lead by you." The she-wolf gave Leila a small bow and a huge grin.

Unfortunately, her happy attitude was gone when her nose caught the smell of blood. Turning around to the Zeta den, she spotted Royce, Dru, and a injured Beau. "Oh, no!" She said and took off to the den. As she made it there she really hoped the other Zetas were their because she really was going to need everyone thanks to the supply shortage. "What happen? How did this happen?" The Zeta asked many questions looking over Beau's body.
@Chaotic Pastel @Drumonkey @MuffinRPs @ShadowOwl0123 @Ellieroan @Play On Words
"I smelt something familiar so I went to check it and...Adish attacked me. I-I knew I shouldn't have went into the forest. I was stupid. I-I should've left it. I-I'm sorry..." He lowered his head. Everything he said was true and he felt terrible physically and emotionally. Beau believed that he was a terrible wolf and nothing anyone could say would change that. Well, maybe one person could change it but it was unlikely.
Faolan was heading back into the Zeta den, after he had organized some of the herbs and other supplies. She wanted to recheck their supply and ask the Alpha if she could make a trip to find more supplies. Faolan had left for several minutes to get some water. She saw Ikki sprinting for the Zeta den. Faolan's eyes grew wide and picked up the pace. She saw several other packmates in the Zeta den as well. The new Zeta looked to Ikki and asked, "What's happened?" She looked back to the injured Beau and nearly whimpered.

Qira walked around the clearing to clear her mind "Our supplies are running low, we have to stock up on some more herbs."

She really wanted to head into the woods right now for supplies but she didn't want to end up on the other side of a bear's claws.

As she walked around the dens she saw Ikki hastily running to the Zeta's den and saw other wolves also going to the Zeta's den with a badly injured Beau.

She sprinted to the den.

"What happened?!"

She saw Beau with scratch marks and bite marks.

"Those goddamn rogues! We will get them..."

@Chaotic Pastel @Play On Words @Aero @MuffinRPs @Ellieroan @Drumonkey
Crow tilted her head as everyone ran about and underlying the smells of the new wolves was that of blood. Deciding this might not be the best time for the alpha to bother with her business, the dark grey shewolf sat down at the edge of camp.
Alaska head something about the omega being injured, ignoring the thought she decided to check up afterwards to find out what happened. She decided it was best to stay at her post, she heard other asking what happened which she felt like was more reason to stay at her tree. She let out a small yawn but she wasn't going to let her tiredness get in her way, Alaska took a quick shake and then sat back down, ready to pounce no matter what or who shows up in the packs territory.

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