⟅The Borealis Wolf Pack⟆ (OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS)

Leigh jumped slightly at the question, and tore her eyes from her father. She looked up at Kato, shrugging slightly. "Yea." She sighed. She forced herself to sound happier. "Yea, everything's great. I'm going to be a Zeta next full moon, maybe." She said hopefully. It had been her mother's position in the pack before she died. She would've loved to do the same. Besides, she couldn't hunt and she normally hurt herself more than anyone else when she fought, so she didn't have many options.

Phaethon stood to address Leila, "It is not wise to allow the bear to steal our territory from us." The Selsa paused for a moment and took a look at Kaga beside him. "Especially with the Coming of Age celebration, we need our land now more than ever. I propose sending a small group out to destroy the bear's den as well as her food source. She'll likely move on since it's too close to winter to begin anew. I volunteer to lead said group and believe Fenris, Rosebark, and Royce should accompany me. Rosebark will track the bear, Fenris will dismantle her den, and me and Royce will defend them, killing the bear if it comes to that point." Phaethon was content with his plan, he settled back down, awaiting the Alpha's response.

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Royce stared neutrally at Paethon as he proposed his plan. There were obvious flaws with it, but he kept his mouth shut about that. It wasn't his place to speak, and he knew it. That didn't stop him for long. "The plan could use some work, but... I think we should try." He said in his deep voice. "Make some adjustments, of course. With your permission, Alpha." He shrugged. He dug his claws into the dirt, pretending it was the bear's skin. Yea. He could go along with any plan if it meant he'd get some revenge on the creature that hurt his Alpha.​
Beau sighed and got up and walked towards the edge of the forest. The scent from inside was strong to him, almost as if it was calling him. It smelt so similar. He bit his lip. He wasn't supposed to leave the territory, hell it would be rare for him to leave the clearing. He shook his head. The scent was more important. He walked into the forest and towards the territory border.


@Chaos Follows @Aero @Play On Words @MuffinRPs ]

Leila nodded in agreement to both Phaethon and Royce, glancing between the two. "Well, I have to say that it's a good plan - And if you two are to put your heads together, we could succeed in fending off the bear.." The stress of merely thinking of the bear brought pain to her leg, which she quickly ignored in an attempt to remain strong. "I need you two to discuss a plan, then come see me once you're both in agreement.. Alright? I want a flawless plan with none of you harmed in any way before I see anyone stepping foot off this clearing.."

Blue eyes flickered over to Ikki, and she gave a gentle smile. "Hello again, Ikki.." She greeted, nodding her head. "I assume you heard the announcement? How do you feel?" She asked, tilting her head in question. In the corner of her eye, she spotted Beau leaving the clearing, and growled lowly. "Royce, get Phaethon.. I want you both to follow Beau, and please make sure none of you are hurt.." She spoke softly to him, before glancing to Ikki with a gentle expression again. She couldn't ruin the moment with this, and hoped that she was making a good choice with this.


[ @Chaos Follows @MuffinRPs ]

Kaga looked up to Phaethon as he spoke, and smiled as his tail wagged quickly in admiration; Phaethon was just too cool. He glanced about to see if anyone else was listening to his mentor's plan, only to spot Beau leaving the clearing. He huffed and pouted, the Alpha had clearly said to not leave the clearing... Maybe this was his chance to prove himself to Phaethon. He glanced to the larger wolf, and quietly sneaked off after Beau to follow him and find out where he was going.

Wherever it was, it was probably important... He thought to himself, quietly stalking through the thick plants. He began having second thoughts about this, and felt his entire body stiffen for a moment. Kaga's mind went blank, and he glanced back to the clearing.. He should go back, but it was too late.. was it?

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Royce nodded at both orders, casting a glance at Phaethon. "Come on." He jerked his head toward he entrance, after Beau, and started to run out, not waiting for him. "Beau! Get back here!" He called, looking around warily as he scented the air. Apparently the wolf hadn't heard a word that Leila had said, which frustrated him to no end.​

After the announcements were made, Edon was proud to see the pups getting a more important role in the pack.

"My pup's are getting sstronger."

In the distance he saw Beau leaving the clearing.


He wanted to go after him but he surely knew Leila would already go by herself or send wolves to go after him.

Paethon quickly caught up with Royce. " Goddamn Omegas never seem to know their place." He growled to Royce. He could still smell Beau and- Kaga? Paethon bolted through the forest after the pup. "He should know better, especially with this bear! It's critical that he stays within the clearing!" His mind raced with every reason to scold Kaga. Paethon grew tense as Kaga's scent became stronger, he was closing in.


Royce caught the scent in the same instant, and sprinted alongside Phaethon without hesitation, teeth bared in a snarl. If that bear went anywhere near the pup, it wouldn't live past the encounter, that was a guarantee. "Go find Beau! I'll get Kaga!" He ordered firmly, Kaga's scent getting stronger with each step.​
Ikki could tell there was some trouble when the two male wolves went off after Leila quietly told them something. The she-wolf decided not to question it and kept her eyes of Leila. "Yes, I'm very grateful to you for this promotion but..." Ikki said and looked down at ground. She started to paw at the dirt beneath her and took a deep breath before speaking again. "I'm confused with my emotions really. I'm happy, yet nervous, excited, yet scared. How do you know I won't mess everything up? I mean, I just don't know if I'm really cut out for this." Ikki finished pawing the dirt a bit more furiously out of nervousness. @Chaotic Pastel
Beau arrived to see a light gray wolf standing inches away from crossing the border. The wolf was a rogue but didn't seem to be hostile, for now at least. Beau growled slightly and the wolf spoke,

"Long time no see, huh Beau?" The wolf was male and he smirked.

"Of course. It's you." The younger wolf held his ground.

"Why are you speaking like that? You shouldn't speak like that to anyone especially your own father," Beau growled more. Adish was right there, his father and reason his mother, Imma, was dead, "And don't growl at me." His tone went softer, "You look so much like your mother, except for your eyes. Those are the same as mine."

"Well one of them," Adish's right eye was scratched, bruised and had turned a different color from his left.

The older wolf was angry, "Don't talk to me like that, pup! Or will I have to tell everyone back at your home your little secret," Beau's eyes widened and he quickly silenced himself. Adish circled him, "It won't be hard for the secret to spill. I'm surprised Dru hasn't figured it out. You know we've been spying on all of your pack friends. The way you look at him, you idolize him, you want to be with him. Oh don't worry. You just have to do as I say. First, I will hurt you, then you will limp your way back home and tell that terrible excuse of an Alpha, Leila, that several rogues attacked you and you could've died, and then, mass panic ensues. Those bears are nothing against us. Do you understand, pup,"

Beau being very scared nodded repeatedly and Adish clawed at his face. He bit at his neck slightly and made certain wounds bigger than others to give the illusion that multiple wolves attacked him. Adish then ran back into the dark forest and tried to get rid of his scent. Beau stood but fell immediately and whimpered for help. He was badly injured and his blood stained his snow white fur.
Paethon ignored the order and continued on. He found Kaga and pushed him behind himself. Paethon watched the rouge with the pup, hidden out of view. The Selsa placed his his paw on the pup to keep him quiet. "Don't make a sound." Paethon whispered. He waited until the rouge wolf had gone before approaching the injured Omega. "Go home, now. Go directly to Leila and wait for Royce and I to return." Paethon was stern and angry. He turned to Kaga, " You are to follow me. Your scolding will wait until you're safely home."

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Royce snarled furiously as the wolf ignored his order. He waited until the commotion was over before he approached the wolves, inspecting Beau. "We need to get you to Ikki." He said quietly, looking to Kaga and approaching the young wolf. "You disobeyed an order from your Alpha. You put yourself in unnecessary danger. And Leila will be told." He growled quietly, tail twitching slightly. Finally, he turned on Paethon. "You are not above orders. No matter how high and mighty you think you are, I am Lead Selsa. When I give an order, you obey it!" He snarled.

@Chaotic Pastel @Chaos Follows @MuffinRPs


@Aero ]

A small chuckle erupted from Leila's throat, lightly shaking her head as she looked over to the Zeta with a gentle expression. "Between you and I, I was quite nervous when Phaethon suggested that I should become the Alpha, too.. When the Borealis was first established." Her tone was gentle as she lifted a paw to gently paw at her shoulder. "You remind me of myself.. Ikki, I see so much potential in you that I've never seen in a Zeta before; You care about the pack, you're amazing at what you do.. Trust me, you'll be fine."

The black wolf tilted her head with a small smile, "Besides.. with leadership comes trial and error- Sure, you'll mess up a couple of times, like I did when I fought off that bear on my own.." A short laugh left her, "Even I still mess up, see? No leader is built to be perfect, we're not supposed to be- But a good leader can learn from their mistakes, and apply them when the time comes.. I'm positive you'll be a great Lead Zeta, Ikki."


[ @Chaos Follows @Play On Words @MuffinRPs ]

Kaga was hidden within the bushes, his eyes widening as he spotted the rogue near the territory. He was just about ready to jump out, until Phaethon had pulled him behind him. Looking up to him in shock, his tail tucked itself between his legs in shame; He knew this would happen, and now Phaethon was probably upset with him... He whimpered quietly and looked over to the scene before them, his demeanor changing to one of interest, then anger as the strange wolf stormed off.

As he left the bush with Phaethon, he looked down on Beau with a strange emotion in his chest... The sight before him should have made him feel upset, pitiful, or at the very least sympathetic; but he didn't. Instead, Kaga felt chagrined by the sight. He didn't even try to defend himself... The wolf thought with a quiet growl, his ears pressing back against his head. He looked up to Phaethon with a shameful expression again, nodding in agreement- The wolf was right, it wasn't right of him to run off like that.. But at least they got to hear what had occurred with Beau's father, and as Royce was scolding Phaethon, he sprung into action.

"R-Royce, sir! Anything Beau says about a group of rogues is lying, it was just some old rogue! Beau let the wolf attack him!!" His last statement was spoken with rage, a small growl escaping his throat as he turned back to Beau. He was breathing hard with anger; Living the life of a rogue since puphood, Kaga looked down upon those who were pampered or couldn't fight on their own. He quickly looked back to Royce and glanced at Phaethon, "D-Don't fight, Phaethon saw it too! Honest! We need to tell Leila about it, right?!" He asked, clawing at the ground slightly as he looked between the two, hoping a fight doesn't ensue between the two.

Beau whimpered and hid his face from the wolves around him, "Leila needs to know about this." He tried to walk again and got furthur but collapsed, "My Father, that traitor -ow- I'll kill him myself," he growled deeply which was unlike the small wolf.
Paethon was enraged at Royce, his blue eyes glared at him as he said " You are a weak leader, undeserving of your position. You are not in charge of me unless I allow it. I would've been your Alpha if not for me telling Leila to take the rank. Now you show some damn respect or I'll make you regret saying a word to me." He picked Kaga up by the scruff of his neck then returned to the rest of the pack.

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Royce listened to the pup, ears pricked. "We will discuss it with Leila." He said firmly, looking between the three other wolves with unblinking eyes. At Paethon's words, a fearsome snarl rose from his throat. As if. Leila had founded the pack herself. If this maggot of a wolf thought he could take over just because he wanted a big head, he was sorely, sorely mistaken. And he'd be damned if he thought Royce would let that kind of disrespect go.

He growled lowly, turning to Beau. "Come on, lean on me." He offered wearily, nosing the wolf to his feet.​
Beau stood and stumbled next to Royce, leaning on him as he began to walk. He hurt; Adish really hurt him, "This is all my fault," his eyes glazed over with tears but he held them back, "I'm the worst wolf ever."
Traveling east against the sun, Crow passed under the browning trees, the smell of ash still clinging faintly to her ragged pelt. As she pads over the fallen leaves, her scent is not obtrusive, but she makes no move to hide it or slink around. She crossed the territory line of another pack some meters back and was working her way inward. Once far enough into the territory that her presence would not be considered an accident or a mere wandering wolf, Crow sat down in a clearing and began her wait. A hunting party or patrol would have to come by eventually and she would wait until they did. Relaxed, tail flat against the leaves, and ears down but not folded back, the salt-n-pepper wolf scanned the golden orange trees. Winter will be on its way... and with it, I hope a pack will accept me before the snows.


"You're fine. Leila will know what to do, just relax. You're not a bad wolf." Royce grunted, supporting as much of the weight of the other wolf as he could. They still had a ways to go to the camp, it'd be a long walk. "Stop talking, just keep breathing." He grumbled.​
[QUOTE="Play On Words]


"You're fine. Leila will know what to do, just relax. You're not a bad wolf." Royce grunted, supporting as much of the weight of the other wolf as he could. They still had a ways to go to the camp, it'd be a long walk. "Stop talking, just keep breathing." He grumbled.​

He let out a shaky breath and kept walking. Beau was worried. His Dad was a very powerful wolf. He always was. Years ago, his Dad was Lead Selsa but that didn't last as he killed his motner and ran off into the forest. He knew he wasn't dead. Adish would always be there up in his head.

Royce sighed, pushing forward stubbornly. His mind was still racing with fury at that little rat's words. As if Paethon could ever be an Alpha. Leila inspired loyalty, like any good Alpha should. Royce was the first to admit that he would never be Alpha, there were better options. But Paethon? If he'd been Alpha, Royce would've upped and left the pack immediately.​
[QUOTE="Play On Words]

Royce sighed, pushing forward stubbornly. His mind was still racing with fury at that little rat's words. As if Paethon could ever be an Alpha. Leila inspired loyalty, like any good Alpha should. Royce was the first to admit that he would never be Alpha, there were better options. But Paethon? If he'd been Alpha, Royce would've upped and left the pack immediately.​

"The silence is unnerving," Beau spoke with not much emotion. He was pretty shaken up but he wouldn't mention that. Beau normally was fine with silence. He blinked back any tears and tried to focus on the task at hand.

Royce nodded at the comment. He didn't like meaningless chatter, he preferred silence. Probably why most wolves disliked being around him. "Who was the rogue?" He asked after a beat. "If you know, if you don't mind telling me." He offered.​
Dru had stayed to hear his alpha speak and then slipped into the shadows of the woods to clear his mind. Dru took a lap around the outskirts of the camp when he smelled blood and quickly turned around heading towards the smell when he came across Beau and Royce. "What happened?" Dru asked as he moved to gently support the omega. @Play On Words @MuffinRPs

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