⟅The Borealis Wolf Pack⟆ (OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS)

Royce, Lead Selsa
Royce looked up when North sat beside him, and straightened. His claws were leaving furrows in the dirt under him. At the question, he sighed quietly.

"What if there are more attacks?" He asked quietly, staring at her. "I should've been there."​

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North looked at the ground because she wouldn't look at Royce.

"We all should've been there, Royce. And with so many Selsas the bear doesn't stand a chance" She looked at the young Leigh "I just don't understand why Leila didn't bring at least one wolf with her." she picked up some dusty earth and let it glide off of her paw.

@Play On Words

[ @omgcaro

@ThatOneWeirdo @Drumonkey]​

Leila watched as Phaethon left with Kaga in tow, and nodded lightly to herself; he was a good wolf, despite the front he put up in front of others. She admired him as a wolf for that, but she wouldn't go so far as to say she wanted to be his mate; She wasn't particularly looking for a mate in general, she was just fine leading the pack on her own - As the sole Alpha. She looked over to Ikki as she began to tell her of the time it would take for her wounds to heal, frowning at first before her ears perked up in interest; Leila nodded with a small smile, and chuckled softly. "It sounds good to me, I'll do my best to relax... You know me though, I have to do something to protect the pack." She said, directing her what she said to Dru as well. Silence overcame the Alpha as she fell into thought, taking a glance around the den and then to Ikki; Needless to say, Leila was impressed by the Zeta's work and dedication. Maybe it's time for her to step up in ranks... She thought with a nod to her, "Thank you, Ikki.." She said as she turned to leave the den, pausing and glancing back to her. "By the way.. You may want to listen during the announcements, I think you'll find one interesting." She said with a warmhearted chuckle as she left, glancing at all of the wolves gathered around.

"I'm fine, everyone. However, I want to call everyone to the Alpha's Rock. I have news to tell everyone." The black wolf slowly walked through the crowd, pain evident in her crystal eyes as she did so, but did her best to hide it. She paused upon hearing North, and glanced to her with a small sigh. "An Alpha does their best to protect the ones they care about - In my case, it's this pack. I could have lost Phaethon, Royce, you, Alaska, or Talon to that bear. I'd rather sacrifice myself than lose another loved one." With that, Leila walked ahead again and held her breath to keep the pain in as she climbed up the rock. "Gather around!" The wolf called out, looking down from her place upon the rock, awaiting the pack's attention.


[ @Chaos Follows ]

Kaga's golden eyes widened when he was lifted by the scruff of his neck, sniffing at the air only to pick up a familiar scent that he'd grown fond of; it was Phaethon, the Selsa he'd grown to look up to. He smiled brightly, his eyes sparkling as he was set down by the mysterious Selsa, looking up at him with a bright expression. Kaga couldn't help but revel in the moment; this was Phaethon reassuring him! For a moment, Kaga almost felt like he had a father - A parent. Then felt his heart drop at the realization that he had none. They were lost to those... darn wolves. A quiet sigh left him as he listened to the wolf, then nodded solemnly with a small smile.

"I understand, Phaethon.." He said softly, bowing his head to him before nodding again with a brighter smile. "O-Okay, let's get ready!" He said as his tail began wagging happily, glancing over to spot Leila passing them; He noticed the pain in her eyes, but how strong her expression remained despite how much pain she'd be in. Kaga wanted to be just like that when he becomes a Selsa, and he glanced up at Phaethon, his inspiration, and vowed to himself to be just like them - He refused to let them down. He looked up at Phaethon again and smiled, "Phaethon.. c-could you train me to be a Selsa?" He asked as they awaited the rest of the pack's arrival.

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Rosebark turned her attention to the alpha rock, her green eyes seemingly shimmering in the light of the early morning. She wondered what was going on, and hoped no one had gotten hurt. Or worse, killed. She whimpered at the thought, drawing eyes of wolves she was not close to.
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Alaska turned her attention to the Alpha as the black wolf left the Zeta's den, she over heard her talk about losing one of the selsa's of the pack. Alaska squinted a bit as she wished that she could've at least helped the Alpha face the bear, then again Leila was a strong wolf and a even stronger Alpha. The grey wolf stood up to walk closer to the large rock that the Alpha now stood on, Alaska decided to sit beside one of the Selsas speaking to a pup.

She gave them little to no attention as they spoke of training, she couldn't help but smile at the small pup which actually looked quite strong.

Alaska came to think of it and wouldn't mind training a pup either, maybe one of them would ask her as she was quite the hunter then again she hasn't really given anyone any attention unless it's the Alpha or someone that gives her orders.

@Chaotic Pastel
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Phaethon was hardly surprised by the pups request. He had grown to enjoy Kaga's presence and believed he would make for a powerful Selsa. Phaethon was hit by the kind of pride only a father experiences, he was beaming with it. The wolf turned to the pup, "I would be very pleased to train you Kaga, you have potential which we can use to mold you into a strong warrior, perhaps even Lead Selsa." Phaethon thought for a moment before continuing, "We may begin once the predicament with the bear is settled." He placed his paw on Kaga's head. He would take Kaga under his wing as his own. He turned his head back to the Alpha's Rock, and thought to himself, "Hell, maybe one day Kaga- my boy.. will end up on that rock.."

@Chaotic Pastel
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Fenris felt relief swell up in his chest as their Alpha appeared mostly unharmed. Though he had never gotten to know her personally, Fenris was still glad his packmate, or rather his leader, was ok. He knew that without her, the pack would likely fall apart. Or Phaethon would take over. Which, he thought, was very likely. Whatever the case, she was fine, and he had nothing to worry about. He returned his attention back to Leila, and waited for her to speak.

Kato fell to the ground panting. In retrospect, jumping was a childish idea. But of all the pups in the pack, he never did fancy himself the mature one. Nor did he believe anyone else did, for that matter. Pushing this thought aside, he returned his attention to the Alpha rock. Maybe now that Leila was higher he could actually see what was going on.

North stopped talking when she heard what Leila said.

She saw the wolves in a crowd going to the Alpha's Rock.

She went to the rock and saw Leila standing there.

She waited in front of the rock for the Alpha's announcement.

Inside the Zeta's den, Qira heard the Alpha is about to give her announcement on the Alpha's Rock. She interrupted her own conversation with Ikki and went with the group to the rock.

She looked at the footsteps the group was leaving on the soft ground and she kept walking.

After what happened with Caeldori, Edon went checking if there still was anyone in their den's, he only saw a pup still in the pup's den.

He picked her up and went to the Alpha's Rock while lightly biting the pup's nape.

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Royce bowed his heads at the words of the Alpha, not entirely mollified. The pack could go on if he died. Without Leila, there was nothing. Without him, someone else, probably Phaethon, would become Lead Selsa, and he'd be forgotten. And he was fine with that. It was his job to be fine with that. The Alpha taking dangerous risks, that was less fine. He'd have to keep a closer eye out.

He followed North slowly, sitting beside her and staring firmly up at the Rock.

Talon sighed at the news he'd heard. He normally didn't put much stock in rumors, but apparently he had to. The Alpha, attacked by a bear? He growled quietly, looking for Kato. He noticed his pup jumping around foolishly, and his tail twitched slightly. His son was playful, happy. He should be grateful for that, after what the pup had been through.

Kato didn't remember his mother well, she'd died when he was so young. But Talon did. He sighed again, walking up to his son and sitting beside him, inspecting him for wounds. He'd become overprotective since Raven's death, although she died of drowning. The river nearby, its current was particularly strong one day. Raven had jumped in without thinking, been swept away. He'd chased her for an eternity, desperation making him swift. And he'd found her body at the bend, washed up on shore. Just the thought made him flinch slightly, made him warier. He couldn't lose his mate and his son. He couldn't.​

Leigh was about to follow Royce and North, but paused. She wasn't really needed in that conversation, Royce was far too serious for her to handle. Instead, she pranced away, bouncing toward one of the other pups. She was about to sit beside Kato when his father took the spot she'd been about to occupy. Immediately, she started to back away. That wolf scared her a little. She still remembered how he'd looked when he'd dragged his mate's body back to the pack. Creepy.

Instead, she took a more secluded spot, where she could still see and hear, but she wasn't in anyone's way. Her unending cheerfulness tended to get on some nerves, and she didn't want to get yelled at again.​

Talon wasn't fazed when he heard the call. He just pushed himself to his paws and walked up. He didn't have any 'friends' in the pack, really. He'd caused quite a few scares when he'd first came, covered in wounds and bleeding heavily, rambling about 'Dragon' and 'Blue Carrots'. Of course they'd been scared.

Dragon, his dead mate. Blue, Barley, and Carrot, his dead pups. They'd all died just days before he found the Borealis pack. Since then, he hadn't tried making friends. When he cared about people, they died. It was that simple. So he didn't care.

Beau walked to Alpha's Rock and sat further away from all the other wolves. He smelt something coming from the forest. It smelt familiar, almost like him. He mentally shook it off and looked over at Leila.
Ikki couldn't help but to smile when her Alpha heeded her advice but was still true to herself being loyal to the pack. She watched as Leila left with no problems, which was very reliving to the Zeta, and she proceeded to turn around to look at the supply once again. 'So we need more leaves, bark, and vines. Thank goodness it's Autumn so these things won't be too hard to find.' The brown wolf thought to herself and then left the den for the announcements.

As she took her place, she remembered what Leila said before she left. 'Hm, I wonder why she wishes for me to listen so intently for these announcements. Oh! Maybe she heard of another medicine, that will be nice.' @Chaotic Pastel

Arthrn like all the others was relieved to see Leila come out of the den and state that she was okay. 'Good job Ikki.' He thought to himself and began heading to the Alpha's Rock for the announcements. The blonde wolf sat next to his fellow Epsilon Fernis, and luckily, Ikki sat on the opposite of Fernis awaiting to hear the Alpha speak.

Caeldori took off to the Alphams Rock not even bothering to wait for Edon and the other pups to come. She made her way to the front row and sat down, her little tail wagging. The white pup always enjoyed announcements, and secretly wishes that one of these announcements would be her new title. @Chaotic Pastel @ShadowOwl0123
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Kato looked back at Leigh in concern. It wasn't like her to sit all alone. She usually thrived in social interaction, what with her sweet and playful personality . He watched her for a second more, then made up his mind. "Hey dad, I'm gonna go sit by Leigh." He felt a tad guilty as he moved to sit down by his friend, but he knew Talon of all wolves would understand.

@Play On Words @ThatOneWeirdo
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Talon nodded, watching his son with concern as he joined the she-wolf. It was worrying to him. His son was going to sit with a female. Well... Worrying and a bit prideful. He'd tried the same thing with Raven, and it'd worked well for him, even if it'd required a bit more work than that.​

Leigh looked up when Kato walked toward her, and her tail twitched slightly. "Hey." She said simply, feigning nonchalance. "Why aren't you sitting by your dad?" She asked curiously, cocking her head and shuffling her black paws in the dirt until they were tinted brown. Talon never seemed to let his son out of his sight.​
"I wanted to sit by you," He said. That was indeed the truth. Seeing Leigh alone had rubbed him the wrong way, though he hadn't the faintest idea why. "As for Talon, I could invite him over here if you'd like," He jested. He knew most wolves were a little uneasy around his father, though he didn't know why. Talon was the strongest and most noble wolf he knew, and Kato couldn't have asked for a better father.


Leigh wagged her tail slightly at the words before she forced herself to stop, happiness flaring in her gut. Not only did someone want to be near her, but it was Kato! Her day had just improved monumentally. At his second words, she swallowed hard. "I... I mean, you can, if you want." She stuttered, not hearing his joking tone. Sure, Talon was a rest wolf. But he was terrifying. To her, at least.​

[ @omgcaro

@ThatOneWeirdo @Drumonkey]

Leila awaited her pack's gathering, and once she felt mostly everyone was there, she stood tall and held her posture for a moment; The Alpha's Rock was her pride and joy... It was mainly her favorite spot to be because one would feel the pure air going through their fur, and others could too as they're initiated into the pack, or into a rank. Her expression shifted for a moment, a shock of pain hitting her that she soon masked as quickly as it had flashed onto her face. Not now, Lei... Not now. She sighed if off, and sat as she looked down onto her pack. Her family.

"Greetings, pack. It's good to see everyone gathered.." She drew in a breath, "As most of you may know, this morning our territory was infiltrated by a mother bear and her cub - In which I fought the bear off, on my own. I'm better now than I was previously, thanks to our Zeta, Ikki. However, with the presence of a bear, our Selsa, Phaethon, alerted me of something incredibly consequential..." The Alpha looked down at her pack with a wary gaze, "That bear may have set its territory within our own, making it a greater threat than we had originally thought. Meaning I must enforce some new rules.. Firstly, no one is to leave the clearing without my knowledge. Not even the Selsas or Deltas.. If worse comes to worse, we may need to move our territory." Leila said morosely, shaking her head lightly. "Also, my Epsilons, I will need you to enforce our dens - The Winter rain is drawing closer to us, and we need to be sure that everyone can keep dry in their dens. In turn, our Zetas will have to stock up in medicinal needs for when the snow comes.."

The Alpha stood again, and drew in a breath a she smiled faintly, "Now, in positive news..." Clearing her throat, she spoke up again in the same clear voice she somehow always managed to find within her, "The coming Full Moon will be important for our pack... As our pups, Caeldori, Kaga, Kato, and Leigh, will be Coming of Age." Glancing down to Caeldori, Leila felt pride swell in her chest. She had faith in that pup. "Puphood is ending for them, and with that they will become Omegas as they train for a rank suited for them - The Full Moon will be their initiation into the roles.." Her eyes flickered over to Ikki, and she chuckled, "Also, this Full Moon will be the initiation of our Zeta, Ikki.." She paused, glancing about the pack to catch any reactions, before nodding, "As I will be allowing her to rank up into Lead Zeta.." Drawing in a breath, Leila nodded to her pack and shook her fur out. "That is all, and I expect the pack to train our aging pups well.." She finished, walking down the rock with a gentle expression as she sat at the base of the Alpha's Rock, awaiting any questions wolves had for her. Leila spotted Kato sitting by Leigh, and sighed softly in thought; Romance was definitely in the air for the pack.. But she wondered if anyone had any for her, and if anyone would try to impress her. She doubted it, and kept her stoic expression as she remained.


[ @Chaos Follows ]

Kaga smiled happily, his tail wagging faster at the thought of being trained by one of the most reputable Selsas in the pack; This was great! He thout, he would finally be taken under the wing of someone who, finally for once, might not abandon him. He would give his life to protect the pack, no matter what it may cost. As the Alpha spoke up, Kaga turned to the Rock and listened closely, paying attention to everything she had to say. Their Alpha always made announcements when things got serious, in both good ways and bad, and Kaga would never hesitate to tune in to the news.

Upon hearing his name spoken by the Alpha, his eyes twinkled happily with a wide grin spreading across him. Finally! He was an Omega now, no longer a pup - And he could train to be the best darn Selsa ever, like Phaethon! He felt his chest swell up with pride in himself, and nodded. He would be sure to not let the pack down. Although... He was still an Omega, but it was only for the time being, though! What mattered is that he finally had the chance to prove himself as a worthy Selsa to their Alpha. Coming of Age for the pups meant that their Alpha would keep a close eye on the pups as they trained, meaning he would really have the opportunity to prove himself! He wondered what Caeldori, Kato, and Leigh wanted to be, and thought to himself that he would ask them later on. Kaga was excited to ask, needless to say.

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Talon felt his chest puff out with pride when Kato was mentioned, and he straightened. His son was growing, he'd soon be able to take care of himself. Talon hadn't let Raven down, not yet. But there was no doubt in Talon's mind that he'd play a part in his mentoring.

Even as he thought about that, his eyes swung up to Leila, cocking his head slightly to the left. It puzzled him constantly that she had no mate. Why wouldn't she? She was the Alpha, she was strong. The perfect mate, he'd think. Apparently nobody in the pack was smart enough to see that.​
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Kato smiled. It was cute how naive she could be. "Nah. I doubt he'd accept anyways." He turned his attention to Leila, and was surprised when she announced the end of their puphood. It was a bittersweet moment. Though he was happy to be moving up, he was a bit worried about where he would end up. No. This is good. He thought to himself. Now was a time to be happy, and he wouldn't let insecurities plague his thoughts.

Leigh yipped excitedly at the announcement, straightening suddenly enough to make her back crack quietly. She hardly noticed, eyes searching for her father's reaction. Her face and mood fell when she saw his lack of response, and her tail drooped. He didn't even look at her. There went all traces of her good mood.

"Yay." She said glumly, digging her claws into the dirt and glaring at her father for a moment.​
Caeldori listened intently on Leila, ignoring any small chatter around her from other wolves. The white wolf loved to think that Leila was speaking to her directly and so she nodded her head a few times during the speech. The pup's attitude did falter a bit at the idea of having to move away from their home dur to the bear. This place was her first ever home, the first time she didn't have to pack up and run away from angry wolves. 'Stupid bear, I will not let you take away our home!' Caeldori mentally challenging the bear and still listened to he Alpha speak about all the other percussions.

Finally, it came to Caeldori's favorite part of announcements, the discussion of the Full Moon. She puffed her chest out a little when she heard her name in the list of pups and tried her best to look mature. The pup notice Leila taking a look at her and Caeldori's mature look was once again quickly ruined by her excitable tail. Caeldori didn't mind because a huge grin plastered on her face when Leila announced that she and the pups shall be Omegas until the time came for the Full Moon. The adolescent had to hold down a leap for joy and couldn't wait to start trainng. Of course the only ones she wanted training her was Leila or Dru but if she gets a Selsa that wouldn't be too bad either. Once Leila was done, Caeldori didn't know what to do first, so she just sat there paralyzed by excitement.

Ikki looked around Fernis to see Arthrn and gave him a warm smile. It had been too long since she talked to her friend, and in all honesty she felt like he was trying to avoid her for some reason. 'Maybe afterwards I'll talk to him, but I swear if it's something stupid... Goodness he can be such a pup.' She thought to herself shaking her head and then looking up at Leila as she began to speak. The brown wolf listened to her Alpha, agreeing that all her new rules were fair, and her actions were necessary. 'It is going to be hard to pick up supplies with the mother bear around, but I guess I'll have to figure it out. '

When it came time to the announcement of the Full Moon coordinations, Ikki couldn't help but to smile knowing that the pups were most likely excited. She listened as the pups names were called and let out a small sigh, thinking about how much they've grown.
'Aw, I wish we had more pups, they just grow up so fast.' Ikki thought as they were announced to now be Omegas. The she-wolf was also happy knowing that Beau with have the pups to train with and hopefully he'll get a title soon. What shocked Ikki, was when Leila said her name and announced that she can be the Lead Zeta! Ikki's eyes grew wide from surprise and excitement. "I can't believe it." She whispered hoping Fernis and Arthrn couldn't hear. When her Alpha was done and stepped down, Ikki had no idea how to react. She was happy and excited, yet scared and nervous. This was a rare opportunity and what if she failed at it! It wasn't long before Arthrn came over and congratulated her, claiming that she deserved it. Ikki gave him a small smile, happy that he believed so and that he was talking to her, but she didn't have time to chat with him at the moment. She excused herself and went after Leila. "Leila!" She called out her Alpha's name. @Chaotic Pastel @Lost

Arthrn let out a sigh when Ikki ran off for their leader, really hoping to talk to her. 'Even if I was going to try to confess to her, it wouldn't have been the right time with this opportunity and all.' He thought to himself and his ears drooped for a minute. Arthrn then shook off the feeling and his ears perked up again. 'Don't be like that Arthrn! There's always next time, maybe, if you can talk to her, for more than five seconds. Wow I'm pathetic.' Arthrn shook his head and the looked over at Fernis. "Hey Fernis! Looks like we have our work cut out for us huh?" He asked his fellow Epsilon with a smile, trying to not think about Ikki. @Lost
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Dru followed with some aprehension and once Liela began moving he followed her. Dru then sat off to the side of her waching her and waiting for her words. @Chaotic Pastel
Fenris laughed. "That we do." He couldn't help but be glad. They had been without work for ages, so it was a nice change. "Now I have a viable reason to wake you up even earlier!" He joked. He knew that with something to do, Arthrn would probably start getting up on his own anyways.

Kato turned his attention to Leigh. He could've sworn she was happy a moment ago. Now she looked sad, and maybe a little angry. He opened his maw to say something, but thought better of it. He had never been that great at reading people. He had once mistaken Talon's angry mood for playful, and bit his father's tail. Needless to say, it didn't end well. Not much did when he tried to intervene. But even as he reminded himself of this, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. After a moment of internal arguing, he decided to risk sounding like an idiot and just ask. "Leigh, are you doing ok?"

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