⟅The Borealis Wolf Pack⟆ (OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS)

When North saw Beau she looked at the new wolf "Look, there is something going and i need to check. Look around if you want but if anyone sees you, just say that North sent you. If you see a black, female wolf, that is our leader Leila. Just say that you are friendly and that North let you in."

She sprinted towards the Zeta den and saw Royce carrying Beau "Good going Royce"

She shook her head.

"Not now North, not now."

She faced Royce "What happened!? Rogues!?"

@Play On Words @MuffinRPs @Drumonkey
"Apparently it was only one rogue and it seems to be a relative of Beau. It seems he only waneed to cause dissent and fear among our ranks but that will not happen we will be strong and follow after Leila." Dru said with conviction and authotiry. @ShadowOwl0123

Qira looked at the supplies with fear.

"Come on! We need everything we have!"

She looked at the big wounds on Beau.

"How could only one wolves cause so much bites and scratches!? What kind of beast can do this!?"

She wanted to treat him, but waited until Ikki was ready, because Ikki was still their best Zeta.

"Lay him on the table! We need to treat this! Ikki, shouldn't we begin?"

@Play On Words @Drumonkey @MuffinRPs

@Chaotic Pastel


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"Maybe. I doubt we'd be involved though. They probably just want the Selsas, and maybe Deltas." And if they needed an Epsilon, Arthrn was the obvious choice. If they needed to retreat, Fenris wouldn't be able to run because of his leg. Not to mention he'd probably slow progress getting to their destination.

"How about you, Leigh? Is Zeta the only role you're considering?" He asked. It wasn't hard to imagine her working in other roles, all of which she'd be good at. Then again, he was a tad partial.

"Don't have a choice. Can't fight, can't hunt, certainly can't build. But even I can pick flowers and put them on someone." Leigh sighed, shrugging slightly. "Wolves like you have options. I don't. You add to the pack, and I'm a burden, an unwanted one." Leigh said, hating herself for moping.​


Royce was a bit breathless from the sudden burst of movement, but he kept up silently until he was addressed. "A rogue by the name of... Adish? Beau said it was his father." He explained quietly, staring at everyone in turn. "I have quite a bit to discuss with Leila." He sighed.​
Kato frowned. "That's not true, I want you here. In fact, I can't think of anyone who wouldn't want you in the pack. You're sweet, kind, and even cute." He paused as if gather his thoughts before proceeding once more. "Leigh, you underestimate yourself. You add more to the pack than you know."
Ikki nodded at Qira when she said that they needed to began treating on Beau. "Thank you Dru and you as well Royce. Please, like Qira requested set Beau onto the rock." She asked politely and grabbing the supplies that are needed. "We only have enough vine to bandage his neck and face wounds once treated but we don't have enough for the others!" Ikki exclaimed in a worried tone. "Foalon, can you please find Leila and ask if you can go out and form a group to find some? We don't even need a lot, just enough." She grabbed some leaves with a bit of sticky syurp still on them. The Zeta chewed them up and spat them out, after doing this three times she spread across on the other wounds. "That should stop the bleeding for a bit, but it won't last." @ShadowOwl0123 @Ellieroan @ThatOneWeirdo

"Right. Can't hunt or fight, but at least I'm sweet." Leigh wagged her tail slightly. Her eyes were drawn to the Zetas, ears pricked. They were sending out a group to get supplies. "I'll see you later, Kato." She yelped, charging forward and almost running into Ikki. "Can I go with you guys?" She pleaded.​
"I'll help out whoever else is going to look for supplies but if the situation is as urgent as you say then we need to send people out now while someone reports to Liela, pick a team and pick quickly." Dru tried his best to sound in charge. @Ellieroan @Aero @ShadowOwl0123 @thatonewierdo
Ikki disliked the idea of having a pup go out into the forest. Especially with the bear running around, so she had to think for a minute. Alas, she gave in due to her soft spot for pups, mostly for pups who want to help. "Dru is right, I'm okay with Leigh going but you'll definitely have to hurry and ask Leila. It's a low chance she'll say yes with the bear, but tell her you have my blessing. That may help." The brown wolf replied with a sigh as she grabbed herbs. @ShadowOwl0123 @Ellieroan @ThatOneWeirdo @Drumonkey

Leigh almost skipped with triumph. "I'll be careful! I promise! I'll help!" She yelped. She was eager to finally prove her worth, no matter what it took. "I won't let you down!" She took a moment to compose herself.​

Qira looked at Faolan "You heard them, ask Leila but be quick or else he'll bleed to death!"

She looked at the still injured Beau "Come on Beau, stay with us. He already has lost a lot of blood. Everyone has to help, apply pressure to big wounds with whatever soft material you can find!"

Qira found a soft leaf and pressed it on one of Beau's various scratch marks.

She was heavily feared that Beau would die.


@Chaotic Pastel

@Play On Words




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Leigh's confidence wavered at the words Qira spoke, but she swallowed her fear. She rushed off, biting a clump of soft leaves from a nearby tree and sprinting back, yanking one free and pressing it to one of the wounds oozing blood. The group hadn't even asked Leila yet, she could help until they left. If she couldn't go with them, she'd stay and help Beau from home.​
Beau whimpered in pain and tears trickled from his eyes. He was in pain and he started mumbling to himself, "I'm gonna die and I won't even get to tell him. Why didn't I tell him," He could feel the blood pouring from his wounds and it felt as if his arteries were tearing themselves apart.

North couldn't believe the words that came out of Beau's mouth.

"Don't you dare say that Beau! I know you're not that weak you've gotta be strong, i know its hard but don't let your weakness overpower you! You're gonna make it, i promise!"

Qira let out a couple of tears, but that wouldn't stop her.

She saw the blue eyed wolf whimpering in pain, but she promised he would make it.


Kato watched Leigh go, a prick of unease forming in his chest. Though she appeared slightly happier, he had a feeling his words did little to quell her worries. Maybe he addressed the wrong issue? She did talk about why becoming a Zeta was her only option, and he did little to argue against that. He thought about it a bit more, then shook his head. It would be pointless to try and guess the feelings of another. "This is why I stick to jokes. It's a lot easier to keep someone laughing than to stop them from crying." He stayed where he was for a moment longer, then began to head towards his and Talon's den. He wasn't feeling well after all that excitement, and he knew father would show up there eventually.

Talon had, of course, been subtly keeping an eye out for his son. He winced when Leigh ran away from him and Kato walked to their den, assuming the worst. He didn't hesitate, getting to his feet and walking to the den, eyes immediately falling on his son.

"How'd it go with your friend?" Talon asked, tail wagging slightly. It was quite obvious that Leigh felt more than friendship for Kato. But he had no idea how Kato himself felt.​
"Fine," He replied. "How about you? Make any new friends?" He knew the answer would be no, but he also it would effectively change the subject.
Talon nudged his son lightly with his nose, letting out a bark of laughter. "What do I need friends for? I have you." He teased, inspecting their little beds for a moment before collapsing on his. "Bears, rogues, new Omegas galore. What an interesting day. Have you thought about which job you'd like to take?" He asked curiously.
He smiled at his father's comment. Though he was happy his father felt that way, he was still worried. There were some things he couldn't do for his father. He brought his focus back in just in time to hear an all too familiar question. "Nah, I haven't thought about it too much."
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Talon sighed quietly at the words. "You know I'm open for you to be in either group. Just because I myself am a Selsa does not mean I expect you to be, Kato. Your mother was a Delta, and a fantastic one. Maybe it's your destiny to follow her. Or be a Zeta. I only want you to be happy." He said quietly, meaning every word.
"I know, it's just... Everything about this feels so final. I don't know what I want to be, and I know that if I choose incorrectly, I'll be stuck."
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