⟅The Borealis Wolf Pack⟆ (OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS)

"If you choose incorrectly, I'll do my damnedest to convince Leila to let you switch. And I'm sure she'll understand, we were all your age once. Wolves make choices. Sometimes the choices are wrong. If that's the case, you either adapt or you change it. I promise." Talon sighed, half tempted to act as Raven had, curl up beside his son and tell him stories that the pup barely understood. But he doubted Kato would appreciate it, he was growing up swiftly.
Kato's tail twitched. Though his fears had not disappeared completely, his father's words had helped. He had been surprised when his father mentioned his mother. Talon hadn't even seemed sad when he did it. It was in light of this that Kato decided to risk asking a question. "Hey dad, how did you and mom meet?"
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"She joined the same pack as I did when we were younger. We'd been friends for a long time when that pack started to... Branch out. We left together and found Leila shortly after, joined the pack when it was still forming." Talon explained quietly, eyes closing as he relived the memories. "We weren't mates then. But once we started to feel safe again, it just felt... It felt right." He sighed. "We felt safe and we knew that there was no other wolf for either of us. Life was too short." He admitted, flinching as he thought about just how true those words were.
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked," He whispered. He should've know that Talon was still grieving. I guess the pain of loss never really leaves you.
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"You're allowed to know, Kato. Never be sorry to ask." Talon said softly, lying down and resting his head on his paws, staring silently at the wall.
Kato nodded, and laid down on his own bed. Is having a mate really worth the grief afterwards? He asked himself. He saw how closed off his father had been, how he still was, and it worried him. Will I become like that when someone I love dies?
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Talon noticed the look on Kato's face, and sat up, sighing. "Kato... Being with your mother was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. No matter what happened in the end, she gave me you. I'll never be able to repay that. You'll never be able to see the future, but you can live up the present. Don't worry about what might happen. Just enjoy it." He said firmly.
"Well if I do die, my only regret would be not telling a certain wolf that I love him," Beau let his tears fall and sniffled lightly.
Ikki watched as Leigh and Faolan ran off for the vine bandages. The she-wolf's ears went flat when Qira yelled for everyone to put pressure on Beau's biggest wound for the blood started coming out of her root pulp. 'Come on Ikki think! There has too be something to stop the flow.' Ikki thought and went through all the medicine treatments that she knew of. Then, her ears perked up and she began to paw supplies out her way in order to find it. 'Cobwebs! They stop blood flow! Oh please be here, please!' The Zeta frantically moved things around until she found some cobwebs in the back.

Grabbing them in her mouth and trying to ignore the weird sticky sensation, Ikki went over to Beau and began placing cobwebs over his wounds, spreading them around until they covered the entire wound. "Beau listen to me. You are not going to die, not on our watch okay?" She said in the most calm and gentle voice she could. Ikki went back to the supplies and pulled out a dandelion. She placed it close enough to Beau's mouth before going back to the supplies for more webs. "Beau, dear I need you to eat that entire dandelion. I don't want to see anything left of it! It will help with the pain." The Zeta ordered the Omega and then grabbed a few more cobwebs. "Qira, I need you to move away please so I can place this onto the big wound." Ikki muttered through the mouth full of webs.
@MuffinRPs @ShadowOwl0123 @ThatOneWeirdo @Ellieroan
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Leigh hesitated at the words, and looked up at Ikki. "Let me ask someone to take me into the forest. I can get whatever you need me to, I know most of the herbs." She urged. She'd been keeping a close eye on the Zetas for as long as she could remember, monitoring everything they did so she could eventually do the same.

"Just tell me what you need. I can get it." She promised, still pressing leaves to Beau's various smaller wounds so he could preserve as much blood as possible. "Even if I'm still an Omega, even I can pick flowers." She urged desperately.

Ikki was very touched by Leigh's determination to help and gave her a nod. "Foalon just left out to find Leila. If you hurry after her she may allow you to join. Dru, please protect these two if you go out with them. The supplies I need are vines, oak leaves will be hard to find during this season but there may be some left, and poppy seeds. Now hurry young pup!" @Drumonkey @ThatOneWeirdo
Bloo began to eat the dandelion. It tasted horrible and his face showed it. He continued to eat it and finished the full thing, "That was gross," he blinked away some of his tears and his back leg twitched.
Dru nodded and turned to Leigh waiting for them to leave the den before saying "do you know what those things look like? If so we should leave now and gather what we can hopefully when we make it back a team will be assembled to actually go and collect materials. I will only go if you are willing to." @thatonewierdo


Leigh didn't hesitate, dashing out of the den. She paused at Dru's words. "I know what they look like, I can find them. I also know where they grow, my mother used to take me out collecting herbs with her." She said quietly. Star, her mother, had been an excellent Zeta before she passed. "I know exactly where to go, I just need a full grown wolf to take me." She promised.​
"Well now you have one. Lead the way and trust that as your beta I will watch over you and get you back here safely no matter what." Dru then followed after Leigh @thatonewierdo
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Beau looked at the Zetas helping him, "Can you guys keep a secret," he didn't think he'd ever tell anyone but these wolves were the most caring wolves he'd ever known.
He's right. Kato told himself. He shouldn't let panic rule his life, or he'd accomplish nothing. As he dozed off, he remembered what his father had said. "You'll never be able to see the future, but you can live up the present." He mumbled to himself just before sleep took over his thoughts.
Talon sighed quietly, watching his son nod off as he repeated his own words. He nosed the pup lightly, getting to his feet. "Sleep well, Kato." He murmured, getting to his feet. He wanted to do something for his son, but he had no idea what.


@ShadowOwl0123 @Moolock @Ellieroan ]

Leila smiled softly as the Zeta thanked her, and looked to where she heard the howl for attention. She noticed North next to a stranger wolf, and stood up to meet the stranger. "Thank you North, who is this?" She asked, her tone strong despite the wound on her side. Glancing over to the pup rushing towards her, Leila looked down at her with a reassuring smile. "What is it, young one?" She said softly, gently patting the pup's head as her smile turned into a tiny frown. Her voice remained in its gentle, motherly manner as she didn't want to have such a young pup worry too much.

Sniffing at the air, the black wolf smelled the scent of blood.
It's that Omega.. I just know it.. She thought to herself, rolling her shoulders back, clearly stressed by the situation that Beau had caused; The Alpha made a mental note to scold the damn Omega about following her orders. Her instinct pulled from her former pack was telling her something less benign, but she swallowed it down and quickly disregarded the forbidden thought; She would never follow in her pack's footsteps. For the meantime, Leila would await a response from either pup or rogue, glancing between the two with icy blue eyes.


[ @Chaos Follows ]

Kaga whimpered as Phaethon returned him to the clearing, and looked up to the wolf once they had returned; Chaos seemed to follow them home, and his shoulders slumped in disappointment. How hard was it to follow simple orders from their Alpha? He wondered, glancing about the clearing to see wolves running left and right; There was a rogue that their Alpha was speaking to, along with a frantic Faolan. He knew it wasn't a good idea to bother her, especially since she was wounded.

His golden gaze then returned to his mentor, the one wolf who seemed to act cold towards the rest of the pack... Yet kind towards him. It reminded him of his own father, and it made Kaga feel as though his father's spirit resided somewhere within the scarred wolf's being, or if it may have been fate for them to have met; Either way, Kaga would do anything to impress the wolf he looked up to, even if it meant one day making it up to the role of a Lead Selsa like Royce.
One day, he thought, I will make him proud... But for now, he sat and awaited his scolding from the white wolf, eyes gazing down to the dirt in shame. For now, he thought yet again, I have failed him...


[ @Drumonkey @ThatOneWeirdo ]

Entering the territory with a breath drawn in, Aura gazed about warily; Having never lived within a pack, she was unsure of what to expect from this one. The she-wolf sniffed at the air again, and caught a vaguely familiar scent... Family? No, they died long ago. But what could it have been, she wondered as she wandered further into the territory. She heard the distant sound of panic, and held her breath for a moment. Had someone been attacked? Should she dare to turn back and seek out another pack? No, she thought to herself, she had to find some pack or she wouldn't survive on her own for too long.

Aura's paw was bleeding from a sharp human object that was dropped on the ground, and she knew she wouldn't be able to hunt for her own if she went with an injured paw. The least she could do, if they wouldn't allow her to join, was ask for a Zeta to heal her paw so she could manage. Until then, she ventured deeper into the territory. At the corner of her eye, she'd spotted an adult wolf with a pup, and froze for a moment; Then she reminded herself that if the male was with a pup, he couldn't be of any harm right? "Excuse me.." She said softly, meekly approaching the distraught pup and the black wolf, her ears were pressed back against her head as the familiar scent grew stronger. "I would like to join this pack, if you could lead me to an Alpha.." She said softly.



Royce noticed Leila coming out, and padded over calmly, content that Beau was in good hands. He was still pissed, but he shoved that aside. He had more important things to worry about.

"Alpha. When you're done here, we need to talk." He said quietly. "I can answer the questions about what went on today with Beau, and I need to converse about some... Concerns I have about a certain pack member." He lowered his voice as he continued, tail flicking with agitation.

@Chaotic Pastel
Faolan found Alpha Leila and nearly whimpered in relief. She waited until Royce finished talking with her before looking to the alpha. "Alpha Leila. We need permission to gather a small group to get medical supplies. The pup, Leigh, would like to go as well. She has Ikki's blessing to come with the party. It is urgent that we go immediately, with your permission." Faolan danced from paw to paw, antsy to get the party gathered to get medical supplies they needed.

@Chaotic Pastel




She dipped her head to the alpha in greeting. "My name is Crow. First and foremost, my thanks for the lack of hostility." Raising her head, Crow's grey eyes met the alpha's evenly and she mentally smiled at seeing the strength there. Her voice would be even, calm, and have a certain resonance a little quieter than a rumble, though still a young adult, there was a light tone of youth to it as well.

@Chaotic Pastel
Dru heard the wolf moving towards them and then growled menacingly until he caught her scent causing his growl to falter then stop altogether when he saw who it was and he tilted his head "Aura? Oh my... come with us and I'll take you to the Alpha of the pack." @thatonewiredo @Chaotic Pastel
Ikki let out a small muffled laugh when Beau claimed the dandelion didn't taste good. "I didn't say you would like it." She replied and placed a bit more cobwebs on wounds that were starting to bleed again. Ikki grabbed some more quickly and waited again for Qira to move. The she-wolf glanced down at Beau when he asked if they could keep a secret. Ikki responded with a nod as to say yes, getting tired of talking with cobwebs in her mouth. @MuffinRPs @ShadowOwl0123
Aero said:
Ikki let out a small muffled laugh when Beau claimed the dandelion didn't taste good. "I didn't say you would like it." She replied and placed a bit more cobwebs on wounds that were starting to bleed again. Ikki grabbed some more quickly and waited again for Qira to move. The she-wolf glanced down at Beau when he asked if they could keep a secret. Ikki responded with a nod as to say yes, getting tired of talking with cobwebs in her mouth. @MuffinRPs @ShadowOwl0123
Beau gulped, "I'm-I'm...I'm in love with Dru," he closed his eyes. That was it; no going back. He had told someone. He was unsure if telling them was a good idea but either way it was out there.

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