⟅The Borealis Wolf Pack⟆ (OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS)


[Open For Interaction]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Leila had awoken in her den yet again, blue eyes opening to the dimly lit morning that laid outside her den. It was yet another nearly sleepless night last night, with the threat of the dangerous rogue that harmed Beau - There was barely any time for rest. Slowly rising onto her paws, she shook her fur out and yawned as she stretched her body out before heading out of her den. Her head glanced about before she padded along the clearing, glancing into dens to make sure her pack was present and sound asleep; Spending longer time glancing into the dens of their two newer arrivals, Crow and Aura. The latter she-wolf seemed to be acquainted with her Beta, Dru; She didn’t seem so harmless, for now anyway. For the meantime, the newcomers were temporarily Omegas with the pups until the Full Moon would arise and their ceremony would begin, both initiation and ranking.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]The black she-wolf drew in a deep breath as she glanced to the bandaged wound on her torso, the bear attack from the previous day still fresh in her mind. Leila had suffered worse, but she needed to take it easy for now under Ikki’s instruction. Besides, the sooner she could heal, the better. Either way, Leila needed to inspect the territory at the crack of dawn every day, no exceptions; she needed to make sure the territory was safe to keep her pack unharmed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]After eating a rabbit out of the Prey Den and consuming some water, the Alpha trotted towards the end of the clearing and into the denser parts of the territory, the forest. Leila began her patrol of the territory, and kept her posture tall to show her dominance to any intruding wolves.[/SIZE]



[Open For Interaction]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Kaga had squirmed in his den, whimpering softly as he had slept, only to wake in a shock as he sat on his pile of leaves panting heavily; The pup lifted a forepaw to rub his face with a deep sigh, before rising up and shaking his fur out with a huff. It was yet another nightmare about his parents, how they’d died, how he became an orphan… Kaga shook his head as he allowed himself to recover from the terror that his nightmare brought him.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]His golden eyes looked up to the sky and he pouted; it was barely reaching morning time, and he was awake?! The pup pawed at the leaves in the den with a quiet whimper, before deciding to pass the time doing something that always relieved his stress: chewing on bones. Kaga felt his tail wagging lightly, and he glanced to it and made an attempt to spin about and stop it from its strange movements, before ceasing once he got dizzy. Okay… Let’s not do that again. He thought to himself, pawing out a pile of dirt in the back corner of his den to reveal a fairly large bone for a pup his size; the bone was a little treat for himself when the Deltas scored a fairly large moose for the pack, and he grabbed himself a rib bone for future need. Thank goodness he did, and Kaga got to chewing at the bone as he laid in his den, awaiting any other wolves to awaken or approach his den.[/SIZE]


[ @Drumonkey ]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Aura awoke comfortably for a change, her blue eyes fluttering open to the morning light with a quiet sigh; That’s right, she’d been able to join the Borealis the previous day. The she-wolf nuzzled her muzzle against the soft leaves of her den with a satisfied hum, her fluffy tail wagging groggily. She finally had a place to call home, and this pack was it. However, Aura had to admit that she did miss her family… Her mother, her father, her siblings… Damn that storm, she thought sadly.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]After a while, Aura decided to get up and stretch her body out to wake herself up and await what the day had ahead of her. She yawned, and shook her fur out before padding out of her den and glancing about with sparkling eyes to… Nothing. No one seemed to be fully awake yet, and she could tell by sniffing the air that their Alpha wasn’t around the clearing -- She was probably deeper into the territory, she concluded.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Just then, a memory struck Aura that caused her tail to wag; her puphood friend was the Beta! She smiled softly, and quietly padded towards the Beta’s den curiously. “Dru?”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] She whispered, peeking into the den but not entering without permission. He was her best friend, but she knew she had to respect his position,[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] “You awake?” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]She asked, her head tilting to the side as she awaited a response.[/SIZE]

Dru roused himself shortly after his alpha had left the clearing. Dru decided that after the long nights and the troubling dreams of storms he had he needed to relax himself. Dru turned and left the clearing quietly slipping from the clearing and running to a nearby stream to take a drink and shake out his fur before returning to the clearing.

As Dru entered the clearing he noticed that someone else was awake too and that would be his childhood friend Aura. He approached from her blind side raining fairly quiet from his many hours pacing around the clearing. As Dru got closer he heard her asking if he was awake and chuckled from behind her for saying "yes I am awake, how did you sleep Aura?" 

Dru took the few moments to admire his friend and see how much she had grown in their time apart. Dru hadn't noticed before how pretty his friend was but he had to admit to himself that she had matured well and that she would be a force to be reconed with. @chaoticpastel 
Rosebark had been up early that day, worried about the condition of her alpha Leila. She had been pacing in front of her own den, and when she noticed Leila heading out, she dashed to catch up with her. Rosebark slowed her roll and walked next to the alpha, twitching her wet nose. "Hello Leila." She said, disrupting the silence of the forest. She gave a kind look from her blue eyes.

@Chaotic Pastel



Fenris scowled as sunlight streamed into his den. Between the bear attack and the promise of new work, he quickly found that he couldn't sleep. Instead, he had spent the night sketching out den plans in the sand. It was a pointless exercise, as most of them were too illegible to be used. But it had passed the time, and that was good enough for him.

He struggled to his paws, and padded into the clearing. Though he was tempted to start working right away, he knew he'd get an ear full from Arthrn if he didn't wait.



Kato shivered as a cool gust of wind blew into the den. He slowly opened his eyes, and wasn't surprised to find Talon gone. He must have already left on his trip, the young wolf thought to himself. Talon had left to see Raven's grave, an exercise that had recently grown more frequent. And though he didn't like it, Kato didn't have the heart to say anything. When his mother was involved, he rarely did.

Shaking his head, Kato padded out of his den. He hadn't been assigned anything yet, so he figured he'd just wait for the other pups to rouse themselves.
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[SIZE=14.6667px]Leila glanced to Rosebark in shock, before relaxing with a relieved sigh; She almost assumed she was a rogue, but luckily had the restraint to keep herself from harming anyone on the spot. “Good morning, Rosebark.”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] She greeted with a light nod, walking ahead of the Delta to make sure everything was orderly in the territory. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]“May I ask, why are you up so early?” [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]The alpha’s tone was gentle, yet held its superiority as the pack’s alpha. Rosebark was one of their kinder she-wolves, and Leila appreciated her politeness.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]They didn’t have many Deltas, which is all the more reason Leila was more than happy to grant the position of Lead Delta to Phaethon. She trusted him, which was all the more reason to beg for him to be Alpha instead when he suggested the role to her. Leila still felt that Phaethon had more potential than she, but she trusted his choices. She knew that Rosebark would work well under him; she was kind and listened well to orders, another quality the alpha appreciated. It was only a matter of time now to see what the outcome would be.[/SIZE]


[ @Drumonkey ]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aura nearly jumped upon hearing Dru’s voice from behind her, her blue eyes wide in surprise before her tail wagged at the sight of her friend. “Hey, Dru!”[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] She greeted him happily, jumping up and turning to him. The she-wolf was pleased to see he was doing well after the time they had spent apart, and she had to admit that he had grown up as well - Time had done him well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]She had to admit that she had a crush on him when they were pups, and it didn’t feel any different now that they were grown. But she understood that he may have not felt the same, and she respected that. “I slept well, for the first time in a long time too!” She said cheerfully, giggling quietly as she shook her head, “The Epsilons here must be skilled at what they do… How about you? It seemed like it was hectic yesterday, I hope it didn’t stress you out too much.” She said in a concerned tone, tilting her head to the side.[/SIZE]

Rosebark tilted her head, her ears perked up. "I was worried about you, Leila. I had hoped that everything was okay and that you were following treatment as necessary. I know I don't work in that field, but it doesn't stop me from worrying!" Rosebark flicked her eyes to a rustling the trees, watching a bird flutter away. 

@Chaotic Pastel
Dru sat back on his haunches and scratched behind his ear as he listened to her talk. "Yesterday was hectic and I was stressed but we got through it and with new additions. You are quite possibly the best of them if we are going to be honest. I knew you had some skill at everything before and let me guess you kept that up yes?" 

Dru smiled a little at her then said "they will be as singing ranks soon, is there any rank you are hoping to get?" Dru asked knowing that as a child she had been good at most things and her family had been pretty good at teaching her a little about everything although he was unsure how much stuck and how much more she learned. @Chaotic Pastel
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Lakota rolled over on the leaves he'd slept on and stood up. The air was still foggy and crisp, the sun barely rising over the horizon. Shaking out his fur, Lakota started towards the clearing where most of the dens were. Temporary omegas had dens in the center of the territory because they were only pups or newcomers who had yet to be ranked. Lakota, on the other hand, did not have a den. He slept wherever he could find a place. Because Lakota wasn't omega due to awaiting a rank. He was an omega because he broke pack law and was demoted for it. The pack looked down on him now, saw him as dangerous, or unstable. 


Lakota arrived at the clearing, relieved to see no one was awake yet. Trotting to the Iota den, Lakota looked inside. His mother, Letta, lay sound asleep with the others of her rank. Satisfied that she was okay, he moved on to the Gamma den to check on his brother Colin. The adolescent male wolf was asleep on his back with his tongue hanging out of his mouth. Probably another dream about his future mate. Lakota snorted in wolfish laughter. Lastly, he checked on his sister, Nashoba, where she lay in the Zeta den. When he was satisfied that his family was safe and content, he darted into the woods.


Ever since he'd been demoted, Lakota spent the majority of his time in the woods. Sometimes he'd mess around in the river or take a nap on the sun rocks that made up the river bank. Maybe when he was feeling energetic, he'd chase around a few rabbits or a deer. He never ate food from the prey den. He always hunted down the smaller animals like squirrels and rabbits to feed himself. He knew it was against Leila's orders to hunt if you weren't a Selsa or a Gamma but Lakota did so behind her back anyway. His instinct was that of a Selsa, like his father. He couldn't just disregard it because she told him to. 


Arriving at the river, Lakota took a moment to drink before he climbed onto the rocks, twirled around a few times, and laid down.






Lycaon peered down from the ridge he was standing on. He'd been tracking a wolf for several days, wondering if it would lead him to a pack that might accept him. His hunger was intensifying and he was exhausted. He doubted he'd ever find such a pack but he had to try. It was the only choice the wolf had left. He knew the Alpha blood running through his veins wouldn't enjoy becoming a wolf of a lower rank, but he'd have to get over it. By the smell, size, and posture of the wolf Lycaon had tracked back here, it was a Selsa of average strength and speed, though maybe overconfident in his skills. The pack's general scent allowed him to gauge their age since establishment and he was relieved to find it was a rather new pack, with a fairly young and hopefully agreeable Alpha. 


Turning away from the edge of the ridge, Lycaon made his way down the small mountain he'd made a makeshift den on and began skirting around the edge of the pack. A trail made from his scent followed him as he searched for where on the territory the Alpha was. He could smell several different ranks, each of which got stronger and duller as he moved. The smell of meat--food--made Lycaon push himself faster. When he finally fond the Alpha, he was surprised to find she wasn't alone. There was another smaller she-wolf with her. Good. Maybe if a member of her pack was there, she wouldn't just immediately kill him. He watched them from behind a boulder for a moment, just outside the territory border, trying to get a feel for what the outcome of this would be. But, eventually he decided to just go for it. 


Lycaon stepped out from behind the boulder, quickly crossing the territory line before he could regret it. He stood there, motionless, in their path. His eyes met those of the Alpha head on, and he stared unflinchingly at her. Showing weakness would get him nowhere. The scars crisscrossing his body where his fur was shorter from years of abuse were easily visible in the dim, early morning light. The one over his right eye being the most prominent. 


Anxiously, he waited for her reaction.


Ikki awoken by the noise of early risers outside the Medical Den. She opened her eyes slowly, took a quick look at her surroundings. "Ugh, I must've fallen asleep after organizing the new stock." The she-wolf mumbled under her breath before letting out a huge yawn. Ikki stood up onto her paws and the proceeded to stretch out. She looked around at how neat the den was now due to her handy work. 'Yesterday's incident sure made a mess of things. Alas, it was all worth it seeing how Beau is still with us.' Ikki thought to herself and her tail began to wag in happiness, knowing Beau hopefully will be okay. With Beau on the mind, Ikki moved out of the den and looked around to see if there was any sign of Beau. 'He may still be sleep or walking around somewhere...' @MuffinRPs

Arthrn had no will to get up, but the meeting the other day about work was enough to convince himself not to sleep in too late. He woke up minutes after the sun rose, reluctantly opening his eyes. The Epsilon slowly made his way onto his paws and let out a yawn, smacking a little. He made his way out of his den taking a look around at everyone who was awake. 'Man, how do these wolves wake up so early.' He thought to himself and looked around for Fernis to see if he was ready to get started. 

Caeldori was up bright in early, ready to take on anything. The pup was full of energy before, but now incredibly stoic after becoming a temporary omega the other day. She rushed out of her den to start her day, first making her way to the prey. Once at the Prey Den, she saw the moose that was brought in and decided to take a piece of it. Not too much for the last time the pup was greedy, she had a stomachache and couldn't do anything all day. Caeldori shivered a little at the thought and dragged her decent sized piece back to her den. On the way to her den, the white pup noticed Kaga eating alone in his den. 'Hm, I haven't talked to others my age in a while...' She thought to herself and made her way to Kaga's den. "Hey there Kaga, mind if I join you?" Caeldori asked, tilting her head to the side. @Chaotic Pastel

Paethon laid at the entrance of his den, watching as everyone began to stir. It was another sleepless night, perhaps this one was stress over the new arrivals. He watched the Alpha feast before leaving with Rosebark on her tail. Paethon decided to train Kaga today, maybe show him how to catch a rabbit, so that he would be prepared for the Full Moon ceremony. Quietly, he arose and trotted over to Kaga's den. the Lead Delta noticed Caeldori at the entrance. Paethon stood for a moment before settling down in the grass to observe what the pups would do.


[SIZE=14.6667px]Leila was, needless to say,  a bit shocked at how concerned Rosebark was for her well-being; She didn’t usually expect others to care for her, despite being an Alpha and understanding her significance in the pack, but it didn’t stop her from throwing herself into danger when she needed to. She had to protect her pack, no matter what the cost. Her surprise was quickly covered up with a gentle expression which was followed by a warm chuckle, a black paw lifting up to gently nudge the white wolf’s shoulder in a lighthearted gesture, “You needn’t worry about me, Rosebark. Granted, yesterday was quite hectic, but I’m managing.” She said with a nod, looking ahead to see a rogue wolf in their way.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]The Alpha was quick to react, and swiftly moved in Rosebark’s way in defense; Again, her instincts to protect rather than be protected were always far ahead of her. Her crystal blue eyes gave a hardened look as they gazed into the rogue’s, as her stance was held strongly as an Alpha should. “Who are you, and why are you in my territory, rogue?” She said in a stern tone; Leila recalled when Lakota would harm rogues and newcomers, and held herself back from attacking on the spot. She had patience, which was all the more reason she was seen as a wise Alpha she supposed. But now wasn’t the time for thinking about herself. If this rogue had bad intentions, she prepared herself to defend her pack - Even if it meant death.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]Kaga was trying his best to chew down to the center of the bone to reach the marrow, but decided to go slower for his aching jaw’s sake. The pup was so focused on chewing on his little treat, that he didn’t notice the presence of another pup coming in his direction. Kaga jumped to attention upon hearing Caeldori’s voice, his ears pricking up in alert until he relaxed with a relieved sigh. “Whew! You surprised me for a second, Caledori.” The pup snickered, shaking his fur out before pawing at the ground near him. “Sure, I don’t mind!” The pup yipped happily, sitting back down.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]He spotted Phaethon in the distance and smiled happily at him as his tail wagged, before turning to Caeldori and tilting his head curiously. “Since we’re temporary Omegas, did you have any ranks you wanna train for?” The pup asked curiously, his tail wagging again.[/SIZE]


[ @Drumonkey ]


Aura couldn’t help but glance away in embarrassment, flattered by the compliment her friend gave her. “Well, I mean…” She started, sitting back and timidly pawing at the ground as she thought about what to say. Aura didn’t really consider herself all too skilled -- She just did what she had to do to survive, which was what her parents had taught her and her siblings in order to survive the harshness of a rogue’s life. Her tail curled up around her as she glanced up at the dawning sky in thought, before looking back to Dru.

“I guess you could say I still kept some of my skills,” She said softly, “I mean, I got better at tracking. Mother said I have a superb sense of smell, before she was killed…” Her eyes were cast away as she swallowed nervously, before looking back to him with a happier expression. She didn’t want to get him down, so she did her best to remain cheerful, “But I guess I could be a Delta, I wouldn’t mind the role. I could help hunt for the pack and keep everyone well-fed for when Winter time arrives, just like when we were pups!” She said in a sweet tone, playfully nudging him with her paw as she giggled.

Dru smiled and nodded his head "I'm sure you'll do wonderfully I'll make sure to talk to Leila to let her know you have genuine skill. I'm sure knowing we have a group of deltas with at least one addition who outs me at ease will lighten her load a bit and at the end of the day that is what I want for my Alpha." 

Dru looked down after he said that because he knew that Aura would sense something in his tone and he knew that it could be viewed as strong feelings of affection when it wasnt really affection he felt towards Leila it was respect and an almost familial bond. Dru knew Leila was capable but he knew she tended to shoulder all the burden by herself instead of sharing it with him.

Dru looked back at Aura and took about a minute before he realized he had been staring at her and her beauty. Dru immediately looked to the sky and said "so would you like to explore some of our territory with me today?" @Chaotic Pastel 
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     Beau awoke the next morning, wondering why he was in the Healing Den. Memories of the previous day flooded his mind. His ears flattened and he rested his chin on his front paws. He felt terrible, physically and emotionally. The white wolf whimpered slightly and his tail fell showing more sadness. He hated the feeling of heartache. The Omega really wanted to tell the Beta how he felt but he was just too shy. It was more than unlikely that he would be rejected so why force something that won't happen? He was a wolf interested in both wolves and she-wolves. How many wolves were like that, especially in their pack? It was completely normal to be interested in the same sex but he had a crippling fear of rejection which he knew would happen, "Screw today," He mumbled and closed his eyes, wanting to fall back to sleep.

[ @Drumonkey ]


The she-wolf noticed how he spoke about his Alpha - Who was now her own Alpha. Aura guessed that she would see more about Leila as time passed, and with the amount of time they had before the next Full Moon, when their ranks would be assigned, she would have plenty of time. Her tail wagged slightly at the thought that she helped Dru lay at ease, and she wasn’t sure why but she wanted to make sure her friend was far from troubles. Aura would be sure to do her best at whatever rank she was placed in, even if it wasn’t a Beta.

She couldn’t help but feel flustered when she noticed that Dru was staring at her, and glanced away in embarrassment as she timidly cleared his throat. Aura stood to attention once Dru spoke up again, tilting her head curiously as he spoke. Her tail wagged again, “I’d love to!” Aura giggled softly, her ears twitching.



Lycaon watched her, admiring her strength. Not to mention she was beautiful. Lycaon knew he'd never have a mate or family. He didn't deserve either one. Not after all the things he'd done. All he wanted, all he was prepared to ask for, was a home. A pack. He didn't even care if he ended up an omega sleeping outside in the rain and cold every night. But he could tell by her stance and by the look in her eyes that she wasn't going to just accept him easily. He needed a way to prove himself. 


He didn't respond to her words when she spoke. He was thinking of what to say back, or what to do to gain her favor. She didn't have to trust him right now. She just had to give him a chance. "Easy, Alpha," he said in his deep timbre. He looked at the young wolf behind the Alpha before turning back to her. "I'm not here to attack your pack. I have no bad intentions. My name is Lycaon. I seek a pack." Lycaon knew by her body language that she didn't believe. So, despite his instinct's protests, Lycaon did the one thing he never thought he'd do. He rolled onto his back and bared his neck to her in a show of submission. The actions revealed the newer, pinker scars on his underbelly and his throat. He stayed that way, hoping she would understand he was harmless to her pack; that his intentions were good, his desire for a pack true.


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Dru smiled at her enthusiasm and couldn't help thinking of the past when life was much simpler. Dru shook his head once more to clear it and stood up gesturing to the woods behind his den. "Let's go, the sooner we go the longer we can stay out and I can show you an area I like to go and relax." Dru then took off going at a trot so she wouldn't have to struggle to keep up with him.

After a few minutes of wandering with Dru pointing out a few areas that were either important for the pack or an area he had done something cool or silly when no one was looking. Dru quickly found himself relaxing and enjoying his time with Aura. Despite the meandering path they took it seemed like Dru was leading her somewhere and the closer they got the more leaves clumped together making it darker than it should've been. 
When Kaga jumped to action it surprised Caeldori and her instincts caused her to jump away into a readied stance. Her stance and ears dropped their stiff form when Kaga relaxed realizing that it was just her. "Sorry about that Kaga, didn't know you were so focused on your meal." The pup responded with a snicker of her own. Caeldori made her way near Kaga and circled the spot a bit before finally resting. 

The pup began to eat her meal while glancing around at the territory to see how everyone was doing. She hadn't notice Phaethon until observing Kaga's sudden happy reaction and glancing at where his eyes were last. 'Why is he just sitting there watching us? Hmm, he may want Kaga for something so I guess I shouldn't keep him too long then.' Caeldori thought to herself. Then, her attention was back on Kaga when he asked his question. "I really want to be a Beta so I can be the one the pack can lean on if Leila was away. Also, I won't have to take orders from anyone except for our Alpha." The adolescent replied, her tail wagging just thinking about her long term dream. "Alas, the dream is a little farfetched so I will settle for a Selsa. What about you Kaga?" @Chaotic Pastel

Ikki looked around the territory for a bit to no avail in finding Beau. She decided to head back to the Healing Den and jumped back, surprised to see Beau sleep there. 'I must've been really tired.' The Zeta thought to herself and made her way over to the Omega. Ikki poked him with her paw gently trying not to hit his injuries and tilted her head. "Beau, it's time to wake up. I need you to take some herbs so you can feel better." @MuffinRPs
     Beau whined and pulled his paw away, "Do I have to get up? I'm just done right now," He looked away from Ikki. He was feeling too many feelings. He just felt awful. Ikki was a smart, caring she-wolf but he didn't feel like doing anything even if it was to help him.
Ikki's ears bagan to flatten, her eyes showed concern for the Omega. "All I need you to do is eat two dandelions while I chew up some comfrey root to put on your wounds. Then you can go back to sleep." The Zeta explained and went to the supply area. "If you don't mind me asking, but what's wrong Beau?" Ikki asked before grabbing the dandelions in her mouth and placing it before Beau. "Is it about you-know-who again?" She said making her way back to the supplies and began chewing up the root. @MuffinRPs
     Beau whimpered and his ears and tail fell flat, "I want to tell him but I don't know how. I also have a fear of rejection which makes this 100 times worse. I'll eat the dandelions. It's better than dying." He spoke in a constant sad yet angry tone.
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Rosebark stood at her Alpha's side, holding her chest high and proud. She narrowed her eyes at the newcomer, but quickly widened them again at his signs of submission. She crouched down low, sniffing the air and smelling no other wolves in the vicinity. He was alone, for now. She crept in front of Leila, ready to jump I between her and the rouge if need be. The Alpha was to be protected at all costs, and Rosebark knew this. She would not let Leila die because of some rouge.

@Chaotic Pastel @Victoria Bradley

((Sorry for the late response. I didn't get any of the tags of your posts... :(  ))
[ @Victoria Bradley @RomanticDaffodil ]

The black she-wolf observed the stranger with a steady gaze, and was pondering in her mind as to what she could do if he were to attack. However, what he did next was completely unexpected. The Alpha was, needless to say, surprised by the rogue’s sudden gesture of submission; Just as Leila was about to speak, Rosebark stood in her way. Her blue gaze hardened again in a strict manner as she gave a quiet yet stern bark towards the white wolf as she used her paw to gently usher the Delta behind her. “Rosebark, I can handle this. Thank you…” Her voice was hardened to not look too gentle in front of the rogue in case he was a threat. She noticed the scars along him and sighed quietly.

Leila decided to add some gentleness to her voice, but it still had a cold undertone to it as she circled about the rogue, awaiting any attack that he may have had planned; She was testing him, as she did with many rogues before him. The Alpha then stopped, and glanced between the rogue and Rosebark, before nodding to him to rise up again. “Well, what do you want?” The she-wolf questioned, still keeping a strong stance in front of Rosebark to defend her if the need arose.


[ @Aero @Chaos Follows ]

Kaga’s gaze wandered in thought at Caeldori’s question, and he took the moment to scratch behind his ears with a happy wag of his tail. “I wanted to be a Selsa at first, but… I’m considering being a Delta.” The adolescent went back to chewing on his bone as he spoke, “We don’t have many of them, and I trust Phaethon. If being a Delta means I can still serve a good purpose to the pack, then I’m content.” The pup nodded with a goofy snort of pride in his answer; Needless to say, it was the closest he’ll probably ever get to sounding ‘mature’ at this age.

“By the way,” He started again, his tail wagging with a cheerful sincerity, “I think you’d make a good Beta when we’re older!” Kaga stated with a firm nod, his ears looking similar to a rabbit the more they stuck up in attentiveness.


[ @Drumonkey

Aura was more than thrilled to be on the tour of the pack with her best friend, and occasionally pulled a joke or playfully nudged him just for the fun. For the first time in awhile, she’d forgotten about the sorrow the loss of her family had brought upon her. Though she’d had to admit, Dru was surely a handsome wolf since their puphood; She was certain that her crush as a rogue pup had remained, and it honestly made her confused if anything. Would it be appropriate for her to tell him? She doubted it, he probably didn’t feel the same way… Did he? She wondered, catching herself accidentally staring at the Beta for too long as she looked elsewhere and towards the leaves that suddenly created a darker atmosphere around them.

“Hey, Dru,” The she-wolf asked in a curious tone as her head cocked to the side curiously, “Where are we going?” Her voice grew softer, reaching a playful whisper as her head lowered as though pretending to hide from something. A coquettish giggle left her as she followed close to his side, acting scared in an obviously teasing manner.
Crow blinked at the sunlight and muttered to herself, rolling over before eventually rising to her paws to pad out of the den. Something smelled new, or at the very least not her and not the rest of the pack, and she spied the source on his stomach, being circled by the alpha. The omega- (she'd have to get used to the new title)- tilted her head, watching the exchange. She'd never shown her belly to anyone like that and wondered how hard was Leila being on the rogue for him to show such submission. 


Lycaon knew she was testing him. It was obvious. When the younger wolf stepped in front of the Alpha, the older rogue wasn't surprised at the Alpha's reaction. Alpha's didn't take lightly to not being in control. He knew that better than anyone. But against his will, he stayed on the ground. When the Alpha began circling him, Lycaon knew he was being tested. His eyes followed her and she watched him, but he knew the moment she began to relax. Her voice and posture softened slightly and she urged him to stand up again. 


"Well, what do you want?" she asked. Lycaon shook out his fur before turning to her. "I swear to you, I am not a threat. Not to you, or your pack. I simply seek a pack to call my own."


Dru smiled and said in a quiet voice "I found this place a few days after I joined the pack and I am one of the few peoplE who actually know this exists but I mainly use it for a place to escape,  to my knowledge only Leila has been her and it has been maybe twice. You're one of the few people I've brought here." Dru then seemed to didapper as he let into what looked like a solid wall of leaved and vines. She could hear some movement from the other side and  once she passed through the dense vines she found herself in a small sort of clearing with a hole in the canopy letting in more light than the previous forest. In the clearing were plenty of flowers and some medicinal herbs growing wildly. Dru laid on his back in the center of some grass that was extra springy. "Well old friend what do you think?" Dru asked before his tongue lol led out as he relaxed fully. 

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