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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

OOC: That is it, I have to include this guy!

Hunter {Eighteen} The Wolves Member

Hunter winced as his jaw was attacked. "Stop!" He begged, his senses becoming distorted as Stallion punched him mercilessly. "Kobra sent me, to do a job." He was a new member and was not very welcome in the gang, so he had to prove himself and do Kobra's dirty work. "He wants to see the local competition." He explained, afraid of being attacked by the members.
"Local's competition, huh?" The italian light himself a cigarette, but not with the intent to smoke it.

Furiously walking toward the intruder he took his jaw in one of his large hands, holding the cigarette very close to Hunter's eye.

"So tell me, are you the one who did this?" He asked in the most calm of tones, the warming smile on his face as fake as rain in China.
Red clenched her jaw and leaned down into Hunters face, brushing aside the cigarette. "Listen here, kid. Do you know what happens to people who mess with The Blood?" She smiled viciously, placing one hand on his jaw as she gently tilted it up towards her, leaning in to whisper in his ear. "They tend to end up dead, at the bottom of the river." Suddenly she kicked him back onto the street in anger, pinning him with her foot. "So if I was stupid enough to be you, I would tell us what we want to know."
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He levelled his glare on Red, she had gotten too 'friendly' with him.

Coriolanus simply walked around the man, expressing his thoughts in a whisper to the red haired girl. "Do not ever brush me aside like again."

The third in command crouched, taking Hunter from the neck of his shirt.

Red nodded and stepped back, allowing Coriolanus to interstate Hunter, retreating to a respectful distance as she folded her arms and glowered down at the frightened enemy.
OOC: Food is a good distraction...

Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

The girl raised an eyebrow as Red brushed Coriolanus aside. "Hey, just because you are one of us does not mean you are one of us. Learn your position, there are still many people you do not fucking know." Artemis then turned to Hunter and Coriolanus where Hunter shook his head and mumbled something about The Wolves.

"And they are?" Artemis had never heard of such a street gang name.
He walked in a low cyrcle around Artemis and Hunter, trying to gather as much information as he could.

"I've never heard of them, probably some new gang. Many want to take our place." The italian spoke calmly, feeling himself sober again.

Casually observing his stilen silver ring, the eighteen year old made a suggestion. "We could take him as an hostage so that his gang will show up, but I doubt he's of any importance. Best thing we can do is beating up for good and sending him back with a message, or kill him and put his body in a place where we'll sure they'll find it, but that's a little risky."
Red nodded, stepping further back. "I'm gonna go search the area for more intruders." She nodded tightly before sprinting off, not caring how suspicious she looked, not pausing to look back as she dashed away, swallowing sharply.

She dashed around a corner in a sharp turn, before grabbing onto the building and climbing the rough stones. She settled onto the roof, searching the area before plopping down in a corner, and suddenly tears began to pour down her face. She tucked her knees to her chin and hugged them, pulling out her switchblade quietly.
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Junko, while it seemed everyone was having some sort of drama going on, was enjoying a nice sweet time at home. Obviously she wasn't doing nothing though, as she was busy licking her finger to help count through the fives and tens she was paid for the last big deal she took part in. She was handling money like she had been employed at a bank for the past few years of her life. Of course whenever her family would walk past her room in the hall, she would have a plan to hide the cash and small baggies of left over stock. She was pretty content with herself; up until she realized she was shorted cash and was down about fifty dollars from what she shouldve. This is barely pocket change to her, but she still was taken advantage of; like she had always done to others, and this set her off. She stood up from her chair and packed her shit away, and decided to go out and get what shes owed one way or another.
The third in command followed Red's silhouette as she left, and sighed.

Yet another person he'd snapped to.

Coming close to Stallion and Artemis, he communicated that he would join Red in her patrolling. After all, what if there really was someone else?

He didn't doubt that the girl was more of capable of defending herself, but who knew what kind of people were in this Wolves gang?

He had been going up on the stairs, trying to listen for any sound that would indicate the girl's position, but found one.

But just as he had reached the highest level the italian heard a sound that could only be of someone sobbing.

Coming up the roof he searched around, until he turned one of it's corner and found her.

"Hey..." He said quietly, wondering if she had the intent to use that knife on him. "Sorry about earlier, hope you didn't take it personally."
Red angrily wiped away tears, staring at the ground. "I didn't take it personally, I'm used to it. It's just...nothing. It's nothing." More tears spilled from her eyes and she scuffed her toe on the roof. "I'm fine. You can go if you want." She mumbled, quietly rubbing her arm, causing her leather jacket to ride up, traveling scars and burns dotting her skin.
The italian's tongue traveled the inside of his cheeck for a few seconds, as he thought of what was the best thing to do.

Had this been a week ago, he probably wod have left her there, only thoughtful about the signs on her arms. Because they brought back too many memories. But now he was the third in command, and if he wished to keep that position he also had to communicate and earn the trust of the members of the clan.

So Coriolanus sat next to Red.

"You know, I'm afraid that I won't get respect. Inside this gang everyone knows what I'm capable of, but if I have a firm hand? No one is aware. Stallion and Artemis might leave sometimes, and I'm terrified at the prospect to be treated like a slob. I wanted to earn that respect through harshness, and I guess the others gave it to me today. I'm sorry if you were it's victim."

It wasn't entirely the truth, but he'd say anything to make the red haired girl stop cry, it made him feel like trash.

Not that he'd never made a girl cry in his life, but this time it wasn't about cheating or break ups, it was about the gang.
She let out a watery chuckle in response to his words. "I told you, I'm used to being yelled at." She shuffled in place, rubbing her arms. One hand moved to rest unconsionaciously against her stomach. "Im sure someone's gonna respect you, no matter how harsh you are or aren't. I haven't known you long, granted, but you seem like a good guy." She sniffed and fiddled with her blade, before tucking it back into her pocket sheathed. "I think you'll make a fine third in command. Sei una persona in gamba."

Hesitantly, she leaned against him slightly, seeking out some form of comfort.
"I felt the need to apologize anyway, no one should be used to that." He murmured, feeling a weird of mist of proudness and embarrassment at her compliments. "Grazie." The italian whispered, a slow smile appearing on his sharp features.

As soon as she leaned on him, his cold eyes seeked to move on her face, but the only thing he could see were her red hair.

At first unnaturally, but then in a comforting way, he let her rest against his chest, his hand running slow paths on her shoulder.
Red sniffled and hiccuped, before murmuring, "Thanks Cori." She sighed and snuggled slightly farther into his chest, her tears slowing. "And sorry for having to see me looking so gross and disgusting and probably getting tears all over your shirt and jacket." She let out another watery laugh. "You don't need to thank me for the compliments, they're true." Her voice lowered to barely be able to be heard. "I've met enough bad folks to know a good one when I see 'em." She relaxed into his chest, the soothing circles doing their job in soothing her.
"Not forgiving you, this jacket was stolen from quite the expensive rich-douche shop." He joked lightly, looking off toward the other skyscrapers.

The dark had taken over the day, and he could barely see the shape of his long legs sprayed out before him.

His eyebrows raised in surprise at her comment. A good guy? Coriolanus?

"Oh no, Reddy." The third in command laughed, his deep voice extremely raspy from either the smoking or the thirstiness. "There are no good guys here. Just bad guys who beat those badder than them."
"I'll steal you another." She muttered, glancing up at the view from the roof and the darkness creeping in. "And i disagree with you. You are a good guy. In another life, we probably would have been in better positions. But we're here now, living this crappy life the best we can." A light smile flickered across her features, before she wiped away the last tears. "Thanks for staying." She glanced up at him, staring up at the blue eyes. "You didn't have to, but you did anyway. Only good people do that. Prego non lasciarmi." She whispered the last part brokenly into the distance as her eyes glazed over.
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"Mh." He took her thinking in consideration, but just couldn't see it working.

He'd always been considered vicious, bad, wrong.

Once again his eyes travelled the lenght of his muscular arm to his left hand, on top of which the same usual scars seemed to be mocking him. 'Shit! I'll have to apologize to Artemis too later' he thought, biting his own bottom lip.

Hoping she didn't have noticed his movement, he changed argument. "Why did you join us anyway, of all cities, of all gangs, why this one?"
She shrugged, her eyes scanning the quickly darkening skyline. "I had a friend...more like a brother really. After I ran-I mean, once I was on the streets, he helped me out. We travelled around a lot, mostly sticking to the Italian districts since he knew Italian. One day he didn't come back and...well...he had always said...he used to say...'Non ti lascerò mai. Noi due contro il mondo.' But he just left once day and never came back. So I joined another gang to try and find something. I stayed in this city cuz...this is where we were last together. I guess I'm still hoping..." Her voice broke and a single tear slipped down her cheek before she rubbed it away.
"What do you know? Maybe he's searching you too. Maybe he'll join us tomorrow!" He said reassuringly, but wasn't reay sure if this guy was dead or in another gang.

"I've spent quite a lot of years in the italian district too, at some point you either leave or you join them." He mumbled, referring to the mafia.

Ooc: dinner brb
"Yeah. I know." She sighed, before glancing around once again. "It's dark enough, we could probably make our rounds without being spotted in case there is anyone else out there." She didn't really feel like moving, but her expression had gone back to the mask she always seemed to wear. She shrugged lightly, glancing at the Italian who had decided to comfort her for what seemed like no reason. "What about you? Why did you join?"

Ooc: it's fine, I have to leave in about thirty minutes anyway
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(Then I guess you won't read lmao)

The italian sighed deeply, shrugging only one of his large shoulders.

"When my father died some of his...followers, let's say followers, wabted me to take his place. But I was way too young, and didn't have nobody to guide me really. My mother kind of stopped talking to me so not much after his funeral I left Rome for London, with a rebellious cousin of mine. We mostly survived on drug dealing and stealing, until he got caught." The young man's lips twisted at the memory "I was terrified at the idea of being taken and sent back to Italy, so I got the first ticket plane I could and it was here, to America."

He still remembered wandering the streets with no money, no identity.

His surname Sallustri had died with his father, so he had it illegally changed to Malatesta.

"My english wasn't so great back then so I spent my time in the italian district, until a boss there pulled the same trick my father's followers had done of me and I left. But then I met Artemis, so casually, and she presented Stallion to me. And the rest of the story is kinda obvious."
"Heh. Guess things don't really work out well, do they." She moved her head to lean against his shoulder and shifted again. "I think...in the Italian district, there was this family that ran this little Italian restaurant. They always had freshly baked bread and all sorts of pastas and sauces. It always used to smell so good down there, with the baking and meals that always seemed to be around." She grinned, her face softening slightly. "One day some idiot ordered the wrong thing, and demanded another. The mom...she didn't want the food to go to waste, so she gave it to Shark and me." She chuckled softly. "What about you?"

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