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Realistic or Modern The Blood {Restart, New Characters Welcome}

Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis looked at Slim, tempted to give him a lecture on treating women with respect, but she saw his harmless expression and left his body blanketing hers for protection. She hated to skin Stallion, but he needed help, his anger simmered down and he left. Of course she knew where he was going as he took a few steps outside of the Grotto and disappeared. "It can not be here, Slim. It is gone like everything else." Artemis' voice trembled and her eyes became like glass but she was determined to hold the tears back.

All those memories were in the clutches of another person, even if Stallion and Slim refused to take part in entering in more items because it was childish, Artemis would stare at the beauty of the box and the items, each representing the personality of their possessor. A pocket knife showed others how Stallion was skillful, Artemis threw in a few necklaces, something she stole and covered up from the sellers with her pretty smile and Slim gave in a map, he had come from so far on his own and on foot and he only had the intelligence to survive alone.
Slim shook his head, wishing he had arrived earlier to even prevent it but everything was done now.

"I wish I had another drink when I came here." He muttered, he followed Stallion, leaving Artemis as she too was in the process mourning.

He may be the ex third-in-command but he damn well earned the title anyway.

"If you are going where I think you are going, let me go with you." Slim said, determined to come anyway.

OOC: This reminds me of The Lakehouse, shit. You are putting it in aren't you!

If you do, I love you.

Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis clenched her fists and swallowed, her mouth dry. "Stay down here and do not fucking move." She was very angry and hoped a cigarette or two would help her. She was aware that what needed to happen wait until Slim and Stallion returned from their trip down memory lane, but leaving the group unattended for a minute or two would surely cause no harm, but it would if she stayed, she would probably kill someone. Artemis' boots
clanked! and she followed the staircase to open the door and reveal Coriolanus, in the middle of littered items.

"I need one." That was all she said before joining him, staring down at Stallion and Slim.

I really want to come, but fuck it... she thought.

OOC: Seriously... You ruined the damn surprise.
:) @BubbleBoo
Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

The leader narrowed his eyes at Slim, the man was now in his senses and seemed to be willing to revisit the memories. "Fine." Stallion then led on, going the long route because they had not been at their secret destination for such a long time, a year to be precise, and he became frightened wondering if that place was vandalized too. Brushing the tall grass out of his way, he looked upon The Lakehouse. An abandoned lake house which gave a beautiful view of the small lake and was prepossessing to look upon in the hot Summer nights. The three of the members would come here every once in a while to take in the scene and also calm down and think.

OOC: I remember the 'fire' incident. I was like, 'Selaria burnt a matchstick and threw it in, burning the place down was her intention.' and I even wrote, 'OOC: Nobody can turn it out, just evacuate your character.' and she came in screaming,' I put the fire out with water.'

She ruined a perfect storyline.
His eyes snapped open as a feminine figure burst into the door, but his expression returned to serious at her request.

Complying, he angrily exhaled the smoke through his nostrils.

Luckily enough she had not seen his "wild" side, that he tried to keep hidden.

Even if the italian felt slightly better, he was not calm enough to ask her if she had found the ring he'd slipped into her pocket earlier, so instead he stayed silence and only observed with the corner of his eye Artemis pretty's profile.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis shook her head after she grasped hold of a lighted cigarette. "He is going to kill them. Mercilessly." She whispered, memories flashing back to when Stallion killed the right-hand man in The Scorpion Troupe, he had inserted his blade through the man's chest, this went right through him. The frightening part was when Stallion kept on stabbing him even if he was lifeless, until he too was coated with a crimson colour.

She then put a hand in her pocket and found an object touch her fingers slightly, pulling it out she found the ring she had an eye for in Coriolanus' 'bazaar'. She then looked at the Italian and raised an eyebrow, "I think you dropped this. Into my pocket. Good aim."
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Even if his humour was down he couldn't help but smile as he saw the ring.

"So clumsy of me. Keep it, you deserve a gift once in a while." The italian commented in a deep and raspy voice, turning his own hand to observe the scars on it's top.

Unlike Stallion, he hated to talk about his wounds. He had't earned them in any bravery driven battle, nor in an accident in which he heroically survived.

Clenching his fist a couple of times, the italian resumed to a sigh, closing his eyes.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis took hold of Coriolanus' hand and placed the ring on his palm. "I can pay for it, you know." She insisted, she knew the safe was trashed but the money was still there because it was unopened. "You know you are nothing like Stallion," she concluded, watching him brush his finger on his top.

"You could just show me, I have seen Stallion's." She blurted out, curious. To Stallion, scars were trophies, to Slim scars were probably some mark you could treat with ointment.
"No, it's yours." He simply said, slipping it into one of Artemis' slim fingers.

The italian bit his bottom lip at her request, unsure. He'd never really opened up to anybody, anybody alive, and he feared he'd just disinterest her. So he lied, as his usual.

"Nah, they're nothing special. I got them as a child, playing with knives or something."

He avoid cringing, hoping Artemis would ask no further question.

The truth would burn that little bit of calm he was keeping in that moment.
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis curled her fingers and glanced at the ring, she thanked him and then shook her head as he refused to show her.

"I know a lie when I see one. I lied I liked my new stepmother, I lied that my stepsister loved me and I always lie when I say I am fine. It is okay to show me, if you want to. I have nobody to tell." Artemis shrugged, looking across at the town's lit up street signs.
He moved his eyes calculatingly on her form, and frowned.

"Do you want to know the truth? Alright." He hissed, walking in front of her.

The general atmosphere of insanity which had formed after The Blood found out it's base wrecked was contagious, and he couldn't help but be infected. He'd never hurt Artemis, of course, but he felt an unexplainable rage inside of him.

"My father did them, happy now?" He stopped a feet in front of her, his chin slightly lowered as he looked down at the second in command.
Red dashed through the streets, angry and looking for an outlet. She could pick a fight with a nobody, climb to the roof, or run. Just run. What she always did when things got bad. She slowed, before sprinting in a half circle and pushing herself faster, bursting back into the building. She paused, before slowly climbing the steps to the roof. A place she had always found sanctuary when she had a home before, although that wasn't that good of an example of home or family or care. She pushed open the door, only to see the fighting match outside.

"Hey...HEY!" She angrily pushed down the tears that threatened to break through at seeing her new family fighting like this. "We need to get along here so we can kick the asses of whoever did this!"
Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis looked up at Coriolanus, taken a step back at his vicious snarl. "I did tell you that you did not have to." She whispered, before the door burst open to reveal Red jumping to conclusions. This newbie seemed too enthusiastic, this annoyed the small girl incredibly.

"I can not even bloody smoke in peace." Artemis sighed, breaking away from Coriolanus' death stare. "They can not be far away, those fuckers." She referred to the vandals. "We were away for an hour, possibly less and with that amount of time the safe was destroyed but not broken into, because it is expensive and a good quality safe. The stools and tables could have been broken within a minute for each one. There was a group of more than five who also carried guns." She concluded as she remembered the mark of the bullet where it must have bounced off on the safe, attempting to bust it open.

Artemis learned all of this from Slim, a person who says he has a 'sharp' eye. She learned quick and possessed the new skill of finding out the events of things and when they occured.

OOC: Yes, I was in that hell-hole. Ofsted came so I put on darker lipstick and rolled up my blazer sleeves. I love first impressions.
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Red sighed, nodding as her eyes flared with anger and...something else. She gestured vaguely at the street and around the roof, before muttering, "Yeah, I'm...I'm gonna go...do...things." Her sentence tapered out as she turned to leave, her hand resting limply on the door.
He moved his icey gaze on Red as she burst the door open, not caring to worry about what she might have thought of himself and Artemis so close.

Instead, he passed an hand on his jacket to smother it's ripples, calmly walking near the roof's side.

A step to the left and he'd die, how simple could that be?

"Don't you get it? There's a spy inside, else who would have known we were leaving the grotto unguarded?"

Coriolanus resolved to throwing the end of his cigarette in the abyss, his gaze only glancing at Red before searching Artemis'.

His feelings were mixed: perhaps he had reacted too harshly. After all, she didn't force him to speak. Later he'd have to apologize.

But with the alcohol still in his system and the rage flowing through his veins right now, he could only stare at her form.

The third in command couldn't help but appreciate that dress of hers even in such a situation.
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Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis nodded but then narrowed her eyes at the street's pavements, littered with cans and packets which once contained food. "I doubt there is a spy, more like the enemy is closer than we thought." She the looked up to the building opposite them as she saw a vague flash coming from the window. The small girl then felt her breath quicken as she could hear a door shut in the distance. "Get, everybody downstairs." Artemis said to Coriolanus, "Now!" Stallion was not here but she knew what to do.

The Grotto was installed with a gun in every room, you would shoot this gun up hight into the sky where coloured dust would escape and form a cloud of brightness. Doing just that, she witnessed Stallion returning back to The Grotto.
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He hummed, was her love for The Blood clouding her judgment?

Coriolanus didn't know, but he would stop from expressing his suspects with her, but couldn't help the idea reach his mind.

Perhaps one of the soldiers that had joined were actually from other groups? Even Red could be a suspect. His eyes lingered on her as she left. Most likely not, the italian had spent most of the evening at her side.

His suspects fell on Slim, who had every reason to betray them now.

His attentions were broken by Artemis yell, and he confusedly obliged, quickly walking down the stairs. As he saw a familiar red hair going down the stairs, he called for her.

"Red, help me get everyone we can downstairs!" He commanded the younger girl.
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Stallion {Eighteen} Gang Leader

Stallion turned around to find Dirk following them, the member was a little clingy but he was unable to be social with others, so Stallion did not judge him. About to order Dirk to return back to The Grotto he found a cloud of blue launch into the sky and this came from the direction of The Grotto. "Come now." He cried as he sprinted, coming to a halt, he the found a man escaping from the opposite building. Upon Artemis' cries from the roof, he captured the man and gave him a few hard punches.
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Red's head snapped up as Coriolanus spoke. "What's going on?" She sprinted back up, yelling, "Where is everyone? Slim! You have to get downstairs, now!" She paused, before running around to find him. "Slim! Slim!!" She paused on the steps once again, glancing around frantically. "Can someone tell me what the hell is going on!?"
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Artemis {Sixteen} Second-In-Command

Artemis sprinted down the steps and pushed everybody out of the way, breaking the bond between Red and Coriolanus as she ran.

Entering the cold atmosphere outside, she laid eyes on a man who had already received bruises. "He was at the building opposite us, he took a video, pictures, I am not sure!" The small girl pulled his hair up, bringing his head jerking back. "Who do you work for?" She asked.

"Kobra." Was his reply.

"I need your name." She snarled, her grip becoming harder, she then heard him wince.


OOC: I need someone to play this guy, I made a tab for enemies' characters and the link to that page is in the OOC topic.
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"Go get him." He hissed after Artemis ran through then, also reaching the place where a crowd had gathered. Pushing others aside, he made his way toward Stallion.

"I suggest we get the others out, this won't be a pleasant show."

He whispered to his leader, fearing that Stallion would scare them with his violence.

He observed Hunter with disgust, but reached to touch the second in command's shoulder anyway. "Let's calm for a minute, alright?"

In the instance of time he said this phrase he had slipped his knuckeduster on, and as soon as it was over he delivered a punch to the unknown man's jaw.

"Now that's better." He smirked, feeling satisfied. If this guy had anything to do with the wreckage, punches would become the last of his problems.
Ooc:I'd be glad to play him, could you pm the link tho? @Chocoholique

Red watched as Artemis raced past him, before sprinting down the stairs after her only to find a broken looking man lying on the street. She glared hatefully at the teenager, before glancing at the rest of the gang gathered around. "Is this him?" She spat venomously, glaring hatefully down at the intruder.
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