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Fantasy The Beginning Of The End(Open)


May 9, 2026

The world is ending. I know it is. So many of us have died. It started with an announcement that a part of Nebraska would be quarantined. But the plague leaked out somehow . Now my mom's dead.
And I'm crying. I'm done writing. Anyway, people are eating each other. I have to go.

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"What's this?" Lilly wondered, picking up a piece of paper. On it writing, directions to a safe house near by. She ran a hand through her short hair, grinning. "That's good, isn't it," she said aloud. Her voice echoed through the empty room. She scribbled the directions on a piece of paper near by, leaving it for the next person. She picked up the gray baseball bat and left, pulling up a mask with the bottom half of a skull on it. The morning was cool, and snow crunched under her combat boots. Loose ammo clinked together in on of her pockets. Before long she began to hear a second set of footsteps close be hind her. As she turned she saw nothing, but a flash of someone darting off behind a wall. "Who's there?" She called.
FireMaiden said:
"What's this?" Lilly wondered, picking up a piece of paper. On it writing, directions to a safe house near by. She ran a hand through her short hair, grinning. "That's good, isn't it," she said aloud. Her voice echoed through the empty room. She scribbled the directions on a piece of paper near by, leaving it for the next person. She picked up the gray baseball bat and left, pulling up a mask with the bottom half of a skull on it. The morning was cool, and snow crunched under her combat boots. Loose ammo clinked together in on of her pockets. Before long she began to hear a second set of footsteps close be hind her. As she turned she saw nothing, but a flash of someone darting off behind a wall. "Who's there?" She called.
He hides behind the nearby building, trying to slip away unnoticed. Why did you try to get so close? Idiot. He buries his back into the rough wall, trying his hardest to fall completely silent.
She grew suspicious, and stepped closer. Narrowing her eyes. "I'll ask again, who's there?" She repeated her self. "If your living I won't hurt you," she said softer. Getting no response, she walked the the corner and was ready to swing but stopped. A person was hidding.
He turned his head towards her and instantly flinched, falling backwards. Shit. I don't want to die, not like this. Not now. "D-don't kill me." He stutters out, his breathes shaky from fear.
She lower the bloody bat. She smiled softly, "I'm not gonna kill you," she said, kneeling. The boy was terrified, and he probably should be. Her face was covering in blood and like most hostile people, her hair was short. "What your name? And how old are you?" She asked sweetly.
He pushes himself back a bit, feeling small. He looks up at her with a questioning look. "Don't lie. I k-know you're going to hurt me." He kept his eyes on her, trying to read her expression and see if his assumptions were true.
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Sighing she sat down next to him. "I know your scared but please I'm really not going to hurt you," she said. She hated that he was this terrified. She pulled something out of her front pocket, a protein bar. "Here, eat," she said handing the bar to the boy.
He stares at her for a moment, softening up a bit. He sits up and waits a moment before taking the bar from her hands and stares at it. don't trust her. was the only thing echoing in his mind, but for once, he was fighting the urge to run away.
"I'm Lilly Ann Taylor, Just call me Lilan or Lilly," she said, smiling. She reached in her front pocket again and pulled out another protein bar. She unwrapped it and took a bite, cringing as she did. "I hate these things, they're a good food resourse, but they taste horrible," she said through a stuffed mouth. She pulled a flask out from her boot, and took a swig from it. "If I ate some you can, they aren't poisoned,"
Chel smiled from her spot behind a tree. People. Kind people. She took off her backpack and slipped her knife in it. Warily, she zipped it closed and stepped out, hearing the snow crunch beneath her boots.
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Looks at you and nods slightly before unwrapping the bars wrap and taking a bite from it. After a few tough chews, he opens his mouth to speak. "Kaden." He whispers. "I'm Kaden." He goes back to eating his protein bar, still a little on edge and keeping his distance.
Lilly smiles "Well, it's nice to meet you Kaden," she said, taking another bite of the protein bar. She then took out a cloth and poured a little bit of vodka on it. She rubbed her face with it, cleaning off the blood and dirt. This exposed a few scars and bruises. "That's better," she says, looking around the corner.
He looks down at his old, torn boots and then back up at her. He stares at her for a moment, unsure what to think. "Are you alone?" He asks, not sounding as confident as he intended.
Chel grabbed one of the backpack straps and threw it over her shoulder. She played with the corner of her jacket, near the zipper. She could feel her palms begin to sweat so she rubbed them on her pants and went back to fiddling with the corner. She hid back behind the tree, suddenly unsure. Like it matters if I hide, they must of heard me...
Lilly sighed, "Unfortunately, yes, I have been since the beginning," she then smiled,"No matter though," she peered back over the corner, "You out there come join us, no need in hiding," she called. She looked back at Kaden, just now taking her rucksack off her shoulders. "Kaden you can ta along with me, or you can be by yourself, you have a while to decide,"
He ponders it for a moment, then nods. "I'll think about it." He says quietly, then peers around the corner to see who she was talking to. you know better, Kaden. Don't go with her, don't go with anyone. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his mind and stared out at the tree.
Chel sighed. "I knew it didn't work" She told herself as she came unhidden from the tree. Embarrassed, she joined the two and stood there awkwardly. "I'm sorry to bother but I overheard you talking about 'tagging along'. I'm interested." She fiddled with her hands anxiously. "My name is Chelsea, but I prefer Chel."
He silently examines her, looking all over for any hidden weapons. He looks from Lilly to Chelsea, unsure of what to do.
"I'm Lilly, nice to meet you," she smiled. Openin her ruck sack she pulled out a bag of jerky, three bottles of Gatorade, and some twinkies, she handed a bottle to each person "Dig in, I got plenty," she nodded to Kaden and patted the ground infront of them for Chel. "You can call me Lilly or Lillian, I don't care which," she said leaning back.
Kaden looks down at the water bottle and then back up at the two girls. What are you getting yourself into. He bites his lip and gives in, taking a sip from the water and sitting down, leaning against the wall.
Chelsea felt her mouth water. "Thank you Lilly! I don't remember the last time I had a Twinkie." She unconsciously grinned at her childish statement. She sat down and ate a Twinkie slowly, savoring every bit and periodically took sips of her drink.
He unknowingly stares at them, pondering what he should do. His thoughts were cut short by the sound of nearby shuffling across the icy surface.
"No problem. This is gonna sound weird but have you guys heard anything about a military troop under the command of a Lt.Smith?" She asked, taking a sip of the orange drink. "See, I have a friend there that I want to find but every one I ask always yell and tell me 'those pigs are better off dead'," she chuckled. She knew the military weren't the best people at the moment, but they were doing as they were told, most of them wouldn't do stuff like this anyway. They were taught that helping people was number on priority, but most people just feel abandoned by them. But she didn't have time to get an answer because she heard the shuffing too.
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He widens his eyes at the mentioning of the name, but covers his shock up as he stands and faces the direction of the new founded enemies. He looked over at Lilly, tilting his head slightly.

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