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Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

Dante stood over the body Macaber. His nemesis had finally admitted defeat. "Macaber Insomnia letting you go would only cause greater suffering to this world and yet..." Dante shook his head to clear his head. His mortal enemy was laying defeated in front of him. It was Dante's duty to strike him down and kill him. So why? Why did his sword hesitate? Why did his spear quiver in doubt. It felt like the gods themselves did not wish to kill him. Was it because he had seen enough death? That had to be it.  "Take your army of darkness with you and return to the hell you call home. You are here by banished from the realm of mortals. If you ever return you will pay with your pitiful life. Now begone foul wraith." His voice had softened as he spoke. He owed to much to this being in front of him. Macaber had granted aid to Dante several times. At Winsa and Coln. He had caused the deaths of thousands yet his sense of justice would not allow him to fully kill the wraith.

Aimar had Kindroth pinned down, the intense heat of his attack gradually melting the stone beneath the God of Justice. He prepared for one final enhancement to his attack, one that could finally break Kindroth's shield. Then he sensed several things at once. The Emperor dead? The Archpriest wounded? Alderon's casting a spell? He turned to look where the Emperor was standing, and he saw that one of his Archpriest's elites had finally brought the fool to his death. Then he realized what Alderon was doing. He had someone connected to him nearby, someone of whom he could grant a great deal of power to. Yet how? He looked towards the source of the magic, and then he figured it out. A descendant? Surely something could not have been possible! It was then that his spell faltered, and Kindroth dashed forth at his opponent, driving his sword deep into Aimar's stone chest. Staggering backwards, and roaring in a mixture of pain and rage, Aimar quickly de-materialized, bursting into flames and knocking Kindroth away; his sword falling to the ground. He then teleported across the courtyard where he re-assumed his form. Aimar prepared for the worst, Kindroth and Alderon, certainly not a fight he had hoped for.

@Doublez @Vorar @Dante Verren
The Isle Of Theredas - The Year 131 Of The Second Era

The Wraith King gazed deep into the eyes of Dante in a moment of silence before he turned around and looked at the Lexicon at the moment that was still hanging above the ritual table, engulfed in green flames. Macaber let the magical cube levitate towards him and it eventually gently landed on his left gray hand. He raised his left hand with the Lexicon in it and held it in front of the Archpriest of Kindroth: "Use it -- do not destroy it. It will be vital to understand -- the wars to come." He said, and as he did, his physical form completely turned into a green mist that vanished after several seconds. Dante no longer felt the wraith's presence in Atria, but he was not destroyed, of that the Archpriest was sure. The Lexicon now levitated in the air in the exact same spot where it laid on the masked being's left gray hand. The Spirit Ichor blade of the Wraith King had vanished into thin air just as its creator, and the same fate occured to those above the Shrine of Decay.

In the courtyard of the inner city and the great hall of the Obsidian Citadel, the Dremora Valkynazes and the Xivilai Battlemages were slaughtering the men and women of Atria one by one, until they suddenly all stopped fighting. They kept their weapons and spells in their hands, but made no use of them. An unearthly silence had befallen them as each and everyone of them realised what had occured benearth their feet. In silence, each Dremora and every Xivilai was engulfed in green flames and vanished into thin air, leaving the mortal plane. The last of them to go was Lord Anhaedra, who had been surrouneded by the Royal Guard of the late Atrian Emperor, but he too vanished before the Emperor's protectors were able to have their revenge. Everything on the battlefield that had belonged to the Wraith King vanished, the armor and weaponry of the Dremora and Xivilai, even corpses of the former and later.
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Dante sighed heavily and fell to his knees as his strength left him. He had given everything in that fight and now he was completely exshausted. The spear and sword had reverted to normal staff form and they lay next to him on the floor. Dante silently stated at the lexicon as it floated there. He felt a pull towards it and he extended his hand. As soon as he wrapped his hand around it something happened. He was hit by a surge of energy unlike any he had felt before. He felt as if his body was being torn to shreds and then blackness. 

A brilliant light that was mixed of gold,greeen, and red exploded from the Citidel. The exsplosion shook the foundation of the battle itself as even the gods were forced from their feet. Slowly a large white clawed foot stepped out from the great doors. Next emerged a head and soon a body. At the doors to the entrance stood a large white a gold dragon. In its right hand it held the staffs of light,life, and aimar. I'm its left it held the lexicon. The massive amount of power that circled through Dante's blood had changed him. His human form was destroyed and replaced with a stronger and more durable form. He had been changed into a dragon.
Aimar gradually came to the realization that the battle was lost, his undead would not be able to carry the fight any longer. Every further moment spent within this battle was now a moment wasted. Every further modicum of power utilized to maintain this battle was wasted. Theradas had been a great gamble, and he had lost. Or had he? He thought to himself, Kindroth was nearby, and technically so was Alderon, he could not kill them, not while they were together...yet perhaps they could be delayed long enough for the death of the Archpriest. The artifacts of Kindroth, Cyithrel, and his own Archpriest's weapon, and even the lexicon. One he had no problem letting slip, yet the others...perhaps ridding his foes of them could prove a boon later on. His time was up, surely they would react soon; he had to move now. He called down the dragon he summoned earlier, and through his telepathic link, ordered it to crash down on top of the transformed Archpriest of Kindroth as he exited the citadel. While Aimar launched a pyroblast at the ground just between Alderon and Kindroth, a blast built to ensure the largest possible concussive effect; to create a large shockwave, rather than deal damage. It was his attempt at the goal of incapacitating those two foes, even if only for a moment, to give him the time necessary to attempt to try and 'end' the Archpriest.

@Dante Verren @Vorar @Doublez
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Dante raised His scaly head to meet the incoming dragon. The gold trim that ran around his white scales flowed with power as Dante opened his mouth. A torrent of gold and green flame spilled fort hfrom his mouth raising towards his new foe. His grip on the artifacts tightned as he refused to give them up. The outer walls of the citadel shook as his tail lashed back and forth angerly. He was not going to lose no matter what it took.
*peter redcastle and his company have been figthing in the whole battle bravely charging and smahsing the enemy, they stand atonished at the spectacle, peter orders they start attaking The dragon with their crossbows at an attempt of helping Dante, hoping it is of some help*

Kindroth formed a shield of light before himself and Alderon's Avatar, blunting some of the blast, yet still he was staggered by the shockwave. Luckily Peter Redcastle's mercenaries had joined the fray to aid the Archpriest.

Aimar began preparing his next attack immediately after he had sent forth the pyroblast; and now he picked his targets. Stay the course and try to kill the Archpriest, or inflict yet a few more casualties on the Imperium. The dragon had failed in its attack, and was now swerving to the side, and flying back upwards in its move to escape the flames. Perhaps there was only one option left, throw forth his gambit, then disappear from this place. The thought of harassing the enemy from the skies flickered within his mind, yet he swiftly remembered the other Gods were now actively hindering him; that course was no longer an option. He looked straight at the odd and monstrous dragon. A dragon created from a human? What desecration of his work, likely Kindroth intended such as an insult. Yet no matter, the charade would soon be over. He sent forth a great and devastating ball of flame, what was a precise and focused spell quickly unraveled as it approached its target. Yet rather than weakening, or dissipating, it was designed to grow more powerful through its instability, as its weaving became more and more convoluted; for a moment, it seemed the flame could expand endlessly, and likely none would wish to know what it could do to any being it came into contact with.

@Dante Verren @Doublez @Vorar @Perghi
Dante Reared closed his eye's and focuses hid breath as light seemed to poor from his scales. The staffs of light and life glowed brightly, and even the staff of Aimar started to shimmer as Dante pulled power from it. His maw opened once again and a torrent of flame that was much large this time shot towards the ball of flame. This time the color of Dante's fire was a mix of gold, green and red. Through his flames Dane spoke. "Retreat now god of war. You have lost and your own artifacts bow before the combined power of light and life. Surrender while you still breathe."
Aimar's crackling laugh echoed around him. "You think you have won, Archpriest? Look around you, your people have fallen, your Emperor is dead." Then the Archpriest of Kindroth would feel a pulse of power from Aimar's staff, and a voice emerged within his mind. "Even more, you are poised to lose yourself." The power he had channeled from the staff now turned swiftly against him, as if it was trying to tear him asunder; it burned with rage, and dealt a pain unlike any the Archpriest would ever have felt before. Then it suddenly ceased, and the power within the staff seemed to almost entirely fade. Kindroth had driven his sword straight into the side of Aimar's stone head, the flames that engulfed his body gradually engulfed it, leaving nothing more than ash, Kindroth dropped to the ground beside where Aimar had been standing, and then with a shimmering glow, disappeared from the realm. The staff then completely sealed itself, locking away its power at its true master's command. Kindroth. A few moments longer, the undead continued their losing battle against the remnants of the Imperium's army, before the flames within their husks died out, as Aimar released them. 

@Dante Verren @Vorar @Perghi
As the last of the undead fell. Dante's eyes scanned the battlefield of death. He tilted his head back and let out a great cry. one that echoed with grief, and despair for the dead but it also carried the sound of triumpth. For the battle was over. Atira had won.


Gillan Llarethi
B A S I C S ~

NAME • Gillan Llarethi


Birthdate • 28th of Sun’s Dusk, TE 92 - The Atronach


SEXUALITY • Heterosexual


HOME COUNTRY • Morrowind

L O O K S ~

HEIGHT • 1.86 meters

WEIGHT • 80 kilogrammes

EYE COLOR • Crimson Red

HAIR • Bald


P E R S O N A ~


Intelligent • Wise • Cunning • Knowledgeable


Arrogant • Stubborn • Distrusting • Impatient


Gillan was an incredibly intelligent individual who possessed such a large amount of experience that he had become one of the last prized remnants of the previous era, especially when it came to both his wisdom and magicks. He had an iron will that was said to be impregnable and there were very few on Nirn who could break it for his tongue was a flexible and deceitful one, able to manipulate those around him without compromise. He was prideful, but he had a sense of duty and cared greatly for the greater good. He had a high sense of ambition, but it was fractured to a degree by a form of selflessness in him. He was a strict individual, but it kept him able to command those around him. He was devious when it came to achieving his goals and had a great curiosity when it came to both the happenings of the past, the present and the future.

O T H E R ~


In the year 92 of the Third Era, Gillan was born as the son of two skilled mages of the Telvanni in the city of Llothanis, the second largest city of the Great House, into the minor Dunmeri noble house of Llarethi. As an infant and young child, he was fed and cared for by the slaves that served his parents, but was later educated and given limited training to the arcane arts by the local teachers within the city. Llothanis was a bustling trade hub when it came to trade on both land and at sea. Tens of thousands of slaves would yearly be bought and sold on the city's roots and within its maze-like houses. It was also the regional capital of the Boethia's Spine region. When the young Gillan had reached the age of ten years old, he was separated from his parents and sent to the city of Port Telvannis, the capital of the Great House, wich was also the largest city of the Telvanni. There he was given an education that was only proper for a future sorcerer of House Telvanni. He was trained in every school of magic for the coming years. He was a diligent student and his natural talent as a mage was even more noticeable than that of others. His magicks were used in such an efficient, precise and destructive way that he even once caught the eye of the Archmagister of House Telvanni, Rilvin Dral himself during a training session. At the age of fifty-nine, Gillan's education and training had come to its end and he was allowed entry into Thel Thenim, the seat of the Archmagister, and was brought under the employ of Archmagister Dral as a mere searcher for knowledge and magical power, but it seemed Rilvin took a great fondness to him .

House Telvanni endured throughout the long years of the Third Era under the Septim Empire, despite their long House Wars with the Hlaalu. Gillan wandered the plains of Morrowind for many years and delved into ruins of an ancient past to uncover hidden power and knowledge, whilst loyally serving Archmagister Rilvin. He witnessed the events of the Vvardenfell Crisis and the Rise of the Nerevarine, whilst also watching the Fall of the Tribunal Gods. He participated in the intrigue of Port Telvannis and survived, proving himself an exceptional man of politics and manipulation. He was eventually made the battlemage of Thel Thenim and was the personal advisor of the Archmagister who later rewarded him for his service with the powerfully enchanted blade known as Soul's Hunger.

In the year of 411 of the Third Era, Archmagister Rilvin Dral suddenly perished away what seemed to be a stroke, but some speculated it to be a case of Coprus, nonetheless, his body was quickly brought to rest as it turned into ash. But with the sudden death of the Archmagister, the Great House had to appoint a successor, but she made the system fall into chaos. Dral's successor was Ashila Neynan, a talented mage of a famed noble family, but whose ambitions and ideas weren't what the Telvanni had expected. Archmagistrix Ashila's stands were pro-Imperialistic and was eager to strengthen the authority of Mournhold's monarchy. Gillan lost the title of battlemage, but he remained a part of the household of Tel Thenim and his influence in Port Telvannis remained strong. For twenty years, a restless silence remained in Port Telvannis as the Parliament of Bugs, the ruling council of the Telvanni and the Mage Lords awaited what their new Archmagistrix would bring in the future, but the events in the Imperial Heartland of Cyrodiil soon shook Tamriel entirely.

In the year 433 of the Third Era, Emperor Uriel Septim VII and his three sons were all assassinated in the Imperial City during a festivity at the Imperial Arena. The Emperor was escorted out of the Tower of White-Gold by a small contingent of Imperial Knights who brought him to the infamous of the Imperial City with the hope to use its secret tunnel network to escape the capital, but the assassins were more cunning than they thought. The unknown assassins ambushed the Septim Emperor and his personal bodyguards in the sewers and killed the imperial sovereign. Without an heir to the Dragonblood, the Dragonfires within the Temple of the One darkened and soon the dreaded portals known as Oblivion Gates appeared throughout all of Tamriel, releasing their hordes of terror and destruction. One at Torval from which a huge Daedric horde would be unleashed, it completely slaughtered the inhabitants of the city and took the Khajiit capital for their own, only the Mane of Elsweyr was able to escape with a few members of his religious household. Tamriel was made aware of what was transpiring, but too late. At the city of Kvatch, the second largest city in Cyrodiil, an Oblivion Gate appeared as well and the Daedric army seized the city. Despite the city turning into a mere shadow of its former self, the settlement and the majority of its population were nonetheless saved by a figure known as the Hero of Kvatch. Later a devilish gate to Oblivion appeared at the Crystal Tower of the Summerset Isle and despite the grand efforts made by the Altmer to defend their most praised magical academy, it was destroyed.

In the Sacred East, it wouldn't remain quiet for long. The Sacred City of Swords, known more commonly as simply Vivec named after the Warrior-Poet, was suddenly besieged by the Daedra as well. Gillan also was part of the task force that the Archmagistrix had brought with her to come to the aid of the Holy City. The Battle of Vivec was later described in detail by Adaera Viraven, the Matriarch of the Tribunal Temple and the Archcanoness of Almalexia:

"Only a few days ago, the city of Vivec was besieged by a sudden onslaught of Daedra. As soon as the Gate appeared, it was attacked by multiple waves of siege weapons, that bombarded the city, as well as crawlers that drilled into the foundations of the Cantons. Within minutes, the Foreign Quarter was crumbling. The civilians had only begun to attempt evacuation as the city crumbled around them. A line of Ordinators was at the main gate to the Quarter, but as the Daedra advanced, they were crushed by the rubble of the collapsing canton. The Ordinators within the central cantons quickly evacuated whoever they could, but realised half the city would be felled, and half of their lives taken, by the time they could evacuate only one Canton. The duty of evacuation was then left to the Gondoliers of the city; they did what they could to bring the fleeing civilians to the mainland, though many perished. The Ordinators withdrew to the Cantons of St. Olms and St. Delyn, bringing anyone they could to the High Fane, meeting the battle-ready Clergy and one of the Imperial Legions to defend the city.”

“While the Ordinators and Priests, with a Legion as their rearguard, defended the remnants of the ruined city, the Archmagistrix of Great House Telvanni, Ashila Nenyan, arrived with a group of Telvanni Magisters, which promptly assaulted the Daedra with great magics, dwindling their forces quickly, and leaving them ripe for the still outnumbered soldiers to deal with. The High Fane had nearly collapsed itself. The Priests of the Temple went inside, and gathered many ashes, summoning Ancestral Spirits to defend their homeland. With their intervention, the daedric crawlers were halted, their drilling into the High Fane ceased, but only just as it was about to collapse. Still, the heroic Ordinators and Legion Soldiers pressed on, routing the rest of the Daedra, and driving their remaining siege weapons back.”

“The esteemed captain of the Ordinators, Relindrah Avethi, arrived at the city of Vivec shortly after the battle. Realizing that the city was completely in ruins, with all provisions snuffed out, or too little to share amongst a Legion and many Dunmer. She left the duty of guarding the ruined city to the Legion, leaving only a few Ordinators behind to scour the rest of the Daedra from the ruins. A majority of the Ordinators, the survivors who went to the High Fane instead of the surrounding lands, and the Priests, with many artifacts and Ashes brought from the collapsing interior of the High Fane, through a portal to the city of Almalexia.”

A few weeks later, news arrived from Black Marsh. The city of Stormhold had been attacked by a Daedric army that had come from an Oblivion Gate just two miles removed from the city. The Daedra were surprised attacked by a much larger horde of Saxhleel under the command of Raptor-Teeth, the Chief of Stormhold, who had received guidance from the Hist on how to protect him and his people from the enemy of the Other Side. The Daedric horde was successfully defeated by the Argonians and the enemy retreated back into their gate before vanishing from Nirn and returning to the Deadlands. In the North, the city of Daggerfall was attacked by a Daedric army as well and despite the efforts of its noble liege, King Justin I, of House Manves and his valiant warriors, the Knights of the Dragon, the settlement fell to the Daedra. The King of Daggerfall dared not to leave his men behind and therefore perished alongside them as the enemy captured the city.

King Helseth Hlaalu, the son of Queen Barenziah R'Aathim and General Symmachus, had left the throne of Mournhold and allowed the Imperial Hierarchy to appoint a successor to his seat. A close relative of Helseth, Rolora Hlaalu, once the Grandmistress of House Hlaalu, was appointed by the Elder Council and crowned Queen of Morrowind. Queen Rolora was a progressive monarch and was ambitious to expand her authority. So far even that she confiscate all property of House Dres, the Great House of the South, this was met with a great declaration of war. The Hlaalu Queen was supported by Orsimer, Saxhleel and Bosmer mercenaries, whilst also being reinforced by the bannermen of her Great House. The once great Indoril fortress of Old Keep was sacked by the Queen's mercenaries, the answer from the Great Houses and the Temple was one much stronger. In the grand city of Almalexia-Mournhold, Indoril-Temple forces assaulted the Royal Guard of the Hlaalu Queen in the inner city and locked them within the Royal Palace of Mournhold. The Grand Ascendant of House Indoril and the Captain of the Ordinators, Relindrah Avethi commented: With the betrayal of the Monarchy, her hand-picked Thugs shall be slain."

Meanwhile, the Telvanni had fallen into a civil war themselves. The Archmagistrix eagerly supported the cause of Queen Rolora, but the majority of the Mage Lords of the Telvanni had other ideas and rose up against their leader. The Mage Lord of Sadrith Mora, Vorar Ecuvaletion, headed for Vivec with his apprentice Mordastyr Hawkwing, a Breton from High Rock who was the heir to Anticlere, and his Bosmer retinue. They were aided by Relindrah Avethi and a small contingent of High Ordinators under her command. Master Vorar's plan was to infiltrate the Oblivion Gate at the city of Vivec that remained open and see if there was a way to close it. The Captain of the Ordinators, however, doubted that their plan would be a success and informed the Archmaster of House Redoran and Grand Magnate of House Dres of the plan, but this would be a fatal mistake. Archmaster Dralur and Grand Magnate Mavhas arrived at the ruinous city with a combined Dres-Redoran army. Despite the pleas and counsel of the Mage Lord, the forces of the two Great Houses entered the Oblivion Gate and engaged the Daedric horde within, but it did not take long or they were pushed out and had to fight for their lives. They were then reinforced by the Second Legion led by Legate Björn Stål who had held his troops in the slumbering ruins of the sacred city. With an extraordinary use of his magicks, Master Vorar managed to infiltrate the Oblivion Gate amidst the fighting. He defeated a Dremora Valkynaz, one of Mehrunes Dagon's mightiest of lieutenants, and was able to free a Knight of the Flame named Sir Argaan Silverthorn, a knight loyal to his apprentice's father. After all this, he took the Oblivion Gate's Sigil Stone from its pedestal and closed the portal to Nirn. In the end, it was Master Vorar's plan that worked, not that of his allies. But he was not hailed as the hero that he was, that only came just a few months later.

The Hlaalu Queen and the Archmagistrix of House Telvanni cooperated in a joint union against the three Great Houses of Indoril, Dres and Redoran, the Tribunal Temple and the Telvanni rebels. As the city of Almalexia-Mournhold was under Indoril-Temple control, Port Telvannis under the threat of an immediate Dres or rebel threat, and Narsis threatened by both Dres and Redoran, they were in need of a new base-of-operation. They choose the captured fortress of Old Keep. Reinforcements from Valenwood had been teleported to the fortification by the powerful magicks of the Telvanni. The Queen's mercenaries and sellswords later captured the ruins of Othrenis and continued to ravage the rolling plains of the Sacred East. The number of foreign mercenaries that entered Morrowind and came to the aid of Queen Rolora had grown to an incredible number, already reaching the number of roughly ten thousand troops, able to threaten the city of Almalexia-Mournhold itself.

In the northern territories of Morrowind, the Telvanni civil war carried on and the Archmagistrix was determined to bring an end to it by gaining the support of one of the mightiest and influential of the Mage Lords, Master Vorar Ecuvaletion. Many doubted that the Mage Lord in Tel Naga would kneel to the Hlaalu Queen and even Gillan Llarethi advised Archmagistrix Ashila against gaining the favour of Master Vorar to support the Queen, but she did not listen and headed for Sadrith Mora. Her lifeless head was found delivered a week later in a basket at the Royal Palace of Mournhold to Queen Rolora with the Mage Lord's words being carried by the wind: "Well, I took off her servant's head, now I will take off hers."

The Mage Lord of Sadrith Mora was determined to end the Telvanni civil war but crush the remaining royalists and be proclaimed Archmagister of House Telvanni by the Parliament of Bugs that resided in Port Telvannis. He sent his apprentice Mordastyr to the city of Almalexia-Mournhold as a temporary ward of Grand Ascendant Relindrah Avethi, whilst Master Vorar sailed for the capital city of Port Telvannis with several warships transporting large contingents of war-magi and sharpshooters. The colossal roots of Thel Thenim welcomed the Mage Lord and his troops with open arms and it took him a day to seize the defences of the capital and take control of its government. The Mage Lords who had first sided with Archmagistrix Ashila to aid the Hlaalu Queen now sided with the Ecuvaletion faction out of pure fear of Master Vorar who was famed for his incredible magical prowess. But the property of royalists and even former royalists were confiscated, some were even hunted down for execution on the charge of treason, and the household of Thel Thenim became filled with counsellors, spellwrights and sorcerers who had previously served either Rilvin Dral or Vorar Ecuvaleiton. Gillian Llarethi was given back his honorary title as battlemage of Thel Thenim and was made a lieutenant of the Ecuvaletion regime that was now seated in Port Telvannis.

As a lieutenant of the Ecuvaletion faction, Gillan was sent at the head of a task force of war-magi and sharpshooters to retake one of the last royalist strongholds in Telvanni territory, Gah Sadrith. The town was a valuable trade hub for the Telvanni and was ruled by the Altmer Mistress Eldale who was seated in the tower of Tel Darys. The assault on the coastal settlement was personally led by Gillan who commanded his troops from the front line as his magicks breached through the enemy lines. Once the war-magi and the sharpshooters had breached into the hallways of Tel Darys, Gillan Llarethi levitated into the air and landed on the roots of the tower where he encountered Mistress Eldale's personal battlemage and trusted lieutenant, the Altmer named Ultern. A grand magical duel began between the two battlemages with powerful magicks being unleashed upon one another. The barrages of magicks that Ultern wielded were much more powerful than those of Gillan, but the later made use of such a lethal precision and efficiency that it outweighed that of the Altmer and with a quick manoeuvre Gillan took his opponent off balance and cut him down with a mighty thrust of Soul's Hunger. From the Ultern's lifeless corpse Gillan acquired the Amulet of Seht's Warding before he raised his Ebony wakizashi to make his victory known. Inside the walls of Tel Darys, the war-magi overhelmed the household of the mushroom tower, even Mistress Eldale herself who was transformed into a mere pile of ash. A few days after the fall of Gah Sadrith, the last royalist stronghold of Tel Ouada fell into the hands of the Ecuvaletion faction's forces. The Parliament of Bugs declared Master Vorar Ecuvaletion, the Mage Lord of Sadrith Mora, to be the new Archmagister of the Telvanni and the Lord of Thel Thenim. Gillan Llarethi was made a temporary counsellor to the new Mage Lord of Tel Darys, Weikal Urenim, before he rejoined the war effort again a few weeks later.

A week after the last Telvanni royalists had been defeated, the Parliament of Bugs approved the financing of a House-wide campaign against House Hlaalu and the expansion of Telvanni territory on Vvardenfell. Archmagister Vorar let House Telvanni join the other three Great Houses and the Tribunal Temple in their war against the Hlaalu Queen, but his eyes were narrowed at the tactics and strategies used by the Redoran and the Dres hierarchies. In a few days, Telvanni war-magi and sharpshooters had captured the abandoned Dunmer fortresses of Telasero and Marandus before laying siege to the town of Suran, the Jewel of the Ascandian Isles, and the second largest settlement of House Hlaalu on Vvardenfell next to their primary seat of power, the city of Balmora. The Hlaalu garrison of the trade settlement was rather meagre and the town was captured just two weeks later, but the Telvanni forces remained to be stationed along the banks of Lake Masobi.

Reports then reached Port Telvannis that a large army consisting out of fifteen thousand Orsimer, Bosmer and Saxhleel mercenaries loyal to Queen Rolora were marching on the magnificent city of Almalexia-Mournhold with the intention on assaulting its colossal walls and re-establish royal authority. The capital was well-defended by Indoril-Temple forces, but it was a mere gamble if they were able to hold off such a large army on their own despite the strong defences the city had to offer. The information proved to be true and the mercenary army laid siege to the walls of Almalexia-Mournhold, but not for long. After a short period of preparing their assault, the mercenaries assaulted the great walls and gates of the outer city, but at that same moment, Lord Vorar Ecuvaletion, the Archmagister of House Telvanni, appeared inside the city with the forces of his Great House as they had used their magical circles to instantly teleport them in secret to their allies' aid. Gillan Llarethi was one of the senior lieutenants that were part of the Archmagister's army. The defenders vastly outnumbered the attackers in quality and the siege proved to be an outrageous disaster for the royalist cause. When the Siege of Almalexia-Mournhold had come to an end, Queen Rolora no longer saw any reason to continue the war and therefore abdicated her royal throne as she escaped the province and fled into hiding, never to return home.

An end was brought to the war, but also to the Oblivion Crisis as Martin Septim sacrificed himself by shattering the Amulet of Kings and became an Avatar of Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time, and personally defeated Mehrunes Dagon at the ruins of the Temple of the One, but this extraordinary feat cost him his life and he was forever frozen into a statue of lifeless stone. The Third Era had come to an end, and so the dawn of the Fourth Era had come as well. It proved disastrous for Gillan's home province. Red Mountain erupted and swallowed the entirety of Vvardenfell with ash, toxic smoke and waves of lava, during which, Archmagister Vorar went missing and was never seen again, along with his old master, Divayth Fyr. Just five years later, the Argonians of Black Marsh invade Morrowind and conquer its southern territories, even able to sack the cities of Almalexia-Mournhold, Tear and Narsis, but they were eventually stopped by the Redoran army. Gillan Llarethi himself saw no longer a reason to remain in Morrowind and travelled for the cold province of Skyrim and joined the College of Winterhold where he still had a few friends, though he always came to regret that he left the Telvanni and the Sacred East in general.

Gillan became a teacher at the College and taught his students the arts of Mysticism, but he was regularly annoyed by the weakness of his students' magical prowess compared to that of the mighty Mage Lords of the Telvanni. But he held calm and thought of the last days of the Third Era, of the pinnacle of House Telvanni's power and the strong unification that shortly existed in the province, before the Red Year ended it all. But only time will tell what now will happen to this battlemage.

SPECIALIZATION • Mysticism & Destruction

OTHER • As a Telvanni-Wizard, Gillan controls a lot more spells than anyone else at the College.


Robe of Alteration
(Fortify Magicka & Regenerates Magicks)
Amulet of Seht's Warding (Spell Absorption)
Hawkshaw Ring
(Detect Key on self)
Ring of Medusa's Gaze (Paralysis on touch)


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