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Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

The Isle Of Theredas - The Year 131 Of The Second Era

The Atrian forces pushed directly through the shield wall of the Undead Warriors as a hot knife through butter. The Undead would not break for a retreat for they were beyond knowing fear, but Archpriest Dante's spell had suddenly brought a sense of unwillingness to fight in the living dead. For some reason, the Undead in the courtyard of the inner city were left behind by their brethren as the huge and powerful gates of the dreadful fortress remained unmoved and no reinforcements would seem to come to their aid. Despite the numbers of the Undead dropping drastically, the foul creatures nonetheless were able to brutally kill quite a few troops from the Imperium themselves. The Archpriest of Kindroth and the Atrian troops pushed hard against the Undead line and they eventually even had them corned against the black walls of the citadel, it did not take long or the Undead threat in the courtyard had been silenced. Now the Archpriest and his men stood in front of the enormous gates of the fortress and it made them feel small. The gates were of an immense size, they were made out of steel and iron, it seemed impregnable. In the meantime, as the mercenaries of Alderon Stufalin had reached the northern fort, it seemed as if the place was abandoned and that there was no sign of the enemy, not even a single Undead threat. Alderon and his soldiers felt a sudden cold as if evil was still there and yet it seemed as if it had already been removed.

Inside the Obsidian Citadel, Anhaedra Volar walked through the great hall in silence as he could hear the slaughtering of the Undead forces in the inner city's courtyard, but it brought neither fear to his troops nor to himself. One of the Dremora Valkynaz's lieutenants walked up to him and asked: "What are your orders, my lord, want us to send a task force to intercept them?" The Dremora lieutenant asked, but an unorthodox smile only appeared on the face of the Daedric general. "No, we have the advantage of defending this impregnable citadel. We only have to hold those gates closed." He said, as the robed cultists of Aimar had just finished creating their magical wards on the gates to strengthen them.
Dante sighed heavily as the battle for the courtyard came to a close. The collective army all watched what he was about do to. Dante raised his voice so it would carry across the army. "All priest of Kindroth step forwards every one else find some cover." The priest stepped forwards as the army backed away from the great doors. Following Dante's movements all of the priest raised their holy symbols that marked them as priest of Kindroth. They closed there eyes and began to pray. The artifacts began to glow softly.

Dante grinned. "This is where the fun starts." Suddenly the glow from the artifacts rushed forwards and a condensed into a large orb in front of the staff of light. Dante took a deep breathe as he placed his sword on the ground. He raised the staff to the right of his head. The orb remained floating in the air as he readied himself "Have a taste of the darker side of light." Dante swung the staff in front of him(Like a base ball bat). On impact the orb launched forwards slamming into the great doors with a mighty crack. At first nothing seemed to have happened but then golden cracks of light appeared on the door as it was slowly being broken apart by the light that slammed into it.
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The Isle Of Theredas - The Year 132 Of The Second Era

The magical light of the Archpriest's orb tore apart the massive gates of the dark fortress as its bars of iron and steel dropped with heavy weight on the ground, but suddenly the orb vanished from Dante's sight and roughly half of the gates were still intact. An unearthly silence made its presence noticed in the courtyard of the inner city, out of the remaining gates, a thick green colored mist came and quickly began to fill the air of the courtyard, clouding the vision of the men of the Atrian Imperium and its allies. Suddenly the remaining half of the citadel's gates were destroyed and its huge bars were launched into the Atrian ranks. The entrance to the sinister fortress was now open, but not a single enemy could be seen nor heard by the forces of the Reborn Imperium and its allies. The unnatural fog that had been seen at various locations around Atria, but had never really been explained, was now deliviring a cold shiver into the helpless bodies of the mortals, a shiver of death and fear.

A powerful windgust was launched from inside the citadel into the Atrian ranks, one that carried another sinister whisper, but it was only heard by two individuals, Emperor Darrius and Archpriest Dante: "How can Thy Majesty be worthy of thy crown if thou does not even dare to lead thy troops into battle in thy own person, it makes me wonder, who is Atria's ruler; the couragous cleric, or the ruler who cowers behind his men? Come, and stop all that I shall do." The voice said, and for an extremely short second the two men of Atria saw a vision of a tall figure whose body was covered entirely by a green mantle, it had gray hands with long fingers with nails as sharp and deadly as razors, its face was covered by a white mask of cold stone and its head was adorned with an intimidating crown of power.

The was even a second vision, but this time it was only seen by Archpriest Dante, he saw the same figure but this time in a large dark room lit only by a few red candles. In the centre of the dark chamber stood a strange cold table of stone with a demonic-like statue overshadowing it from behind. The strange figure stood in front of the altar-like table and in his gray hands he carried the artifact that Macaber had shown him in the Cathedral of Winsa, the Lexicon, the magical cube covered in black darkness with glowing red hieroglyphics that served as a powerful repository of ancient secret knowledge. Suddenly the Lexicon opened and a bright red light blinded Dante's mortal eyes and the vision was brought to an end.
Dante blinked away the blurry feeling he had in his eyes as the visions faded. He looked around to see the atrian forces slowly dyeing from the green mist. Dante sprung into action quickly grabbing the staff of life and held it tightly. "Not this time." He channeled power from both of the staff's and the mist started to hiss as it was ate away by the golden/jade light emitted from the two staff's. Soon the other priest joined the fray giving Dante a chance to rest. Dante took in a heavy breathe of clean air. He stepped towards the hole in the gate holding his staff's. He stopped at the entrance and turned to face the army. "Any man or woman who is scarred turn back now. From here on out all hell is going to break loose." Dante didn't stay long enough to see who would run or not. He turned and entered the citideal with his staff's charged and readied fro battle. The Justicars and priest right on his tail while the normal soldiers decided what to do.
The Isle Of Theredas - The Year 131 Of The Second Era

As the Archpriest of Kindroth cautiously approached the entrance to the citadel, the thick unnatural green colored fog grew weaker and suddenly he could see what was in front of him. Legions of Undead Warriors and Archers, thousands of Crypt Guards and robbed cultists of Aimar, and a new enemy: Demons. Thousands of humanoid war spirits glad in demonic sets of armor, they wielded huge war hammers and swords in their hands and their very appearances spread fear into the hearts of mortals. There were numerous Dremora Valkynazes, cultists of Aimar and Undead Warriors & Archers in the great hall of the dark fortress, but there was one particular military unit whose numbers were limited, it were tall gray skinned figures with intimidating dreadful horns on their heads, it were Xivilai Battlemages. As the enemy had seen the approaching Archpriest of Kindroth, they finally took action. The cultists of Aimar, the Dremora Valkynazes, and the Xivilai Battlemages unleashed an immensely powerful volley of destructive spells upon the Archpriest, the clergy of Kindroth, the Justiciars and the Atrian forces that were behind them. The Undead Warriors, the Crypt Guards, and the Dremora Valkynazes charged towards the forces of the Reborn Imperium and its allies, whilst the Undead Archers, the Aimar Cultists and the Xivilai Battlemages would give them covering fire.

As the Dremora Valkynazes and the other melee infantry units of the Obsidian Citadel charged into the Atrian ranks, Lord Anhaedra Volar personally led his warriors against the mortals of Atria, slaughtering each soldier one by one with either his fists, his deadly Ebony broadsword, Leech, or his magical prowess.. The men and women of the Atrian Imperium and its allies had never encountered a foe like the Dremora and the Xivilai, they were inhumanly strong and were highly immune to their mere iron and steel weapons, only the Justicars of Kindroth and their Archpriest stood a chance against them. For some reason, as the forces of the Obsidian Citadel charged into the Atrian ranks, they completely ignored Dante whose eyes were suddenly drawn to the greatstaircase that was located at the back of the fortress's main hall. Suddenly the eyes of the Archpriest could see the mysterious figure of his visions standing on the top of the staircase surrounded by a light cloud of green colored mist. All those of the Obsidian Citadel had revealed themselves, but Lord Amdur Sarz, the Champion of Fire, and his Wraith Knights could not be seen.
As the Atrian forces would be taking a beating from the attack, suddenly the Emperor and his bodyguards would charge in right into the Obsidian Citadel. He would raise his sword into the air and with his magical prowess, calls upon the Gods for aid, empowering his forces with the ability to fight the demonic Dremora and Xivilai and for the gods to force the demons to wither away into nothingness. Afterwards, with his empowered sword in hand, charges into the fray alongside the Justicars, his forces fighting with renewed vigor as Darrius comes toe-to-toe with the demons himself.
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Dante tightened his grasp on the two staff's as his eyes laid rest upon his foe. The justicars had sprung into action as soon as the enemy vanguard attacked. They met their foe head on some badly managing to hold the elite foes off while the bright guard who's mkndswhere rest with the battle in Zras met the enemy blow for blow as they fought with an unbreakble Faith. Dante knew his men would hold tell the last. If he could kill the archpriest everything would be over. He swallowed hard as he began to walk which soon began to break into a run for the stairs.
The Isle of Theredas - The Year 131 Of The Second Era

As the Emperor and his courageous lifeguard charged into the ranks of the vanguard of the Obsidian Citadel, the morale of the Atrian army and its allies was greatly enhanced, but despite the attempts of Darrius and the Communion Gods, the mortals stood little chance against this newly encountered foe of theirs. The Dremora Valkynazes pushed into themselves with great efficiency into Atrian lines, whilst the Xivilai Battlemages and the Aimar Cultists used their magic to cause a tremendous amount of damage to the flanks of the Reborn Imperium's army. Lord Anhaedra saw the Atrian Emperor on his horse, attempting to fight back against his Demonic foes that he stood little chance against, he slowly advanced upon the ruler. The Valkynaz wielded Leech in his right hand, whilst keeping his left hand at the ready to cast a spell upon any of his foes, even the Emperor if necessary. His eyes brightened as he moved and his steps seemed to make more weight as he slowly approached the Emperor, but suddenly he stopped and remained a distance away from the Atria's monarch, waiting for the right moment to strike.

Quick were the steps taken by the Archpriest of Kindroth to approach his adversary, the unknown figure that stood on the top of the great staircase of the citadel's great hall, but when Verren came within striking distance at the staircase's last steps, the crowned wraith vanished into thin air, leaving Dante to merely thrust into a thin cloud of green colored smoke. The mysterious being was nowhere to be seen and time was ticking. Suddenly a feeling rose up within the Archpriest, a feeling of guidance, it led Dante to walk off of the staircase and walk to one of the side doors of the great hall of. He had entered what seemed to be an orginased framework of tunnels that led into the depths of the earth beneath the Obsidian Citadel. He could see in the distance light traces of green mist that led deeper underground, but to where exactly remained a mystery.
Dante cursed at the passages. "Come on how much on an asshole can this guy be? Who makes this many tunnels!" He grumbled as he quickly followed the smoke. He felt the malice that hung in the air grow thicker. Any normal human would have problems breathing but Dante was protected by the auras of his staff's. The air felt cold and sickly as the smell of death washed over his nose. He could hear the sounds of battle from above.He could only hope it was going well.

As Darrius fights the demons and the undead, he would spot the Dremora Lord approach. Seeing a new opportunity arise, he orders his priesthood to attack. The Priestesses of Nanthleene going after the Aimar Cultists and the rest in aiding their allies in the fight. The Emperor looks towards the Dremora Lord, smirking, as if taunting the Dremora to attack. "We will see who takes the field, Demon!" States Darrius. He then returns to the fight and continues fighting alongside his men.
Stufalin's Arns ran back from the Northern Fort to the main city of Theredas. On arrival, Stufalin and his men notice that many men of the invasion are engaged in the Black Citadel. he holds his men back waiting for a call from the Emperor to say that it is the time for him and his elite units to get into the fray. *Alduron thinks of a magic that he might have to use if he sees things getting way out of hand and losing*
Edward would be patching up another guys leg and walks up to Stufalin.  "I do hope we find more interesting things on this island, so far I'm not that impressed."
The Isle Of Theredas - The Year 131 Of The Second Era

On the orders of the Emperor, the clergy of Nanthleene charged towards the Cultists of Aimar and the Xivilai Battlemages, but their magical prowess was nothing compared to that of the defenders of the Obsidian Citadel. In the courtyard of the inner city, vanguard against vanguard were fighting one another to attempt to gain victory over the other, but despite the heroic efforts of the men and women of the Atrian Imperium and its allies, the Demonic and Undead forces of the dark fortress were gaining ground quickly and it seemed that they were winning the battle against the mortals of Atria. The Dremora Valkynazes and the Xivilai were beyond what the soldiers of Atria had expected to find inside the black walls of the citadel. The Justiciars of Kindroth and the Bright Guard were able to inflict some losses upon their enemies, but not enough to make a difference. Death fell upon many across the courtyard and the great hall of the Obsidian Citadel.

Suddenly it seemed that reinforcements had arrived for the defenders of the citadel, in the form of Lord Amdur Sarz, the Champion of Fire, and his lifeguard, a company of a hundred Wraith Knights, who ran down the staircase of the fortress's great hall and charged towards the priests of the Goddess of Water. The powerful and ruthless Xivilai Battlemages immediately intervened by protecting the Champion of Fire as they were overly aware that his safety was of the utmost importance if they wanted to end this unending battle in victory. Back in the courtyard, Lord Anhaedra Volar felt the taunts that the Atrian Emperor had sent towards him, but he remained calm, as he was aware that the Emperor was attempting to provoke him into an attack so he would loose his balance, but as an ancient warrior and battlefield commander he was very much aware of the tactic. The sinister bright eyes of the Dremora Valkynazes suddenly spotted the fighting Lord Amdur in the great hall of the Obsidian Citadel and would sigh before he took the Daedric Crescent Blade from his back with firm hands and whispered to himself: "Damn mortal fool." Lord Anhaedra then proceeded with great calculation and skill to throw the deadly Crescent Blade into the air with an immense strength, bypassing the thousand of soldiers on the battlefield where once the great gates of the Obsidian Citadel stood, and attempt to launch it into the neck of the Atrian Emperor's mount.

After several minutes of walking more deeper into the depths of the earth, Archpriest Dante had seemed to have reached his destination, an iron door that was slightly open, but not enough for him to see what was lurking inside.With extreme caution, Dante entered the room and saw the place what he had seen in his vision: a dark room filled with green mist and at its end a ritual table overshadowed by a Demonic statue. In front of the ritual table, stood the mysterious figure of the Archpriest's visions, but Dante knew who it was, it was Macaber, Archpriest of Aimar, Wraith King of the Obsidian Citadel and his arch-nemesis. Macaber had his back turned to the Archpriest of Kindroth as he already long knew who would come to him and with what intentions. The Wraith King was gazing into the Lexicon that he held in his gray hands, it was open and its red bright light would have blinded Dante if Macaber's body did not stand between the two. The masked being took a deep breath as his vision did not turn away from the Lexicon, but did begin to speak to the newly arrived Archpriest of Kindroth: "I've reached the end of my great journey, but there's no salvation for me. No heaven awaiting my rest, but I will not meet the spirits in the depths of Hell. There's an emergence of an empire, Verren, but the future does not tell me who will live to see it. Perhaps I will not live to see it: the ascendance of an empire to its pure immortal rule at the cost of an another's eradication from existence. But it is too late -- too late to stop them. They have begun -- and none of us dare to oppose them, once they have come." The Lexicon closed in the gray hands of the Wraith King once he had finished speaking as an unearthly silence entered the Shrine of Decay.

The weak flames of the few still burning candles in the room continued to decrease in size and strength in this moment of danger for the Archpriest of Kindroth, and perhaps even for the whole of Atria. The voice of Macaber sounded terrifying in the ears of Dante, but the Archpriest held firm and did not show a sign of fear to his fellow cleric, but the masked sorcerer could nonetheless feel it. The Archpriest of Aimar turned to face his arch-nemesis and it was here, in the Shrine of Decay, that Dante and Macaber stood in front of one another, each and every weapon and ability that they possessed at their disposal, they were each in their prime and possessed the means to cause the destruction of the other. The Lexicon would leave the wraith's hands and levitate itself to the ritual table and remain there, engulfed in green flames, waiting for the victor to collect his price. The gray hands of the Wraith King were suddenly engulfed in green flames as well as he began to make strange moves in front of him, and suddenly a blade appeared into the right hand of the sorcerer. The weapon's hilt resembled the head of a dragon and from its mouth ascended an unearthly metal that the rest of the blade was made out of, its metal black of color, but it could not be seen as it was engulfed by a thick layer of deadly green flames. Macaber stood in an imposing fighting stance, his blade held in front of him pointing at Dante with his other hand held back, it looked highly aggressive and Dante could not tell how he would fight. The Wraith King broke the silence and merely said: "But come then, I dare you, to oppose me now."
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Dante smiled weakily as he saw the sword emerge in the Wraith;'s king hand. In turn he held out his own staff's. "I am Dante Verren. Born an orphan and adopted by the church of Kindroth. Now I serve as the vessel for the god of light and goddess of life." Suddenly the air in the room shifted and the staffs he held in his hands glowed fanatically as the dark room was lit up with an unyielding golden and green light. Dante began to change. His right eye glowed peer green while his left glowed gold, His voice shifted as well and soon it sounded as if three people where speaking as one. The voice of two males and one female. "Macaber Insomnia, Vile wraith of Arimar today is the day you shall be purified. Just as you said there is no heaven waiting for you nor shall you be lucky enough to go to hell. Once we are done with you only oblivion will accept you."

The light from the staffs shifted and the staff's themselves began to change. The staff of light changed shape into a sword of silver that was surrounded with hardened gold light. The hilt ended in the head of an eagle. On the other hand the staff of life extended but the end of it sharpened out into the point of a spear. The spear was wrapped in vines but kept the glittering and deadly tip exposed and ready for combat. Dante readied into a combat stance and spoke. "In our left hand we wield the sword of the Just, In our right the spear of Harmony. Light and life working together to purify death and darkness. Come now creature of Darkness! Our battle Awaits!" Dante charged forward running towards Macaber with all hesitation long gone and the intent of finishing this once and for all had replaced it.

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The priestesses of Nanthleene would be forming walls of water to block the fireballs from the cultists and battlemages, preventing the enemy from using their offensive spells upon the Atrian soldiers as they move in at their Emperor's command. The priestesses of Cyithrel would be going around healing the injured soldiers or preventing those near death from dying. The priests of Alderon would join the fray, creating mirror images of themselves to give them an advantage in battle. 
The skies darkened around the isle of Theradas, the storm that had enveloped the isle had long since dissipated; yet once more magic filled the skies, as a presence once physically present on the isle centuries before, finally prepared to return. Then suddenly the world began to darken, as a great object passed before the sun. It gradually crossed the great illuminating light, blocking its warmth, depriving Atria of its light. In only a few moments, it completely blocked the sun, then it continued onward as quickly as it came; returning its radiant light to the lands below. Yet in that moment, a thunderous echo was heard throughout the land. As plumes of flame were cast forth among the clouds, the sky turned from that of which was full of dark storm clouds, to one reddened by flame. It was from this red sky, that a ball of flame was cast down. Yet it did not target the citadel, the army within nor without, rather its target was a fleet of ships off the coast. Bearing banners with a yellow gryphon upon a black field. The flame crashed into one of the ships, sending great cascading plumes of flame upwards, while an immense shock-wave rippled down to the sea floor. Such an impact spawned a minor tsunami, of which grasped and struck out against the nearby ships.

Alaric was knocked to the floor by the shockwave, and nearly driven to sickness by how the boat rocked and then lurched to the side as it was carried by the tsunami. Still dazed by the explosion, he looked up at the sky, noting to near-horror that more flame was being cast down; this time, it was targeting the city itself. It was then, only a few fleeting moments later, that his ship crashed into the headland, the water on the opposite side of the ship then washing over them. Those on the deck who were not killed by the impact, or being launched down onto the railing of the ship, found themselves tossed onto the rocks below. 

The flame cascaded down into the city, whomever cast it seeming more intent on creating chaos and destruction, than actually attacking either of the armies. It struck with the same ferocity that had been dealt to some of the ships, devastating portions of the outer city; yet staying clear of the inner city. It was then, a ball of flame akin to a molten meteorite was cast forth, heading straight for the inner city's courtyard. With the emergence of this, a voice emerged in the minds of the Atrian soldiers.

"You came seeking victory, vengeance, justice. You have found them, your deaths deliver us justice, this justice is our vengeance, and vengeance is our victory." The molten ball of flame crashed into the courtyard, killing only a few Atrian soldiers, if any. Yet from it rose a monstrosity of the likes never before seen by all but one who fought alongside the Atrian forces. A  being of destruction, hatred, chaos, and flame. The one and only God of War, Aimar.


@Dante Verren @Vorar @Darrius of Ursikra @Doublez @Lord Rale @Perghi @Dr. Edward Von Zannable
The Emperor would be thrown back and off his mount by the blast, his horse running in horror, being spared a gruesome fate from the Dremora Lord. He would look up at the monstrosity that had befallen the Atrian forces. He mutters, "Have the Gods come to fight this battle themselves? If Aimar comes to fight, are we alone?" He looks to the skies. "Have the Gods abandoned us?" He then looks ahead at the monstrosity then the Dremora Lord. He readies his sword for what might be the inevitable.
Aimar surges with flame, and the fire roars upwards from his elemental form. He lets out a crackling laugh, his voice hard as the stone that made up most of his form. "So this, is the great Emperor! Do you not yet understand? You all, are doomed." With a wave of his large stone hand, he sends forth a wave of molten stone, of which crashes into the ground and washes over a group of mercenary cavalrymen. The riders and horses alike, writhing in agony as they are engulfed by flames. He then turned to the Emperor. "Your Gods will not help you now. You have failed your soldiers, your people, you have brought them to their deaths."

@Darrius of Ursikra @Vorar @Doublez
Darrius proclaims, "We fight for a righteous cause, one that you may never understand in the making! If we are doomed, why has all of Atria united against you?! If we are doomed, how come I see an army of my countrymen fighting in defiance of oppression and destruction?! You, Aimar, have always lived by the sword and the flame! I say to you now, you may take our lives, but you will never take our undaunted spirit to live in a free world! Free from your incomprehensible lust for death and destruction! And so I call upon the Gods, may they be the testiment of my words here today!" Darrius would raise his arms as if embracing the skies to a father and mother. "I call upon the Gods to banish these foul creatures from this world and end the chaos in this land that this world may be truly free!"
The Isle Of Theredas - The Year 131 Of The Second Era

As the clergy of Nathleene formed their wall of water to block the fire and other sorts of magic that the Cultists of Aimar and the Xivilai Battlemages had been unleashing upon the Atrian ranks, but to counter it, the Xivilai Battlemages summoned their Daedric weapons into their hands as they began to charge towards the priestesses alongside Lord Amdur and the Wraith Knights, as the Cultists of Aimar covered them with their magic. As the skies above the Isle had darkened and the God of War himself had appeared to bring forth the destruction of the armies of the Reborn Imperium and its allies, the Demonic and Undead forces of the Obsidian Citadel began to fight with such a ferocity and vigor that with each death on their side, it was replaced with roughly ten to twelve on the side of the mortals. Lord Anhaedra summoned back the Daedric Crescent Blade into his hand after his failed attempt to kill the Atrian Emperor's mount and trap Darrius if he would fall beneath it. The Dremora Valkynaz looked for a brief moment at Lord Aimar, the God of War, before looking back at the Emperor who now seemed to be distracted by shouting at the skies for help from his Gods. With an incredible speed and determination, Anhaedra began to sprint towards Darrius with the Crescent Blade in his hands, he pushed any soldier in his way aside as he made his way for the Emperor, he was determined to end this battle with a single effective strike.

Deep beneath the courtyard of the inner city and the Obsidian Citadel, the blades of the Archpriest of Kindroth and the Wraith King had met one another. Dante used the Spear of Harmony to counter Macaber's flaming blade with success and used the Sword of the Just to make a fatal cut into the masked sorcerer's shoulder, but the wraith was able to move a step back in time to evade the strike. The Archpriest of Aimar then proceeded to launch several fast-paced but powerful thrusts at Archpriest Dante, he strengthened them with an immense source of hatred and anger but it seemed that he was able to use them with such a controlled iron ferocity and deadly vigor that his offensive almost looked like an impregnable defense.

Dante and Macaber both proved to be masterful duellists and they seemed to be one another's equals with their skills with a blade. But suddenly Dante was able to take the Wraith King by surprise by launching the Speak of Harmony directly into his own mask, but Macaber was able to just push him back with a punch of his elbow, supported by his controlled rage and magical strength that supported his physical form, and proceeded to jump over the Archpriest of Kindroth to attack him from behind, but his strike was disturbed by a sudden earthquake that made the Shrine of Decay shake for a moment, but not fall apart. The masked being took a deep breath before he chuckled for a moment and said: "Ah yes, Aimar has arrived, how very mindful of him, but it won't make a difference now. Well, let him fight mortals, then I will fight Gods." His voice sounded amused, but he quickly turned silent after his words were spoken. With a terrifying roar, that contained what seemed to be a thousand voices, the Wraith King charged towards Archpriest Dante again, but this time with his emotions powering his resolve even more.
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Aimar spoke loudly, and with great confidence, his voice echoing across the city. "You truly are pathetic, shall the Gods fight all of your battles for you?" Aimar raised his right arm, and prepared to send the Emperor to a slow and agonizing death by flame.

Then beside the God of Destruction, a blinding light emerged, from it emerged a tall being bathed in light. In what seemed to be the very blink of an eye, the being dashed forward, driving its sword straight across Aimar's raised arm; carving deep into the stone; leaving a golden glow where there once was blackened stone. The God of Justice had come, and now was to the left of the enraged Aimar.

Aimar staggered backwards in surprise and rage, his attack interrupted. "Ah, yes. Save the Emperor in distress, you'll do no better for it!" He then cast forth and channelled a pillar of flame, driving it towards the God of Justice. Kindroth. He whom swiftly brought forth a shield of light to protect himself. Yet this did not absorb the attack, the flames cascaded out behind Kindroth burning every soldier unlucky enough to find himself in that part of the Inner City's left side. Aimar continued to channel this attack, certain that it would keep his foe trapped. He then looked up to the skies, and as he did a great winged beast emerged from the clouds. A creature made entirely of bone and flame, empowered and controlled by the God of Flame. It was heading down towards the city, with great haste.

@Dante Verren @Vorar @Darrius of Ursikra @Doublez @Perghi @Dr. Edward Von Zannable @Lord Rale
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(Sorry folks but this battle is coming to an end. Things here have gone totally over the edge as some people have become overt with the type of RP being regulated upon this event. Again, this RP has come to a halt, thank you for playing and have a wonderful day.)
*Stufalin notices that the Emperor has fallen and his heart sinks for a sec and knows that his men will be scared now* Men, I will not lie to you. We all know that the Emperor has now died. We must still fight for our brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, and kids. If we give up now, we will all be killed men. That outcome will not happen. We will win this day. Remember that men. We will. Are you all ready to charge in their and get your hands dirty men? *The men cheer at Stufalin's question* Well lets get in there boys! *Stufalin's Arms charge into the fray hoping to help bring victory for the people of Atria over the dead men who are in their way of victory*

*In the middle of the fray, Alduron noticed that this is a very close battle. He decides that it is time to perform what he knows what will help the men of Atria win the day. In the middle of an open spot in the battle field, Alduron sits down and closes his eyes. One minute after, his eyes and mouth begin to glow. His entire body begins to glow and emit a light off of him. His body starts to rise into the air. A strange force seems to be built around him. After a couple minutes, a monstorous creature of wind and magic appears to form around Alduron. Any projectile aimed at Alduron is almost impossible to make contact. The god Alduren sent down the Avatar of Alderon on to his last living descendant. The Avatar of Alduren has been created. A huge beast of wind and magic.
Dante immediately fell into a defensive form. Macaber's barrage of attacks were fast and powerful. However Dante's current state allowed him to block of deflect most of them. However sme slipped by and when the barrage finlay came to an end Dante could feel the effects. Minor cuts where scattered across his body and a large gash was present on his side. He was breathing heavily and his vision was blurred. That was when he felt the familiar warmth from above. Kindroth had arrived. With his own hopes and vigor renewed Dante crossed his weapons in front of him in an X pattern. "This battle has lasted long enough foul creature. I shall be the one to end it." The cavern lit up with the light emitted from the spear and sword. "Light, and life. Mercy and Loyalty. Strength and Fertility, Nature and justice. These are the principals that define us. Though this body may only be a vessel for our power it has become our greatest weapon. Carrying the blessing of two gods we stand before you now. Justice will always triumpth over Injustice just as life will always find a way."  

Suddenly Dante launched himself forwards charging towards his foe. "Now you die! MACABeR!" his voice rang with voices of millions. The hopes and dreams of the people of atria, The prayers of the faithful, The pleas of the scarred, The cries of children, The comforting voices of parents, and the dying words of soldiers. All of i was held inside of his voice. His weapons responded to his emotion. The sword of the just burned with a holy Golden flame ready to devour Macabar whole while the spear of harmony gleamed i all of is jade glory seeking for one more opening to impale itself into its foe.

The Isle Of Theredas - The Year 131 Of The Second Era

As the Atrian Emperor was distracted by the magnificent battle between the God of War and the God of Light, Lord Anhaedra took his chance and with a quick move stabbed Atria's ruler in the back, the entirety of the mortal plane was brought to silence. The Emperor's Royal Guard attempted to save their master, but it was too late, the Dremora Valkynaz's ancient weapon had ended the life of Darrius Catorius, Emperor of the Atrian Imperium, King of Zras, King of Thordania and Defender of the Communion Faith. The arrival of Lord Aimar, the God of War, and the death of Emperor Darrius had caused a considerable number of the army of the Reborn Imperium and its allies to flee in agony, whilst the forces of the Obsidian Citadel continued to press their hard attack. Lord Anhaedra pulled his weapon out of the corpse of the Atrian Emperor and turned to fight members of the late Emperor's Royal Guard. Lord Amdur, the Wraith Knights, and the Xivilai Battlemages had managed to push the Priestesses of Nanthleene back and make their way to support the vanguard of their army. But suddenly another being of divinity had made its presence noticed on the battlefield, the Avatar of Lord Alderon, the God of Wisdom. The Demonic and Undead forces were shocked by the arrival of a third Communion deity, but they were sure that the God of War could defeat him, and so they continued to fight with an unmatched ferocity and vigor that defeat seemed certain for the mortal armies of Atria.

In the Shrine of Decay, Archpriest Dante unleashed himself and all the power at his disposal at the Wraith King who attempted to fight back against his arch-nemesis that had become too much for him. Macaber's blade attempted to use his controlled ferocity to hold off the Archpriest of Kindroth as he let his weapon flow, up and down, from the right to the left, vice versa and anything in between, but suddenly the emotions that controlled Dante and the divine power that he possessed overwhelmed the masked being. The Sword of the Just landed with a power thrust into the Wraith King's left shoulder, whilst the Spear of Harmony had directly been launched into the mask of cold stone. Once Dante pulled out his weapons out of the wraith's damaged physical form, Macaber fell on the floor in front of the chamber's ritual table. Green and red energy would flow out of the hole in his mask and his injured shoulder, but it seemed that he was still alive. He dropped his right hand on the floor, letting the Spirit Ichor blade fall next to him. His left gray hand would rise as he would speak, sometimes falling silent for a few seconds to endure the pain: "You did it -- you've won and defeated me. I will now ascend from the mortal plane -- never to return. Verren, you do not have to destroy me -- let me go -- and I will return to the place where I belong as a wraith -- I will bring all the creatures that I've brought with to this plane with me -- just let me go." He said as his physical form slowly began to fade as it was devoured extremely slowly by the golden flames that the Sword of the Just had planted on his shoulder.

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