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Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

Darrius would state, "Have a contingent of spearmen move to the hill to protect the cannons as they are brought up along with cavalry to protect the flanks. Have the Justicars advance on the first line of defense with cover fire from the pavise crossbows and have them fix siege emplacements at the area where the western gate is. Hopefully the fleet has knocked down the towers at the western gate already and has the way clear for us. This attack however should be able to test their defenses. See what weaknesses we can exploit and what not. An artillery barrage on the western section of the city is needed immediately. Signal the fleet to begin." He would nod to Alaric as he gave his orders for the fleet to begin its bombardment.
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"As you command, your majesty." Alaric Sendarion spoke with confidence, and bowed, before heading off to ensure his Emperor's orders were carried out. He spoke to a lieutenant and had him take the Emperor's command to Dante Verren and his Justicars. Meanwhile another was sent to signal the fleet to begin its bombardment of the western side of Theradas, where the trade port was located. There they would attempt to bring down the walls defenses, and the city's naval defenses for the trade port. While providing important covering fire for the advancing justicars. A unit of thordanian spearmen was then sent to escort the cannons to the hill. As a unit of cavalry moved up behind them.

@Darrius of Ursikra @Dante Verren @Vorar 
"Sons of Light! Daughters of Mercy!" Dante's cry was echoed by the Justicars behind him. "We have our orders! Forward March!" The justicars stopped just in range of the undead bowman with shields raised. Engineers came forwards caring heavy loads of siege weapons. Tehy began setting up small catapults and a battering ram. Dante turned to one of his men. "Send a message to the emperor and lord marshal. we are going to need reinforcements if we want to take this. Two thousand won't be enough."  He sighed as he watched the Justicars ready to attack the wall. "I meant that we can be tip of he spear not that we could stand against an entire wall by ourselves. Damn this is not going to go well." He spoke to himself and the stave's glowed in agreement

@Arcadian Phoenix @Darrius of Ursikra @Vorar.
Darrius sees Dante requesting reinforcements and signals four units of Armoured Sergeants to support the Justicars in their attack as well as signalling for Stufalin's mercenaries to advance in support of the Justicars. "Alaric, those Justicars are in need of help. I just hope I didn't send them to their deaths. Overall, I'd expect them to get the job done. This is what Dante wanted in the first place. If he and his men can breach that wall, we'll be well on our way to taking this city and bringing Amdur to his knees."
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Stufalin approaches the Emperor. "My Emperor, do you not remember that you were sending my men an Peter's to the northern fort in order to capture? I also have to say my liege, this is possibly suicide for these souls. Look at this city. It is going to be filled with undead waiting to kill us. We are not ready to take this city yet. Look at the rest of the island, we do not control any of it at this moment besides our current position. We need to take the forts before we push for the town. They will just attack from behind and slaughter us all. This is not going to work with our current situation on the holding of this island. Our enemy is most likely waiting for us to get fully engaged before their rear forces attack."
The Emperor sighs, holding his hand in front of his face, shaking his head. "You are right. I was wrong to attack the walls too soon." He turns to Alaric. "Call off the attack and have Dante pull out of range of the archers. Pull everyone back until we can surround the city entirely." He turns to Stufalin nodding. "Your men shall take the northern fort. I'll have cavalry cover your advance as you move up."
*Stufalin goes to his troops and orders them to go towards the northern fort. Stufalin's arms and Alderon Stufalin himself march to the northern fort*
*Edward would be with the men that go to the northern fort twirling his cane and holding a brief case very giddy*  If you get hurt just go right to me, if you have an enemy in a confined position and you want to give me an early birthday present and never get me one again then go right to me as well!  
Alaric Sendarion rides to his lieutenants, the Emperor's commands fresh within his mind. "Bring forward two battalions of our heavy archers, and two more of our militia crossbowmen. Get them in just range of the wall, and prepare them to fire at the battlements. Coordinate their firing signal with a signal to the fleet to bombard the wall, we must provide cover for the justicars to fall back." They acknowledge his commands, and ride off to coordinate the effort. Alaric then returns to the Emperor. "My troops are moving into position, we'll signal for the justicars to retreat as soon as they're able to fire."

@Dante Verren @Darrius of Ursikra @Vorar
Darrius proclaims, "Get them into position. Once the Justicars are out of range, have the archers pull back. Signal the fleet to bring down the main wall and the towers around the west gate. Hopefully we can take down the west gate as well." Would nod as he gave his order for the signal to be given.
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The Isle of Theredas - The Year 131 Of The Second Era

As the Justiciars of Kindroth had moved a safe distance away from the high walls of the outer city, the mighty cannons of the fleet of the Atrian Imperium and its allies unleashed an incredible force of gun powder on the western towers, walls and gates of the city. The volley of cannon fire made such an immense impact on the stone of the outer city that it sounded like the unnatural lightning that had smashed into the waves of the sea and the fields around the city that had been caused by the storm that had now vanished. The stone walls and towers of the western section of the city were completely destroyed one by one and made huge piles of rock, but were nonetheless breaches that the armies of the Atrian Imperium and its allies would be able to punch through, but the gates had so far not been hit and remained intact. An unearthly silence once again roamed across the city, though the men of the Imperium and its allied factions thought they heard the sound of an army marching within the city.

The Undead Horde that first had taken up position across various positions in the cify had now retreated back to the inner city and established themselves within its courtyard, whilst the entire Crypt Guard marched back into the Obsidian Citadel. Lord Amdur and lifeguard, a company of a hundred Wraith Knights, remained with their tens of thousands of Undead in the courtyard of the inner city between the western gate of the inner city and the huge gates to the citadel. Despite marching back to the inner city, a numbee of two thousand Undead Archers had not been quick enough and had fallen by the cannon might of the Reborn Imperium.

Within the dark walls of the Obsidian Citadel, Lord Anhaedra Volar and a contignent of Dremora Valkynazes entered the fortress's enormous great hall and made a formed a solid formation with thousands of Aimar Cultists, Dremora Valkynazes, Crypt Guards and Xivilai Battlemages around entrance. A lethal silence hang through the air of the citadel, one that seemed unbroken, and yet it was filled with the fear that not the men within the citadel had, but the men outside it.
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Darrius looks to Alaric, gesturing to the ships. "Signal King Rasten's forces to land. We need everyone to claim the outer city. Order Dante's Justicars to move into the city along with our swordsmen and clear out any remaining undead. Bring up your forces and I'll bring in mine behind the Justicars in that order. King Rasten will be given the order of moving into the city after me." Would then point to the outlying forts surrounding the city. "Make sure we have sentries on those forts, observing the movements of the undead."
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Dante and his Justicars watched the bombardment from a safe distance. An occasional stray shot would land a little ways away from them but other then a little fright it din't do anything to them. They watched as the walls shook and cheered when the towers crashed leaving a hole big enough for the men to pierce through. Imperial swordsman arrived raising there number to a total of 8 thousand troops under Dante's command. 

Dante raised his sword as the bombardment faded away and silence swept over his men. The sound of a weapon banging on a shield echoed. Then another sounded in response and soon the entire Justicar force beat there shields in unison. "Warriors of Atria! Into the Breach!" Dante Charged forward staff of light in his left hand, Sword in his right, and staff of life on his back. The force of men rushed towards the breach getting ready to secure the wall.

@Vorar @Darrius of Ursikra @Arcadian Phoenix
Alaric scanned the field, observing all the locations marked by the Emperor. "A sound strategy your majesty, I will get riders out to those forts at once." He did a short bow, and walked away, heading towards his trusted commanders. "You heard the Emperor! Today we move on Theradas! Get the army in marching order, ride sentries to every fort; and signal Alcantair's fleet to land, use two of Alcantair's flags to do it, we don't need to confuse our own fleets. I want Valkarias's ships positioned in the east in case Alcantair decides to land over there. We'll need to keep the transports protected just in case. Lastly, prepare a transport for me, I will be returning to the fleet." The captains nodded at once. "Yes sir!" Alaric then returned to the Emperor, I will be joining my fleet. I believe I can best direct the ships from there. As well I'll try and make sure Alcantair lands here, rather than in the east. Now, good luck your majesty, and may the Gods watch over us all." He bowed once more, then turned and walked off to the transport that was being prepared for him.

@Darrius of Ursikra @Dante Verren @Vorar @Doublez @Antarctican @Dr. Edward Von Zannable @Perghi @Lord Rale
Nods as Alaric left for the fleet. He turns to observe the armies moving forward into the city. First the Justicars and Imperial swordsmen, followed by the Imperial cavalry and everyone else. He would issue more orders for patrols to be assimilated once the outer city is secured. He releases a pigeon with orders to the fleet to position themselves to bombard the inner city, every wall and every cornerstone not to be left standing after a five day bombardment.
After the bombardment comes to a close, Darrius moves his forces forward in support of the Justicars. They would sweep the streets clean of any remaining undead and would check the towers for any undead that would shoot at them from the towers and the sweep continues from there.
The Isle Of Theredas - The Year 132 Of The Second Era

As the forces of the Reborn Imperium and its allies marched into the outer city, no effort seemed to be made by the Undead Hordes to stop them, as all the enemies had been re-deployed to the inner heart of the rebuilt city. The air of the outer city carried the silence of a graveyard until the imperial forces of the Emperor occupied its streets and prepared themselves to breach the inner city and storm the dark fortress that dominated the hill that overlooked not only the city but the entire island and the sea that surrounded it. After a five day long naval bombardment of the inner city, massive holes had been made into the defences of the inner city, yet the fortress that contained it seemed to remain in a perfect condition, as if not a single cannon had hit it.

The walls and towers of the inner city had been seriously damaged and huge mountainous piles of stone was the only kind of defense that was between the armies of the Atrian Imperium and ten thousand Undead Warriors and five thousand Undead Archers that had been deployed in the courtyard of the inner city to protect the entrance to the fortress. Roughly five thousand Undead Warriors and two thousand Undead Archers had been eliminated by the bombardment.

Behind the remnants of the walls of the inner city, the enormous gates of the Obsidian Citadel opened and Lord Amdur Sarz, his lifeguard and a total of roughly sixty thousand Undead Warriors and six thousand Undead Archers entered the immensely huge fortress and set up a defensive position behind its gates once they had been successfuly closed again, for the last time. The twenty thousand Undead Warriors and five thousand Undead Archers in the inner city's courtyard merely waited with no fear or impatience for the forces of the Atrian Imperium and its allies as they merely saw them as a feast of flesh and bones, one they welcomed with sword, bow, and shield.
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Darrius would order the priesthood to prepare for what is to come. The priestesses of Nanthleene would be ordered to gather water in waterskins for every single priestess for their power would be needed in the fight soon to come. The Emperor would approach Dante with the next set of orders. "It is time for the big showdown, Dante. Your men along with the priesthood will have the pleasure of heading down into the Obsidian Citadel first. The army will follow right behind you. Prepare yourself for what may be the worst day of your life. This may as well be the big climax of this farse of entertainment that this Archpriest is about to give us."
Dante nodded as the emperor spoke. His attention was focused on the crumbling walls in front of him. "Understood My lord." suddenly the wind shifted and Dante began to glow. Thousands of eyes fell upon him as his he raised his sword to the sky. His voice echoed through the now quite city. "Soldiers of Atria here me! We now stand before the rubble of the inner city wall! Behind this rubble stand the legion of the undead and behind them the great fortress of death!" We will scale this rubble and cut our way to the fortress! We will stop for nothing! You will see friends and family die but you will not stop pushing forwards! For every second we waste gives the forces of darkness more time to prepare!"

Rays of light erupted from his sword and staffs. The light spread through out the army assembled behind him with a warm feeling. Dante began walking forward climbing his way up the rubble. once he reached the top he looked down onto the horde in front of him. He looked behind him at the soldiers who where about to take see the enemy for the first time. "Warriors of truth, soldiers of justice, Men of valor, and women of virtue! Forward!" Dante then looked back at the enemy in front of him and charged down the rubble his sword and staff read to intercept any enemy who got in his way. He heard a loud cheer behind him that shook the very foundations of the city and the thunder of footsteps as the atrian army scrambled up the rubble.

@Darrius of Ursikra @Vorar @Arcadian Phoenix @And everyone else.
The Isle of Theredas - The Year 132 Of The Second Era

As the faithful and courageous Archpriest Dante charged down the ruinous remnants of the walls of the inner city, followed by his steadfast Justiciars of Kindroth and the forces of the Atrian Imperium and its allies, the entirety of the ten thousand Undead Warriors that were stationed in the inner city's courtyard quickly formed a shield wall at the feet of the mountains of rubble to hold of their mortal enemies. The five thousand Undead Archers within the inner city's courtyard were ordered to fire at will as they began to unleash relentless arrow storms upon the foes that tried to run down the mountainous piles of rubble the bombardment of the Atrian fleet had created. The troops of the Reborn Imperium under the command of the Archpriest of Kindroth were slowly pushing into the courtyard of the inner city, but their reduced speed of not trying to fall off of the rubble and break their necks and the fact that they were under constant enemy fire kept the Atrian forces at a slow pace.
Darrius would watch as the Justicars entered the inner city, ordering the Imperial Army forward with the Justicars. "Gods be with us." Said Darrius as he watched the carnage ensue. Soldiers running across the rubble to attack the undead. His hopes were counting on the Justicars to get the job done. Having their prowess tested again and again and their worth proven tenfold for the Imperium. He knew they would be the perfect frontline troops against necrotic abominations of death. Only a matter that concerned him was entering the Obsidian Citadel. His priesthood and Justicar allies would beat any horde of death that could be raised. He would observe the battle with confidence with his entourage from a distance within the outer city.
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Dante smiled as the wave of black arrows came rushing towards him as he ran towards the enemies line. He held out his staff in front of him and twirled it in circles creating a barrier that reflected any arrows away from him. as he drew closer to the shield wall he pulled his staff backwards getting ready to stab it into the sheild wall. A small ball of light energy appeared on the tip of the staff. He thrusted his staff forwards and it connected on one of the shields. "Out of my way you undead bastards!" Following his yell the ball of light exploded into the enemies line creating a shock wave that blasted the three rows of undead in front of him backwards and disitergrating those that were unlucky enough to be touched by the light punching a hole in the shield wall.

Dante stepped back to catch his breathe for a second as the atrian forces slammed into the weekend shield wall.  He saw a spree of gore erupt from the corner of his eye as he turned his head to see an undead warrior sliced in half by the leader of the bright guard. Right behind him was the rest of the Justicars. He turned his head to look to his right and saw throdinian swordsman fighting alongside spear men from Zras. He smiled as he saw that they were all scared yet they pushed it aside as old enemies fought side by side for the greater good. Worshipers of the Communion, the faith, and the orthodoxy were all fighting as one to protect who and what they loved.  His Second and command nodded to him and Dante let out a breathe he had been holding in. Filled with new determination he readied his sword and staff as he rushed forwards to join in the push on the citadel.

@Vorar @Arcadian Phoenix @Darrius of Ursikra
*Alderon Stufalin and his mercenaries arrive at the northern fort* "This appears to be the place men. We need to take this army. Men, watch the fort walls and bring down that gate men. We need to get men on top of those walls also * Alderon gives a hand motion to his lieutenants and they give the signal. The mercenaries start to bring up ladders to bring up the wall and a battering ram. The gate starts to get battered on and the men land the ladders on the walls.* Go up those ladders men. For the People of Atria!

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