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Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

Darrius would ponder on the Archpriest's words, taking in the advice that his Marshal had given him. "As you say, Marshal. Dante's forces will make up the frontlines and our forces shall be united at the western end of the island. However, before we make our move on the city, we must level the city to pave the way for our forces."
Would turn his attention to Stufalin (assuming it was him that spoke about capturing an undead) nodding. "A good general understands and knows of his enemy and his plans. If we were to capture one of the undead, we could gain a better understanding of the forces arrayed against us."
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"Perhaps studying one of these fiends could provide some interesting knowledge, perhaps some insight into how Aimar's magic works; if nothing else. That may be a good idea. As for the city, yes we will need to have our artillery pave a path through the city. Taking down their towers and battlements would be the main priority, our cannons can take down their main walls. Yet I don't think we need to use up ammunition on their external wall and barricade, our troops would need to scale those. Then pass through whatever breaches are made in their main wall, then it's just a matter of breaching and entering the inner city."

@Darrius of Ursikra @Doublez @Lord Rale @Dante Verren @Perghi @Antarctican
"The ships of Alcantair are outfitted with onagers, ballistae and springalds. The springalds and onagers are capable of hurling flaming projectiles, something I assume would be useful against walking corpses. Where would you like my fleet to focus its fire, Emperor?" 
Darrius moves his hand over the area of the inner city. "If you can wreck havoc upon the inner city with those weapons, it would make an assault against the citadel much easier. A matter that concerns me is what horrors await us when we enter the killing fields. And I'm sure it isn't outside the city. Amdur and the Archpriest of Aimar will fight us for every inch of soil we gain. That is why I want the city decimated and in so doing weaken his forces and their ability to defend. However, Marshal's plan is a sound one to level the main defenses and the towers. Afterwards, the cannons should be directed towards the inner city and the areas around it. I don't want any forces bogged down due to the weight of numbers we face when we breach the city as the archers and mass numbers of infantry will be a considerable thorn in our side. If this is all the strategical plans we have to make, we should be on the move with all haste."
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Darrius exits the command tent to assemble all invasion forces and for them to embark for Theradas with the plans set for the assault. The Emperor would order for the fleet to start bombarding the city with the set targets. Darrius would then give the official order to board the ships and set sail for the main isle. The Emperor looks ever onward towards the city, above it being the unnatural storm hanging over its vicinity. Darrius would command the priests of Alderon to clear the skies as the priestesses of Nanthleene calm the seas. The storm directly over the city would linger but the area around the isle would be clear and safe for the invasion to proceed.
Alaric followed the Emperor out of the tent, and rushed with his personal bodyguards to one of the waiting Thordanian ships. There they began raising anchor in answer to the Emperor's order, and began mobilizing for their voyage to Theradas. Waiting just off shore for the rest of the fleet to set off, so that the invasion force isn't divided. The Thordanian priests of Alderon and Nanthleene aided in the efforts to calm the storms, achieving what they hope would be a lasting solution to the first of many challenges.

@Vorar @Darrius of Ursikra @Perghi @Antarctican @Lord Rale @Doublez @Perghi @Dante Verren
King Rasten Rale exits the tent and heads toward the docked Alcan ships. He and his men board, raise anchor and push off, waiting a few hundred feet from the shore. The Knights of the White Raven and the soldiers of Alcantair don their armor and steel themselves for war.
Aerthir listened intently to the entire stratagem alongside his liege Rale, he didn't voice any of his opinions upon the matters of attack nor towards the ARch Priest, he would simply follow Rale's forces as his detachment is dubbed to do, but remained rather quiet besides gruff nods and shakes of his head with everyone's voices around the command tent, he'd exit the tent with Rale and gather his own forces, the two thousand knights of the Old Orthodox Faith, donning their Full Ignifuger Plate Mail, glistening in the sun with the colours of the Orthodox Faith and the Duchy of Vawages on their tabards. War against the undead, not exactly what the Vawagians would call glorious combat, but combat nonetheless, combat which the Knights of The Orthodox were prepared for their entire lives.
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Dante set out to board his ship. He gave his captains their order's. After that was done the ships set out. All of them where covered in a golden glow as Dante's magic began to take effect.
Is awaiting with the rest of Alduron's mercs on the ship making sure he has plenty supplies and cleaning equipment being giddy for the new things he will see in this invasion.
peter redcastle and him men board their tansport ships and set out to the "Cursed City" as they dubbed it,they will if everything goes as planned, land on the west side of the island
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The Isle of Theredas - The Year 131 Of The Second Era

As the enormous army of the Atrian Imperium and its allies prepared itself to launch its assault on the enemy forces they came to destroy once and for all, a sudden happening occurred in the clouds above them. The sinister thick grey colored clouds that hang as darkness itself above the mortals, the clouds were in a way, pushed aside, and strangely looking figures of claws shaped themselves in the sky as they moved the clouds aside and let rays of sunlight brighten the future for the mortal soldiers as their morale increased at the sight of the bright sun. The Sea of Theredas calmed itself, as did the winds that had made it so restless and it did not take long or the ruthless lightning of the sky vanish as well. Despite the active movements of the Reborn Imperium and its allies, it seemed that within the walls of the rebuilt city there was no movement at all, no longer did the drums play nor did any kind of sound come from the city.

Deep underneath the earth that was the site of the Obsidian Citadel were the Archpriest Macaber and Lord Anhaedra in the Shrine of Decay. The masked sorcerer had become silent for a moment until he turned to look at the Dremora Valkynaz again and spoke: "Ah yes, our targets. Reliable sources have been able to confirm that the Imperium Army and that of its allies is led by figures such as the noble fool King Rasten of Alcantair and the clever Marshal Alaric Sendarion, both of them will be captured alive, injure them severely if need be." Macaber said coldly as he watched Lord Volar directly throw his Obsidian broadsword Leech with a powerful throw into the face of the second mannequin. "Our enemies are supported by two mercenary commanders and their companies, kill them both and dispose of their men." As the Valkynaz walked up to the second mannequin he turned back to the Archpriest and asked: "What of the Emperor, and Lord Kindroth's Archpriest Verren, my lord?" The masked one watched the demonic statue that was located behind the strangely looking cold table of stone before looked up at the ceiling of the chamber for a moment and then faced Anhaedra again and spoke with no emotion at all: "Yes, Verren is here. You will leave him to me, but the Emperor will be your prize. Eliminate him without compromise, in the face of his army if you desire so, but make him suffer." Macaber said, before asking him the final question. "Do I make myself clear?" Lord Anhaedra pulled his weapon out of the face of the mannequin as if he pulled it out of the neck of his future intended victim: "Crystal."

Though the windstorms on sea and land had been brought to an end, there were wind gusts that suddenly engulfed the entire island, they were powerful, but they did not seem to be designed to act as a destructive force. The wind gust reached every mortal soldier in army of the Atrian Imperium and its allies, in each of their ears a whisper was brought, in wich a voice could be heard, a deep but a hollow one as if it echoed in an endless void that was the mind of each mortal, including the leading commanders of the army. "Mortals, welcome to our island, our paradise of darkness, our feast of blood and your downfall." The voice said it sounded terrifying, a nightmare, but all were awake. "But all is not lost you can still turn back and save the ones that you hold so dear before it's too late. Let me show you the vision of the future of your loved ones, a vision of fire." Suddenly the second wind gust arrived and terrible screams of despair, pain and fear were heard, the agonies of women, children and even that of babies. All eyes were covered by visions of fire, numerous settlements that were burned to the ground, tens of thousands of innocent murdered, then a mask of cold stone out of the shadows, and then nothing. All the mortals regained their vision and their hearing, but the aftershock remained with them.
Dante shook his head as the visions cleared. Well played archpriest well played indeed. Dante raised his staff Ugh in the air and brought it down on the deck of his ship. Suddenly the ship out up in a bright and brillant light as Dante's voice spread through out the fleet. "Here me people of atria. The visions you saw are visions of a future that shall not come to pass. We are the valliant warriors who stand in the way of our homes and loved one's and the evil in front of us. Do not falter for I known that each and everyone of you has the courage and strength needed to win this battle."
*After hearing the message of the evil sorceror and seeing the faces of his mem, Alduron Stufalin goes up to the steering wheel. *With his magic capabilities, Alduron makes his voice more projected to where tons of the ships in the invasion could hear him* 

"Men, People of Atria, Citizens of Zras, Alcantair, and Thordonia, soldiers, my brothers. We are here today to accomplish one goal. That is to strike out the evil within our planet. Think about the Ulfen and Oclesh invasions. One of the most dreadful things to happen to our continent. What did we do? We drove them out. Thats right. What happend when the evil Imperium was ruling in the past? We drove them out! This is the new evil and we will drive them out. We must strike out the evil from our land like we have in the past. This is just like any other encounter. Do not let their words give you fear and scare you to were you feel the cold air. Our will power, strength, and thoughts is what makes and strong and it is what we are best at. The only thing to fear is fear itself. This is not fear. Nothing is fear. You do not need to be scared of anything. These dead men and magic are just another thing in our beautiful world. These are just reanimated people. Do not let this fool you as the most foul thing in the world. This is nothing to be scared. Any abomination on this island is nothing to be scared of. Any abomination seen will be struck down by us. We have faced many things and never became scared. We will be able to push through this. We will always triumph. Good has always beaten evil. The light always shine in the end.  If we let our foes scare us, we have already lost, and I do not see us losing this day or any other day. We will win this battle for our families, our brothers and sisters, our aunts and uncles, and for the people of Atria! We will win this battle! We will bring this evil sorceror down from where he stands! We will stand tall and not fall! For the shining light of wisdom, happiness, and freedom men! For the Realms of Atria!"
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*Uther the Lightbringer calls a meeting of his Lord paladins instructing them to assist and heal any soldier they come across, including Justicar whom are at odds with the Silver Hand. He orders Alexandros to see to it that the men are prepared and ready themselves for the oncoming battle. He dismisses all but Alexandros* Make sure that any paladin that should fall be returned to the ships, we cant afford for any to be raised into undeath. May the Light watch over us. *He looks out onto the sea, seeing his ships in a sea of darkness.*
He listens to Alduron after the vision subsides and can't help but laugh at it.  "Like I have loved ones to go too.  I'm the one who's willing to open up a dead corpse just to see how it ticks.  With honestly no care in the world of who this was or why he died." he looks at the soldier that he is talking too and he has a harsh look on his face "Why so serious?" he laughs for some reason when saying that.  He double checks and then triple checks his supplies and makes sure his hand crossbow and cane are fit for action in case he has to get his own hands dirty.  "I hope you guys don't make me have to treat to many of you...I mean I may have to use unclean tools on you all and then it gets very messy....with all the diseases and such...lovely"
Alaric was still recovering from the foul magic that swept over him and his men, a despicable vision of destruction and suffering. He turned around, and looked to the men and sailors on his ship. "Fear not! He has granted us a vision of what shall fall upon Atria should we fail here! Thus I for one, resolve to not fail! Pull us up by the ruins, and ready the landing craft!" The Thordanian fleet of 22 designated warships, and 28 warship/transports was approaching the western side of the island. The 22 warships were pulled back at a long range, divided with half of the warships in front of the transports, and the other half behind. They were scanning the shore, to check if enemy forces would approach from the fortress; where then they could provide covering fire for the landing forces.

"Captain! Get light troops in the ships first, make sure their commanders have a horn. They land, secure the ruins and the forest as they carve a path to the treeline. Once there they make use of the horn. One blast for infantry, two for cavalry, three for both. They'll need priestesses of Cyithrel and Nanthleene to accompany them as well." The captain nodded, and sent off to relay the Marshal's orders. "Make haste sons and daughters of Thordania! In the name of the Empress, we shall claim victory here!"

@Vorar @Dante Verren @Darrius of Ursikra @Doublez @Antarctican @Perghi @Dr. Edward Von Zannable @Alexandros @Lord Rale
Emperor Darrius would be overseeing the invasion take place just after the vision passes, he would turn to his men. "There is a saying that has been past down to me: Soldiers only die once, cowards a thousand times over; Men, we step into the bowels of hell to rid this world of evil. Once and for all. Ready the landing craft, ready the cannons. In the name of Atria and the Gods above! Fight for what you hold dear! Here we make our stand!!!" The Imperial Army would roar in a thunderous cheer as the Emperor finishes his speech and they prepare to board and embark for the coast.
Alaric saw the majestic Imperial Fleet approaching from the southeast, with the Emperor's flagship at the head. "Thank the gods! Reinforcements have arrived! Get the next wave of transports ready, storm the shore!" He would then turn to one of his captains. "Make sure commands are coordinated with Zras' commanders, we don't need everyone running about. We hold position in the trees and begin fortifying the ruins." He then moves to shout out another command to his ships. "Get on your boats, we must secure the ruins!" He steps down to the main deck, and prepares to join his men on one of the landing craft; yet first shouts another order. "Get our warships in the south to cover the Emperor's arrival, make their troops land safely!" A commander nods and signals the southern warships. Then Alaric turns to the last of his captains, awaiting orders. "You have command of the ship, once all the troops are dropped off, pull all of the warships back to provide artillery support." The captain nods, and heads off to his post; while Alaric boards one of the landing craft, and sets out for the shore.

@Vorar @Dante Verren @Darrius of Ursikra @Doublez @Antarctican @Perghi @Dr. Edward Von Zannable @Alexandros @Lord Rale
"Shields a the Ready!". Dante's shout was greeted by the sound of the metal clanging together as the justicars banged their weapons on their shields. The ships that carried them landed roughly into the beach as the Justicars jumped of the boat landing in the soft sand. The Juticars Hurried forward placing movable defenses. These defenses resembled rafts but they where placed vertically so they would block incoming arrow fire. The ships pulled back as the three thousand Justciars advanced forward covering their head  with their shields while using the platforms to guard their front.
As Alaric and his men are the first to land, the Emperor sends his forces with himself leading them. He would land upon the shore, sinking his scalemail boots into the sand and look around as the soldiers landed and began fortifying the ruins and setting a perimeter in the treeline. He would approach Alaric, eyeing the city of Theradas. "There stands the city, Alaric. Only a matter of time before we bring down those walls and we storm the city. I just hope the fleet will do the damage needed to soften the defenses enough for our forces to take the city with relative ease." He would look to the hill overlooking the city. "That hill would be ideal for our culverins to fire upon the city from the land." Darrius would state pointing at the hill.
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Alaric was standing near the edge of the treeline, looking at the lines of fortifications that stood before the city. "Assaulting the walls will be a very difficult task, even with the walls destroyed we'd have a hard time climbing the rubble. In the meantime we need to get our cannons, and the rest of our forces on the ground. That elevated locations will be perfect for our cannons indeed. It's just a matter of getting them there, and ensuring they're protected. The fiends haven't moved from their fortress yet, we could assume they intend to sit tight. Yet I don't think we should be so quick to make assumptions. Now...what is your order, Emperor?"

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