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Fantasy The Battle of Theredas

"And it shall." Said Darrius. He looks out to the island surrounded by the massive storm. "Atria will have no more war when this is over. And I will have nothing other than peace in this world." He looks back to King Rale, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Together, we shall prevail. For united we stand against the foe."
Darrius would look to Peter. "Please. Speak as you wish and I shall listen. All who fight alongside the Imperium are brothers as they are." He points to the Imperial soldiers as he spoke his last few words.
my lord, i am here to offer my services as a vassal to your lordship, once this is over  *he stops for a moment* the company is not waht it used to be, its no more a band of brothers, we have lost that feeling since we had to build up again after a contract went wrong and we lost most of our forces, and although we managed to do so, we lsot the feeling of brotherhood along the way, we are about to disband, and oour men are going to scatter to the 4 winds, ive administrated the company since it was founded back in my younger days, and now a situation arose, an old, ehem,   ex-lover of mine, came of up with a child, saying it is mine, the similarity with me is too great, the child needs proper education, and he is only 14, i had to bring him here because i dont know where to leave him, his mother refuses to take care of him as she is married with a noble these are the main reasons im changing my lifetyle, and yes i could  lead another life, but i would like to serve the realm until my last days, as i discovered that quite fits me.. of course, this is only a proposition, and il leave it up to your majesty, i am a vetran figther and a good administrator.. i implore his majesty to consider this proposition
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Aerthir had been instructing his bands of the Old Orthodoxy Knights upon the situation while Rale left the ship to see the Marshal, it had been quite sometime since they had seen combat and the drills to keep them prepared were nothing to the real thing, so for the few hundred men who had joined him with Rasten's forces, a very rigorous warm-up to war had been drilled relentlessly the entire voyage. After instructing his men to the extent he called enough about the situation at hand and to prepare themselves to protect the land from the heathenish undead, the man set off to find his shield-brother, Rale, while hearing the sounds of war horns with Darrius' fleet arriving. Giving himself a wanderous gaze over the Emperor's fleet he shook his head at the sight. 'A hundred thousand men means not if they aren't trained properly, I do hope they know to at least wield a scythe.' He gave himself a chuckle to his thoughts and went down to meet his liege. Stepping behind Rasten's figure he gave a small laugh to the hug he was given. "Not too touchy he is, I apologize for my liege's ability to take a sign of brotherhood."
Dante quietly watched the exchange between King Rale and Emperor Darius. He was leaning against a crate a little ways a way and he chuckled as the mercenaries surrounded them. "These guys have no idea what kind of slaughter we are about to walk into.They think that this war will make them hero's and saviors but it won't. After all war doesn't make hero's. It only brakes those involved. Oh well. They need as much joy as they can get. Isn't that right?" The two staffs started to glow as if responding to Dane's whispers.
Darrius pulls out his sword. "Kneel, Peter Redcastle." He would then place the blade of the sword onto the man's shoulders. "Before the Gods and men this day, you shall be known as SIR Peter Redcastle and shall serve as Fist of the Imperial Army." Turns to the mercenary company. "All of you. Men-at-Arms. Kneel! On this day, before Gods and before men, you shall be dubbed as knights of the Imperium. Rise a knight!" Darrius then turns to Peter. "Your son shall be given a good education by the State and his education shall be paid for by the State. This I promise. Now, rise a knight."
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Dante watched the emperors display of generosity with a blank expression. He picked up his staff and walked towards Emperor Darius, King Rale, and Redcastle. "Your majesties and knights.I must ask you to hurry these pleasantries up. Hell is waiting for us and we still need to form a battle plan." Dante called out to the three men.

@Darrius of Ursikra

@Lord Rale

* Sir Peter stands up* thank you my lord,i will not fail you, i thank you for the honor youre bestowing upon me and my men *peter and the new knights would continue preparing for the siege, this time with the morale higher than ever*
*sir peter looks at dante* yes, we got a battle to fight *turns to his men* We were granted a high honor! now lets stop wasting time and get this over with! 
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"Of course. All leaders report to the command tent!" Darrius would say as he made his way towards the command tent, trudging up the hill to where Alaric awaited for him to begin the war council. He steps into the command tent to see Alaric waiting for him at long last. "I see you have led these men to the isles. Good. Let us get started. If you would do the honors of giving us the current situation at hand?" He would gesture to Alaric at the other end of the table.
 Alaric Sendarion sat within the large hilltop command tent within the Thordanian base, sitting by a table in the center of the room. It was covered with a large map of the Theradian isles, with many assorted wooden figurines upon it. He was moving some of the ships around the main island, looking for anticipated lines of fire, defensive positions, and ways to keep the fleet out of harm's way. Then he heard the Emperor summon the commanders, and saw him enter the tent. "Yes your majesty." The Theradian forces seem to have concentrated their positions entirely within the city. We've circled the isle with scout ships and seen no forces beyond the city. Meaning we should in theory be able to invade the isle with relative ease. Our priests of Alderon will need to calm the storms, while we approach and seize the forts beyond the fortress. Getting into the Fortress should not be a problem, pushing through the undead within will be. We have over one hundred thousand soldiers, and nine-hundred and eight cannons at our disposal. Nine-hundred of which are mounted on our ships, making our fleet our most valuable siege tool."

@Darrius of Ursikra



@Dante Verren


@Lord Rale
Darrius would state, "I want those cannons put to good use. Have them bombard as much of the city as possible to limit the undead's ability to repel us. That includes the forts. I don't want any defensible positions they can hide behind as we make our assault on the city. We could surround the city and have our cannons on the outside pound the city from the ground as the fleet bombards the city. Having King Rasten Rale taking his forces and surrounding the city from the ground to the Eastern fort and I will be keeping my reserves at the western ruins with both mercenary companies taking the northern fort with the culverins deployed to fire upon the city. May not be the best plan thus far but it's flexible. If the northern fort is in danger of being overrun, I can send my reserves to aid Peter's knights and the other mercenary company which I have had difficulty remembering." Darrius would look around the tent, listening for their opinions on the matter.
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*Alduron Stufalin arrives at the island where the war council is being placed and hears the current plans* Emperor, I have an idea for my men. My men will land on the isthmus  in front of the south western fort. My men and I will setup camp and take over that south western fort.
"Perhaps the forts should not be bombarded, if the enemy is within the city, we should utilize the forts as forward bases for our forces. Or fall back locations if our army is beaten back by a counter-attack. The defenses on the isle will be useful either way. Then your deployments seem fine so far. I do like Alduron's idea, securing that fort would be good to support our other deployments in the west."
*Peter was in the tent, just wacthing until now* well the forts can be useful with that i agree, the city should be bombarded to destroy the enemy capability to have the avantage of a good defense, my men could try to take the fort to the east (eastwatch) and attack from there too
"I had plans to put the Justicars there at that fort, the narrow isthmus would aid them along with the power of the Light of Kindroth with them. What's the significance of having Stufalin's mercenaries take over that fort instead of the Justicars?" He would look to Peter. "Very well. If the enemy leaves his forts untended to then we can utilize them as defensive positions. However I must say that defense is not the sole purpose of this campaign as we must take the offensive to Amdur and the Wraith King. The cannons will bombard the city and render the undead unable to defend the city properly. I especially want this section of the city leveled before we do anything else." Darrius points to the narrow area beyond the western gate.
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"The Justicars may be of more use somewhere else, actively fighting the undead. Rather than on what could largely be a defensive position."
The entirity of my men wont need to stay there either. Maybe one division good sir. The Justicars leaving men there to defend would make their numbers even less. 
Dante was officially annoyed. Here he sat with both the staff of light and the staff of light and the emperor wanted to Side line him. Dante raised the staff of light over his head then slammed it onto the table cracking the table and causing a pulse of light so bright it temporarily blinded everyone int the room. "With all do Respect I would like everyone to Be quite so that I may speak for a moment."

@Arcadian Phoenix @Darrius of Ursikra @Perghi @Doublez
Dante closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. He unwrapped the staff of life and gently placed it on the table placing the staff of light next to it. "I speak to you now not as a Arch priest but as someone who has lived through the nightmares that we are about to walk into. I will be honest. I'm terrified. I want more then anything to go home to Winsa, back to my comfortable temple and supervise prayers. We can't say the gods will guide us or that the gods have a plan for us because they are just as scarred as I am. They will help us and they will guide us but ultimately we are the deciding factor." Dante gestured to the map. "In his battle ranks don't mater. there will be no quarter for officers and no chances for surrender. They will kill everyone of us with out discrimination."

Dante looked directly at the emperor. "Your majesty Darius. Me and my Justicars are the best chance you have for winning this battle. we have hunted these monsters for two years. Throughout the wilds of Thordinia and all the way to Zras itself and you stand there and say your going to put on the sidelines." Dante slammed his fist on the table in anger. "Do you have any idea how it feels to be forced to have to kill the reanimated corpse of a child. My men have suffered for two years fighting these monsters and your just going to through that away."

"Once an opening is made the Justicars have to be on the front line or everything we have done sense our founding has been for nothing. The actions of gods will not decided this battle but the actions of men will and the men who have served the gods fatefully for so long should be the ones leading the charge. The gods have given us their blessings in the form of those stave's so please your majesty give me Dante Verren and the loyal followers of Kindroth the honor of leading the charge."

@Darrius of Ursikra @Arcadian Phoenix @Lord Rale @Perghi @Doublez @Antarctican
"Oh yes. I do have some information from my doctor. Dr. Zannable is wanting one of us to take these undead creatures alive. The reason is to study it and their weakness. He wants to understand them more to possibly give us an advantage in the battlefield."

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