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Fantasy The Battle of Theredas


A Machiavellian Prince
The Battle of Theredas

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This was a huge military engagement between the skilled and professional armies of the Reborn Imperium of Atria and the unending undead and demonic forces that dwell on the enormous isle where once the splendour of a wealthy republic was seated on its once beautiful landscape. When the destructive wave of the Old Imperium's might engulfed the island in flames, Theredas would not see a sign of life again for many centuries until the landing of Amdur Sarz, the former Emperor of Zras.


Once the Reborn Imperium found out about the survival of Amdur and his ascendence as the champion of the fiery deity, Lord Aimar, God of War and Destruction, it was the Emperor Darrius I who ordered the raising of all the armies and naval forces of the entire continent, but his own subjects proved to be a thorn in his back. The armies and fleets of the kingdom of Alcaintair refused to rally to their overlord's cause, whilst the armies and fleets of the kingdom of Thordania refused to raise their armies until their life-long rivals in Alcantair had done so.

Without the combined armies and armadas of the Atrian Imperium, Emperor Darrius would stand no chance against the ancient evil that roamed on the rock that was once considered a pearl of the sea itself. On Theredas, tens of thousands of undead beings under the command of Lord Amdur Sarz were ready to fight the might of the Reborn Imperium in the name of the God of War. But there were tales that Lord Amdur and his undead hordes were not the only threats on the island that the Emperor and his armies had to face.

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The Isle of Theredas - The Year 131 Of The Second Era

Sinister thick grey clouds hang above the whole of the Theredas Isle and would not seem to be willing to be removed from the place where evil had established its seat of power. The ancient island almost seemed abandoned, the scouting ships that had originally sent been by Empress Astraea Valladodid from Coln to the Isle of Theredas to vigilantly keep their eyes on the movements on the undead hordes that were under the control of the former Imperator of Zras, Lord Amdur Sarz, had no longer been seen for weeks. On the day that the invasion force of the Atrian Imperium and its allies were conveniently were going to assault the rebuilt city - that was once the splendid capital of the Theredas Republic, but was now a defensive citadel serving its new masters - the dark clouds above the island formed an enormous circle above the city itself. It was a dark day, the once warm and bright sun that brought the light of day to the isolated island of solitude could barely be seen and it almost looked as if the cold blanket of midnight had fallen upon both the island and the sea that surrounded it. Lightning would burst out of the skies and force itself into the very ground of the vast plains that surrounded the city with an unmatched force, this was no ordinary storm. The almost unnatural weather that hung in the air caused powerful windstorms to form itself on the Sea of Theredas, though it did not damage any of the ships that belonged to the Atrian Fleet and its allies, but it would make a landing on the island's shores much more difficult. The Isle of Theredas almost seemed a whirlwind on the restless waves of the sea. The soldiers of the Atrian Imperium and its allies that watched the settlement that they would soon assault were able to see that numerous towers were located in the centre of the city, they had been built high enough to gently caress the dark gray clouds that hang above the Isle of Theredas. The towers were connected to what seemed to be an impermeable fortress and a vast repository of power and knowledge was undoubtedly the source where of all evil was located for the centre of the circle of dark clouds was hanging directly above the huge structure.

Behind the immensely powerful steel gates of the Obsidian Citadel, reinforced by iron bars and magical wards,  and its tall black walls were made out of an indomitable rock, the leaders of the island's forces had finished convening with one another about their situation in one of the numerous private apartments located in the many towers of the fortress. Lord Amdur Sarz, the Champion of the God of Destruction, walked down the three-story accented staircase of the citadel's great hall with his closest ally, second only to Lord Aimar, the Archpriest of the God of Destruction, Macaber Insomnia, and his military commander, Lord Anhaedra Volar. At the last steps of the staircase, the Archpriest stopped and turned to his deity's champion as he spoke, but his pale lips could not be seen as the entirety of his face was still covered by his mask of cold stone. "Do keep in mind, Sarz, that your forces are weak and will not long be able to resist the enemy army, but I want you to hold out as long as possible. Give me and my forces time. I will contact you once you can redeploy your forces within the citadel if you attempt to enter the citadel before I've summoned you, or even try to flee." The Archpriest said, with his deep voice echoing through the huge hall as a terrifying demon from the underworld. "Then be sure to remind yourself that I will personally come after you, and if required I will bring you back from the Other Side and I will inflict more pain to your soul than even Lord Aimar could possibly imagine." The Champion of Fire would merely nod in silence at the orders and even the promise that the masked one made. The former Imperator of Zras did not like the words that his ally spoke to him, but he was overly aware of the danger that lay behind them. After Macaber narrowed his eyes for a short moment at the sight of the iron ring - adorned with ancient crimson colored markings -  that was bound around the Champion's annulary, but then made his way for the citadel's massive underground tunnel framework alongside Lord Anhaedra Volar and a small contingent of Dremora Valkynazes and Xivilai Battlemages to reach the Wraith King's private chamber known as the Shrine of Decay.

The great hall of the Obsidian Citadel was filled with thousands of robbed Aimar Cultists, demonic knight-like Dremora Valkynazes, and tall gray-skinned Xivilai Battlemages that all prepared themselves for the battle that would soon be upon them. The hall was once a place of peaceful worship as it was once also the great hall of Theredas's cathedral, but now it was a dark place where a source of incomprehensible power roamed through its very air. The massive hall was always empty, it was merely filled with some Dremora that stood guard and a few cultists that merely passed by to head for their eventual destination in one of the towers or the chambers in the underground framework, but now it contained a lethal army. The Aimar Cultists of the citadel had been trained to a degree by the Wraith King himself and each of them respective had become powerful sorcerers in their own right as now, some of them we strengthening the spells that had been woven into the impregnable black colored stone that formed the black walls of the fortress. Lord Amdur Sarz left the Obsidian Citadel's great hall and he was outside in the courtyard of the inner heart of the city - that was filled with numerous strong and well-placed fortifications to defend the citadel - received by his personal lifeguard, a company of a hundred Wraith Knights. These were humanoid war spirits that resembled corrupted knight-like figures on resurrected war horses that once served the Old Imperium, the undead knights wore exceptionally well-crafted sets of plate armor that had been forged by the Wraith King himself, who was their original creator. The Champion of Fire mounted his stallion, a war horse that had served him for years back in the Northern Imperium of Zras, and moved across the rebuilt city to give direct orders to the officers under his command, whilst his entire lifeguard remained with him.

Leaving their contingent of Dremora Valkynazes and Xivilai Battlemages to guard the door to the Wraith King's private chamber, Archpriest Macaber and Lord Anhaedra entered it in the meantime, closing the door behind them. The room was cold and its air foul, filled with dark energy and ancient power, it was only lit by a few red candles - a common sight in the Obsidian Citadel - and it was filled with numerous precious types of metals, herbs and various other kinds of materials. In the centre of the room stood a cold table made out a strange stone with an ancient demonic-like statue overshadowing it from behind. The masked sorcerer walked up to the table and removed his black colored glove from his left hand and gently caressed the table's cold stone, whilst the Dremora Valkynaz walked up to one of the chamber's training mannequins - it was equipped with a mere set of iron armor - as he picked his Daedric Crescent Blade from his back and with a deadly ferocity smashed into the wooden throat of the lifeless mannequin, his incredible powerful strike letting numerous wood splinters fly across the air and the head of the figure fall on the ground. The masked sorcerer turned to look at Anhaedra who walked up to the table as well at a slow pace. "For how long do we have to sit here and miss the fun, my lord?" Anhaedra Volar asked, his deep and guttural voice echoing through the darkness of the Shrine of Decay. "Besides, you can not entrust the might of the citadel to that fool Amdur." After a small and quick chuckle, the Archpriest replied: "I won't, Volar, and we will wait long enough until I believe Amdur, who I do not need a betrayal from, and our enemies have bled enough." Lord Anhaedra summoned his ancient Daedric Crescent Blade back into his right hand via a telekinesis spell and then attached it again on the back of his armor, he then unsheathed his black colored broadsword made out of pure unbreakable Obsidian - it was said that the wound inflicted by this blade would drain one's very life force out of themselves and strengthen the sword's wielder, for that it was known as Leech - and walked up to a second mannequin. "We have got an enemy army at our doorstep led by several high valuable targets, my lord. Any specific orders?" The Dremora Valkynaz asked as he had his share of strategic and tactical decision making, but he was aware that the Archpriest had different plans.

The outer lying section of the city became filled with thousands of undead, especially the western and eastern gates and the two respective bridges that connected the outer walls of the city with the inner that contained the Obsidian Citadel, the heart of the settlement. Roughly fifteen thousand Undead Warriors, two thousand Crypt Guards and some four thousand Undead Archers - deployed on the walls and the archery towers - were each  located at the Trade Gate at the Western Outer Wall and the Gilded Gate at the Eastern Outer Wall with some additional ten thousand Undead Warriors, two thousand Crypt Guards and some two thousand Undead Archers - deployed on the walls and the archery towers -  stood at the ready at the two respective bridges to come in as support. The rebuilt city's fortified port was garrisoned with roughly ten thousand Undead Warriors, a thousand Crypt Guards, and five hundred Undead Archers - deployed on the walls and archery towers - with the same troops being deployed at the Silver Gate at the city's Northern Outer Wall. The remaining undead forces, five thousand Undead Warriors and two thousand Undead Archers would remain stationed on the inner fortified city's courtyard and wait for the orders of their acting commander-in-chief, Lord Amdur Sarz, the Champion of Fire. The Undead that were present in the courtyard that was located in front of the Obsidian Citadel took up the drums that lay at their feet and began to play in an unnatural harmony, as the sounds of their drums would be carried by the wind of the sea and sent into the ears of the soldiers of the Atrian Imperium and their allies. The rebuilt city that was once the site of not a battle against light versus darkness, but it was a battle between fellow mortals because of a mere dispute over who was the stronger, today would be a very different day. The defenders were ready as suddenly the Undead stopped playing their drums and an unearthly silence was present in the settlement, even inside the halls of the Obsidian Citadel not a single sound could be heard, except for the sounds of the magnificent display of lightning and the restless winds that made the waves of the sea panic. The calm before the storm was at an end...
The Thordanian Fleet would be patrolling the waters near the isle directly to the south of Theradas City, where the Thordanians had set up their forward base for the invasion as they had secured the route during the months prior. There, Alaric Sendarion Field Marshal of the Thordanian army, would observe the spectacle unfolding above the ancient and accursed land. He was concerned, yet certain not to show it, for fear of affecting his men's already shaken morale. Hopefully the invasion fleet would bring along more Priestesses of Nanthleene, so that the blessings of the goddess could bolster everyone's resolve. He was lost deep in thought when a woman's voice erupted from beside him. "Marshal! I bring news from Ursikra!" Alaric took one last glance at the dreaded island on the horizon, before turning to the woman; of whom was holding out a letter stamped with the Thordanian Imperial Seal. He swiftly took the letter, and thanked the courier, before calling for his men to gather his lieutenants. He then turned to head inside his tent.

A large and exquisite tent, designed to intimidate enemy commanders, prisoners, and visitors, was meant for the Empress of Thordania. Yet her presence at Ursikra was required, rather than on campaign on the isles. It was well lit, with an orb of light cast by a priest of Kindroth, floating over a large rectangular table in the center of the room. Where Alaric took a seat, and broke the seal of the letter, proceeding to read it. He had nearly finished when his lieutenants entered, he motioned for them to sit down. As he finished he put down the scroll, and began to speak to the assembled commanders. "Emperor Darrius and the invasion fleet have set sail, they are due to arrive tomorrow. As such all forces must be prepared for combat." He looks at the lieutenant on his left. "Check the munitions, and ready the cannons. Make sure we have enough for a prolonged siege, and make sure it is well guarded." The man nodded, and Alaric turned to the next lieutenant. "You, prepare the soldiers, and landing craft. Then check the ships as they dock at the end of their patrols, make sure they are in order." He would then turn to the last of his lieutenants. "Make sure the priests are fit for combat, they have been practicing their spells; they will inevitably need rest for the battle to come." He would then sweep his gaze over all of them. "Understood?" A question of which they all answered with haste. "Yes sir!". They then were dismissed, and set out to fulfill their assigned duties.

Alaric walked out of his tent, a few minutes after them. Looking out over the island, sprawling with soldiers, sailors, his countrymen. His doubts then returned to him. "How many would return home? How many would fall and be raised as foul servants of Aimar? Would I even survive the battle?" He took a moment to quickly steel himself and sweep away his doubts, and looked back across the once calm seas; still there it stood, Theradas. Come the dawn the men around him would be on their ships, prepared to join with the Emperor's forces, and meet whatever fate awaited them. All was then left to the Gods, especially whether they would live to see another dawn, or perish before dusk.
A messenger bursted into the Field marshals tent. "My lord. Allied ships have been spotted in the distance." On the horizon several ships could be seen making their way to the out post. Decorating the white sails was the brilliant gold mark of the Justicars. The Lead boat glowed with a soft golden light that warmed the hearts of all who came in contact with it.

The ships came to a gentle stop on the beach as men and women dressed in plate armor or chain mail unloaded the ships onto the beach. All of these soldiers had one same feature. The brilliant white cloak with golden trims. The Justicars had arrived and where now making final preparations for the battle to come.
Alaric Sentalion walked out of his tent, and looked down at the soldiers that had arrived on the isle at long last. The first wave of the great invasion force to come. Studying them and their armor in relative awe, he quickly realized exactly who they served. They were the Justicars, the holy servants of Kindroth and the Archpriest of the God of Justice and Light. He walked down towards the beach, nearing the new arrivals. Then spoke to the closest Justicar. "Greetings friend, has the Archpriest himself come? I would wish to speak with him." 
a Horn is blown from a small arriving  trasport fleet , bearing the distintive logo of the redcastle mercenary and adventuring company, they dock, and Peter redacstle if the 1st to hit the land followed by the rest of the company, they would get inside the city and get ready for battle, they wear the distive colors and banners of the company: a red castle over a yellow background this was a wekk ago, in quilt
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Alduron Stufalin and his Mercenaries "Stufalin's Arms" armies come out from afar and reach the Island of Theradas to aid with the invasion. The Mercenaries decided to in the waters around the isthmus in front of Westwatch Fort to wait for the main invasion force, with them aiming to take the fort over for the invasion force. Before they land, Alduron goes to his chambers on his ship. "Alderon, I wish for your aid upon me, my allies, and my men. This will be a long and hard fought battle. With your aid I hope it will bring the invasion one step closer in getting rid of the island of the undead. Your might and wisdom will bring us victory today. Your aid may possibly save the lives of many a men. I wish that you please give us your strength and wisdom." 
"Aye Milord. He is right over there." The justicar pointed at the ship that was glwoing slightly. "You can't miss him. Just follow the glow." The Justicar went back to work. 

Dante stepped of the boat he was currently on. he felt a soft crunch as his plate boots touched land. Dante was dressed the same as all the other Justicars. He wore plate armor with the white and cold cloak. However his cloak was more worn and torn and a golden glow surrounded him. His staff of light was in his left hand while his sword was hanging at his belt. The staff of life was hanging on his back wrapped in a cloth to keep it safe.

@Arcadian Phoenix
The flags of House Rale and the Kingdom of Alcantair fly over the Alcan fleet as it nears the island.The boats are outfitted with various combinations of onagers, ballistae and springalds. The ships make landfall and the soldiers of Alcantair step onto the beach, some of them bearing the white linen cloaks of the Order of the White Raven. King Rasten Rale exits the Alcan flagship, donned in Ignifuger plate, helmet tucked under his arm, sword on his hip and shield on his back.

Rale would turn to the nearest allied soldier. "Where are the leaders of these forces?"
*as peter enters the city, a noblewoman comes up to the peter and slaps him, with a boy of about 14 years wacthing, peter imediatly recognizes her* caroline? ouch! what was that for?! *the woman pointed towards the child* your son, the result of what we did 15 years ago!! *peter is in schock* but caroline, you could have mesasged me, i would have taken care of him *the woman leaves telling the boy that he is his father, and that he must take care of him now, peter sighs*

well son, im your father, guess you should go hide, it will get really dangerous and i dont think you know how to fight... *suddenly the kid got a dagger off his clothes* i see, uhh, how well can you fight? *the boy said* On guard! *peter drew his sword at sparred with the kid, peter was surprised, the kid knew how to use that dagger very well* can you use other weapons? shortsword and shield are my favories, *replied the kid, peter sighed, well at least if we die you will die with your father, come with me il give you some equipment... *^the boy was equiped with light mail armor and with a shortsword and small buckler*
"Thank you, Justicar." Alaric would follow the man's instructions, heading towards the ship. Where he sees the man he recognized as Dante Verren, the Archpriest of Kindroth, stepping off of his ship. He would bow, and address the Archpriest. "Greetings Archpriest, it is a pleasure to see you again. It's been quite some time."

@Dante Verren

The Thordanian soldier would look up at the King, and perform a slight bow. "Greetings your majesty! The command tent is upon the top of the hill, however I believe Marshal Sendarion is near the beaches. There the Justicars have landed, and you may be able to find their leader there as well."

@Lord Rale
Dante looked a the man and gave him a small smile. "Good day Lord Aleric. How fares the preparations?" to a normal soldier Dante appeared to be in perfect condition but to a seasoned veteran it was obvious to see that his smile was weak. They would also be able to tell by his stance taht he was applying weight onto his staff to help hold himself up. 

@Arcadian Phoenix
"Thank you, sir," Rasten responds, walking toward the Justicar ships. He approaches Marshal Sendarion and the Archpriest, saluting as he does so. "Hello, Marshal. Archpriest. I don't believe I've ever had the pleasure of meeting either of you. King Rasten Rale of Alcantair." He looks around. "Have the Emperor and his forces arrived yet?"

@Dante Verren

@Arcadian Phoenix
Dante bowed his head as the King approached. "It is an honor to meet you great king Rale. I wish I had better news but it seems the Emperor and the majority of the army has yet to arrive.".

@Lord Rale
"The preparations fare quite well, all progress is nearly complete. We have some priests of Kindroth here, of whom would no doubt be elated to hear of your presence here." Alaric would notice the implied 'weakness' or 'frailty' of the Archpriest's stance. Yet decided to act as if it was not present, in public at least. Then he would notice a Lord of Alcantair approaching, and turn slightly to look at him. After the then apparent King of Alcantair spoke, he bowed deeply. "Greetings your Majesty, it is a pleasure to meet a the ruler of Alcantair as a friend rather than a foe; after all these long years. Alas I am Alaric Sendarion, Field Marshal of the Thordanian Imperial Army, in service to her Imperial Majesty Empress Astraea Valladodid. As for the Emperor, no he has not arrived yet, something of which I hope will not prove to be too much of a delay." The Marshal would seem relatively confident, yet exhausted, it could be surmised that he likely hadn't gotten any sleep lately.

@Lord Rale

@Dante Verren
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The transport Ships arrive at the camp location, bearing the same distintive logo and men, peter is as usual the 1st man to come down the ships, and then follow his men, Peter heads with his men to get ready for battle, and they seem msot ready tahn evenr, hoever this time they are 6001, a child aparently Peter's son is with them, the similarities are far too much of a coincidence
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Rale stands with his legs at shoulder width, his hands clasped behind his back. "Hm. Let us hope that he gets here soon. Timing can determine the outcome of a battle, and this battle is critical to the fate of Atria as a whole... What kind of enemy force will we be up against?"

@Dante Verren

@Arcadian Phoenix
Dante snickered at both men. "Lets just say we will be running head first into hell itself. At least there won't be any toxic mist this time so thats a plus." Dante sighed wearily. " Anyone want a drink? The Redcastle mercenaries have a very very fine wine with them."

@Arcadian Phoenix

@Lord Rale
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"Ah, yes, I hear that mist was a great problem in Valkarias. Quite a mess it made of things. The Archpriest is also correct about the enemy forces here, we've seen a lot of activity on that island. Mostly centered around the city so far. As for a drink, no thank you...the Emperor may arrive soon, and I'd best keep my wits about me. I would hope the Emperor arrives before noon, else I doubt there will be enough time to secure the island before nightfall. I'd rather not have our men fighting those fiends in the dark, something of which perhaps the priests of Kindroth would be able to alleviate. However we don't need our priests spread out over too many duties either. Should he fail to arrive, then we will have to wait overnight. Hope he arrives at night, or around dawn tomorrow."
Dante sighed, "I'm sure it will work out. However you need to go and relax while you an. Lord Aleric and your majesty I am going to check on my men and the priest before relaxing myself. I will see you soon." With that Dante was off going to run his errands.

@Arcadian Phoenix

@Lord Rale
"Aye, if we're going to end up moving tomorrow. We'd best catch up on rest, the Gods know we'll need it. I will be in the tent on top of the hill, in the meantime." He looks over at King Rasten. "Again, a pleasure to meet you. Farewell." As such he went off up to his tent, where he had a war room prepared for the Emperor's arrival, with a detailed map so that the allied forces could effectively plan their assault.

@Lord Rale

@Dante Verren
Rasten nods. "A pleasure meeting you both as well. My camp should be nearly set up. Farewell, Marshal. Archpriest," he said, saluting them both once again before walking off toward the site of Alcantair's war camp.
Darrius would be sailing across the Sea of Theradas by now, being held back by the storm that amassed over the seas as the invasion fleet traversed its waters. He would look out over the balcony in front of his command lodge on his flagship, observing the storm firsthand. The ship would rock back and forth violently as the seas crashed upon the ship. Darrius looked to the sky and muttered a prayer: "Alderon, Nanthleene, hear my prayers! Strong and powerful are you. Everlasting and eternal is your greatness. Many times you have guided your people to a brighter future, and by your grace and divinity shall we conquer evil in your name. Show these foul and putrid dogs that the Will of Aimar is to be denied. Let these souls who wish to see a brighter future for Atria be given a fighting chance in your honor! Let this storm subside that we shall carry the banner of the Imperium in your glory!!!". After the Emperor spoke these words, he would order his communion priests and priestesses to clear the skys and calm the seas to make way to the island where the other forces of the Imperium resided for the final preparations for the attack that would decide the fate of the Imperium and Atria as a whole. A loud horn would sound as the invasion fleet would finally be seen off the coast, approaching the island. The Emperor's flagship was the first to dock and Darrius steps onto the docks, his armor flashing before the men's eyes and his figure being that of a heroic posture. He walks down the docks and would head towards the command tent atop the hill, stopping by a few soldiers here and there, checking on their condition and giving his greetings. He would see King Rasten Rale at his camp and waves a greeting before approaching. "Glad to finally see that you have arrived. And I was worried you would betray me." He said as he let out a smile, giving him a bear hug as well, apparently delighted to see his vassal here in this historic event. 
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Seeing the invasion fleet of Zras and hearing the horns of war, King Rasten Rale approaches the docks to meet Emperor Darrius and his men. He smiles at the Emperor's comment. "I'm offended," he says jokingly. "I would never think to do such a thing, especially at a time like this. All of Atria hangs in the balance; petty bitterness cannot be allowed to get in the way of that." The hug takes Rasten by surprise, though he reciprocates after a few seconds, patting his liege on the back. "This island and its abominations must burn in righteous fire." 
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*the Mercenaries of The Peter Redcastle Company gather arround the emperor, all of them never seeing him in person, they whisper and talk, impressed by the presence of his majesty, peter redcastle would step foward and bow as sign of respect and then he says* Your majesty, would you be able to hear out this veteran warrior, captain of a mercenary company, i wish to talk to his imperial majesty, although if he does not wish so, i understand
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