The Band [Inactive]

Cria walked over to James and covered his ears,"Come in."She half yelled at the person knocking on the door. Cria figured he had been here all day and was probably drained of energy.
Kaita smiled cheerfully, having quickly recovered by the small shock of the door opening just as she was about to open it. "Hello! I'm here for the auditions..." her voice trailed off as she looked around the room. "But it looks like you have a lot of people...."
"let me check if we want any more people. yo James what should we do!"he said in a loud tone
Cria turned Xobic and her eyes glowed and a mouth plug appeared in his mouth before he could speak,"Shhh....He is asleep."Cria growled at him. She felt obligated to do this since he had such big plans for them. Turning back to the new girl,"Hello,what is your name and what can you do."Cria made sure that she used her powers before the girl entered.
Kaita frowned in confusion. "What I can do? As in...?" It was probably the fact that she had been wondering how she would hide the sparks she shot off sometimes that confused her. After all, a normal person would have understood that statement.
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"I said what can you do?As in the band auditions..."Cria didn't say powers so she was a little confused.
It had been another busy day for Tina. Well, busy by her standards. She'd finished the school project she'd been working on, for her correspondence course, while sitting in a coffee shop and had sat in on a number of interesting conversations, and feelings. None of the other patrons of the café had been mutants, but just sitting there alone, among them, made her feel part of the group. One of the crowd. Normal. Something she'd taken for granted when she was younger. At least she was still able to pretend, and didn't have to hide away from the world like some of the others she'd heard about...

With a smile, she packed up her laptop, and plugged in her music to begin walking home. It was a nice day out, and Tina closed her eyes a moment, blocking out the rest of the world as best she could with the throbbing beat in her ears. She imagined a white light, in the form of an egg, that surrounded her like a shield. A shield that protected her from all the emotions of others. This visualization technique was something she'd read online from those 'angel therapy' experts who talked about 'sensitive people'. Sure, they probably didn't have actual empathic mutations, but they knew what they were talking about. It wasn't foolproof, but the visualization definitely helped.

She was only a few block away from her apartment, when she stopped, and stood stark still. She looked around, confused for a moment, and smiled. There was a gathering... a large gathering, actually, and all of them were mutants! She could feel it! She'd never felt so many in the same place before... Not so close together. Malls came close, but the energies were spaced out and this was dense.

Tina bit her lip, and took a deep breath, heading towards the building that housed the mutants, and tried to ignore the pounding of her heart that throbbed in her ears. She knocked.
Kaita nodded, embarrassed at her mistake. "Ah...right. I sing, and I know guitar." She grinned, and slung the guitar off her back. She heard the knock, but brushed it aside, after all, she wasn't in charge of this.
opened up the door and close it behind him when he went outside"are you here for the auditions for the band if you are you will have to wait awhile"he started to get bored
Tina had only been waiting a few moments, but those moments seemed to drag on and on. She could feel herself losing her nerve to speak with these people with each passing second. She had almost decided to turn away, when the door opened. She just barely managed to step back enough so that it didn't catch her foot, as someone emerged. It was a boy who looked... A little strange. With very dark purple hair, deep shades and a sense of style that wasn't on her radar, he looked... imposing. That he was incredibly tall and towered over her small 5'6 frame didn't really help her feel any safer. He had to be over seven feet at the least...

Immediately, she could detect a strong sense of boredom from him, and that his powers had something to do with his physical body... Some sort of enhancement, though she had no idea what. A mutant... a real, live mutant was talking to her... And asking about a band? "Band auditions?" Tina asked, shooting a curious look at the tall stranger, and nervously tucked some of her brown hair behind her ear, which moved some of the bangs from her face. A few sprigs of hair dropped back into their place, but she paid them no heed.
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"Yes, that's what we've gathered for. If all goes well I plan on being the band manager- I'm Elizah. And you are?" Elizah responded, moving to the other mutant's side to view the newcomer. Pushing the door open a little wider Elizah added: "Perhaps you'd like to come in? Do you have the skills to be a part of our band? I should probably warn you that there's a bit of a special circumstance that allows one to join this band."
Tina had been too distracted to even try to look past the tall man in front of her, but when someone began to speak to her from inside, she turned to take in the scene. There were so many people! And they all looked... Well, actually they looked pretty normal. There were a few people that were different, as she'd have expected, but nothing that screamed 'mutant'. Was she expecting purple skin or yellow eyes? Tina wasn't even sure...

So much emotion flew at her, when she turned her attention towards the others, and she flinched the slightest bit. So little that it would have been hard to notice unless you were looking directly at her. There was some fear... But a lot of hope, and excitement. It felt pretty good. There was also an assortment of powers, but Tina was feeling far too overwhelmed to attempt to pick them out individually.

The woman that had specifically spoken to her wasn't standing too far away from the door. She looked quite professional, had a warm smile, and a power that had something to do with the ear. At least, Tina felt her smile was warm. She was nervous at being singled out, but when the woman mentioned a special circumstance, she lit up. She bit her lip, and took a step inside, not wanting to say anything too loudly. "I can play keyboard and guitar... Or make cool posters if you guys need them." she began, making her skill set known. Of all the things she'd expected to do today, joining a band was not one of them, but at least she sort of qualified. "So, I have to be a mutant?" she asked anxiously, looking around at the group inside the door.
James woke up after a short nap, finding himself cramped in the corner. What's going on? Is this an anti-mutant riot? Or… are these all mutants. James stood up and tried his best to stretch in the small space he had. Then he took a step forward. "Woah, wait a minute. Are… are all of you guys mutants? It looks like I missed a lot.
"well hello sleepyhead, welcome back to the land of the living, and yes i think we all are... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh". Alex promptly falls over and starts sleeping. this happens very suddenly.
Cria knelt down and felt Alex's pulse,"He is alive,but I doubt he is in fatal condition...Now back to the situation at hand,currently we have three people auditioning and this Kaita and she is a mutant as you can.The other two are a male and female,and she is outside. Kaita here sings and plays the guitar."The mutant explained to James as she turned back to
Kaita stopped short. How this girl knew she was a mutant was beyond her, but if everybody else here were mutants....her ears popped out from underneath her hair and she grinned. "Hello!"
Xobic looked at James"I think they are oh yeah what is the band's name I want to know because I'm going to put it on the side of my van if that is OK"
James smiled back to Kaita and returned the greeting. Then he looked to Xobic. "That's a good idea… and a good question. I hadn't really thought that far ahead. Any ideas?"
James rubbed his chin, thinking. "We're getting pretty large now. We could call ourselves Heaven's Circus? It's just a thought."
James blushed a little. Obviously his name wasn't quite what the others had been going for. "Uh, yeah, that works too I guess. Does that work for everybody?"

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