The Band [Inactive]

Kaita frowned in thought for several minutes before her eyes lit up. "The Strangers? I don't know, it's just an idea.." Her ears swiveled and drooped a little as she began thinking again.
James' face brightened when Kaita said her idea. "Funny, that idea actually crossed my mind too. But I didn't think you guys would like it."
Kaita shrugged, but her ears perked up. "I thought it might be a good idea to have the band name have something to do with our true life. After all, that's what most bands do."
"Why not something about our heritage,such as M's Gene or Royal Superior."Cria spoke up as she looked from face to face.
Kaita frowned, giving Cria a weird look. "But that makes it seem as if we are above normal humans, bu we're really just different. Gene might be a bit suggestive secret are we going to try and keep this?" She turned James.
"Hmm. It'd be stupid to name ourselves something so obvious. I do want this to be a group working to help mutants, but I don't want regular people to actually figure out we're mutants. But… perhaps being obvious is so stupid that it's positively brilliant… if you know what I mean."
"That is how most people get away with things.If I were to brake a vase and I wanted to hide it,I would just place a similar or completely different vase in it's place.Hiding in plain sight would be the best plan,so I chose the band name Superior Royalty since that just sounds like a regular band name,but I was trying to go for a neutral name so that people wouldn't think we only sung one type of music."Cria explained herself as she grabbed a chair and took a seat.Allowing her hair to fall over the back the chair it almost touched the ground.
Kaita frowned thoughtfully. "Point taken. What kind of music are we doing?" She suddenly paused. "Wait, am I even part of the band?"
"Eh, I agree with Kaita on the point that we don't want to sound stuck up, or like we are better than other people. But I liked that M one you had said. What was it again? We could name ourselves mutant something and then maybe dress up in gas masks or… whatever." James then looked to Kaita with a smile. "Of course you're in the band. Why wouldn't you be?"
Kaita grinned manically, and bubbles started to randomly appear around her. "So I could pretend that my animal features are just super high-tech costume pieces?" More bubbles appeared, but she didn't appear to notice. "I wasn't quite sure. After all, you never did say 'accepted' until now."
"Yeah, that's an idea. We can think about that more. Maybe we could get you some sort of costume with a hood or something so that some of those features are hidden. I don't know. We'll think on that. And of course you're accepted, that's the whole point of this band to accept all mutants." James noticed the bubbles around Kaita. "What's that?"
She shrugged. "Sorry. I didn't know that." Noticing the bubbles, Kaita blushed. "Er...those pop up sometimes.."
Kaita looked positively embarrassed. "'s like a physical appearance of my emotions..." She stared at her feet, and the bubbles began popping out of existence.
Tina watched as the band began to bounce name ideas off each other, and though a couple flew into her head, she didn't bother to mention them. There were already so many good ideas, and she didn't want to add to any arguments. Besides, the rising excitement felt wonderful, washing over her in waves. She was worried when one of the boys dropped to the ground. He seemed fine though... and when someone checked, she felt better about it. His powers had something to do with the mind. Perhaps this sleeping spell had something to do with that power...

Turning her attention back, Tina listened, feeling more and more overwhelmed as the group continued to talk. Maybe this wasn't the place for her... She hadn't been accepted, after all, and with so many members, they likely didn't need her... She hadn't expressly revealed herself as a mutant yet, either. The girl, identified as Kaita, had a physical power as long as something... fire based? It was some sort of energy, but Tina couldn't pinpoint it. And before the girls ears and tail moved, she had thought it was a costume. But she was right, they did move with her emotions, and Tina could sense every shift.

"I-It seems like you already have more than enough members... I-I can go." Tina said with an apologetic smile. "I can still make posters though, if you decide on a band name..." she added, hoping to have some sort of connection with this group of mutants. People like her... Though they may not know that. At that moment, the boy that had passed out rose from sleep, asking what was going on, so Tina went silent again, waiting for an answer before she left the group to their own devices.
James became a little worried when the girl asked to leave. He didn't know if she was a mutant or not. So he positioned himself between her and the door. "Are you a mutant or not?"
Tina turned, as the tall mutant spoke, telling her that she should stay, and then the apparent ringleader began to speak to her. Tina blinked a couple times. Her powers were so... easy to hide, in a way. When she wasn't driven crazy and in one of her wild mood swings, but that could be seen as 'normal' teenage girl behaviour. No one had ever asked her outright if she was a mutant. It was... a weird sensation. Tina bit her lip and looked around at the others. She was like them, even if she couldn't manifest anything like they could. She was so... normal in comparison but still...

"Yes. I'm a mutant, as all of you are." she confirmed, with a shy smile. A wave of relief flowed through her, almost like she'd been holding her breath and had finally let herself exhale. She'd finally admitted it. Admitted she was not, in fact, normal. It felt really good. "I-Is that the provision for joining?" she asked, a little nervously. Being able to interact with others would be fantastic, but too many mutants in one place would draw attention. There wasn't really a way around that... Especially if someone with powers similar to her own happened to come near them.
James looked to her with a smile. "Yup, that's the requirement. I hope you'll stay here with us. I know it's getting kind of big, but isn't that the point? To gather together mutants to work for a common cause. I don't want to get caught, but if we do, we do. And if we do, we'll be better off with all of you than just some of you."
Kaita bounced, literally, and her ears were perked up with excitement. "Sure! Since you asked first, I'm Kaita!" Something told her she'd already said that, but she really didn't care. "And who are you?"
"I'm Alex, I can play the guitar but i would mainly do Special Effects such as light shows, allthough i would need a new amp as i can only use my current one with my power"

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