The Band [Inactive]

James shrugged, looked around, and laughed a little. "Oh, well sure. That's be fun, if it's alright with the rest of you guys. I hope we wouldn't be imposing."
"Will there be any cute guys?"Cria's tone was somewhat different and she was had a sort of sweet smile on her face.
"If you put on a mask y'all would be cute."Cria chuckled a bit. Shaking her head Cria turned to James,"Just joking,but I'm not into relationships in a work place.It will get seriously cray cray if you are not careful. And I just searched your family tree online,and your dad is cute. "She chirped as she went from James to Xorbic and laughed a bit.
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"Oh, I see. I guess that makes sense," replied James with a hint of disappointment. Then he heard what she said about Xorbic's dad and almost puked.
Kaita raised an eyebrow. "That was fast..." Having dumped Alex off in the back, she had wandered up front, looking for an answer to her question. "Hey guys, does that boy who keeps falling asleep always do that?" After a moment, Kaita realized something. "Oh wait, never mind. You've only known him for a few hours too." She sat on an empty seat, and closed her eyes.
Tina was feeling really swept away by not only the energy of these mutants, but physically swept away! Suddenly, they're going on a tour bus? Having a party? This was all pretty fast... But that was the way that some people liked to do things, right? She took a few deep breaths and followed along, trying her best to adjust without getting frustrated. Change was a little difficult for her, especially when she wasn't in control of it somehow. She held in a giggle at Cria's comment.

"Should we decide what kind of music we're going to play? What parts everyone plays?" she piped up, after all she'd missed the rest of the auditions. She didn't really want to interrupt everyone's fun, but it was something that really needed to be discussed. Besides, talking about music was generally fun! Unless everyone had completely different opinions on what they'd like to hear...

Tina had decided that if they already had enough guitar players, or a keyboard player, that she would help with the creative half of things. She could help write songs and drum up some interest in their band. After all, even though she sometimes loathed the emotions she encountered, she was generally quite good at working with people. It was up to the rest of the band of course.
James looked to Tina. "Well, I know we have some different tastes, so I was thinking we wouldn't have to be bound by genre. Don't you think that would be cool?"
Alex Yawns. "hey guys, sorry about that, i haven't got much sleep lately" He sat there for a minute before asking "hey where are we going?"
"we're going to my house which way should be able to see it now"Xobic said as he's pulling into driveway

((OOC his house
"my dad is one of us a mutant he can see the past present and future he just took the right path to get a life like this"he stop Van and got out
"yes but he won't tell that easily I been asking about my future for years And he still haven't told me"3 people came out of the house 2 girls and 1 boy.the little girl started running to Xobic and yelling brother

((OOC his family/father
"yes they are"Xobic picked up his little sister"are these your friends brother" "hello James and the rest of you we have a lot of food in here" "yes you all should come inside"

sister mother

Kaita smiled cheerfully at the children. "Of course!" She followed James and Xobic inside, waving to his family. "Lucky man. To be able to live in such wealth and end up with such a healthy family is a gift indeed."
"yeah very lucky it feels like cheating to me and that or its boring"Xobic open the door and gone inside
Cria hopped out of the van with a smile,"I don't think it is cheating,unless you are actually cheating. If I had the power I would use for myself and try to help other people if I got the chance. "
"whatever you say it is"he said his little sister down at the table where she was coloring"big brother daddy is a scientist"
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