The Band [Inactive]

James smiled at the group. "And I'm James, the drummer. I'm also the one that put up those posters to gather you all here. This is my studio."
Tina was glad that no one said anything against her. She didn't look like a mutant, after all, but how was anyone supposed to gage without knowing a power? She listened as some of the others began to introduce themselves. Most gave their powers, but the ringleader, James, did not. She sensed that it was something physical... some sort of enhancement and yet it tied into a mental ability. Tina couldn't really understand, but she hadn't yet managed to master her own power yet. Who had mastered it at her age, after all? Perhaps all these other mutants had, but it was more difficult when you weren't being taught... Perhaps if she was trained, she would be able to completely sense someone's ability, but that was just a guess.

"My name's Christina, but I prefer Tina. I don't have a role in the band yet, because I don't know what other people can do... But my power is that I can sense mutants. What they are, some of what they can do, and emotions. Except for you." she said, turning to Cria. "I only sense technology from you, and everything else is quiet, which is quite refreshing." she said, tucking some more hair behind her ear that had fallen out of place.
"That is because my power is Technology manipulation and magic,so I fused the two to make technomagic.It gives me a cyber mind and a natural psychic shield,and my name is Cria. Nice to meet you."Cria explanation was not in depth but it did everybody a summary of her ability. Cria turned to James,"If you like M's Genes,then maybe we should tone it down a bit so that people won't notice the similarity to the phrase 'mutant gene'."She mumbled a bit as she did air quotes.
"No, that's what I'm saying. If we're so blatantly obvious about calling it something like that, people will just think we're making fun of it. No one would actually expect us to be mutants because it seems so stupid. Like I said, it's so stupid it's positively brilliant."
"so is that is a good idea"Xobic started to get hungry it has been a while"hey I'm going to go get some food anyone want anything while I'm out"
"can i have a sandwich, cheese and ham or something" Alex yawns and then suddenly collapses and falls asleep again
" is that okay anyone else wants anything if you want to come with me you can"Xobic started to head to the door
"Yeah, why don't we all go out together. Then we might be able to get a discount on a party room or something. Is it anyone's birthday by any chance?"
"yeah sure why not I think we can fit all in my van"Xobic went outside and got in his van and started it up.
James shook his head. "We won't all fit in there I don't think. We'll need to get a tour bus of some sort. What do you guys think? I mean, your van can be used for most of the stuff, but we'll need something else too."
"Oh I can get the bus. I'll can call my father right now. He should be able to get a hold of one!"Cria chirped with a smile as she followed James.
"That'd be wonderful! Thanks! Well, let's go into town then, perhaps we can do a little acoustic intro out there too. Who knows. Whatever you guys want to do."
James smiled again. "Awesome! This seems to be shaping up nicely now. I'm excited guys! I have to say, I didn't know there would be this many mutants around, it's really quite cool actually. Thanks for taking your time to come out here. Mutants are real artists." James laughed casually.

((OOC: I don't know how creative you guys want to be with this, but if anyone wants to post a picture of a cool tour bus, then we could vote on it as characters or something. It's up to you guys.))
"yeah but we're just going to go have fun right now my van holds 8 people including me"

((OOC:here is my picture outside
Kaita walked out of the building cheerfully, heading toward the van. She stopped as she realized that they'd left someone behind. "Hold on!" Running back inside, Kaita grabbed Alex from underneath the arms and began dragging him out. As she did so, a butterfly popped into existence and flitted around him in concern. "Any idea why he keeps doing this? This is the second time since I've been here." Kaita asked everyone else as she dragged Alex outside to the van.
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James looked around. "It looks like it. I think there's a nice Chinese buffet down the block if you want to go there."

((OOC: Let's just assume everyone's with us so we can keep moving.))
"ok a good Chinese buffet will be good"Xobic phone started to ring he picked it up and answered it"hello there is this""Xobic why don't you bring your new friends here for a little party""Dad why do you always do this I'll ask them if they want to go,hay I do you want to go to my house for a little party"

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