The Band [Inactive]

James scratched the back of his neck. "Um. Well, I didn't expect to have a manager. But I guess we can think about it. I do have one question though. Are you a mutant?"
Elizah's face paled and she took a step away, dropping her hand from the offered handshake. "Why... why would you ask something like that?" She said, trying to remain calm. If it got out that she was a mutant then her career was practically over. No one would want to hire a lawyer who was a known mutant... was this some sort of trap? Maybe it was a set up...
"Well that's kind of a catch 22 question." Elizah said, crossing her arms and staring the boy down. "I can't just answer that. It could ruin my job!" It took her a moment to realize she was incriminating herself... so she flipped the situation a bit. "Are you one, then?"
"you play guitar you might want to try out for this new band"he pulled out a flyer"if your guitar does it work maybe you're special facts will I can take you there if you want to"
Xorbic walk back to the building where the the band he stopped at the door,he could hear people talking"there is someone getting interviewed right now so you just have to wait for now"he smile at Alex to say that he was sorry for making him wait.
"So we're on the same page, then." Elizah said, shaking her head. "Look, I don't know what difference it makes but I'm guessing I'm the same as you. Does that answer your question?"
Elizah sighed, shaking her head. That was more difficult then it had needed to be, she supposed... but in the long run she hadn't admitted anything. Moving past him to go into the auditorium she took in the people there. "I never caught your name." She said over her shoulder to the first boy. "Also, does it seem like you've got people of talent? Can we really turn this into a proper band?"
"I think they're done let me check on it"he open up the door and with inside"yo You 2 done we got another guy here"
Cria turned away from the crowd and leaned against the window seal.The mutant began to sing and rap a little not caring if the others heard. Cria started to speed up with her freestyle.
Alex heared the person start to rap and when she started to rap quicker he just started tapping along. he was contemplating about playing along, but in the end he decided against it as he couldn't use his current equipment without revealing himself as a mutant. 
Alex heared the person start to rap and when she started to rap quicker he just started tapping along. he was contemplating about playing along, but in the end he decided against it as he couldn't use his current equipment without revealing himself as a mutant.
Elizah was about to say it didn't look like she had much to work with when a girl by the window got lost in her own little world. Personally, Elizah was no fan of rap... but the girl seemed pretty good at it... so if there was talent like that then maybe this band could pull together. Still... a band of mutants... if it got out they would all be in serious trouble.

"Yo? Could you be anymore illiterate?" Elizah sighed to herself. "Greetings everyone, my name is Elizah, and I'll be in charge of organizing trips and making sure this band has gigs to play."
now the latest person had come out Alex headed in. "hello, im Alex. i heard you're doing auditions for a band?"
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Cria finally turned to face the rest of the group,"Nice to meet you both. Elizah I can help you with the math and with negotiations. My name is Cria and I play the keyboard,synthesizer,and also I play the bass if needed. "Cria explained with a small smile.
James sat back and let the band introduce themselves. This was getting rather big. He was glad they were getting along well… somewhat. He sat on a chair and fell asleep right there.
"I appreciate all the help I can get." Elizah said, replying to both of the mutants who had offered... Elizah wasn't terrible at math -in fact she quite enjoyed it- but there were moments where she would make a mistake and not catch herself. As far as the other helping with finding places, that wasn't so bad as long as he let her set things up- she was a bit of a control freak and liked to make sure everything was in order. Still, the more connections one had the more chances they had to reach their goal.
Kaita hummed slightly to herself as she walked up to the door. She was late, and she knew it. In fact, she almost didn't knock, as she could hear several people inside, and that meant that there probably wasn't enough space for her. After a few moments of wrestling with her thoughts, Kaita decided. She would knock, and she would accept whatever happened. If they were full, then they would refuse her. If they could use her skills....well, they could use her skills. Kaita knocked, very softly After a moment, it occurred to her that they probably hadn't heard it, after all, it was highly unlikely that they would have as high of senses as her. So she knocked again, this time with a ll of her strength, resulting in the sound echoing around the street. Whoops She thought.

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