The Band [Inactive]

"What attitude. I have not done anything wrong except state the facts,and if I wrong then please bring up the evidence."Cria smile did not disappear as she stared at.
"Stop it, nobody's going to hit anybody. Got it? Now if you'd all just start behaving like adults, maybe we can do some good for the mutants."
"he has some anger in him he can hit me and not even hurt me and I am letting him if that is okay with you James"
Cria smiled at Xobic,"I like you new person,and I am Cria. What is your power or powers?"Cria asked ignoring Derek completely.
Xobic took off his sunglasses he put them in his pocket and smiled at Cria"I can use a hundred percent of my body making me faster and stronger and a lot tougher"
"I am Cria,since nobody has asked about my powers I will tell you and explain.My mutation is technology manipulation,but through my heritage I can also use magic,so I fused the two to make technomagic.My brain also works as a computer so my mind has a natural psychic shield."Cria explained her powers as she played with waist length braid.
"that is pretty cool thing to do technology and magic that is awesome"Xobic said like he was interested
Alex started to play his guitar, he wasn't playing it very well but he was decent. the strange thing was the amp wasn't plugged in anywhere, infact Alex was holding the end of the cable. The music wasn't very loud but it could still be heard from about 20-30m away.
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Mako could here the sound of the sound of a Guitar as he walked down the street as he was holding an ice ball in his hand
Cria looked out the window as the sound of a guitar being played came through. Looking up and down the street she didn't see anybody,"You guys do hear that,correct?"
When Alex heard people coming he got a bit scared so he quickly hid behind some crates and bins with his equipment.
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Alex was getting scared, the people were coming closer. as soon as they got really clode he shoved the crates at them and legged it running as fast as he could.
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"I don't know I will check it out"Xobic went outside and saw a man going into the alleyway he quickly walked over to him. Xobic in the alleyway and saw the crates falling And the man running body at 15% he ran right in front of the guy who was running making him bump into him"so what's going on"Xobic said as look at the people
Alex bumped into someone and started running in the other direction. the couldn't find out who he was, or what he was was more like it.
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Alex had without realising backed into a corner. "please dont hurt me" he starts making lightening behind his back where Xorbic can't see it
"I said I won't hurt you I was just wondering what's going on here"Xorbic says as his hand out for a handshake
issler shakes Xorbics hand acting normally. "sorry im not used to talking with other people, i've been on my own for quite a while. you ran really fast back there, how do you do it!"
Elizah ran a hand through her hair wearily. It had been a long day in the office and she had had to listen to so many petty arguments that she felt like going home and passing out on the couch. She headed in the direction to do so when a flyer caught her eye. A quick scan of what it was about reignited her usual energy... she had always wanted to be a manager for a band. Maybe it wasn't too late to go check into that.

Doing a quick check over her outfit she decided that yes, she was very much dressed to look smart and appear professional which is the look a manager would need, right? She headed in the direction of the auditorium, getting turned around and lost several times. In the end she had to ask directions... and even then she had to have someone actually lead her to where it was before she found it.

Straightening her business jacket Elizah knocked on the door, taking a deep breath to calm herself and straightening her back. Cool, chilled, professional... this is how she needed to look to give off a strong impression. Or at least that's how she felt.
"I workout everyday so much people say I should join the Olympics my name is Xobic what is yours"
Elizah smiled and offered her hand to the boy who opened the door, having to crane her neck a bit to look up at him. Seriously... it should be illegal for people to be so tall. "Greetings. I noticed a flier that said there were auditions for a band. I'm here to take the position of manager if it hasn't already been filled."

Elizah said promptly, making sure to keep a smile in place the entire time. "I'm Elizah, by the way. Elizah Ryawood."

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