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Futuristic The Ancestors [CLOSED]


I'm a bad bitch, you c'aint kill me.

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- Oriella Arquet -

"I know this doesn't seem very important, but remember to stay on your guard." Were the commander's words, ringing clearly in Oriella's head over and over as she and her squad were driven to the suspiciously silent Crater Valley. Despite reassurances that it was most likely just a malfunction in the transmissions, Ori could feel that something was wrong. Something was telling her that today may well be the last day day she ever lived.

A large rock on the ground rattled the vehicle and causing her to smack her head against the wall, shoving her thoughts out of her head for a moment and replacing them with an ache. Now that she wasn't lost in her mind, she took a minute to survey everyone around her. No-one seemed really battle ready besides her and another man; Connor, if she remembered right.

"Everyone else must not be worrying about this as much as I am." She thought, taking a deep breath and tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

"Crater Valley, just over this ridge." The driver called, letting them know that they were almost at their destination. Oriella sighed, looking to the others. "Ready?"

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Connor was strapped in a standing position across from the exit ramp of the vehicle simply so he could easily get out. The HCE didn't like having to stand up and it was simply more comfortable to stand in the thing then sit. "Hell yeah I'm ready." he said in response to the driver. "Just give me the go ahead and open that door." He would be the first one out, he decided that himself. Practically nobody else was combat trained or ready, and he was there for a reason.

"Right people, I'm your friendly neighborhood HCE pilot, and I will be your human shield for this mission." he said, now to the other passengers of the vehicle. A smile was on his face, unseen thanks to the reflection on his visor. "It is my job to make sure you all stay safe, something you can feel good about happening."
Markov was sitting down on the seat strap up and ready,he was looking down at the metal floor of the vehicle as he tap his foot quickly. He was not very ready for this and they knew it would surely be some error or normal anomaly but still he was not sure....or any of us where...he was not a Fighter and yes he did participate and combat training but he is a researcher and a scientist not some marine. He heard the pilot mention they where close and he nodes looking at his side at the view of his "Rifle" or rather called scientific Prototype. The nano rifle was tested but never used in combat so he was unsure of it and he knew how it work from barrel to handle but still what if it fail to fire? what if the charge implodes in the device causing swarms of Nanites eat his arms? a lot could happen but he was sure his {3} Singularity mines/bombs will work to keep anything away....if he was holding on that is.... Being mentally ready but not in body he would sigh and look around slightly worried look.

He heard the Oriella say if they where ready and he would just close his eyes and his head aiming at the sealing "Yea...are you?"He ask slightly shaky.....He came here just to make sure this was something and not anything. if it was it was his mission to research,document and retrieve whatever they find. The only once that look actually ready where her and the Connor who was surely in some heavy infantry division. He soon heard the one-man-army looking fellow stating he would be there human shield...well...he was kinda glad some one will be taking the front for them and well...kinda wrong to as just using himself to protect them, well he was a soldier but...seem unfair. "Yea thanks kinda glad we have you here, not gonna lie but i am surely not that ready for this. Yea sure might have train but i am not a fighter just a researcher....so yea thanks"

@Beowulf @Clairvoyance
Vara's bodysuit was a seamless contraption -- following the curves and hollows of her body like a second skin. Secondary armor hugged her tightly in the form of a vest, gauntlets, and a helmet that fitted over the tops of her shoulders and up around her head, ending in a crest at her crown. It vaguely resembled Roman headgear, with a mohawk of sorts at the apex of her skull. A combat shotgun was held in her right hand -- the other was raised above her, hand gripped upon a bar to hold herself in place. Unlike the others, she was not strapped in -- preferring to be free to move if needed.

She glanced around at the team that was assembled for this mission, making a quick assessment of their physical appearances and demeanor. Perhaps to judge how anxious they seemed. She didn't want any surprises once they reached their destination, and thus reassured herself that this was a competent team. Teal-hued eyes were covered by her helmet, a reflective rectangle that obscured her eyes but allowed crystal-clear vision on her end. Midnight tresses were also tucked up underneath her helmet, which in all, gave her a very clean silhouette.

She hadn't spoke much throughout their journey, and as they neared closer -- she continued her silence. The jolts of the vehicle ran through her body as she steadied herself with her left hand, keeping the shotgun close to her hip. She was mentally preparing herself for the worse, running through her head all the possibilities and contingencies she may have to employ. She was highly trained for missions such as these, reconnaissance was her speciality; as well as espionage and stealth. Not only was she skilled in combat, she was also efficient in gathering information and dealing with spontaneity.
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Settled and harnessed in her seat, Rzaya peered over several images that mired her attention. Most pictures involved her family; Parents, uncles, cousins, her baby brother... It was a luxury to recall frozen moments in time she treasured so dearly - one she took for granted. Her attention quickly jolted back to her immediate environment when the vehicle struck a rough patch.

It was hard to tell if she felt out of place. Scanning the crew, Rzaya could see the dynamic of personalities and occupations. What first clutched her attention was a man in a mechanical suit, a contraption she'd heard of, but never seen in person before. She watched the metal-clad man converse with another stranger looking individual, who she overheard was their team's scientist. Rzaya then turned her attention to the other two women in the vehicle.

One sat patiently, Rzaya flashed her a brief smile before looking back down to her little device and stowing it as she heard the driver announce imminent arrival. Rzaya checked the security of her hair bun before reaching under her seat to get her helmet. It was a simple helmet meant to protect her cranium with a pull-down visor, and a microphone for team communication. She placed her helmet on her head, leaving he visor up and testing her microphone with a few taps of her finger. She physically touched all of her emergency medical and survival gear, silently lipping the names as she went through them. As she did so, her eyes fell upon the last member of the team, discouraged that they were standing instead of securely fastened in their seat. By the figure, Rzaya could tell the armored crew member was female.

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